Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 211 The world is crazy

On June 13, Japanese Prime Minister Katsura Taro officially announced that Japan was prepared to participate in the mediation under the auspices of Spain while Britain and the German Empire watched.

This result disappointed many people, but many people also felt relieved. Relaxed nature is the pacifist who saves the world from war.

Naturally, those who were disappointed were the Qing government and the Chinese who were invaded by Japan. In recent years, Japan's crimes in China have been everywhere. It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as horrific. Many people want to see Japan fight with other countries. Finally, they see Japan having a dispute with the Netherlands, which is not a big Western country but is also a middle power. This has already aroused the hearts of many people these days. The surging. However, in the end, they found out that this was the result. While they were deeply regretful, they also secretly hated Spain for being nosy. Didn't you see that Britain, as an ally, didn't mind its own business? A good scene was just lost. ,what a shame.

The words "What a pity" were also expressed in the Kremlin in Russia. Nicholas II is still bitter about the failure of the Russo-Japanese war a few years ago. It was not easy to see that Japan might There was a conflict with the United Kingdom, and what was hateful was that Spain, who had killed a thousand people, came out to interfere with his good deeds. Therefore, he did not have a good impression of Spain to begin with, and now his attitude is even worse.

Shanghai, Jingyunli, Hengbang Road, Hongkou, this is where Lu Xun, the boss of Shenbao, lives. [

"What a pity. If the Japanese had been taught a hard lesson by the Dutch this time, I think we would no longer be as worried about Japan as we are now. What do you think, you two?"

"Old Mo, I think you are too optimistic."

"Oh! Ai Ling, how could you say such a thing?"

Song Ailing put down the tea cup gently, and then said with a straight face: "Isn't it true? Even if the Japanese really have to fight with the Netherlands, can the Qing court recover on its own and be able to stop Japanese aggression again within a few years?"

These words made Mo Xiaoxian's expression suddenly change. If he thought about it carefully, it was really like this.

Song Ailing continued: "Even so, is there no other country besides Japan? According to what I know, our neighbors to the north are gearing up and waiting for Japan to be injured. Then they can directly capture the Northeast and then send their troops to the south." , Alas, China is really in troubled times.”

She had to lament that she had traveled around the world with her teacher Marie-Theresa over the years. She had seen too many wars and peace, but after seeing the economic development of the powerful countries in Europe, the country was rich and the people were strong. She gained a new perspective on the concept of world peace and gained hope.

What she didn't know was that it was because of Mary. The opportunity brought to her by Teresa caused a qualitative change in her heart. Originally, in her world, after enjoying the victory and defeat of the peace of the rich in the United States, she developed a disgust for war and a distaste for the United States. She yearned for the rich life, so after returning to China, she started to build the financial power in her mind. In the end, she gave her sister Soong Ching Ling to Sun Yat-sen as his secretary, and then she did a good job and let the Soong family Suddenly became the top family of the National Government. Then he transferred the power of his husband's family, the Kong family, to them on the basis of being the richest man in Shanxi. There was a focus on winning over brothers such as Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu, and he also facilitated the marriage between his third sister, Soong Meiling, and Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Zhongzheng.

In this way, among the four major families in the Republic of China, she, the middleman, was the most powerful. Even Jiang Zhongzheng wanted to avoid her. As time went by, she grew tired of being in power, so she turned to making money. She was tired of the wars raging around her, so she chose to immigrate. This is how a woman who is greedy for money and power was formed. Historical figures are not formed without reasons, and she is one of the typical examples.

The current journey around the world has allowed her to be purified and return to her essence. Therefore, she has now become a person who strives for the country. According to Lu Xun, Mo Xiaoxian and others, sooner or later, you will become a Chinese of famous women in history.

"Ai Ling is right, Brother Xiao, I heard that not only Russia, but even Britain and France, which are already in the south, are also making inroads in the south. Therefore, what we need now is not to pin our hopes on others, Rather, I should let my own efforts go in. I think so. Soon, I will officially join the symposium."

"You are going crazy, don't you know? The Qing government is currently in the midst of severe repression. If you join in at this time, not only you, but also the "Declaration" may suffer. You have to think carefully. After all, this newspaper, which covers most of China, is one of the ideological sources that guides the Chinese people's struggle for freedom, and is also one of the forces that led to the rise of the Chinese people. If it is seized and disappears, it will not only be your loss, but It’s also a loss for the Chinese people. Brother Shuren, you should understand this.”

Lu Xun said with a wry smile: "Of course I understand, so I have found a way out for it. Even if it leaves me, its future may be better." After saying that, he looked at Song Ailing next to him with gentle eyes.

"Will the future be better? You" were about to ask what the reason was, but he saw the love in Lu Xun's eyes when he looked at Song Ailing next to him, especially the latter who did not shy away and looked back at each other. As a person who has experienced this, he naturally understood the two of them. I saw lovers who may already belong to the realm of you and me. At the same time, he also woke up.

When Soong Ailing took over "Declaration", he strongly agreed. Why, many people knew that Soong Ailing's true identity was the eldest daughter of Song Jiashu, nicknamed Charlie Song, one of the richest men in Shanghai and one of the philanthropists. And we also know that Song Ailing is also a student studying in the United States, but nothing else is known.

However, as someone who has been in Spain for more than ten years, especially in Western Australia, where the most influential Chinese newspaper in the world, the World Chinese Newspaper, is located, he naturally knows about the relationship between Song Ailing and Princess Mary Theresa. things in between.

As the only two siblings of King Alfonso XIII of one of the most powerful countries in the world today, they were also sisters who grew up together. Alfonso was the Thirty-year-old. His love for Teresa was well-known not only in Spain, but also in the Western world such as Europe and the United States. In particular, Teresa secretly went to the United States without telling Alfonso XIII. The matter of studying abroad and the fact that His Majesty sent people to threaten Theodore Roosevelt have even spread to the ears of those who are interested. Therefore, many people privately evaluate Princess Teresa as the most beloved and influential princess in the world.

Therefore, if Song Ailing accepts the "Declaration", the benefits will be quite a lot."

On June 14, when the eyes of the world were staring at Japan and waiting for their reply, what they were waiting for was that another group of Japanese died in a corner in the Maluku Islands. At the same time, There was still a group of Dutch soldiers pointing rifles at some people. If analyzed carefully, many people could see that the photos were taken when the deceased was alive. That is to say, if they are united together, these dead people will know that they were killed by Dutch soldiers without any association. [

The British were dumbfounded, the French were dumbfounded, the Russians were stunned, the Queen and Prime Minister of the Netherlands turned pale with shock, and so were the Americans. Spain, the German Empire, the Qing Dynasty, in short, for a while, the world was quiet, with eyes wide open as they waited.

To be precise, this is waiting for which side of the conflict will play its cards next.

June 14, afternoon.

Japanese Prime Minister Katsura Taro held a media conference for world journalists. Japan had become the focus of the world's media a few days ago, so reporters from various agencies had already been sent to Tokyo.

Katsura Taro's press conference was very simple and concise.

"We were shocked when we heard the news. Really cruel things can happen in the world. This is something that is unparalleled and should be criticized by all countries in the world. As for the Netherlands, our government and citizens Your Majesty has now given up any sense of trust in them. We have already given up our trust in them a few days ago, but they just tore it into pieces.

Therefore, in order to protect our citizens from further harm, we decided to send our troops to various islands in Indonesia to prepare for protection work. "After that, he left while all the reporters were shocked. The reporter who was writing quickly with a look of shock was left behind.

"Katsura Taro, I did it as expected." Alfonso listened to Trini's report, and there was no joy in his heart that things were developing according to his own arrangements. On the contrary, there was some hesitation.

Japan's chess piece can indeed be used as a gun by Spain, which has benefited Spain a lot. However, similarly, now is the time for Japan to have a big appetite. Now they are still relatively weak, at least for a naval power like Spain, and they are still huddled in the four northern islands in the south, Taiwan Island in the north, and China in the west. Northeast and east are just small islands not far from Beitu. This could have compressed Japan's strategic resource expansion, allowing it to truly become a world power until the world after World War I.

Now that they are brought to Southeast Asia, will this directly allow Japan to develop rapidly? This year is only 1909, and there are still more than four years left before World War I. If Japan continues to expand at this time, maybe when Europe starts to fight, Japan may become a European power like World War II. And he might send his army south. However, wasn’t this what I originally wanted and had been arranging? Alfonso is based on this reason, so the contradiction is even deeper.

There are indeed very few clicks on updates at night. So I've started choosing to update during the day. If the next update is finished, I will choose to update it around 15:00. Also, what do you think of Song Ailing and Lu Xun like this? I don’t know if it will be nice to see a fight between Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Meiling over the matter of their replacement. My setting is that Chiang gets help from the United States with the support of Meiling and becomes pro-American, while the latter is pro-Western. In the middle are Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling. Of course, these are things for the future. Let’s get rid of Dutch Indonesia first.

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