Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 212 The Ambition of the Japanese Elders


June 20, 1909, is a day worthy of commemoration by many people.

Six days after Japanese Prime Minister Kitaro announced that Japan would soon take over Japanese security in Dutch Indonesia, three Japanese Mikasa battleships sailed southward against the wind to the north of the Maluku Islands, an island in the east of Indonesia. The transport behind them Ships transporting soldiers appeared on one island after another. Official takeover of Indonesia.

During this period, the governor in the Philippines negotiated with Togo Heihachiro, who was leading the team this time, but the result was that the Japanese could no longer trust the Dutch, and for this reason they declined the British obstruction. Because Britain's largest naval bases outside the mainland are in the Indian Ocean such as Mumbai, Chennai and Colombo in India. Although the Pacific also has strong navies in Malaya and the Philippines, if they all leave their locations and block the Japanese navy, If so, those places will be in danger. Therefore, the British had no intention of using warships. [

The world is crazy! This is the thought in Queen Wilhelmina's mind. What was originally a good rule has now turned into fires everywhere. Dutch soldiers, are there really people who are killing the Japanese alone without telling the military and government? Until now, she has not figured it out. At first, she thought that this was a plan of the Japanese themselves, as Prime Minister Theo Heimskelke said, in order to invade the Netherlands. Territory, but that is a large number of Japanese. I finally figured it out, especially when I saw that the Japanese were willing to sit down and talk. I felt relieved.

However, suddenly, it emerged that dozens of Japanese were shot and killed in the Maluku Islands, and the evidence is that these people were pointed at guns by Dutch soldiers before they were alive. There is no doubt about the suspicion. Others, he, the king, were also suspicious. Could it be that the Japanese are really that ruthless and kill so many people for their territory? Queen Wilhelmina felt unbelievable. Thinking about it on the other hand, would the Netherlands do this? Absolutely not.

"His Majesty"

"What's going on?" She had a bad feeling in her heart when she saw that the city guard she had sent to receive intelligence information had returned. The counter took a peek at Heimskerk and saw the same shock and excitement in his eyes. view.

"Just this morning, Japan's three Mikasa battleships have been cruising around East Indonesia. Along with them are various large and small battleships. And, and" he raised his head and looked at Wilhelmina, not knowing What to say.

Wilhelmina was naturally good at his predicament, "talking hesitantly, just say whatever you think."

"Now all the islands east of Sulawesi have landed no less than 50,000 Japanese soldiers. It can be said that we have completely lost control there now,"

"What, what you said is true?" The person who spoke this time was not Queen Wilhelmina, but Prime Minister Theo Heimskerk who had been silent next to him. He who originally looked a little thin actually He lifted the man up but put him down quickly. She even patted the dust on his shoulders and confirmed again: "You said it right, right? There are a lot of words on the Internet."

"No, absolutely not. I have reviewed our intelligence several times, plus the information channels in the UK. This information is very accurate."

"To the east of Sulawesi, the Japanese dared to gain such huge results despite such an obvious invasion. Are they not afraid that they will choke because of this?"

"Stop sighing. Those Japanese have gone crazy. Prime Minister, now we should think of ways to drive the Japanese out of our territory instead of sighing here."

While the Dutch are discussing countermeasures, the protagonist they just mentioned, Japan, is also holding a meeting. But it was a meeting of the Senate.

Katsura Taro, Saionji Konobo, Yamada Aritomo, Matsukata Masayoshi, Inoue Kaoru, Oyama Iwa. And Togo Heihachiro is now in Indonesia.

"Everyone, since we have implemented such a southward strategy, and the effect is so good, can we further increase our presence there? I think we can increase our troops there and stabilize our rule. , and then secretly move a large number of citizens to live there. At that time, we thought that no matter how much the Netherlands quarrels with us, many countries in the world may not be dissatisfied because of it. It is our people who will die. . Hey, although they are prisoners and heinous people, it is really sad to die like this in a foreign country. At the same time, it is also because they are willing to give their lives to support the country. Are there such good people? So we should always remember them."

Hearing Masayoshi Matsukata's words, several other people looked at him with contempt. He was the one who proposed using this plan in the first place, and now he is the one pretending to be pitiful. He is the one who did both the good and the bad, and he said it so emotionally. Such a thick-skinned person is really not ordinary. Katarō Shuri was also dissatisfied. You can be ashamed of yourself if you say you are ashamed. It’s okay if you know it. Why bother? It’s no longer okay to come out and spread the word.

"Southern expansion, have you forgotten that we are able to obtain such easy consent now, isn't it because of the support of Spain and Germany? Or is it because Mr. Matsukata believes that we alone can try to deal with other countries there, let alone Talking about military affairs, can we get the consent of other countries in terms of public opinion? By then, if we haven’t grasped these things quickly and other countries come to deal with us in unison, it will be a real cooked duck and it will fly away. ."

"Yamada-kun, what do you mean by this? Huh, do you think I don't know? What I want to say is that we had a previous agreement with Lian Lina. I think we should suggest to them that the agreement should be changed to After all, the eyes of the Netherlands are like this now. If they know that the two great powers of the German Empire and Spain are on this side, they will completely collapse. By then, we may only have one North. The Maluku Islands, but the entire group of islands.”

Katsura Taro's heart moved. At this moment, he also saw the eyes of Mr. Saionji looking over, but others fell silent after hearing this, including Masayoshi Matsukata just now. Obviously, Yamada Aritomo's words touched their hearts.

Army Commander Oishi Yan, who rarely spoke at this meeting, spoke at this time, "I think Mr. Yamada's words are good. Over the years, Vaughan has been developing westward, but there, we have encountered many obstacles. , especially the issue of the distribution of interests of other major powers there. It is precisely because of this that we think of cultivating cronies there and cultivating revolutionaries who know Japan. We plan to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and put all the powerful countries there. After the various treaties were destroyed, space was created for us to develop there. Now it seems that the momentum is developing well.[

However, the Spanish group has begun to catch up behind us, and it is obvious that Sun Wen is also very wary of our influence. Therefore, the most inappropriate thing for us at this time is to continue to expand our power there and arouse the resentment of those Chinese people, and prompt Sun Wen and those who know the sun to shrink their hands. There is no need for the Spanish Collaboration Association to use this as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of the Alliance to distract our influence there. Therefore, southward expansion is the most appropriate and appropriate thing for us to do at this stage. If possible, I think that since Spain has a huge appetite for Nusa Ten's home including Java Island, then what if we give it to them? I think that by then, Spain may pay more attention to it and have to As for the German Empire, we can give them the island of Sulawesi. Only with them standing beside us can we develop our Maluku Islands with peace of mind. "

"But, do you think Britain will share these treasures among various countries so easily?" Katsura Taro also spoke up at this time.

"Although they don't want to, I think they can only do this because they are weak. Obviously, as long as we make such an obvious allocation, then as long as their brains are not flooded, they will know that this is done under our agreement. If the United Kingdom or the Netherlands want to press charges, although the reason why we may be the first offender is more intense, the other two countries will share a lot of our pressure. Therefore, I think we should want Spain and the German Empire to Calculate the distribution of benefits."

"Wait a minute," Inoue Kaoru said at this time: "Why don't we fight for the island of Sulawesi? Have you forgotten that New Guinea in the east and west are colonies of the German Empire. If we get Sulawesi for them, If the West Island arrives, then we will already be surrounded by them, and we want to get the opportunity to expand externally. Isn't this contradictory?" Net Bu Tiao said.

"No, you are wrong." It was Xiyuanji Gongwang who spoke, "Because in this way, we can minimize our threat, instead of letting the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regard us as the biggest threat. After all, in Germany in Europe The empire is the biggest enemy of the two countries. Sulawesi, the Dutch island of Kalimantan, and the British Philippines and Malaya are all facing each other across the sea. This will cause them to be wary of each other, and this will create something for us. Chance.

"So, if we should create borders with them in Asia at this time, our future is very likely."

Second update, a bit late, but still updated during the day. Please count your votes. (To be continued. Welcome to () to subscribe, reward, and support.)

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