Rebirth of the New Farmers in the 1980s

Chapter 704 Seeing Brother Beard Again

Luan Feng jumped off the kang with a cheer and was about to run outside. Dream Novel Network ()

"Little ghost, eat honestly for me, and go out after eating."

Luan Feng's mother slammed it like a blow to the head, Luan Feng threw the soup on the spot and immediately wilted, made a face and sat down at the table.

Luan Feng's mother even stewed and fried four dishes, including fish, meat, and chicken, and the four large plates were full.

"Wow! So many delicious things, Mom! What day is it?"

Luan Feng's mother ruthlessly whitened her daughter, why did she give birth to such a brainless daughter?

When Xiaowan comes back, of course he wants to eat something delicious.

The family began to eat, and the atmosphere was harmonious during the meal, and the questions and answers were very lively.

After dinner, Luan Feng dragged Wan Feng to the Westinghouse, naturally wanting to tell Wan Feng about the income of the past three months.

"You don't have to say the same thing, it's too troublesome, just tell me how much money you've made and it's over."

"Are you not afraid that I will be greedy?"

"Be greedy, be greedy, anyway, what is mine is mine, and your future is also mine."


The income of these three months has greatly increased compared with the previous month. The last time Wan Feng's income in the three months was more than 400,000 yuan, the income of these three months has exceeded 600,000 yuan.

I thought it would be one million by the end of the year, but I didn't expect that his income this year would already be one million in July.

The bulk of the revenue growth here is the revenue brought about by the increase in the number of tape recorders.

Only more than 400 units were sold in the last three months, and about 2,000 units were sold in the same three months although the output was still not high.

This item alone has an extra income of more than 100,000 yuan, and the rest is just a little bit more.

The machinery factory gets a little more dividends, the rubber shoe factory gets a little more dividends, and the garment factory gets a little more dividends.

In this way, Wan Feng's current total assets have come to 2.5 million, which makes him very unhappy.

"I want to rent the upper courtyard of the brigade as a dormitory, and recruit another group of workers to implement three shifts. Do you think it will work?"

"I'm not here, you can figure it out on your own, you can't ask me everything, you are also the director of the factory."

"If you're not here, I'll make my own decisions. If you're here, I have to ask for your opinion."

Wan Feng squinted, "You said it as if you took me seriously."

Luan Feng became angry when she heard it, "I don't take you seriously? You have no conscience, I'll screw you to death!"

As he spoke, he was about to show his teeth and show his claws.

Wan Feng hurriedly interrupted, "Where's your motorcycle? I don't think I saw it."

As soon as the motorcycle was mentioned, Luan Feng seemed to have been electrocuted, and immediately groaned for a long time before whispering, "It's's broken."

"How bad?"

"I hit the wall." Luan Feng replied honestly.

"Are you addicted to bumping into things? If your motorcycle crashes, you'll be hit by someone. Why aren't you broken?"

"The moment the motorcycle was about to hit the wall, I jumped off with a whiz, am I smart?" Luan Feng was actually complacent.

Wan Feng put his head in his hands and made a painful gesture, "I really hope the car jumps out and you hit the wall!"

"Ah? You scoundrel, you don't have me in your heart."

Wan Feng...

Wan Feng decided not to get entangled with Luan Feng about such things anymore, he might as well go and see how bad the motorcycle hit if he had the time to get angry with her here.

The motorcycle was in the building, the front fork was deformed, and the front tire was deformed. It was indeed caused by the front wheel hitting something, and the rest was not damaged.

"Can it be fixed?" Luan Feng asked worriedly, squatting beside Wan Feng.

Isn't there a disassembled motorcycle in the machinery factory? Just replace the front fork and tires of that motorcycle.

"No problem, you can ride tomorrow."

"Yeah! I knew you could fix it, so I wasn't worried."

"I can fix the car if it breaks down, but I can't help if you crash it."

"That's about the hospital."

This heartless answer made Wan Feng very angry.

"Are you not on the night shift tonight?"

"Why am I on night shift when you come back?"

"In the future, let the workshop director lead the class and it will be over.

You don't have to lead the shift in person in the future, and don't go to the workshop anymore. As the factory manager, you should handle the things that the factory manager should handle, but if you have anything to do, you must discuss it with Sister Min. "There is a workshop director and you, a factory manager, join in the fun.

However, Wan Feng was worried about letting Luan Feng handle the factory by himself, and it was better to let Jiang Min help as a staff officer. This was also the reason why he asked Jiang Min to be the logistics manager last time when he came back.

I don't know if Jiang Min has figured out how to call for papers for that publication?

Wan Feng didn't intend to ask Luan Feng about this matter, he felt that asking her would be better than asking about his knees.

"Go to the stadium and have a look."

The two went out of the house to the stadium.

In order to activate the cultural life of the villagers, Wahou's golf course was fixed at a place where a brick factory dug clean soil.

The clay in this area has been hollowed out, and because the main kiln of the brick and tile factory in Li is far away, it has become a vacant space of little use value, which has no other use except for placing bricks and tiles.

The playground where the bricks and tiles are placed is too big, so how can it be used so far away, so it was built as a stadium.

Now there are three courts in total, two sand courts and one cement court.

This time, the adults and children in Wahou had a great time, and there were crowds dancing wildly on the three venues.

Wan Feng and Luan Feng wandered around the field, and finally saw a bearded guy on the concrete field.

This guy is still the same piss in playing ball, Wan Feng thinks this guy's underpants are still missing.

He walked over to the coalition side and said to a guy who was yelling, "Get that bearded guy off."

The guy who shouted for cheer hadn't planned to talk to Wan Feng, but after seeing Wan Feng, he blinked his eyes a few times before he remembered who this young man was.

So, Beard Brother came down very dissatisfied.

"Why did you replace me? I haven't... boy! Why are you back again?"

"Hehe, Brother Beard! You don't welcome me back? It seems that your memory is not very good. People with bad memory are not suitable to stay outside. You should go home and guard your wife. If you don't go back to your wife Maybe there is a hat for you."

"I just went back two days ago."

"Really? Is your wife passionate about you?"

The bearded brother froze for a moment, "How do you know?"

"Are you still booing and inquiring about your warmth, so gentle that it's outrageous?"


"It's over, you are in danger, let me see if there is a green light on your head." Wan Feng really pretended to look at the bearded brother's head.

"Go, stop talking nonsense, what are you asking me to come down for?"

"What are you talking about? Did you report back to your factory about what you said last time?"

"We have given feedback, and our factory has also adopted it. Not to mention, since we installed that inkjet machine, our equipment sales have improved a lot."

"Is it in color?"

Brother Beard shook his head, "That's not true, only black and white can be produced."

The black and white ones are also fine, and it is estimated that the color ones will come out in a short time.

Now you can consider opening a carton factory.


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