Players In Marvel

Chapter 694 What happened in Sircaria, Xiao Junxiong has a father again, so good!


In the old castle that once belonged to the nobles, after being modernized, the underground has become Tony Stark's research institute.

And the magnificent castle hall, which has become the office of Pepper Industries, in fact, only Pepper is working here.

And now.

The castle ushered in a group of unexpected guests.

Can't say that.

After all, apart from the shareholder meetings that have been kicked out by the Stark Group, there is still a part of Whitney here.

Old Obadiah's wish came true, even though he was dead, but Tony always kept his place.

And now he has given this part to his daughter, Whitney.


It was too late for Little Pepper to do the original welcome ceremony, and the big mess caused by Ultimate Iron Man was going to drive her crazy.

"Sorry, you see she's always busy."

After leaving such a sentence, Silver hurriedly led the rest of the Feral Group to chase after Pepper who had already run away.

A female president with great mood swings, she does things vigorously and resolutely, and she is also a little scary.

The explosives of the wild battle group were all ready, and it was clear that Pepper decided to "attack" no matter what Jarvis said.

"Oh, what a woman who moves like the wind."

Sakata Gintoki picked his nostril with his little finger, came to the hall sloppyly, and lay down on the biggest sofa unceremoniously.


Like a deflated ooze balloon, Sakata Gintoki buried himself in it.


This is the feeling of rich people, it is really completely different from the rigid wooden chairs at home.

"Whoa, are you going to play a game of pretending to be dead?!"

Shinnosuke happily jumped on Sakata Gintoki's stomach. The old samurai was hit hard in the abdomen, and his eyeballs almost vomited out.

"Little new!"

Miya Nohara hugged Xiaokui, she was a little nervous. In fact, if nothing else happened, the Nohara family was involved in another incident.

And it's one of those terribly bad things.

"Trouble, trouble."

"The ominous premonition of the Nohara family, my wife, I feel that this is worse than the mage who came to the door before."

When Nohara Hiroshi thought of the man who appeared with the circle of light drawn before, he also said something about the choice of the supreme mage.

Coupled with the iron armored monsters flying all over the sky now.


What does this have to do with their family? !


Except for Shinnosuke, oh, and Aoi who looked at the crystal chandelier on the zenith and was smiling.

The Nohara couple and Xiaobai sighed together, not knowing why the puppy was joining in the fun.

"Little devil, come down for me."


Sakata Gintoki tried his best to turn over, holding the potato in his arms, and the little ghost sat up from the extremely soft big sofa.

"First of all."

"About Whitney's aristocratic commission, Yinsang, I have already completed it, look, big castle, wow..."

Sakata Gintoki looked at Whitney who was on the side. The girl was still dizzy and didn't know what happened.

"This place is at least half of you. I specially read some news about the Stark Group for this reason."

"They used to be rich anyway."

Whitney was speechless about what Sakata Gintoki said.

"You also said it was before."

"All I have is the shares left by my father, and now the Stark Group has transformed into Pepper Industries... Besides, what does this have to do with the noble entrustment."

"I am not an aristocrat."

Whitney said helplessly, but Yinsang looked disapproving.

"Such a big castle, in my opinion, is the evil aristocratic class, but it's good, now we are a part of it."

This smelly and shameless guy is already thinking about which room he should live in? !

If you are so rich, will Yinshi Wanshiwu still be open? !

Not good, not good.

If that's the case, Yinsang, wouldn't I be a softie? !


What a wonderful feeling.

"Hey, now is not the time to talk about this."

When Miss Yunying arrived, she could see the excitement on her face, lying in front of the large window facing the castle hall.

The Iron Man constantly passing across the sky, the feeling of a big event that is about to come, made Yunnvxia very excited.

"There's a big mess going on, are we just watching?!"

"That's right!"

"Otherwise, what are you going to do, fly to sea to fish?!"

Sakata Yinshi clutched his forehead, he didn't want to see Yunying's plundering gun for a moment.

That was the sign of trouble, and Eun-sang hated trouble.

"Hey, is there anyone, come here to serve, I need strawberry milk, and the little devil in my arms needs bear biscuits."

"Have you heard, here is your Miss Whitney, we are in the same group."

When everyone was very busy, Sakata Gintoki started bluffing.

"Sir, it is a pleasure to serve you."

The sudden sound in the hall made Sakata Gintoki tremble in fright, and the silver-haired samurai turned his head to look for someone.

Apart from a few of them, there was nothing else in the hall except the richly decorated furniture.

Sakata Gintoki shrank back into the sofa, and then hugged Shinnosuke tightly.

"I wanted to say this before, why did that woman named Pepper keep talking to the air?!"

"This looks like an abnormal old castle, maybe they raise ghosts!!"

All kinds of supernatural and strange novels flooded into Sakata Gintoki's mind at once, and his imagination was very rich.

Seeing Yinsang usually reads comic books a lot.

"Who ever said that this place was enjoyed by nobles before, I thought you liked this place very much."

Yunying said angrily.

"I like it very much, but it doesn't mean I accept their adoption..."

Before Sakata Gintoki uttered his most hated ghost word, the electronic voice returned to the hall.

"Sorry, I'm not a ghost, I'm Mr. Stark's smart butler, just call me Jarvis."

"Smart butler?!"

"I understand, after the era of new technology for human beings, there is another new term for ghosts."

Sakata Gintoki curled his lips, and leaned into Nohara Shinnosuke's ear and said.

"Anyway, they are not human, you have to be careful!"


"Be careful, do you want to eat more carefully?!"

Shinnosuke rubbed his stomach, the kid was obviously hungry, and he didn't understand Sakata Gintoki's nonsense at all.


Yinsang ruffles her messy hair, lays down on the back of the sofa with her head up, and sinks to the bottom again holding Shinnosuke.

"Anyway, you don't understand, little ghost, we have such a good relationship, if you become some kind of supreme mage one day, you can't forget me, Yinsang!"

"There are so many troubles in this damn world, I want to lie down."

Sakata Gintoki was muttering, Shinnosuke's little brain was turning around, don't think he doesn't understand anything.


It's the character who uses magic. He's seen it all when he's watching Superman cartoons.


Sometimes it is a villain, on the contrary, Shinnosuke likes Superman.

"Oh, dynamic light wave... Yinsang, I don't like being a weirdo lately..."

The little kid lay on Sakata Gintoki's stomach, used super moves with both hands, and started playing games with enemies that didn't exist.

"Ah, forget it."

"No one can make us do things we don't like, if there are...then just kill all the unhappy things."

"As a member of Yinshi Wanshiwu, your entrustment to us is free."


Sakata Gintoki and Shinnosuke were chattering, but at this moment, an exaggerated explosion sounded.

Sakata Gintoki raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that the demolition of the castle has begun."


The decadent samurai suddenly regained his spirit and got up from the sofa.

"This place now owns half of our assets!"

"They should have informed us when they knocked down the wall, I mean informed Whitney..."


"Honey, have we forgotten something?!"

Hiroshi Nohara looked at Shinnosuke who had a good relationship with Gintoki Sakata, and suddenly frowned.

"Ah, what?!"

Miya Nohara glanced at Xiaokui who was pregnant, and then Xiaobai who was lying on the floor of the hall.

No problem, the Nohara family is here.

"No no no, I mean our new friend, like Shinnosuke... Broken, Mr. Frank."

"We forgot about him."

Hiroshi Nohara slapped his forehead and shouted that something was wrong.

Silver Sable's appearance was very sudden before, and he brought everyone back to Sircaria cleanly.

The Punisher went to his safe house after confronting Karma Taj's mage.


"We left in such a hurry that we didn't even leave a message for Mr. Frank."

"It's a terrible feeling to disappear without saying a word."

Although the Nohara couple actually didn't know the true identity of the punisher, there were basically no people in this world who wanted to be friends with the punisher.

after all……

No one wants to be pointed at the head and have a hole in their temple after they make a mistake.


The Noharas were very grateful to Sakata Gintoki and Frank for taking care of Shinnosuke before.

If it's a friend, you can't leave without saying goodbye.

"Well, Mr. Jarvis..."

Nohara Hiroshi tentatively called the smart butler in the castle.

"Strawberry milk and bear biscuits are on the way, what else does Mr. Nohara need?!"

Jarvis' voice was the same as always.

Even for the sound of explosions coming from the underground of the castle, Silver used high explosives.

But Mr. Smart Butler is still calm.

"About Mr. Frank..."

Hiroshi Nohara gave a general account of the fact that they lost a companion.

Jarvis lit up the big screen in the hall, and then connected to Silver.

"Jarvis, you can't take the initiative to open the door of the laboratory, it must be so hard?!"

"Pepper, are your orders useless?!"

In a slightly chaotic environment, the underground laboratory of the castle is being demolished by the wild war group.

"Tony locked the permissions."

background sound.

There was a weary voice from Little Pepper, and she didn't want to, but this was the most intuitive way to figure out what the problem was.


On the other side of the lab...

For the future he said, what did this genius do? !

There is one last hope in Pepper's heart. The relationship between her and Tony is clearly determined.

No matter what.

She didn't believe that Tony Stark would completely abandon herself and become some kind of ultimate iron man.

What Little Pepper loves is never a hero, nor a great future, she loves people.

Yes, Tony Stark, that's all.

"Alright alright."

"Let us see how strong the genius's defense is. With acid explosives, I don't believe we can't break this door!"

Silver gave the next blasting order, and then she said to Jarvis's surveillance screen.

"Hey, what's up, I'm a little busy right now!"

"Huh, Mr. Frank?! You mean he has a black leather jacket, a skull mark, and the familiar combat van."

"Understood, it's the punisher!"

"I'm glad we didn't meet him when we picked him up, otherwise it must have been a fierce battle."

"If he wants to come, he will find it himself, but I definitely don't welcome it."

Silver showed a strange expression.

There are still people in this world who care about the Punisher. I don't know if the Nohara family is naive or stupid and cute.

"Instead of worrying about famous war fanatics."

"You might as well think about which room to sleep in at night, Jarvis has troubled you, this is what Pepper said, I will paraphrase!"


An old-fashioned aristocrat in Sircaria used to own a super luxurious castle.

Part of it was converted to the needs of Pepper Industries.

And another part.

It still maintains the antique flavor in the years of history.

Although Pepper's welcome ceremony had to be postponed, under the arrangement of Jarvis, the room was quickly arranged.

Located on the fourth floor, there is a connecting room between the study room and the master bedroom, and there is even a large semi-open platform.

Kate Bishop, originally determined to become a good neighbor in Los Angeles, Hawkeye, unfortunately...

Now Los Angeles is gone, or it is still there, but it has become another place in Qionglou Yuyu.

The underworld doesn't need a female eagle eye.

And the other side.

Barton, a veteran agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the real Hawkeye hasn't woken up since being dragged into a nightmare by Toshio Saeki's mother, Kayako.

It's been such a long time.

If Kate hadn't been able to check Barton's life response, she would have thought that Barton would have died long ago.

And another.

Jennifer's state is also very unstable, and now in the two rooms, Barton and Jennifer are also in a coma.

This made Kate very sad.

"Junxiong, I don't mean to blame you."


"Jennifer obviously woke up before, and she has the intention of reconciling with your mother... What!"

Kate held the black cat with soft fur in her arms, and Junxiong's cat eyes looked at her innocently.


The candidates for the mother are actually between Jennifer and Kayako, both of whom bear the name.


In the "memory of death" that belongs to the past, there is still a lack of a father role for Toshio Saeki.

That dead bastard, of course, doesn't count.

And now.

Barton, who was pulled into the cycle of death and experienced the painful memories of the past, is actually a good candidate.


Following the unpleasant, even sad meow, Barton, who was carried by Kate and thrown on the big bed, let out a whoop whoop!


"You, you're awake!"

Kate stood up all of a sudden, those flying iron men outside had nothing to do with her, and it was the best news that Barton could wake up.

"Uh... Kate?!"

"What happened, I felt like I had a nightmare."

"I became the head of the family instead of a dead ghost named Takeo Saeki. I also have a wife and children..."


Button saw the black cat in Kate's arms at a glance.


And accompanied by the cat meowing in the nightmare, a pale little boy appeared in the room.


Barton gasped, and the nightmare came true.


"my son?!"

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