Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 151: General came to the door

? In the absolute strength, the Guo family finally left ashamed!

An unusually wolverine walked like a dog of a bereavement.

"Mom, don't be sad, they are not worth your tears!"

In the lobby of the clubhouse, Pei Junlin comforted her mother, Guo Shiyun, with a pair of dark eyes shining cold.

Once the Pei family in Qingzhou was looked down upon, and today the Pei family cannot afford to climb high!

Seeing that Pei's family has risen, I want to play emotional cards and get benefits. Where is there such a good thing in the world ...

Pei Donglai and Pei Nianci also comforted Guo Shiyun, and the father and daughter were indeed broken by the Guo family.

"Nianci, you can help your mother to rest. I will continue to choose the herbs, so as to condition your body and heal the scars on your face." Pei Junlin said.

Immediately, Pei Nianci shot a pair of beautiful big eyes with surprise and clenched her arms. "Brother! Is this what you said is true? Can you really cure the scars on my mother's face?"

Even Guo Shiyun, who was originally sad, was distracted, and a curious look appeared in her eyes.

There are no women in this world who do not love beauty, and mother and daughter Guo Shiyun and Pei Nianci are no exception.

They used to cut their faces with a knife on purpose to protect themselves. Now that the danger has been lifted, if they can restore their former beauty, they will definitely be thirsty for knowledge.

"Junlin, you ... is what you said just true? Can you really cure the scars on your mother and sister's face?" Pei Donglai was also very excited.

Pei Junlin looked at the excited family, and a sourness rose in his heart. Don't say that he has the ability to heal the scars on the faces of his mother and sister.

"Relax! Just a few scars, when I choose the herbs and refine the elixir, you will become more beautiful and more temperament than before!" Pei Junlin promised.

"So what are we waiting for? Brother, which medicinal herbs do you need, let's choose quickly!"

Pei Nianci is the most excited. She is just a girl who has just turned eighteen years old. The real good times of life have just begun. How can she be dragged by a face.

Soon, the work of screening medicinal materials began again, and one day had passed unconsciously. At night, Wang Ziqiong, who was working outside, came back with a lot of nutrition in his hand.

When seeing the prince Qiong like a fairy, all over the country, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, and Pei Nianci all showed stunning eyes, especially the unparalleled temperament of Wang Ziqiong, which made people impressed.

At the same time, Wang Ziqiong, the daughter-in-law, is also the first time to see her in-laws, and how powerful she is in her weekdays. She is a well-known beauty president. She has a good reputation throughout the Jiangbei region. The family was also restrained and didn't know how to speak, their faces turned red.

Poor Pei Junlin, known as Pesura outside, is a human-level existence. He was frightened at the thought of it, and was frightened by all. However, in the face of this situation, he has no experience and does not know how to adjust the atmosphere.

In the end, it was Pei Nianci who was the most active in the atmosphere. He ran over with excitement, holding Wang Ziqiong's arm, and yelling **** sweetly, so that everyone would not be so restrained.

Guo Shiyun also quickly responded, holding on to Wang Ziqiong's small hand, and asked Dong Wenxi with a kind face, how many people are there at home, what are they doing, how big this year ...

In short, this day is definitely an unforgettable day for the Pei family. After a rich dinner, there was a lot of closeness to each other. Wang Ziqiong yelled "Parents" sweetly, and he won Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun. He smiled.

After an unforgettable night, the next day Prince Qiong continued to take the team to check all the assets of the Zhang family. The property that was counted out yesterday alone amounted to three billion yuan, while Pei Junlin continued to receive forces from all directions to send drugs.

In this way, five days later, Pei Junlin charged medicinal herbs with unexpected results and came to an end.

In five days, he really received a lot of precious medicines. Many of these precious medicines are not available on the market. Only some big family forces have reserves and belong to personal collections.

At the same time, the matter of Wang Ziqiong's inventory of Zhangjia's property gradually came to an end, but unlike Pei Junlin's decision to increase all the capital of Junlin International after selling all the properties of Zhangjia at one time, Wang Ziqiong accepted it. Instead, it changed its strategy to use auction shares.

It means that some of Zhangjia's businesses can be handed over to the forces in the Jiangnan region, but Junlin International must have a certain share in it, in addition to the annual infrared, it also has the right to participate in certain important matters and to make decisions.

With regard to this, Pei Junlin has no objection, and he has always given full authority to Wang Ziqiong to deal with commercial methods.

It doesn't matter if you fail or succeed.

There is only one thing he cares about now, and that is to quickly make the elixir for the scars of his mother and sister.

Pei Junlin, the elixir of this elixir, even picked it out long ago. The name is Yuji Regenerating Dan. Its effect is very simple.

When there were thousands of worlds, it was natural that killing was accompanied by eternal life. Any fight will inevitably cause physical damage, such as broken arms, broken legs, severe wounds ...

And this jade muscle regeneration Dan is one of the best elixir and one of the holy medicines that have been rushed by countless practitioners. Some powerful jade regeneration Dan can really regenerate broken limbs and die in spring. No, very Thai.

Although due to the limitation of medicines and his own strength, Pei Junlin can't refine the powerful jade muscle regeneration Dan that can regenerate limbs, but it is easy to cure the scars on the faces of mothers and sisters.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The knock on the door awakened Pei Junlin in his thoughts. When he raised his head, he saw Lin Qianmo's look hurried in. Pei Junlin couldn't help raising his eyebrows. In his cognition, Lin Qianmo is a rare talent, although She is a woman, but she handles everything in a steady manner, and she does not allow her to frown.

"Mr. Pei, something happened! Someone outside wants to see you!"

Lin Qianmo said as soon as he entered the door.

Pei Junlin originally wanted to reject directly. His biggest thoughts are now all about the refining jade muscle regeneration. No matter who the other party is, he has no heart to see, but he can see Lin Qianmo ’s particularly serious look and sensitive consciousness. The identity of the person who arrived was unusual, and he rephrased: "Oh? Who can make Ms. Qianmo so cautious, I'm a little curious!"

Lin Qianmo's look was very weird, with a trace of inexplicable emotions, and he replied: "Who is the specific person? Let's quantify it after Mr. Pei has seen it. Now they have been drinking tea in the hall. Mr. Laofan and I went out to see ! "

Pei Junlin looked at Lin Qianmo's look really ... how to describe it, it was a kind of unusual jealousy and awe, and the curiosity in his heart became stronger and stronger, he simply let go of alchemy temporarily and followed Lin Qianmo.

When the two came to the front hall, they could see at a glance that there was already an old man wearing a military uniform and a thin complexion. Even if the old man was sitting, his back was straight like a gun. The most striking thing was the military uniform. The golden olive branch and three golden stars on the old man's shoulders.

"Admiral ?!"

The moment Pei Junlin saw the elder insignia of the military uniform, he couldn't help flashing his eyes. This level of generals can be described as the highest-ranking big man in the Chinese military world. It is no wonder that the calmness of Lin Qianmo is full of tension. There are no more than fifty gangsters.

Behind this admiral, there were two people, both in their 40s and 50s. One was a priest, wearing a grey robe, wearing a bun, holding a Buddha dust in his hand, and a temperament; and the other was It has a tiger-backed back, dark skin, eyes like electricity, and hair upright like a hedgehog. Even in the cold winter months, the body also wears loose practice clothes.

This simple trio has an unprecedentedly strong lineup.

Especially when Pei Junlin's consciousness detected that the two major generals were both innate level powerhouses, he couldn't help but be more interested, and said loudly, "It turned out that the general came here by car, and Pei Junlin is very honored!"

Facing such a big man as Admiral, Pei Junlin, even with his eyes on the sky, still has a trace of awe, because such a big man is the true pillar of the country.

Pei Junlin has also seen generals before. For example, the old man of Tang Baichuan from the Tang family, but the position of the other party is also a major general. Compared with the generals in front of him, he is still far worse than that.

The moment Pei Junlin's voice sounded, the general who was drinking tea in his seat turned his head, and his eyes fell on Pei Junlin's body. At this moment, Pei Junlin clearly felt the inspection in the eyes of the general.

At the same time, the eyes of the two congenial powerhouses also gathered on Pei Junlin. The eyes are exactly the same, full of scrutiny. It seems that he wants to Pei Junlin from the inside to the outside, and observe it thoroughly.

"Okay! Alright! It is indeed the young king who has become famous all over the world ~ ~ so graceful, really belongs to the pride of the country!"

After a long time, the general suddenly sighed with excitement, and then strode toward Pei Junlin, enthusiastically reaching out his palm and saying, "Hello, Pei Junlin! I am Lu Qingkong, and now I work for the national security department."

"If you are new to this name, then you must have heard of another name-Yanhuang Organization!"

Pei Junlin's eyes flashed suddenly. How could he not be familiar with the name?

Not long ago, when in the Jiangbei area, the staff of this department met several times. However, the two sides did not leave much good impression at the time. I did not expect that the powerful organization of this country's blade today turned out to be Visit the door again.

And the person sent out turned out to be an admiral, which meant that Pei Junlin could not consider it carefully ...

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