Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 722: engagement

Li Meng couldn't deny Gu Niya's temptation, and said indifferently: "I said that the beauty of the soul is the most beautiful, and your sister has it all. It should be likable!"

"Big brother, what about me?"

Dinessa on the side said rather unconvinced.

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked at Dinesha who was exactly the same as Teresa, and said: "You little devil and Teresa have completely opposite personalities, one is quiet and the other is lively. It's also a beautiful thing!"

Appearing to be satisfied with the answer, Dinessa grinned in satisfaction.

For Gunia, she heard more from these words.

With a chuckle, Gu Niya said with great pity: "It's a pity that my sister has already had a marriage contract. If she doesn't, when she grows up, maybe she still has a marriage with your Excellency!"


Li Meng was slightly taken aback, and said unexpectedly: "How old is this girl, is there a marriage contract?"

Guniya smiled helplessly and said: "This kind of thing is not uncommon among princes and nobles. Some people are born with marriage contracts. This is probably the case with my two sisters!"


Li Meng curiously said, "I wonder who lucky guy has such good luck?"

Rubbing sister Teresa’s little head, Gunia said with pity: “It’s Caesar, the eldest son of Captain Douglas in the Kingdom of Barron. Ten years ago, a rebellion occurred in the Kingdom of Austria. The commander of the Barron Kingdom, General Douglas, drove his troops to Austria and helped the royal family put down the rebellion. In order to express his gratitude to him, the father of the two sisters who had just been full moon betrothed to the eldest son of General Douglas Caesar, and promised that when the two sisters turn sixteen, they will get married!"

"The Kingdom of Barron?"

Li Meng pondered secretly. If he remembers correctly, the Kingdom of Barron is in the West of ASEAN, a country with a vast territory, strong national strength, perhaps not as good as Kyoto, but not much different.

Speaking of this, Li Meng has some doubts: "Since your country has this relationship with the Kingdom of Barron, why don't you go to the Kingdom of Barron for help, but to the "Emperor of the Order" that has nothing to do with it?"

Only about this point, Li Meng was very puzzled.

Gunia suddenly became a little regretful, saying: "The biggest factor that the Barron Kingdom helped the Austrian Kingdom was because the princess of the Barron Kingdom was my aunt and father's sister. Many years ago, The old king of the Kingdom of Barron passed away, his brother Serge succeeded, and the aunt who lost his support returned to the Kingdom of Austria. After the new king succeeded, General Douglas, who had great power, was also deposed. The kingdom and the kingdom of Barron have lost contact since then."

This court matter is really complicated. The relationship between the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Barron is also complicated, but Li Meng can be regarded as knowing the reason.

Unexpectedly, Teresa, the little girl, had a marriage contract.

Although Li Meng didn't think much about Teresa, who was still a little girl, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he thought that such a seductive soul should belong to others.

Is this jealous?

Thinking of this, Li Meng laughed blankly.

This man's desire is really hopeless, and he always wants good things.

There are so many beautiful things in the world, how can you get them all?

Sometimes, you have to learn to give up.

However, Li Meng has no intention of giving up on Teresa.

It's still early for Teresa to be sixteen, so who can tell the future clearly.

Hearing his engagement, both Teresa and Dinesha fell silent.

Although they are still young, they also know what a marriage contract is.

It is a **** and a lifetime price.

The atmosphere is somewhat suppressed.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "I believe you are tired from the long sea journey. Let's make up for it today!"

After speaking, Li Meng looked sideways at Wendy, and said: "Wendy! Let's serve the food, by the way, don't forget to bring up a few bottles of red wine, I want to have a few glasses with them!"

Li Meng didn't understand the rules and etiquette of the upper-class nobles.

Since he was in his own territory, he would of course focus on his own rules, and Li Meng wouldn't care about the complicated etiquette.

While speaking, Li Meng also left the chair and sat on the stone bench next to the round table.

The stone table in the pavilion is quite big, and there is no problem with sitting on four people.

Gu Niya did not refuse Li Meng's invitation, and the long sea journey was indeed exhausting.

The hopeful expressions of the two younger sisters also made Gu Niya unable to refuse, so she sat on the stone bench with a smile.

It didn't take long to wait, and the slender figure walked into the pavilion carrying plates of dishes.

As the steaming aroma permeated, the pavilion was filled with a smell of meat.

In the plate on the round table, the golden yellow roast suckling pig is crystal clear, with a diffuse fragrance, which greatly increases the appetite.

In addition to roast suckling pig, there are many other kinds of meat, beef with sauce, roast duck, and various fresh vegetables.

The small stone table can be said to be full of color, fragrance and flavor.

Wendy was waiting on the side, pouring red wine for the four.

Holding a wine glass in hand, Li Meng said softly: "You are free! There are not so many rules here. These red wines don't have much stamina. No matter how much you drink, you will not get drunk and will not delay your trip!"

Li Meng's so approachable words moved Gu Niya's heart slightly, and the person in front of her was indeed different from ordinary people.

Between raising his hands, it gives people a feeling of "confidence", and that feeling makes people involuntarily believe in him.

Although the food on the table makes people tempted, but as princesses, the good manners did not make the three of them do anything detrimental to their majesty. They moved gently and gracefully, eating the food on the table bit by bit.

Even Denisa, who has always been lively, is the same.

Seeing the cautious movements of the three, Li Meng smiled silently, took a sip of the red wine in the glass, and did not participate in the dishes on the table.

Li Meng is not very interested in western food, except for meat or meat, even if there are vegetables, they are used as a supplement to meat. Li Meng really has no love.

Li Meng is interested in Chinese food, but unfortunately there is no chef on the "Emperor" who can cook Chinese food.

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