Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 769 Selling flared pants in winter is also a technical job

It is a terrible thing for a woman to become jealous. These women just learn to learn, and started to learn tailoring from Zhang Xuan and He Yanfei that night.

Wan Feng was so absorbed that he didn't even watch the newly purchased TV. This made Wan Feng very depressed. If he had known it would be like this, he would not have bought it.

These women also make full use of the noon time after class and the self-study class time in the afternoon.

If they put this hard work into their studies, they can still be admitted to university in this informal low-level high school.

As Wan Feng expected, the girls in the third year internship department couldn't refuse Wan Feng's offer. Making a pair of trousers could almost earn them a day's food expenses, and they had no reason to refuse.

On the premise that Ji Chun, Wang Wenmin and others could not finish the cutting alone, the four teachers went to Wanfeng's side for cutting in the evening, and the cutting speed of these four teachers was very fast. From 5 o'clock to 9 o'clock during the meal, four people cut more than 50 pairs of trousers, including Zhang Xuan and He Yanfei, a total of more than 60 pairs.

The next day, these pants were turned into finished products under the hands of girls from the internship department.

Naturally, these trousers will be turned into commodities after they are made, otherwise they will be waste at home.

Therefore, on the third day of school this month, that is, November 6th, Wan Feng and Li Mingdou took these clothes to the Wu County Market by passenger boat each with a large travel bag on their backs, and found those who had chatted with them. dealer.

"Four yuan a piece? The workmanship is good, and the style seems to be popular here, but it's a bit expensive." The old customer who chatted with Wan Feng last time said.

"Brother, I delivered the goods to your stall. You didn't waste any time or spend a penny. It's not surprising that it costs eight cents, right? Next time you pick up the goods by yourself at my clothing store. Two cents."

"But we are worried about whether we can not sell it? Because it is not the season, do you think you can wear this thing with cotton trousers?"

This is the truth, people here wear cotton trousers in winter, can these flared trousers be put on?

"We have considered this problem and enlarged the size appropriately. It is definitely not possible to wear thick cotton trousers inside, but it is still no problem to wear long johns."

Can you approve four yuan a piece without enlarging the size? Wan Feng's trousers that are under one foot in size are going to be approved for three yuan and five yuan, and it is because the size is enlarged and more fabrics are used that the increase is fifty cents.

"Wear long johns? Then you won't freeze to death outside!"


You have passed puberty, and you have forgotten the spirit of young people who are so pretty and don’t wear cotton, and are not pitiful for freezing to death. You can’t use your thoughts to measure the thinking of young people. These pants may not fall down quickly, but this It shouldn't be a problem if you sell three hundred and five hundred pieces in one winter. "

Sell ​​three hundred and five hundred pieces? These traders really didn't dare to think so, so they were all lost in thought, they were still hesitating.

What Wan Feng said made sense. Yesterday was the traditional cold clothing festival, and people should wear cotton padded clothes, but the boys and girls walking on the street didn't wear cotton pants at all, even if they were cold in the slightest haha.

Seeing that they were still hesitating, Wan Feng felt that it was necessary to light another fire.

"I don't dare to say that my pants are sold too much. There is nothing wrong with selling them for five yuan and making one yuan. I specially picked the ones that come on Sundays, and I’m going to sell them myself, if I sell them, you won’t be jealous."

Several street vendors were indifferent, apparently wanting to see if Wan Feng could sell it.

"Brother, can I borrow your place for use?"

"No problem, you can use it, and I'll see how you sell it."

Wan Feng took out his own rope and tied it between two small trees beside the market, and then hung up his trousers one by one with a trouser hanger.

There are several colors of trousers, among which there are more bright red ones and less white ones. There is indeed a problem with the head of the white ones in winter.

Originally, he was going to hang up his trousers and yell, but before he finished hanging up his trousers, young young people who had nothing to do and wandered around surrounded him.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people gathered around.

This saves even yelling, just fooling around.

"The latest trendy bell-bottom pants are available in various sizes and colors. They cost five yuan a pair. They are not expensive and really affordable. If you want to win the favor of girls, wear a pair of bell-bottom pants with a toad mirror. I promise you I will follow a girl."

Someone laughed.

"Then if there is no girl behind, can I return the product?" A boy wearing toad glasses asked.

Wearing toad glasses in winter, you don't mind freezing your nose.

"It's because your trousers are not in place yet. I have the largest one-foot-two trousers. If you wear them and walk on the street, you are guaranteed to be loved by thousands of people." Wan Feng shook off a pair of one-foot-two trousers. The flared trousers startled the guy.

A tall but average-looking girl approached Wan Feng: "What if it's a woman's dress?"

"Of course a woman will follow a bunch of guys behind her if she wears it, but if they fight, you have to run away."

The girl giggled, and then asked another question: "Can I wear cotton pants inside?"

"If the cotton trousers are thinner, you can still wear them. If they are thick, there is no hope. But wearing long johns is no problem at all."

"It's cold in long johns."

"Young man is on fire. You don't stand outside for a long time to make sure you're fine. Even if you stand on the air vent for an hour in thick cotton pants, you still have a bruised nose and a swollen face. Am I right? Come on! This sister, I Let you try it on, don’t be afraid that it won’t cost you money.”

Although this girl is average in appearance, she has a good figure. The height of a woman is over 1.65 meters, and the proportion of the upper and lower body is suitable. No matter what pants she wears, she will not look too ugly.

Therefore, Wan Feng choosing her to try on is equivalent to hiring a model for free.

"Is this okay?"

"It's okay, just trying it on and not forcing you to buy it, I think you must be very beautiful in it, come on, don't be shy, let us all see your demeanor, you can go to the back of your pants to change, your few My sister can file for you."

The tall slender girl was brought by Wan Feng to change into a pair of bright red flared trousers behind the clothes.

A few minutes later the girl came out shyly.

Indeed, a pair of red flared trousers replaced the girl's original blue trousers, and the whole appearance of the girl has undergone a change.

"How is it? Brothers and sisters, give me a fair evaluation. Is she several times more beautiful than before?"

The spectators nodded frequently.

"Brother, how about lending this girl your toad mirror?" Wan Feng said to the boy wearing the toad mirror just now.

Of course there is nothing wrong with lending it to the girl Dai.

Wan Feng put on the toad mirror for the girl, and walked around the girl. Everything was fine, except that the two hairpins on the girl's hair were a bit of a spoiler: "In the spring of next year, I'll cut my hair and iron it into big waves, and then I'll buy it. Opinions about tight shirts, as soon as you walk on the street, the county magistrate's son will propose to you!"

The girl was a little ashamed.

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