Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 152: Instructor

? In the spacious and bright hall, Pei Junlin invited General Lu Qingkong and the two inborn strong men to sit down. Lin Shuhao and Lin Qianmo, who were waiting carefully, immediately poured tea and stood quietly.

Their identity may be extraordinary in the Lin family, or even in the entire Jiangbei area, but they are still not qualified to sit in front of a general like Lu Qingkong.

But all of this does not exist for Pei Junlin at all.

Although Lu Qingkong is an awe-inspiring general, one of the great figures at the top of a cluster of pyramids in the entire world, one word can determine the lives and deaths of countless people.

In addition, the two people around him are also known as the true inborn strong dragons, supreme, but for Pei Junlin, except for the surprise at the beginning, they are as calm as before, without any mood swings.

He Pei Junlin is who he is. He is a Shura warrior who has seen thousands of worlds. What kind of big figures have never been seen, great magical evil, hundreds of heroes. Which of these figures is not a powerful existence. Rivers and mountains.

Similar to such a big man, Pei Junlin didn't know how much he had slaughtered, so his mood was naturally indifferent.

"General Lu, let's just show our hearts directly! A big man like you will always go to the Three Treasure Hall, and there must be a reason to come here."

After seated, Pei Junlin opened his mouth sharply.

On Lu Qingkong's thin face, his eyes were dazzling, and when he heard the words, he put down the tea cup and said, "If I said I'm here to catch your own belief?"

As soon as the words fell, they immediately startled both Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang and widened their eyes, especially when Lu Qingkong's words fell, the Taoist and burly man sitting beside him radiated. With a terrifying coercion, the entire hall was completely blocked, and the hair of the two men stood upright, and they sweated coldly and darted out.

Pei Junlin's expression on her smiling face also stagnated slightly. Two clusters of flames appeared in the depths of a pair of lacquered black eyes. At this moment, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The few people who were still laughing and laughing last second became tit-for-tat in the blink of an eye, and they could have a fatal blow at any time.

But soon, Pei Junlin's face bloomed again. He ignored the locks of the powerful instincts of the two innate powers. A pair of bright eyes like the stars quietly said to the landing clear sky: "The general will not catch me. . "

"Why?" Lu Qingkong asked.

Pei Junlin replied Xiaofengsheng: "Because I didn't feel the general's intention to kill. Although the general was very good, the two friends were also very strong."

"In addition, it's not me, Pei Junlin, boasting that, in my current identity and status, the country will not deliberately target me unless it commits such heinous guilt, such as treason or something!"

In fact, he didn't say a word. If an accident happened, he would not be afraid of this kind of scene. He could even kill Lu Qingkong on the spot.

As a dignified Shura war general, I do n’t know how much I have done!


Lu Qingkong watched Pei Junlin's calm and arrogant attitude, Tarzan pressed his head without changing color, and burst out laughing. When he smiled, the priest and the big man also took away the powerful air locks on his body. In the entire hall The atmosphere is loose.

The situation was like the air that had stopped moving, and became smooth again, and the pressure was gone, and Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang, who were full of nervousness and unease, also took a long breath and waited for the sister and brother to face each other. When they watched each other, they saw their respective sweaty wolverine expressions.

It's really scary, isn't it?

General, your joke is not funny at all, even a little scary!

"It has been heard for a long time that we have a genius-like genius in our country in recent days. At a young age, not only has he successfully reached the top of the innate, but he is also a martial arts master. Deserved reputation! "

"Even this concentration and mind are far beyond anyone's ability. My Chinese martial arts world has been eternal for 100 years!"

Lu Qingkong praised with a loud voice and an undisguised excitement. The vision of the Taoist and Biaohan who looked at Pei Junlin beside him was also full of surprise. It seemed that Pei Junlin had not stopped so easily. The two of them had their gas engines locked.

"That's it, Mr. Pei!"

"I'm here today and I do have something to discuss with you,"

Lu Qingkong said: "I have recently heard that Mr. Pei has demonstrated extraordinary technical achievements in the battle with the Zhang family of Sucheng. It is rumored that you can control the world and control the world, and draw the ground as a prison. , Known as a real person, with a great reputation! "

"So, on behalf of the country, I would like to hire you as an art instructor of the Yanhuang Organization to specialize in teaching students about this aspect of the art. I wonder what Mr. Pei would like?"

what? !!

Just when Lu Qingkong's words just fell, Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang, who were just a little bit regained, were not far away. They were once again stunned with eyes widened, their faces filled with shock.

What is the existence of the Yanhuang organization? People in the martial arts circles in China know that it is definitely the strongest and sharpest protective barrier in China today, and it bears the great responsibility of security in China.

Even some powerful hermit families that have inherited countless years, or the sectarian forces, are jealous and in awe in the face of the behemoth of the Yanhuang organization.

There are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and strong talents. Every year, I do n’t know how many arrogant men break their heads and want to squeeze in, but they are screened out one by one by the strict conditions that are abnormal.

Today, this is a place that is praised by countless warriors as a sacred place in their hearts. It actually took the initiative to approach the door, and the person sent was still an admiral. He wanted to hire Pei Junlin as a magic instructor to teach students. If it is spread, it will definitely be a real event for Emperor Guangzong.

The reputation of the entire Pei family will be immediately elevated to an unprecedented level and endlessly envied by countless people.

The excited Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang sisters and brothers immediately urged Pei Junlin to agree quickly, which is definitely a great thing for the Lin family.

But who ever thought that Pei Junlin behaved calmly, and unexpectedly, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, General Lu! I have always been a loose character and don't like to be bound by anything, so I am afraid I let you down!"

Who is he Pei Junlin?

Once a general who ordered the Million Shura team, that is the direction of the real sword, sweeping the invincible existence, do you care about a small magic instructor, even if you give him a general, he has no interest.

It didn't seem that Pei Junlin would refuse so neatly, Lu Qingkong's original smiling face also showed a rare sorrow.

"Pei Junlin, it is good for young people to have the ability, but they also need to know how to advance!"

At this time, the mute voice of the Taoist who had been sitting sounded, his face was angry, and he seemed very annoyed that Pei Junlin dared to refuse the admiral of Lu Qingkong.

Pei Junlin dropped a pair of calm eyes on the Taoist priest, and said lightly, "Mr. Tao, what is the advance and retreat?"

The name Dao immediately raised his eyebrows. When he was about to speak, Lu Qingkong said, "The sky is long, don't be restless!"

Then he dropped a pair of vicissitudes of eyes on Pei Junlin: "Mr. Pei is very young, he has such achievements, he should be proud of himself!"

"However, I still want to tell Mr. Pei that if you become a magic instructor of the Yanhuang organization, the benefits will be very great, and the country will even protect your family and let you worry about it!"

"Even your current position in Pei's family will no one dare to shake ..."

Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang have widened their eyes. This is the Yanhuang organization to back Pei's family. If this is the case, Pei's family would really be a step up!

However, Pei Junlin still shook his head and said, "I understand the general's desire for vigor, but I really don't have much interest in this so-called magic instructor!"

"My Pei Junlin practice in this life has only two goals. One is to practice to the extreme and pursue the state of longevity, and the other is to make family members happy and carefree. If even family members are not well protected, then All my cultivation in these years has been in vain! "

The underlying meaning of this statement is very clear, that is, Pei Junlin has the ability to protect his family and does not need to worry about the Yanhuang organization.

When Pei Junlin's words fell, Lu Qingkong's brows finally frowned, and it seemed to be stumped by this oil-salt instinct of Pei Junlin. As for the chief of Mingkong and the burly man, he already had The faint real yuan is fluctuating. They have lived for decades and have not seen anyone who dares to reject Yanhuang organization?

Pei Junlin naturally noticed the changes in Lu Qingkong's three looks, but he remained calm and unmoved!

As for Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang who are not far away, they have already sweated a lot. Although they have seen Pei Junlin's boldness and arrogance for a long time, he has a crazy character in his low-key behavior. However, this time he was really scared. broken!

God, that ’s the Yanhuang organization, not a small local family ~ ~ Ditooth Snake, etc. Once you really offend these people, the consequences are really uncontrollable!

The conversation seemed to be at a dead end at this instant, and the atmosphere became somewhat depressed in the spacious and bright hall.

In the end, the general, Lu Qingkong, had extraordinary wisdom. Seeing that Pei Junlin didn't seem to be really interested in their requirements, after a little thought, he said, "I have seen your information, Mr. Pei, A few months ago, you seemed to like a special kind of ore at an auction in Jinling City! "

"Then if my Yanhuang organization has the information of this special ore, will you still insist on your opinion ?!"


A clear crackling sound came out, and the tea cup in Pei Junlin's hands cracked dense cracks. The tea in the cup disappeared. His original calmness finally changed for the first time, and his tone became very rare and became a little excited. "Is there a spar in your Yanhuang organization ?!"

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