Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 110 Reaching out to Venezuela


If you want to say which industry Alfonso is most concerned about among all his companies, then it has to be the automotive industry, because Audi is definitely a major tax payer in Spain, and more importantly, it is Alfonso He is the most technologically advanced brand under Soso, and as a car fan, he has a greater fondness and expectation for Audi, which has given Audi an inherent advantage. .

Felic Life, ranked second, is familiar with the world's future industry development trends. Of course, future life sciences will be one of the most valuable sciences in the future. There is no human being who does not like life, which means that the value it contains is the highest. It's called promising.

Fonterra Foods is one too.

Steel companies can enable Spain's industry to develop rapidly. However, compared with other countries, other private steel companies in Spain have developed vigorously, and are now on par with Western Steel Industrial Co., Ltd. in total.

The previous ones are all of strategic value. In fact, in Alfonso's view, if he has to say which industry needs his attention and support the most now, then it must be the oil industry.

Spain's Imperial Petroleum Company is now the second largest oil company in the world. It was formerly Standard Oil Company of the United States, followed by Exxon Oil, Mobil Oil, Shell Oil Company, ConocoPhillips of the United States, and Spain's Occidental Petroleum Company. .

Needless to say, in terms of arms, the previous ones have already eliminated the major fulcrum strategic enterprises in Alfonso's hands. They are among the best in all walks of life around the world. If the assets of these previous companies were raised, they would have reached Spain's GDP60.

Especially the current Audi car company, due to its rapid expansion in recent years, has now doubled compared with the US$100 million ten years ago, and its domestic sales have reached an astonishing 750 million pesetas70 The result of more than 10,000 vehicles, coupled with the sales volume of 300,000 vehicles internationally, especially in Europe, is because exports are slightly more expensive. Although the data is inevitably incomplete due to the different tariffs collected by various countries, it can be roughly What’s more, the industrial output value at home and abroad is close to 1.2 billion pesetas.

This year, Spain's GDP has increased by more than 10% compared to last year's 5 billion to 5.7 billion peses. The share of GDP accounts for about 21% of the country. Other Fonterra accounts for 15%, and Spanish Steel accounts for 5%. The two major oil companies are 19. This is the structure of Spain. Other shipbuilding companies are not included in the calculation because many of them belong to the military. So it is more difficult to distinguish.

The growth of the oil companies seemed to be unable to keep up with the speed of automobiles. Alfonso noticed a problem. That is, there seems to be a lot of progress in development in this section of Western Spain, especially in the exploration of large oil fields.

Since the last time in Africa, Western Petroleum obtained the good news about Cabinda in Angola. It seems that there has been no big good news for a while. Alfonso felt helpless because the facts required his intervention. But I also feel a sense of accomplishment, because these are miracles he has created time and time again.

America is a barren land for many people, at least for this era. It is sparsely populated and tall woods are everywhere. But because of this, many people in the harem in later generations regard this place as the Land of Virgins. The land is known as the most intact place in the world. However, some places are not so complete, especially the flat areas near the sea. Especially because Venezuela is a very strategically important place in South America, and its good The military port allows it to undertake all kinds of shipping docking business. As a result, Caracas has now become one of the largest cities in South America.

"Are you okay, Paul? The thing I hate most in my life is taking a boat. Every time I take a boat, I feel like my life is out of control. I don't want to ride a bike. If I'm in a car, I can jump out of the car to escape, but when I'm on a boat, Jumping off the ship on the vast sea, God, it’s scary to think about it.”

Paul looked at the frivolous look on Wayne's feet and felt funny in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Well, although my days in Cabinda were dull, I did live a stable life. Now that I have been transferred back to the headquarters, I have begun to feel restless again. If this has happened, I might as well enjoy those lives again." But Complaints are complaints, but if he really wants to experience the life of those scorching sun stills again, the imagination makes him feel chilled. It is not enough, it should be extremely hot.

Paul also had negative opinions on his complaints. Even Paul still despised this guy in his heart. Oh my god, a former deputy manager of the headquarters is now the vice president besides the biggest president, and he is also a platoon leader. The first vice president is young and promising! The meaning of this arrangement is obvious to everyone. The successor, who has such a promising future, is still moaning and complaining about the price of oil. Isn't this showing off to me? She is really biased beyond justice. Fortunately, because he also contributed to the exploration last time, he is now also the deputy leader of the company's exploration team. Well, he is on the same level as Wayne's former deputy general manager in Africa, and he can be regarded as getting a huge reward. comfort.

He thought about what happened before this mission in Caracas again.

Wayne found it funny when he saw Paul's reluctance. This kid had been forced to get married by his family just after he returned to the headquarters. Now when he came out, he was different from other people's reluctance. He was still loud because of his unwillingness and was finally liberated. slogans, and finally the reason was revealed through the use of high-pressure and gentle methods of coercion and inducement. It turned out that the reason was that the family was aware of Paul's work and were worried about going out for months or even years. So he actually asked Qi and his recently married wife to have sex non-stop in order to increase the hit rate and achieve the effect of successfully brewing offspring. That's it, our Paul has been a hard-working hero who has been fighting for his offspring for a long time, and this This departure brought his journey to an end. Now he is spending these days waiting, wondering whether his hard work in these few months has been rewarded.

Venezuela was originally home to the Arawa and Caribbean Indians. Columbus visited Venezuela on his voyage to find the New World. Later, the Spanish explorer Alonso Ouada called the country Venezuela, which means "Little Venice".

Venezuela had always been a Spanish colony. It was not until later, under the leadership of the South American liberator Simon Bolivar, that it completely got rid of Spanish colonial rule in June 1821 and formed the Republic of Gran Colombia with Colombia, Ecuador and Panama.

Unfortunately, within a few years, Simon Bolivar, the father of five countries including Washington, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia in South America, passed away, and the Republic of Gran Colombia he worked so hard to manage also disintegrated. Now that Ecuador and Peru are allies of Spain, it can be regarded as a reward for returning to Spain. He thought with his toes that although this trip was conducted for business, in this era business develops along with political growth. Yes, so before coming, I was received by His Majesty, and then went to visit him, Foreign Minister Trini. Of course, as His Majesty's private company, the treatment is of course very good. He also received the guarantee of strong support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the other party. Now he is actually a bit like His Majesty's special envoy, but only in business. As for diplomacy, that is Jeff's business.

Venezuela is currently governed by the great warlord Juan Gomez, a strongman who came to power through a coup. At the same time, he is also the richest man in Venezuela because he is the most powerful land speculator in South America. Of course, he is also one of the most powerful and outspoken people in Venezuela right now.

"Welcome to Caracas, Wayne"

"I feel a little excited to see the President. Haha, we should have disturbed the President." A man dressed as a soldier was shaken and hugged by the other party as soon as he came in. This is Spanish social custom. The two Their faces pressed against each other's before they separated. Only after they separated did they see each other clearly. The other person wearing a military uniform is a soldier, and the indifferent face with the mustache makes the other person definitely a very calm person. From then on, such a person's skills are definitely very tough and neat. kind.

"Haha, being able to hope for the two of you this time is really a great reward."

"I have always had a soft spot for Venezuela, but I have never seen her face for so many years. Now that I am here, I feel like I have returned to the arms of the great Virgin Mary. It is really nostalgic." What he said was completely different from what he complained about just now. At the same time, the eager expression on his face was able to confuse everyone. This made Paul next to him sigh very much. The boss is the boss, and he is even more shameless than these people. It needs to be more than one layer thick.

"Of course, Jeff is the Spanish ambassador to Venezuela. This time Wayne and the others are here as senior executives of one of the most powerful oil companies in Spain. As the ambassador, of course he needs to come out to assist Wayne and the others. Of course, if If it is a private company, it depends on their mood or whether the other party's backstage is strong enough. However, no one knows that Occidental Petroleum Company is His Majesty's property. As an ambassador, there is no reason for him not to do his best to help the other party. Moreover, this time, orders have been sent to him from above to try to establish a good relationship with Venezuela, so as to expand more space for Spain's South American strategy to continue to advance.

Max pushed back the people around him, and now only he and Jeff were left in Wayne. As for Paul, he had already followed suit.

"Now, we can open the sky and speak frankly. But this time, under what conditions does Spain want to expand the relationship between our two countries? Yes, we cannot deny that we are wary of the United States. But don't forget, Spain's pain on us is also worth recalling." What Max saw with disappointment was that both of them were unmoved by their words, which gave him an understanding of the other party. Even though he is young, he is a difficult person to deal with. "So, if there are no conditions that can satisfy our people, it will be difficult for us to agree to cooperate with Spain. Although I really want to, we can't go against public opinion, right?" Don't skip the word.

Against public opinion? Wayne sneered in his heart, a president who gained power through a coup was talking about public opinion? Isn't this a little too funny? He and Jeff looked at each other, and that's the way to take it calmly, but please, we in Spain have always treated things with the greatest sincerity. You can also see that several Pacific countries that are also South American countries are now with We in Spain are all allies. This shows that we have absolutely gained recognition. Therefore, I think the President does not need to worry about our sincerity in cooperation."

"I'm a little anxious and want to ask, does Spain want to cooperate with us this time? Yes, it seems that we don't have the basic materials to cooperate with you."

"No, what about oil exploration?" Wayne said and looked at the astonished Max, waiting for his answer.

Please support me. I have started writing the outline for the second stage. Please support me.

Chapter 110: Reaching out to Venezuela\u003cdd\u003e

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