"What do you mean?" Meng Qian asked subconsciously.

Qin Mo looked around and said with a low voice, "Actually, I felt something was wrong last night. Now that you said that, I suspect that there is something wrong with Sony."

"Be specific."

"First of all, he put industrial software and commercial software together to talk about backwardness. This is not objective. The commercial software of Neon Country is indeed weak, but the industrial software of Neon Country is not weak at all, but they do not Sale only.

As far as I know, almost all industrial enterprises in Nihong Country will develop their own industrial software. The industrial software in Nihong Country is very low in dependence on foreign countries, but their industrial software is developed for their own use, so it gives people a sense of It seems that there is no illusion that no one makes industrial software in Neon Country.

But Sony must know this matter, after all, he is a huge industrial enterprise. "

"You have only been in Neon Country for two days, how do you know about this situation?"

"Tokyo is not big, and the factories are all concentrated together. As long as you run diligently, you can learn a lot of things. This is a market phenomenon, and it is not a secret."

Meng Qian nodded, "Go ahead."

"Sony doesn't mention the real situation of industrial software in Neon Country in front of you, and even tries to downplay their capabilities in industrial software. I have to wonder why Sony cooperates with the company in industrial software. We steal technology here."

"Steal? We are partners now, and he is so blatantly robbing?"

"He doesn't need to come forward for this matter, just find any company to do it. Anyway, the whole world knows that Huaxia companies have never had patent awareness."

"But according to what you said, the future will always be exposed, and I will always suspect Sony." Meng Qian continued to ask questions.

"He is not obliged to tell you the risk of technology being stolen, nor is he obliged to tell you the specific situation of industrial software in Neon Country. As for the day before yesterday, Ishikawa blurred the concept when talking about commercial software, but he It's safe to say that all the data he's talking about refers to commercial software.

Of course, these are all my guesses. I just think there is a possibility, and I want to remind Mr. Meng. "

"I understand, let's talk about commercial software, have you found anything?"

Qin Mo was a little surprised by Meng Qian's reaction, but he didn't show his emotion, "I think Sony is lying to you about the business software, so I went to find out the reputation of Omi business software company in Neon. , is not good. The most criticized point is the price. Through field visits and online searches, I roughly pieced together some facts. Under the same demand, Omi Commercial Enterprises can sell software to Neon Enterprises at a price comparable to that of Omi. two to three times.

The bottom line is that it should be a monopoly. Although it seems that they have competition, I think they just know that it is impossible for each other to monopolize alone, so they simply cooperate in some aspects to achieve a cooperative monopoly, such as price.

It is not new for companies like Oracle, Microsoft and IBM to implement price monopoly cooperation overseas. Their product advantages lie there. Many companies know this and can only choose them. "

Meng Qian understood what Qin Mo meant, "So you think Sony deliberately doesn't want me to participate in this competition?"

"Yes, Sony has beneficial cooperation with Dafeng Group, but it also has beneficial cooperation with Western companies. Microsoft, IBM, their cooperation with Sony is earlier than Dafeng Group and deeper than Dafeng Group. Although Ishikawa did not directly let us give up the competition, But the hints in the words are all inclined in this direction.

This is Sony's balance. After all, we are now a cooperative relationship. It is not easy for him to kick us out so directly, but he certainly does not want us to disrupt or even break the monopoly established by his old allies in the neon country. "

Seeing that Qin Mo stopped talking about this, Meng Qian didn't go deep into this topic, "Have you found any demand points from Daiwa House Industry?"

"Daiwa House Industry is, after all, one of the top 30 companies in Nihong Country by assets. I couldn't find it, but I found the Nihong Country company that made commercial software for Daiwa House Industry before, and learned about it from there. In some cases, it is not yet possible to determine whether it is true or false.

According to the employees of that company, the reason why Daiwa House Industry cooperated with them before was because of the relationship between high-level officials and gave them a lot of kickbacks. corruption.

This matter was not exposed until recently. Although Daiwa House Industry suppressed this matter from the media, it was still greatly affected internally. It is said that corruption has caused a series of problems, so it is now undergoing internal rectification and reform. , the entire set of commercial software will naturally have to be replaced. "

Meng Qian rubbed his chin, "If this is true, then the system that Daiwa House Industry will choose this time should pay great attention to product quality."

"This is indeed a need." Qin Mo agreed, "What happened just now, at this juncture, no one dares to consider personal interests, and will definitely choose this new product carefully, even the chairman It is likely that he will come forward to control it himself.

I heard that the system they used before was only 1 million meters gold. This time they are looking for a partner. Although it is not a public bidding model, many companies have already negotiated. The budget of Daiwa House Industry should be at least 1 million. 3 million meters gold. "

"If they really value quality, it would be reasonable not to open the bidding. The open bidding seems fair, but in fact the water below is very deep, and it will be even more unfair in many cases." Meng Qian pondered for a while, and put the He Yating came over to greet her, "In the name of the company, make an appointment with the president of Daiwa House Industry, and see what the other party's attitude is."


After He Yating left, Meng Qian turned to Qin Mo again, "Is there a way for you to try to contact the senior management of Daiwa Housing Industry in private and do some public relations work."

Qin Mo thought for a while before responding, "Mr. Meng is going to bypass Sony to get in touch with Daiwa House Industry?"


"Is this appropriate? Sony should have some ideas when they know about it in the future, right?"

The corner of Meng Qian's mouth raised slightly, "Didn't you also say that Sony wants to balance the allies on both sides, then we will bypass Sony to find Daiwa House Industry, and if we really win the other party later, we will have a good fight with Sony Let's fight so his allies in the West won't blame him."

"So that's the case, then Sony can get rid of the relationship." Qin Mo suddenly realized, then thought of Meng Qian's previous reaction, hesitated for a few seconds, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Meng, what I told you today Did you already know about it?"

"Guessing, I always make random guesses." Meng Qian smiled and took a sip of soy milk, "But on the issue of industrial software, I think differently from you."

"What's Mr. Meng thinking?" Qin Mo was inexplicably curious.

Meng Qian was silent for a while, "Let's talk about it after finishing this time, maybe your thoughts will be different then."

Qin Mo was a little itchy, but quickly suppressed his curiosity, because he realized that this was Meng Qian who was giving himself a test question again, "Okay."

Thank you book friend 20161226173913264 for your reward!

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