At first glance, the carton factory seems to be of little use now. Dream Novel Network ()

What can be used is the rubber shoe factory, which still uses the kind of single-layer simple small cartons. If the carton factory specializes in that, it will take 200 years to recover the cost.

The only thing that can be used is Wanfeng's tape recorder. It is essential to make an outer packaging for the tape recorder, but the production of tape recorders is limited and they will not be used much.

Those who now can only hope to make cardboard boxes and sell them in the market.

Wan Feng firmly believed that the cartons would definitely be sold in the market.

But who will open the carton factory?

If he's not here now, he's definitely not going to do it.

Wahou's current volume machinery factory, rubber shoe factory and market are busy enough, and other projects are prone to confusion.

The brigade is currently busy with the beverage factory and the molding machinery factory, and there will be no possibility of new projects in a short time.

Moreover, each team is launching those small projects, and they may not have the energy to start a factory.

In line with the idea of ​​not letting the fat and water flow into the fields of outsiders, Wan Feng thought of his second uncle Wu Qing after much deliberation.

Cuitun is not far from Wahou, and now that the new road is opened, the traffic is much more convenient, and Cuitun has idle factories and idle labor, so the conditions are very suitable.

Then let my uncle open this factory, but can he have the guts?

Wu Qing is now working as the workshop director in the second workshop of the rubber shoe factory, with a basic salary of 30 yuan a month and a year-end bonus of more than 1,000 yuan. With such a high income, if you ask him to open a carton factory that does not know how profitable it is, I don’t think he is very good at it. Maybe dare to do it.

I don't care about Wan Feng, anyway, the opportunity is given to you, and whether he can do it is his business.

If he doesn't do it, let Jiang Li do it. Of course, he needs to use the name of the collective for the time being.

"How much investment does a small carton factory with five or six people capable of producing corrugated boxes need?"

"You want to bring corrugated box equipment, that is more expensive, and the whole set costs about 30,000 yuan."

Corrugated box equipment is relatively expensive, and a set of corrugated box equipment in later generations will cost millions, but it is about the same if it is converted to more than 30,000 yuan now.

"Wait until I find a place. If I find a place, I will buy a set of equipment."

That's it for the time being with the carton equipment, and what Wan Feng is looking for next is plastic products.

"Brother Beard..."

"My surname is Bai, white and clean!" Brother Beard introduced himself solemnly.

"You can't find it when you fall to the ground with an unshaven face. Did you tell your surname Bai?"

"Hey, it's the white whale."

"Oh, I'll go, you really dare to name it, and you dare to be called Bai Jing?"

"It's a white whale, not a white whale, a whale's whale!"

Saying it with your mouth makes little difference.

"I said Brother Bai Jing... Hehehe, I'm sorry, please let me laugh for five minutes first."

The white whale was depressed, so I called a white whale, why don't you laugh for five minutes?

That's all Wan Feng said, if he really laughed for five minutes, he probably wouldn't be able to talk anymore, and his voice would probably become hoarse.

"Is there any plastic products machinery here?"

"Yes wow, what do you want?"

"Can make plastic bottles."

Wan Feng's question confused Beluga, "Plastic bottle? What kind of plastic bottle?"

Plastic bottles in 1983 were still very rare. Most people didn't know the existence of such a thing, because there were almost no such things on the market.

"It's a bottle that's the shape and size of a glass bottle, but in clear plastic."

Beluga shook his head, "I'm not very clear about this, you should ask the person who bought the plastic machinery, wait a minute, let me see if there are any here?"

Beluga stretched his head to look left and right, then shook his head regretfully, "No, there are two plastic factories here, but no one is here. Go to the market tomorrow and ask."

That's okay, I'll find out if I ask tomorrow.

"Would you like to go up and fight again, this time my underpants are tightly tied, even if you peel them off, you can't even try to take them off.


"No, I don't want to play today, I'm sleepy and go home to sleep."

Wan Feng didn't want to strip Bai Jing's underpants today, even though his name was Bai Jing.

White Whale looked at Wan Feng and Luan Feng, and laughed twice, like Qin Hui.

When I saw this product, my heart was disgusted.

It's more than eight o'clock in the evening. It's not too early to go home and go to bed at this time. It's almost time to watch TV after returning home.

After returning home, Luan Feng went to her parents' house to watch TV, while Wan Feng went back to the west room to sleep on the kang.

That night Wan Feng slept relatively soundly, and Luan Feng didn't dare to sneak in in the middle of the night.

But with Luan Feng's urinating nature, such a day would not exceed three days, if she didn't want to sneak in on the third day, she wouldn't be Luan Feng.

July 22, 1983, great heat!

Starting today, the season officially entered the hottest time, and the morning heat began to cover the whole world.

It was too hot this day. After Luan Feng went to work early in the morning, Wan Feng pushed Luan Feng's motorcycle to the machinery factory with a two-wheeled cart. His plan today was to make an electric fan and take it home to blow the air, and then repair Luan Feng. motorcycle.

There is no difficulty in repairing a motorcycle, just replace the set of wheels in front of the disassembled motorcycle in the machinery factory. What is difficult is making an electric fan.

If you don't make automatic head shaking, it doesn't seem too difficult to make an electric fan. He even built an induced draft fan. There is no reason why he can't make an electric fan. At worst, the things he made will cost more electricity.

Not bad money.

This is the first time he has entered the machinery factory when he came back. He originally planned to visit the two factories of the brigade and then go to the machinery factory to see the research results of these guys.

If he hadn't come to repair motorcycles and make electric fans, he wouldn't be here today.

Whoever wanted to break into the gate of the machinery factory was discovered by the technicians of the machinery factory, and he was almost kidnapped and dragged into a workshop dedicated to scientific research.

So Wan Feng witnessed a miracle.

He actually saw two 50 motorcycle engines, not the original ones, but post-built ones.

"Are these two prototypes made by you?" Wan Feng asked in amazement.

I thought it would be great if they could figure out this thing by the end of the year, but I didn't expect them to build two prototypes in three months.

The power of the crowd is really great.

I just don't know if these two things that look alike can be ignited.

"Yes, it has been created for several days."

"Is there a fire?"

"The No. 1 unit has been ignited successfully, and the No. 2 unit has not been ignited yet."

Wan Feng came alive, these guys can do it! It seems that I still underestimated their strength.

"The most difficult part of this engine is the piston, which was thwarted by Master Luo with a file."

The problem of the piston should not be difficult to solve. Once it is finalized, it can be customized and processed by a professional manufacturer of pistons. There are such factories in Bohai City and Shenyang.

The cost of manufacturing in a professional factory is lower than that of making it yourself.


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