Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 261: Top-level instrument

Pei Junlin's voice with no sense of color resounded through the entire square. In the distance, a congenital killer and a congenital killer from the distance, the whole body shivered and cold sweat soaked the body.

They are killers. It's true that they don't know how many people have been killed in their lives, but even so, what they have seen and heard today has broken their bottom line. Pei Junlin's slaughtering techniques have scared them.

There is also the terrible strength of the bottomless abyss. They are innate killers. Even in the Quartet, they are all very high ranking gold killers. Any one has the ability to perform A-level tasks alone, but in Pei In the face of King's Landing, he was as fragile as a child, without any resistance.

Unparalleled fear covered the whole body. Between heaven and earth, the terrible coercion continued, and the two innate killers were like a chill.

"Pei Junlin, you ... you don't want any information from me!"

At this moment, Zong Lao, who was imprisoned by the blue hand, was full of face, even though his whole body bones were about to be crushed, but still stiff, his eyes stared at Pei Junlin's face full of resentment.

In this regard, the corner of Pei Junlin's mouth just slightly tilted upwards, his voice was cold, and said lightly: "Really? I hope your bones are really as stiff as your words!"

Click! Click! !! !!

Bursting sounds like firecrackers came out of Zong Lao's body. The big blue hand holding his body suddenly increased his strength. Zong Lao's whole body skin began to turn red. The five internal organs seemed to be constantly crushed by an Optimum grinding disc. Pressure, blood continued to squirt in the nose and ears.

what! !! !!

The painful screams filled with pain, Zong Lao's whole man looked like a madman, and the pain was unbearable. Then, there were cracks in the flesh and blood of his whole body, and the blood seemed to splash out of tap water without money.

"Pei Junlin, if you have a kind, you will give Lao Tzu a happy life. What a skill to torture people like that!"

"Tell you, you have made a great disaster, no matter how aggressive you are, but you certainly haven't broken through the realm, haha! But let me tell you, there is a realm in the Quartet! , Starting today, you will die! "


In the depths of Pei Jun's pair of black eyes, he suddenly shot two substantive cold lights, and shook them hard-oh!

It seems that the sound of watermelon bursting, with a shower of blood, Zong Lao, the divine concubine killer, was pinched by Pei Junlin!

Above the square, there are stumps of broken limbs everywhere, scarlet blood stains the ground, and the air is filled with a thick **** smell.

But Pei Junlin ignored this directly, a pair of cold eyes fell on the two remaining killers.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Staring at Pei Junlin's cold eyes, the two inborn killers were frightened.

"Is there really a Divine Power in the Quartet?"

Pei Junlin asked indifferently.

The congenital second killer was directly at a loss, but the congenital fifth killer quickly nodded: "Yes! The lord rumor has already taken that last step and achieved the state of God!"

Pei Junlin was slightly surprised. This was an unexpected gain. I did not expect that there is really a **** in the world.

The divine strong, even in the thousands of worlds, is already a strong one, which is equivalent to Jin Dan Xiuwei, one way and one, began to cast the golden body, and gradually contact the destruction of the soul, the physical body can maintain the power of the millennium .

Those realms are considered to be in the room during the practice, to master the power of magical powers, to row mountains and mountains, and to pick stars and moons.

To the extent that the aura is thin on the earth today, if someone really becomes a divine power, then the qualification is really terrifying.

However, even if it ’s the state of God, Pei Junlin is completely not afraid. Now that he has reached the second stage of the Nine Turns, he can reach the third turn in one step. Once he really breaks through the third turn, at that time, The divine powerhouse is nothing in front of him!

"Then I ask you, do you know where is the headquarters of Sifang Building?" Pei Junlin asked again.

The congenital killer shook his head simply: "Mr. Pei, I really don't know this. The headquarters of Sifang Building has always been the most mysterious place. We are just a branch here and we have no right to know ..."

Before his words were finished, a cold humming interrupted directly. Pei Junlin pointed out and directly penetrated the instinct of the congenital Wupin killer, and said coldly: "I don't even know this basic knowledge, then What can I do for you! "

Speaking again, it was pointing out again, pierced through the innate ant, and walked towards the golden yellow religious building.


Just after Pei Junlin entered the door, he killed a killer hiding in the corner with one finger, and then he kept walking, walking and stopping, wherever he passed, no matter where the killer was hiding in any place, he would be taken lightly by him. Find it easily and kill it completely!

How powerful Pei Junlin's knowledge is, not to say that he is looking for a killer in the pope, which is a large city with a population of one million feet under his feet. It is also easy to find a killer in the Quartet.

Time passed by minute by minute, and almost half an hour later, Pei Junlin's figure appeared in a relatively remote room, and along the way, he almost wiped out all the reptiles hidden in the pope. Wash it clean and leave it alone!

At the moment, there is only a secret room at the bottom of the foot, and through a strong sense of God, it can be clearly felt that there is a secret room under his feet, and in this secret room, there are still several reptiles that cannot see the light.


While turning his thoughts, Pei Junlin suddenly lifted his feet and slammed the ground hard. Suddenly, the hard glazed bricks on the ground were torn apart, and a large area began to collapse. Finally, a dark hole appeared.

Pei Junlin stepped in, and his talents were bold and he didn't care about the so-called trap mechanism.

Sure enough, at the moment when Pei Junlin's figure had just entered the secret room, two dreary cold sword lights shot at once in the dim environment, as fast as lightning.

In this regard, Pei Junlin just smiled sarcastically, and raised his fingers at will. In the snoring, two long swords shot from left to right have been sandwiched between his fingers. No matter how hard the two killers are, they cannot be pulled out.

The two killers had pale faces, and the color of panic was difficult to hide. As soon as they were about to abandon the sword, suddenly, a crisp crackling sounded. The long sword in their hands was broken by Pei Junlin at will, and then, the two broken sword tips, fast Like lightning, they directly penetrated their brows, leaving two deep blood holes.

The killers of the two masters and five grades fell to the ground with an unwilling look!

Pei Junlin was too lazy to even look at this. At this point, within the entire pope, all the killers in the Quartet have been eliminated, and there is no one to live on.

Pei Junlin seemed to have done a trivial little thing, without any emotional changes on his face.

In fact, this is completely normal. As a Shura warrior who once swept the world, he galloped around the world and occupied the planet. Things like this killing and extermination are commonplace. Don't say that only dozens of people were killed today, even tens of thousands. , Pei Junlin has not relented.


Just as Pei Junlin was about to leave, suddenly, he felt something, and his gaze fell into the back of the back room. Just now, he had a subtle sense of a wave of array law.


Suddenly, Pei Junlin's body rushed to the depth of the back room, and soon his body stood at the deepest part of the back room.

This is a spiral-shaped space with a wide upper and lower tip. The top layer is inlaid with a huge night pearl that emits radiant light. At the very center of this space, a statue of idols is placed at this moment.

Pei Junlin didn't go to see the idol sculpture. His attention was completely attracted by a long sword placed on the table below the idol.

It was a sharp long sword without a scabbard. The length of the blade was about three feet and two inches, and the width was about an inch. The sword was engraved with a pattern of flying dragons. Even if it was placed there quietly, there was a line on the silent blade. The deep cold ripples of the road are flowing slowly, like mercury.

And just around the body of this sword, in a place hard for ordinary people to see with his naked eyes, Pei Junlin's devotion clearly saw that there were strange rune symbols that flickered. This sword was used by Dafa The force seal is blocked, and the means are very deep!

Pei Junlin couldn't help but show a different light, and reached out to grab the sword.


The fingers were just close to the range of the long sword. Suddenly, there was a huge rebound force on the calm sword body, and it seemed that no one was allowed to touch it.

Pei Junlin didn't have any accidents about this, but he just gave out a cold humming ~ ~, the mana in his body moved, gathered his palms, and grabbed the sword again.


This time, when the collision between Pei Junlin and the long sword was forbidden, a huge roar resembling the bell of the morning bell and twilight was issued. I saw countless strange rune symbols flying on the long sword, and finally turned into an illusion. Blurred silhouette faces.

"Who is it, dare to touch the treasure of my forbidden square?"

The majestic voice sounded through the whole void, even if it was just an illusive face, it still made people have the urge to worship and worship, afraid to look directly, and trembled.

In other words, it was an ordinary warrior or other person. It was really possible to be calmed down, but unfortunately, he encountered Pei Junlin.

At the moment when the words of the illusory figure had just fallen, Pei Junlin suddenly blasted out with a sharp punch, and the mana was stirred, like the galloping Yangtze River, surging and surging towards the head of the illusory shadow.

"It's just a lingering thought, even dare to scold Pesura, I don't know if I will die!"


The vast mana boxing and the spirit soul remnant collided, and the remnant sent out a furious roar, which soon disappeared, revealing the true content of the sword.

Pei Junlin grabbed the void in his hand, grabbed the long sword in the palm of his hand, and he always pushed to the top without changing color. Suddenly, two subtle rays of light were ejected from his eyes, staring at the long sword in his hand.

"It turned out to be a top-level magic weapon made of star meteorite and Xuanhuangjing?"

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