Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 123: Parent message

? Blessed!

Cultivate the Holy Land!

Borrow thousands of miles of heaven and earth aura!

Pei Junlin's light and light words, like a heavy hammer, severely bombarded the heart of a martial arts fighter around him, shocking many people before they reacted. Looking at Pei Junlin's eyes, he became more and more awed. .

Even Lin Tumon and other congenital powerhouses looked at Pei Junlin completely, with a hint of deep fear.

If you say that before the return of Lin Tuyue, the innate powers of this class still have a touch of inborn superiority like the old strong power and big family power, then at this moment, in the face of Pei Junlin, he has completely retracted all attitudes. Get along with your peers.

This is the case of martial arts, advocating masters as teachers and rarely looking at age and age!

Lin Zhanlong, Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang and others, looking at Pei Junlin at this moment, are also full of infinite awe. It is really the powerful means that Pei Junlin just showed, and they really shocked them!

As for the Tang family, the atmosphere became more subtle. Father Tang clenched his fists tightly, and remorse spread almost throughout the soul!

The arrogant Tang political commissar had an extremely ugly face. He originally relied on his identity to show that he did not care much about Pei Junlin. After all, his Tang family was one of the hegemons in the entire Jiangbei region. It is Pei Junlin who can compare such a new force.

But since seeing Pei Junlin and other miracle-like means, his mindset has finally changed!

Under such martial arts supernatural powers as digging stones into gold and throwing beans into soldiers, one of his military district political commissars may never have looked at him!

This made the Tang family very uncomfortable. Whenever they saw the Lin family and Pei Junlin having a good conversation, everyone in the Tang family was inexplicably upset.

Pei Junlin's indifferent attitude toward them today has made it impossible to express the underlying meaning, and it is no longer possible for the two to resume their previous relationship!

Finally, I do n’t know how long it took, when the shock of the crowd finally recovered a little, I found that the banquet had completely started!

Standing in rows and uniforms, tall and beautiful maids, holding a variety of delicacies in their hands, began to serve.

Everyone just started to take their seats one by one, but the level of seats is very particular about the banquet in a courtyard.

Pei Junlin was dragged by Prince Qiong, and after toasting a glass of wine at each table, he finally chose to sit at this table of the Lin family and immediately received a warm reception from the Lin family.

"Mr. Pei, I remember we had a bet before?"

After a warm conversation, Lin Xianer, who was sitting in front of Pei Junlin, suddenly spoke.

As soon as the words fell, they attracted a lot of attention.

"What bet?"

Lin Zhanlong asked, his eyes were in doubt, and the other Lin family members were also in doubt.

"Brother, it's like that, that day ..."

When Lin Shu was mad, he quickly opened up and explained, telling the gambling appointment at the Peerless Dragon Hotel that day. When he heard Pei Junlin boasting about Haikou, the refined elixir turned out to be more effective than his Lin family. At ten times, Lin Zhanlong's gaze flashed, and even Lin Tumon's eyes, which were as deep as the sea, narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Pei, although I know that you have great skill and extraordinary ability, but this time I'm a little unconvinced about betting on my Lin family!" Lin Zhanlong said so.

The other Lin family members nodded one after another. It is really that the betting agreement between Pei Junlin and the Lin family is too crazy!

What is Litan?

The Lin family was proud of it. The precious alchemy made by the alchemist who paid a large price for the painstaking effort made it difficult to make the drug. The drug was too scarce to be sold publicly. For Lin family's own use.

Today, being so scorned by Pei Junlin, as long as the Lin family is not convinced!

Maybe Pei Junlin is really demon in cultivation, but the warrior ’s energy is very limited. Now Pei Junlin has shown extraordinary accomplishments in the formation method. The Lin family really do n’t believe that Pei Junlin is in alchemy. In terms of it, it will be so good!

Even Lin Tumon cast doubt on Pei Junlin's face.

The Lin family was so skeptical, Wang Ziqiong could not help showing a look of uneasiness, reached out and grabbed a palm under the table of Pei Junlin, but the answer was that Pei Junlin glanced around the Lin family in peace, and finally said : "In this case, Commander Lin and Father Lin must have agreed to agree to this bet?"

Looking at Pei Junlin's indifferent look, the original Lin family members who were holding a strong self-confidence couldn't help but raised a little anxiety. Finally, everyone's eyes gathered on the faces of Lin Zhanlong and Lin Tumon. After all Two are the real decision makers of the Lin family.

Being so watched by his own clan, Lin Tumon waved his hand very simply: "This time I agreed with the Lin family! If my Lin family loses, it will definitely give Mr. Lin an unexpected surprise!"

"But ... if Mr. Lin loses, my Lin family needs Mr. Lin's help to arrange an equally similar formation in the Lin family base camp. How?"

Lin Tumon's eyes stared at Pei Junlin. Obviously, he was very excited about the formation of Pei's garden. The existence of this formation is definitely a great thing that will benefit the entire Lin family.

Pei Junlin also nodded neatly: "No problem!"

The words didn't end, he beckoned backwards, and immediately a strong master rushed forward, and Pei Junlin ordered a call to Aoigawa.

Soon after, Aoigawa hurriedly appeared in front of Pei Junlin, revealing unparalleled respect, and shouted, "Master!"

the host? !!

As the voice of Aoigawa fell, everyone in the Lin family showed surprise.

In today's society, the title of owner is rare, and it is not the kind of ancient feudal society and slavery.

However, they were also very human, and although they were confused, they did not express it.

"You guys, what level of cultivation do you see under me?"

Pei Junlin said at this time.

In this regard, how can it be rare to live in the Lin family, Lin Shukang said very simply: "Grandmaster Sanpin!"

Lin Qianmo and even Lin Zhanlong nodded very well. Although the strength of Aoigawa was pretty good, how could he escape the golden eyes of Lin Qunying.

In the end, Lin Tu Yao also said: "The master three grades, immediately approach the master four grades!"

He and even the supreme innate powerhouse have naturally superior eyesight, and they can see the true cultivation of Sora Aoi at a deeper level.

"Aoigawa, in view of the credit you received last time, I specially reward you with a purple cloud mink Yuedan, swallow the breakthrough and repair it on the spot!"

Pei Junlin unfolded the palm of his hand, revealing a beautiful elixir. The purple clouds above seemed to be alive and faintly flowing.

This elixir immediately attracted everyone's attention!

Aoigawa was trembling with excitement. He naturally knew that Ziyun Martes Yuedan existed, and he also knew that Hong Tianlei had broken from the seventh master of the Grand Master to the eight master of the Royal Master recently because of a Ziyun Master Yuedan. At any time, it is possible to step into the cultivation of Grand Master Jiupin.

This rare breakthrough has caused a great sensation throughout the Pei family, envying many people.

Aoigawa was also envious, because during the operation in Lingnan, he and Hong Tianlei were two people. Now Hong Tianlei has not only been promoted as a steward, but has also received a generous reward like Ziyun Marten Yuedan. How can Aoigawa not be envious? .

However, his sincere heart for Pei Junlin has made him believe that Pei Junlin will never forget him!

Sure enough, today's Aikawa's biggest wish was realized!

He didn't envy Hong Tianlei's stewardship, but only envied this purple cloud marten Yuedan!

After receiving the affirmation of Pei Junlin, Aoigawa immediately shook his hands, and took the Ziyun Yuedan with both hands like a holy relic, and then swallowed in one mouth under everyone's attention!


Immediately after the elixir enters the abdomen, a powerful and unmatched energy erupts, which runs through the limbs and bones of the Aoi River, and has five internal organs.

The majestic energy fluctuations even penetrated the body, and when Pei Jun saw it, he quickly and deeply waved to arrange the next mana barrier to avoid alarming others.

This seemingly light and light hand once again caused the pupils of the Lin family to tighten their eyes. Lin Tu Yao also flashed light in the depths of his eyes. Although he also has this ability, it seems that Pei Junlin is not so light and light and chic. Cozy.


At this moment, everyone clearly heard a crisp sound like a fried bean burst from Aoigawa. In the next second, everyone saw that the breath on Aoigawa suddenly became strong for three minutes, and the qi was condensed. A lot.

"This is ... has broken through to the master siping!"

Lin Xianer's eyes widened, Lin Shukang, Lin Qianmo and others also shrank their pupils. I did not expect that Xiu Aikawa's repair would break through so quickly. Could it be that the so-called Ziyun Yuedan has such terrible energy? No way?

Only Lin Zhanlong and Lin Tumon were calm. The two eyes stared tightly at Aoi River, who sat in the same position with their eyes closed.

Aoigawa's own strength is also close to the level of the master of the fourth grade, so it is acceptable to make such a rapid breakthrough, unless it can enter the realm of the master of the fifth grade, it is amazing!

"Everyone eats and waits, the food is cold! There must be a process to break through!"

Pei Junlin greeted everyone. When Prince Qiong made a breakthrough that day, it took two days to break the Grand Master. Although Aoigawa's breakthrough in strength should be relatively smooth, it was not a short while.

In this way, everyone was quietly waiting while eating. Wine is good wine and dishes are good dishes. Everyone pushes a cup for a change, and the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

After the dinner was over, almost two hours later, the guests of Daohe bid farewell one by one and began to disperse. What they saw and heard today was enough to go back and brag for a while, and it was hard to forget in this life.

At this moment, suddenly, at the table where Lin's family ate, there was a sudden burst of strong and surging breath, accompanied by an exciting long howling sound.

Aoigawa, who had been sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly opened her eyes. The inside of it was radiant and entwined, as if it were real!

His cultivation stepped into the realm of five masters of the Grand Master in one fell swoop!

Looking at the excited Aoi River ~ ~ The people in the Lin family who were chatting, laughing and chatting, have widened their eyes. This time, even Lin Zhanlong and Lin Tu Yao are no exception. In the depths of their eyes, there are bright shots. Seems to want to see Aoigawa as a whole!

They don't care about the masters of the top five grades, they only care about one thing, and that is the true role of Ziyun Marten Yuedan!

Seeing this, Pei Junlin, who has been calm and calm, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yes! A little faster than the breakthrough I expected! Come on, you have not fully absorbed the energy of Ziyun Yuedan, in the future You will benefit a lot from your cultivation! "

Aoigawa was flushed with excitement, and Pei Junlin waved to consolidate it, and a pair of calm eyes fell on everyone in the Lin family.

The faces of the Lin family suddenly became a little ugly. After a long time, Lin Tuju suddenly gave a long sigh: "My Lin family lost this time!"

"Now that the results have been set, we will fulfill our promise and give Mr. Pei a pleasant answer!"

Lin Tumon slowly said, "We have found the news of Mr. Pei's parents!"

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