Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 122: Borrow 0 li for your own use!

Behind Tang Baichuan and Tang Jitian, along with Tang Jicheng, Tang Jijun, Tang Hao and other elite children of the Tang family, when they saw the courtyard was overcrowded, and they were all famous figures and bosses in the Jiangbei area, many people in the Tang family Looks revealed a subtle complexity.

Especially when they saw the people of the Lin family, the people of the Su family, the people of the Ge family, and the golden-haired lion Jin Yang, the one-eyed Du Tai, the Black Dog King, and the secretary of Qingzhou Zhang and the director Zhao were all present, Don't mention it!

Although after the Jiangbei Pei family incident, the Tang family already knew that Pei Junlin's rise was irresistible. However, the congratulations from all directions are so shocking!

Among them, Tang Baichuan and Tang Jijun were the most complicated ones. They were shocked, annoyed, inconceivable, and regretted. Especially Tang Jijun. During this period, he was left by the old man at Tang's house, and his ears were almost dismissed. A layer of skin.

On that day, the relationship between the Tang family and Pei Junlin was so good. At last, he was interrupted by the appearance of Tang Jijun. Tang Baichuan also regretted it. I do n’t know how many times I sighed and lost a thousand years of hatred. Short circuit, missed Pei Junlin such an ally with unlimited development potential!

For this reason, one week ago, when Pei Junlin first settled in Pei's home garden, Tang Baichuan personally brought people to the door in an attempt to remedy this rift, but the answer he got was Pei Junlin's straightforward rejection!

This time, with the reunification of Kinglin International, the Tang family came to the door again, still holding a hint of hope in an attempt to restore this broken friendship.

So, just after entering the gate of Pei's home garden, Tang Baichuan disregarded the amazement around him, put down all figures, stepped forward, and showed a bright smile on the old face of Lao Yuan, shouting: "Pei Xiaoyou, Congratulations! "

"Since then, the two of us have really become neighbors, and we need to get closer!"

"It turns out to be Mr. Tang Baichuan!"

However, when Tang Baichuan was extremely enthusiastic, Pei Junlin's response was very dull. He simply shook hands with Tang Baichuan's enthusiastically outstretched and said, "Since it is here, please sit down!"

"There is also the Tang political commissar and the mayor of Tang. Everyone is a guest at the door. If you are not entertained, please don't mind!"

Pei Junlin dropped such a dull attitude, and immediately caused countless amazements. Which of the characters present today is not a human being, with a little wind and grass, we can distinguish whether it is a simple wind or rain.

People who understand the grudges of Pei Junlin and the Tang family are naturally very clear about the meaning. For example, the Lin family looked at the Tang family with a hint of ridicule, and those who did not understand were sensitive to the fact that Pei Junlin The indifferent attitude of home, for a while, the atmosphere became very delicate.

This atmosphere was naturally felt by the Tang family. Many young children could not help but clenched their fists. Even Tang Jitian, the famous military region political commissar, was slightly ugly at the moment.

He is a political commissar of the military region, one of the top figures of the Jinling City Pyramid, who dares to be so cold-hearted on weekdays, but now he is treated like this by a young man. Lengheng.

If he hadn't been here before, he was repeatedly told by his father, Mr. Tang, that he couldn't be easily angered. At this moment, there was a mood to leave his sleeves.

"The Political Commissar of Tang seems to be a little unhappy!"

What kind of character is Pei Junlin, Tang Jitian's emotional response was noticed for the first time, and he couldn't help but talk lightly.

"Today with so many guests, some of them are extraordinary. If the political commissar of the Tang Dynasty has any difficulties, we can say it. Everyone can think about it, maybe there will be a solution!"

"I can't see it!"

As soon as Pei Junlin's words fell, a voice suddenly came. The person who spoke was Su Denglin of the Su family. He said with great interest to Tang Jitian, "The Tang Political Committee is a big man in the whole Jiangbei pyramid. What can make Tang Political commissars are in a bad mood! "

"It's not going well for the military commander-in-chief of the recent military command. If that's the case, then it's not hard to understand!

Although the Tang family is very strong and is one of the hegemons in the Jiangbei region, not everyone is afraid. For example, the Su family, the object to which he depends is the Lin family, so naturally there is no need to look at the Tang family.

With a word of Su Denglin's words falling down, it was like a heavy block * thrown into the surface of an already undercurrent lake, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Recently, the Jinling Military Region has a major event about running for the post of commander-in-chief. It can be said that the former commander-in-chief is already old and ready to abdicate. Therefore, the most powerful candidates have naturally become Lin Zhanlong of the Lin family and Tang Jitian of the Tang family On both.

The ranks of the two are major generals, one political commissar and one commander, and their backgrounds are also quite comparable. It is definitely a battle of strengths.

Once one person succeeds in the election, the result is self-evident, and it will be a huge blow to another family. From then on, he will take the lead and abandon the latter.

For this reason, the Tang family and the Lin family are very fierce!

At the moment, it was brought up in public, and at such a delicate moment, the atmosphere suddenly became very lively, and many people's eyes looked at both of them.

Wang Ziqiong noticed that the atmosphere in the courtyard was getting more and more smelly. He couldn't help walking to Pei Junlin gently, signaled the time on his wrist, and said softly, "The banquet is almost ready to begin!"

Pei Junlin nodded, and then said loudly, "Dear everyone!"

The eyes of the audience immediately attracted and gathered on Pei Junlin's body, which temporarily relieved the Lin family and the Tang family.

"It's almost twelve o'clock noon now, and I believe the people who should have come!"

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming here, and come here to join us in my busy schedule! This is my pleasure and everyone in Junlin International! Here, on behalf of everyone in Junlin International, thank you for coming! "

Pei Junlin's clear voice sounded throughout the courtyard, thunderous applause rang quickly, and everyone applauded.

"I'm not going to say too many words. In short, thousands of words have been combined into one sentence. Those who are friendly to me Pei Junlin or Junlin International, I and everyone at Junlin International, welcome!"

"If someone has two sides and three swords and has speculation, then don't blame me for Pei Junlin's disregard for emotion!"

"Today is a great day for my relocation, and I have specially prepared a small program and a small banquet to thank the big guys!"

The words didn't fall, Pei Junlin suddenly stomped her feet slightly, drew a decree in her hand, exhaled, and shouted a word: "On!"

Suddenly, while everyone was still wondering, the whole garden was suddenly radiating with light, and there were soaring green mansions in all directions in the southeast and northwest, and each beam of light was full of bucket thickness, two full. Ten!

The turquoise light immediately covered the entire Pei family garden, and all the guests were stunned, staring at the gorgeous scene like fireworks in the sky.

Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, when the twenty soaring green awns rose to a height of about ten meters, they gathered together and issued a low-thundering collision, followed by another umbrella-like appearance, covering down , Completely wrapped the entire Pei home garden.

"This ... what is this wonder? Is it the light? It's amazing!"

In the garden, many people were shocked by the shocking scene in front of them, raising their heads one by one, looking up, looking at a layer of turquoise green light curtain above the head suddenly.

"Well? So cool!"

"Why do I suddenly feel the weather is much cooler!"

"It feels so comfortable! It's almost like turning on the air conditioner in the hot summer, and the pores in the body are widened!"

"Breathing has also become a lot easier! It's so cool!"

The big bosses talked a lot, even if they had extraordinary knowledge, they were shocked by the scene in front of them!

This is the most intuitive first feeling of ordinary people!

As everyone knows, at this moment, all the warriors in the entire garden have already begun to storm the waves, one by one, their eyes burst into ejaculation, staring at the cyan mask in the air.

Under the attention of a famous warrior, it can be clearly seen that a trace of white mist poured in from the outside of the mask. It is precisely due to the appearance of these white mists that this kind of temperature variation has been brought about!

Because that is the heaven and earth aura that all warriors desire most!

The heaven and earth aura here is so rich that it can be aura like mist, it is incredible!

Lin Tumon, Lin Zhanlong, Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang, Lin Xianer, as well as Tang Family's father Tang Baichuan, Tang Jitian, Tang Jijun, Tang Hao, Su's Su Denglin, Su Youning, Ge's Ge Yanxun, Golden Retriever, One-eyed The Black Dog King ... waited for the mighty warrior, his eyes widened.

They felt that the cultivation in the body became extremely active at this moment, and they seemed to be anxious to sit down and start practicing immediately.

Here ... It is simply the legendary cave heaven blessed land, cultivation holy land!

"Look! What's that ?!"

At this moment, someone suddenly yelled, pointing his fingers at the walls and the ground around the garden!

I saw that at this moment, the vines, flowers and plants in the garden were growing wild at this moment, which was a speed visible to the naked eye, like a miracle.

In just a few breaths, the flowers and trees on the walls, on the grass, and in the gardens are crazy. The branches and leaves are crystal green, like spring bamboo shoots, flowers are blooming on the ground, the grass is lush, and even the trees The flowing water became crystal clear, and the fish inside jumped out of the water and seemed extremely active and happy.

Everyone was stunned, watching the vine branches growing thicker and denser on the wall, and finally came from all directions, interweaving a green screen from above, like a hand-crafted art by a skilled craftsman.

Between the breath, there is fresh and natural air, which makes people relax physically and mentally, just like soaking in hot springs, expulsion from all diseases, all the cells in the body are exuding a new sense of joy.

"This ... this is simply the legendary fairyland!"

"Oh my God! What did I see? It's incredible!"

An incredible sound of exclaiming, one after the other, everyone's eyes widened ~ ~ Even the people of Prince Qiong and Junlin International are no exception. Although they have seen this garden before Charm, but never this moment, so extreme!

"This ... this is the power of the legendary formation method! Only this aura of misty condensate can be condensed! It urges all things to grow wildly, creating a heaven and earth!"

Even Lin Tu's demon in the Lin family shivered in the end: "I never imagined that the old man could meet again in his lifetime! Mr. Pei, your use of these means made the old man admire the five bodies!

"Dare to ask the power of this method, and to what extent can it absorb the heaven and earth aura?"

Pei Junlin heard the words and said flatly: "The current formation is too low-level, and I can barely borrow Fangyuanli Reiki for my own use!"


Someone around seemed to fall to the ground, and seemed to be scared by Pei Junlin's words!

Who would have thought that at this time only Pei Junlin could continue to say, "The power of this formation will be borrowed from the heaven and earth aura of thousands of miles and even thousands of miles, to make a real cave heaven and blessing and cultivate the Holy Land!"

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