Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 111 How big is the oil field that is bigger than national relations?


"Exploring oil?" Max was suddenly surprised. To him, these words seemed so familiar and yet so strange at the same time. Free e-book download. In fact, he is also looking forward to new energy sources such as oil. It can even be said that he dreams of them appearing in Venezuela, but the repeated failures really hit him. American Standard Oil and Large oil companies such as Shell Oil Company, a partnership between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, have all explored oil in Venezuela. However, they have searched over and over again, but not even a barrel of oil has appeared. This result made him feel very frustrated.

And because even large oil companies such as Standard and Shell have not been able to find out the reason, the small oil companies or small exploration groups that originally came to Venezuela with the dream of gold rush have now disappeared. Precisely because In this way, in his opinion, Venezuela has nothing to do with oil. This judgment has been implemented by him after several setbacks. Because of this, when he heard Wayne say this, he was stunned. Cause no response.

"No, doesn't the president want us as a partner?" The smile on Wayne's face was so sincere, but precisely because of this, Max felt even more bitter, because he should not have reacted like this. Xiakou.

In fact, the smile on Wayne's face was faked. Before coming to Venezuela, he had already launched an investigation into Venezuela's oil industry, and the result was just as Max thought. He even did it because of this. He also complained to his boss Randy, saying that this time it was another hopeless search for miraculous oil exploration. However, in response, Randy said that this would better achieve your reputation as a miracle worker.

Okay, this answer almost made Wayne flinch. This is so funny. He actually became a miracle worker? But fortunately, Randy also mysteriously pointed out where the focus was. 【】Although he was curious about what the other party was doing, and had serious doubts about it, seeing his sure look made him feel relieved. After all, all he could do was obey the orders.

After arriving in Venezuela, a conversation he had with Spanish Ambassador to Venezuela Jeb made him feel like he had been deceived again. Because what Jeb said is that Venezuela has not yet mined a drop of oil. This is the same concept. Compared with Angola, which had little oil at the beginning, there is still a lot of oil here. But since I have agreed to the above, all I can do now is to bite the bullet and come here.

Now that he saw Max's appearance, he remembered that it seemed that if there was no oil, he would be the most embarrassed, and the one who would lose the most would be His Majesty, the boss. In this case, he still insisted on shouting, could it be Is Your Majesty crazy and has no place to spend money? This thought made Wayne sober and energetic. Jeb next to him felt that all of a sudden, Wayne's whole person felt like he had undergone a huge change, well, he seemed to have become sharper. Yes, the look in his eyes and the rest of his conversation prove it.

"Yes, but"

"Your Excellency, what you want to say is" Wayne didn't mean to feel embarrassed for interrupting others. On the contrary, he said slowly, what you want to say is that there has never been oil before, and he was silent when he saw the other party. Without any objection, Wayne continued:

"But do we, Western Petroleum Corporation, just need them to come here to look for it? My team, they are capable of any challenge that other companies cannot do, including this time oil exploration and extraction in Venezuela. Now we The problem we face is that after we have paid a huge price, as Venezuela is a great country, how much power and reward can you give us so that we can focus more on our work? You, Standard Oil, Shell Oil Company, etc. cannot do that. If we can find something, the price will not be small."

Although Max agrees with this, after all, the precedent of "no gain for hard work" is already there. The other party's investment will definitely not be small, but he can't tell how much he can get. The most important thing is, Giving the other party exploration rights is actually equivalent to giving the other party an unimpeded pass to any place in Venezuela with a legitimate excuse. For a sovereign country, it is not a small risk. After all, if the other party has the intention to If we do not conduct specialized military terrain intelligence survey based on pure ideas, it can be said that Venezuela will all appear on the opponent's strategic stage. Such considerations made Maxx decide not to agree to the other party casually. Just when he was about to politely refuse, Jeb next to him got there first.

"Two, actually before we meet, my superior department, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has sent me a telegram. In order to increase our friendship with Venezuela, we in Spain have decided that if Venezuela needs it, we can conduct arms transactions. Of course, given that Venezuela is now at an important stage of social development, we allow loan transactions within a certain range."

Max's body trembled, and he immediately swallowed the words that came to his mouth. His face suddenly turned red. Trading weapons? Payment transaction? The arrival of these words is sweeter than any rain.

After seeing that the other party had no intention of saying anything more, Jeb immediately let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now. As soon as he saw the apology on the other party's face, he felt that something was wrong, because after these few years, He didn't get along with the other party too much but not too little. He had carefully recorded many of Max's expressions and movements. It was precisely because of this that the other party's expression just now represented rejection in most cases. If he didn't If you stop it in time, this meeting will be wasted, and the next time you meet, there won't be this atmosphere. As a diplomat, the transaction atmosphere during the second meeting was definitely not as good as the first time, because the second and third times everyone would consider more things, and they would be more hesitant to make decisions. The first time people meet is the same as the second time they meet. The first time is always the most unforgettable and impressive, and the second time is to supplement and doubt the first time.

"Do you really feel that now is the time to enter Venezuela? The United States is still very vigilant about us over the affairs of the other four countries. Now, if we further stimulate them, this time it may not be like the last time. The other party will succumb easily." Trini actually doesn't want to overly stimulate the Americans. After all, the other party is now the most economically powerful country in the world, and Spain is now in a period of rapid development. From an economic and market perspective, From the perspective of the security environment, it seems that it is too much to start a quarrel with the United States again just a few months ago. Although His Majesty also said last time that a strategic confrontation with the United States can reduce other problems. The powerful countries are wary, but if the frequency of quarrels is too high, it will easily arouse hostility among the people. The consequence of this is that it will be very difficult to restore bilateral mutual trust in the future. Therefore, he is now facing Afghanistan Suo's approach raised doubts.

Alfonso smiled. From Trini's point of view, a diplomatic leader does need to take into account all aspects. However, sometimes, from another level, it is also okay to suddenly take a different step. No choice. Of course, that was not a good choice for the king.

"But, what if there is a super large oil field there?" He glanced at Trini again and said confidently, "Yes, Trini, before you answer, I can tell you clearly that I have obtained accurate information. There is the possibility of super-large oil fields in the Lake Maracaibo and Orinoco areas, with a ratio of over 60. Do you think such an answer can stop me? "Don't skip words.

"Super large oil field?" Trini could feel his abnormal heartbeat speeding up. Although he didn't know where this news came from, he was relieved when he thought about His Majesty's mysteriousness, and now he was concerned about the oil issue.

“Absolutely tempting”

"The probability is only 60?"

Alfonso looked at him with a half-smile.

"Your Majesty is testing me. Since there is a 60% chance that it will be a super-large oil field, then if you take a step back, it means that it is a super-large oil field if it exceeds 80%, and if you take a step back, there is a 100% chance. It is a large oil field. In this case, there is something more worthy of investment than this. I think we should speed up the land encirclement. After all, it is more reassuring."

"But, didn't you say it's best not to provoke the United States?"

"That was before, but now, the value of improving relations with the United States seems to be less than the value of these 60 super-large oil fields."

"But about the future relationship with the United States?" Alfonso still kept asking this question.

"Okay, I admit, I think oil is more important now. After all, the empire is in short supply of oil. What's more important is the ebb and flow of oil. If our oil increases greatly, the United States near there will be reduced. The possibility of obtaining this oil field in the future will give us strategic material advantages. Since our relationship is already so bad, it doesn't matter if it gets worse. More importantly, in the face of vested interests, it doesn't matter even if it adds injury to injury. "Nothing is impossible"

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