Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 723: go away

At the end of the lunch, Kuniya asked to leave.

"Your Excellency! I hope that when I see you next time, I can be more formal. This time we took the liberty. Please don't take it off!"

In the pavilion, Kuniya and the three had stood up from the stone benches and were saying goodbye to Li Meng.

Li Meng also stood up from the stone bench and said softly: "Then I will wait and see!"

Nodding lightly, Gu Niya took the hands of the two younger sisters and planned to turn around and leave.

At this moment, Li Meng beckoned to Teresa suddenly and said: "Telisa! Come here, I have something to say to you!"

With regard to Li Meng's trust, Teresa did not hesitate to break free from Gu Niya, and walked to Li Meng lightly.

Looking at the little Teresa in front of him, Li Meng smiled lightly, and he leaned into Teresa's ear and didn't know what to say, the words murmured in a blur.

And Teresa's expression also changed a little strangely, showing a little dazed, and finally nodded with a chuckle.

"I see! Big brother!"

Rubbing Terissa's messy little face, Li Meng said softly, "Go!"


In response, Teresa turned around and left, seemingly in a good mood.

When she came to Gunia, Teresa grabbed the hand that she had broken away just now, and smiled sweetly at Gunia: "Sister Gunia! Let's go!"

Gu Niya nodded in a daze, looked at Li Meng apologetically, and took the hands of the two younger sisters and left the pavilion.

Seeing the back of the three people leaving, Li Meng smiled faintly, sat down on the recliner, closed his eyes and rested.

Leaving from the "Emperor", when the three of Kuniya left the metal world and returned to the ship.

The guards who had been waiting anxiously gathered around.

The captain of the guard on the side asked very concerned: "His Royal Highness! Is this visit going well? Is the owner of this ship a high-ranking member of the First Army?"

Faced with the enquiry of the captain of the guard, Gu Niya nodded, and said: "The visit went smoothly. The identity of the other party should belong to the high level in the First Army. The conversation is still active. He is a very good talker. Although I didn't explain anything, he must have already guessed that if this trip to Kyoto fails, then let's go to Nanlin Island for a trip!"

Hearing Gunia's words, the captain of the guard was relieved, and the face of firmness and vicissitudes seemed very relieved.

"Captain Torres! Let's keep going!"

Gunia said to the captain of the guard beside her.


When the captain of the guards left, Gunia on the deck looked at Teresa curiously, and asked: "Telisa! Tell me honestly, what did he say to you when we left?"

She smiled slightly, looked up at Gunia, Teresa did not hide anything, and whispered: "The big brother just told me his name, he is Li Meng, and the big brother said, this time we" If the trip to Kyoto fails, you can go to Nanlin Island to find him!"

Guniya looked overjoyed. In this way, the First Legion might be the target of their help.

Although I don't know what the status of Li Meng in the first legion is in his sister's mouth, his status must not be too low. With him speaking in the first legion, it might be the case.

This visit is really worthwhile!

Looking at the "Emperor" that was gradually moving away, Guniya muttered to herself.

In the white smoke billowing, the wooden ship is leaving, slowly disappearing into the vast sea.

Although this visit was only a chance encounter, it was not without any benefit to Li Meng during this encounter. At least he learned about the cult Empire and Teresa, who was able to do so quickly. Li Meng was still very happy to see her.

With the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the "Emperor" anchored on the sea set sail again.

Its huge body tore the sea surface, disturbed the sea, and moved forward in the billowing white waves.

"Master! What is so special about that little girl that is worthy of your attention?"

In the gazebo, Wendy asked puzzledly, looking at the owner who was relaxing and thinking on the recliner.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "As for human beings, because of various desires, the soul is always entangled with some dirt, but she is different. That girl is like a white lotus in the silt, which is pure and pure soul. It is a temptation to me!"

Wendy shook her head softly, and said softly: "She is still young, and people always change with time and with the environment. When she grows up, the master may be disappointed!"


Li Meng did not refute Wendy's view.

Because Wendy is right, human beings will indeed change with the environment. It is still unknown whether Teresa will be able to maintain her pure soul as before when she grows up.

Who can determine the future now?

The "Emperor" is on its way back, and at this moment, in the city of Amway, thousands of miles away, it has been enveloped by artillery fire.

Under the wave of offensives by the First Army, the defenders of Amway City retreated steadily, and had already left the two lines of defense in the forest before noon.

The dense forest has been shrouded in gunpowder, and thick black smoke is everywhere.

The gunfire disappeared at some unknown time, and the broken forest became a little silent.

The fall of the two lines of defense in the forest also allowed the defenders of Amway City to put their main forces on the front line under the city outside the city.

In the West City of Amway City, on the ground outside the city gate, the ground is several miles long, and the trenches are densely covered. There are countless firepower points simply stacked with sandbags standing one after another.

Heads surging in the battlefield, dense figures joined together. They were lying in the trenches, looking nervously at the forest outside the trenches, their guns tightly held.

And on the city wall, dozens of guards stood in formation, lined up in a row, the muzzle of the black hole to the forest.

Just as the defenders of Amway City were preparing to resist the attack of the First Army again, in the forest to the west of Amway City, on the side of the camp temporarily built by the First Army, when they received the bombardment order from the frontline sergeant, the long silent bombardment position Suddenly became active.

The muzzle of the black hole moved slightly, and the long and thick barrel pointed directly at the sky, adjusting its angle.

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