Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 260: Slaughter (Xie Little Fox)


In the void, a silent explosion sounded, causing ripples of space. This is the collision of consciousness and consciousness. Although not as straightforward as physical attacks, it is even more dangerous and unpredictable.

And just in the sound of the collision of consciousness, the distant sky, there are five indomitable figures soaring into the sky, imposing, with unparalleled power, rushing towards Pei Junlin, imposing.

At the same time, Pei Junlin, who was standing at the gate of the airport, took a step forward and disappeared instantly.

Lai Guo Central Avenue, in front of an exotic Gothic building, the golden glazed tiles shone in the sun, surrounded by idol carvings, and guards wearing royal uniforms were patrolling. A sense of majesty is coming.

This is where Lai Guo's famous state religion is located. Pei Junlin's figure appears here. When he landed, the five fierce figures in the sky followed closely, and they landed in a semi-enclosed form. Junlin was enclosed in a square outside the state religion.

Five people are all congenitals. Four men and one woman are not young. The youngest are in their forties. One of them is a congenital six-strong, one is a strong five, and two is a strong. A strong person.

These battles, if known by outsiders, would be frightening. To know that as the overlord of Zhongzhou, Dan Zong was barely forced to conquer four congenitals. Among them, Dongfang Ao, the strongest, was congenital Xiuwei, two other congenital three products, one congenital one product.

It's hard to imagine that a branch of the Sifang Building has such a top powerhouse, so how strong is his heritage?

Even Pei Junlin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had an intuitive understanding of the powerful killer organization of Sifanglou.

When Pei Junlin looked at the five congenital powerhouses in the Sifang Building, the other side was also looking at him. When seeing Pei Junlin's young and innocent appearance, the pupils of the five congenital powerhouses all tightened violently and their heart beat slowly It's really that Pei Junlin is so young!

The vast and unparalleled collision of consciousness in the sky before, the congenital power of the Sifang Building thought that the coming man was an extreme power who had practiced for many years, but the facts greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In particular, they could not see Pei Junlin's cultivation, which made people look more dignified.

"Who is your Excellency? I broke into the country of Lai country for no reason, and my senses were so excited. What did I want?"

Finally, the oldest six-ranked congenital powerhouse took the lead to speak, and there were three men and one woman standing beside him, two of them staring at Pei Junlin's face, looking uncertain.

Pei Junlin could not help showing a cold smile when he heard the words. He had a strong killing intention and did not conceal it: "Old thing, you sent a killer to kill me with two squares two days ago. Now you even ask who I am?"

The old man couldn't help changing his face, at the same time, the faces of the other three men and one woman completely changed.

"You really are Pei Junlin!"

A man and a woman who had previously identified Pei Junlin's identity could not help but exclaim. In fact, when Pei Junlin appeared, two people had recognized Pei Junlin, but they were not sure, after all, their people had already Heading to Jinling City, Jiangbei, how did Pei Junlin appear here?

But at this moment, after hearing the words of Pei Junlin, the two people's faces completely changed. Since Pei Junlin appeared in Lai Guo, what about their gold killer?

"Are you wondering where the killer went?"

It seems very clear what a group of killers in Sifang Lou think about, Pei Junlin sneered: "I have sent him to **** to confess, don't worry, it won't be long, everyone here will go down with him!"


"you wanna die!"

At the moment Pei Junlin's words fell, the five real killers on the opposite side erupted in horror, and directly launched the siege of Pei Junlin!

And everybody's shot is a must-kill trick.

Some killer's five fingers are like eagle claws. When the air is caught against Pei Junlin's face door, those five fingers emit a dark light, the dark mist lingers, and the thick smell is emitted. Obviously, it has cultivated a certain kind of power. Poisonous work.

This is a congenital three-pin killer, thin as a monkey, but agile as lightning, obviously a type of killer who is good at speed. This type of killer is definitely a dream for everyone.

But Pei Junlin was unmoved. When the congenital three-pin killer approached with venomous eagle claws approaching, one of his palms was raised at will, and then gently waved!

All these actions seemed to be full of comfort and naturalness, just like patting a mosquito, but the inborn three-pin killer's face suddenly changed, and he made a strange noise, stopped in volley, and ran away.

Because, with the wave of Pei Junlin's hand, a blue sword with a length of about three feet appeared out of thin air, carrying a wild force, and was cut off with his sword.

At this instant, the congenital three-pin killer raised an unprecedented crisis of life and death, creepy, as if as long as he was chopped by this sword, he would be completely broken.

"Zong Lao, save me!"

Feeling the life and death crisis that is difficult to get rid of behind him, the congenital three-pin killer shouted for help to the old six-pin old man.

However, it was all too late. The huge cyan sword in the sky fell from the sky, and his body was divided into two, and it became like two pieces of paper. The internal organs and small intestines were scattered everywhere, and the scene was unbearable.

This scene directly tightened the pupils of Zong Lao and others. Even if it was long expected that Pei Junlin would be very powerful, he could kill a congenital third-class powerhouse with a single blow at will, and it still made people scared. .

In addition, Pei Junlin now appears here, but the gold killer they sent out, but there is no news, want to come really fierce, but the strength of Pei Junlin is at least a congenital six grade or even stronger ...

"Royal guard, come together and kill me!"

Zonglao yelled, and Pei Junlin brought him the same life and death crisis. Today, either you die or I die!

The dignity of the Quartet cannot be degraded!


With the voice of Zong Lao, a pope of 20 to 30 people suddenly popped up in the Pope. Everyone was wearing a royal uniform and had a strong breath. All of them were master-level powers. Human cultivation is as high as seven or eight masters, and the leader is a strong master of nine masters.

Each of these people is also a fierce killer, the backbone of the Quartet. I do n’t know how much wealth has been accumulated for the Quartet over the years. However, on the surface, each one is a magnificent Lai country. A member of the Royal Guard, with honor.

The members of the Royal Guards played by this group of killers launched an attack on Pei Junlin from a long distance. Some people, ten meters away, had already thrown the spear in their hands against Pei Junlin!

call out! call out! call out!

The sound of cracking sounded loudly, the tip of five or six spears glowed with cold cold mansions, and stabbed at Pei Junlin's body, powerful.

"Just here! Pei Shuluo today destroyed your entire Sifang Building branch!"

The piercing and cold voice sounded through the void, and Pei Junlin's body suddenly stood up. The next moment, the sharp blue swordman danced in his hand, and a terrible swordmanburst erupted, facing the group of royal guards sweeping down.

Where the knife passed, several spears just near him were split in the air and turned into residues. Not only that, the swordman's power continued unabated, rushing into the center of the Royal Guard, like cutting wheat. The body of the great master was like a porcelain doll, which exploded directly, and a blood rain began in the air.

By the time the swordman dissipated, the original two or thirty people's royal guards had been wiped out two-thirds by a single knife, leaving only ten members less than ten.

Fear spreads everyone's mind, even if the members of these guards are a killer who is not afraid of death, but it depends on who they are targeting. In the face of absolute strength, no one is afraid of death.

"Dash, Pei Junlin, how dare you slaughter members of my pope so arrogantly, from now on, no one can save you!

Zonglao's crackling roar came sharply, and the whole face was gloomy and terrible.

"My aunt, the **** Pope, a group of reptiles with hands stained with blood living in the underground world, you can only live in this world!"

Pei Junlin sneered, and while he was speaking, he waved the blue sword in his hand again, directly slicing all the remaining members of the Royal Guard, and the whole square became a **** of Shura.

"The moment you took on the task in the Sifang Building, did you think of the ending today?"

"Today, I am going to announce to the world that those who committed me will be killed without amnesty!"


The words didn't fall, and Pei Junlin, standing in the air, suddenly burst into a terror, and the majestic coercion vented like a twelve hurricane.

The screams came out in pain, and the four congenital powers headed by Zong Lao in the distance were directly knocked out by the terrible coercion, all lying on the ground like dead dogs, and their bones were shaking. ~ Difficult to get up.

Everyone just feels that a big mountain is pressed on the body, the internal organs are broken, the soul consciousness is broken, and the pain is unbearable.

"You ... your strength ..."

Zong Lao Xiu is slightly stronger, barely raising his head, revealing a pair of unbelievable eyes, staring at Pei Junlin, horrified.

It is really that the strength demonstrated by Pei Junlin at this moment is too strong, even in the whole square, except for a handful of people, no one has such a powerful momentum.


At this time, on the most distant ground, the killer who had only congenital Erpin repair exploded directly and his blood splattered. He was even smashed by Pei Junlin's strong momentum!

Looking at the unbelievable eyes below, Pei Junlin sneered with disdain.

"Just your flock of ants are not worthy of knowing the true cultivation of this Shura!"

Before the words fell, Pei Junlin suddenly probed his hand, grabbed the ground away, and saw a blue palm, like a god's hand, with great coercion, and grabbed the old Zonglao on the ground with great coercion, and sent it to the ground. In front of Pei Junlin.

This is a very humiliating way. Zong Lao is almost crazy, and his whole body is really agitated, but no matter how hard he can, he cannot open the big blue hand that covers the whole body. Instead, as he struggles, The tighter, the bones of the whole body cracked, not knowing how much it broke.

"Tell me, where is your headquarters in Sifang Building?"

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