Players In Marvel

Chapter 693 Pepper: Blow up the lab, I must know what Tony is doing! !

"Who are you!"

Inuyasha raised his head with his teeth in his hands.

Above the head is a black and dense dense iron man, which makes people dizzy.

look familiar!

very familiar!

But please forgive Inuyasha's insensitivity to technology, plus he was thinking about Kikyo all the way.

Who is the ultimate iron man, sorry, I didn't remember!

"Tony Stark, the world-famous playboy, I introduced it to you before."

On Kagome Higurashi's wrist is the communication watch left by Agent Hill, which is a very important tool.

For Agent Hill, it was hard to get in touch with the "Witch" again, and this time he couldn't stop saying anything.

And for Kagome Higurashi, Agent Hill was very helpful in understanding the intricacies of this new world.

"Inuyasha, it's the silver iron man who chased us before!"

Kagome Higurashi recalls the attack from Ultra Iron Man that they faced in Texas not long before.

It's just that it was a silver shell at that time, and it still had a human appearance, so it should be the main body or something.

And now these people trapped in the iron armor are obviously kidnapped by the ultimate iron man.

And the intelligence from Agent Hill also illustrates this point, the torrent of steel from the Ultimate Iron Man has descended on Boston.

Kidnapped millions of people in Boston, and in the middle of a war with monsters, from here to realize his intelligent future.


Inuyasha figured it out, and he showed great shock.

"What does this guy mean by using Sesshomaru's hand to make all the humans in this city die?!"

"I... what kind of monster is he, I have never seen such a request!!"

Not only Inuyasha, Higurashi Kagome was stunned.

It's too straightforward.

The two of them experienced a lot in the Warring States Period. On the way to collect the jade of the four souls, they encountered all kinds of monsters.


The so-called intelligent future of Ultimate Iron Man is to let all human beings die, and what kind of data form upgrade will they become? !

This... this is an extremely strange future!


"And I know my brother wouldn't do that either."

Higurashi Kagome looked at Sesshomaru, although she was very worried that Sesshoumaru, who had shown his body before, would do some impulsive things under the rage.

This is also the reason why she shot the Demon-Breaking Arrow at the critical moment.


Kagome Higurashi believes that if it is pure killing, meaninglessly attacking the lives of millions of people.

Sesshomaru, who is cold on the outside but gentle on the inside, would never do such a thing.

And as for the other party.

Although Higurashi Kagome doesn't know what kind of existence this Kazami Yuka is, but the god in front of her.

Kanako Yasaka of Moriya Shrine, and this little witch who has the same profession as herself, Sanae Dongfengya.

They would never allow so many people to die miserably.

Pure spiritual power.

With the perception that can exchange people's hearts, Kagome Higurashi always thinks from the perspective of others.

And every time her soft heart can see people very accurately.

That's right!

Among the strong men present who are capable of slaughtering millions of people, in fact, none of them will actually do this.

Even Kazami Yuka!

The tyrant of the Sunflower Field is not interested in slaughter, she never deliberately kills anyone, it's just that there are too many flowers and fertilizers, which are more eye-catching.


Sesshomaru snorted coldly.

It is not known whether Kagome Higurashi's name is called, but he has no objection either.

"That's right!"

"It has nothing to do with us, Master Sesshomaru, when things have gotten to this point."

Jumping up and down with evil views, holding his staff with a human head, trying to make it clear.

"You're all right, what's happening today really has nothing to do with you, you monsters!"

"But if you want to fight, you can fight, and if you want to stop, you can stop."

"This is not what you say. If you are too whimsical, in the future of Ultimate Iron Man, you will only perish!!"

boom! !

The particle energy cannon is activated.

Millions of steel torrents, facing the gathering of monsters, gods and witches, the ultimate iron man once again provoked a war.


Inuyasha was instantly irritated.

He has a lot of things to do, right? Sesshomaru has already stopped, why is he still fighting!


Craig was also roaring together.

Mr. Immortal is also anxious, the turmoil of the big monster battle has stopped, can't the ultimate iron man stop together? !

Fight back!

The consequence is that there must be casualties, even if these monsters are eliminated, so what? !

Be it gods, monsters, or witches.

The problem that Craig can see clearly is that as long as any one of them launches an attack.

Then a large part of the Iron Man flying in the sky is bound to fall.

And with it.

Among them, the people of Boston will become victims of the intelligent future of the ultimate iron man.

"It doesn't matter what you say."

"You despicable and shameless guy just kidnapped millions of people, why don't you come to Boston yourself, Ultimate Iron Man!!"

Craig was roaring.

"I've been to Stark Industries, and I thought I was going to be nervous about meeting Tony Stark."

"But now it seems that it is redundant, you are just a coward!!"

He broke free from Dongfenggu Sanae's hand holding him, and tried his best to lean forward, trying to resist the possible attack.

In other words, it was Inuyasha's counterattack after they were irritated.

And at the same time.

The souls of millions of people in Boston are so conspicuous in Higurashi Kagome's eyes, and what is even more conspicuous is Craig standing in front of her.

"I hate that too!"

"If possible, I hope to be able to fight one-on-one with monsters, although I know I can't beat you."

Craig said to Kazami Yuka and Sesshomaru.

"If you hit the people of Boston, they're going to die."

"And I'm standing here. I don't want to say more arrogant words, but if you want to vent your anger, come to me."

Immediately afterwards.

Craig looked at Kagome Higurashi and Kanako Yasaka.

"Gods and witches."

"I can sense your kindness towards humanity, whatever the reason."

"But please let the matter of Boston stop here, Mister Immortal will definitely repay you!"

Boom boom boom!

Almost halfway through Craig's words, the million bombardments that fell from the sky had already arrived.


Craig doesn't have the protection of demonic energy, let alone the spiritual protection of the witch, but Dongfenggu Sanae wants to give him a layer of miraculous protection.

But didn't this guy rush out immediately? !

By the time Craig spoke the second half of his request, his body was already beginning to explode.

The pain of death filled everything, and the resuscitation cycle of life and death began again, but Craig insisted on finishing this sentence.

He wants to make a deal with himself.

It doesn't matter if it's the Moriya Shrine, or the gentle lady named Higurashi Kagome who just appeared.

They can communicate.

In this case, please let the ultimate iron man who can't communicate at all die, and no one should pay attention to him anymore.

Let Boston rest here.




With the rise of the barrier of monster energy and spiritual power.

The area hit by the particle cannon was divided into two sections, and Inuyasha and the others were on the side of the protection.

And the one facing the bombardment from the sky is Mr. Immortal in front of him.

a puzzle.

For Yasaka Kanako and Higurashi Kagome, they seem to have been kidnapped by Mr. Immortal.

That's the situation today.

If you don't fight back, the Iron Legion controlled by Ultimate Iron Man is like a mad dog, biting them and outputting crazily.

But as long as you do it.

Inuyasha slashed down with a knife, Kazami Yuka slammed down with a magic cannon, and a super-large-scale death incident in Boston was about to be born.


However, at this time, Ultra Iron Man controls the mega-energy particle cannon to besiege, and if there are too many ants, the elephant can be killed.

What's more, this is the invention of the genius Tony Stark.

Extreme energy output.

Super strong wave response.

Under the will of Ultimate Iron Man, even if the city of Boston disappears completely, millions of people will enter the intelligent network after death.

"None of you can escape today!"

"Come on, you are the key to a new era, starting with Boston."

The ultimate iron man has a sure chance of winning, he cannot lose at all.

If these monsters can be killed, then this is the victory of the Ultimate Iron Man, and this is the victory of the Iron Legion.

And if these monsters tear off their disguised faces, they will completely clear Boston's million steel torrents.

Then there is no doubt that their evil nature is confirmed, and these extraordinary beings are the source of chaos in this world.

And the millions of people who died will integrate with the ultimate iron man with their last will.

The future of intelligence is just around the corner, and the ultimate iron man has seen the path to victory! !

"bring it on!"

"Are you waiting for death, or I'm waiting for sublimation, make the final choice."


"Tony Stark!!"

In the space carrier, Alexander Pierce roared uncontrollably!

With the increase of staff brought by Agent Hill, the battle of monsters in Boston has come to an end. However... the monsters stopped, and man-made disasters came.

"I am the Ultimate Iron Man!!"

The virtual image popped up from the big screen, and the cold voice of Ultimate Iron Man repeated.

And at the same time.

On world news, something unexpected happened to the broadcast belonging to Boston.


"We, our signal has been hijacked."

As the agents debriefed, Alexander Pierce felt the worst was coming.


"You are not human at all, you are a damn intelligent life now."

Alexander Pierce growled at Ultra Iron Man.

The damn bastard in front of him hijacked the live broadcast signal originally controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Boston Caton's news reports have now resumed a smooth live broadcast.

The horror scene of Boston was shown, and it was completely reduced to a human metropolis in the midst of war.

Huge craters in the center of the city, devastated ruins, and of course those incredible seas of golden flowers.


The dense energy cannon output of millions of iron men, as well as the shield that echoes the evil spirit and spiritual power.

An incredible and terrifying and complicated battle situation emerged.

There is no hiding at all, no secrets at all, and the situation in Boston under the operation of Ultra Iron Man is presented on the news all over the world.

This moment.

S.H.I.E.L.D. could not have predicted the outcome.

But Alexander Pierce knew he couldn't broadcast the death of a million people live in front of people all over the world!


Regarding the horror speech after the victory of the ultimate iron man, it is better to control the spread if it can be controlled.


"It's a good compliment. After throwing away the dragging body, the experience of intelligent life is really good."

"It's time for people all over the world to see what Smart 2.0 is."

Originally SHIELD was still rejoicing.

Except after Iron Man made an appearance on the world news with Tony Stark's big face.

Because of the simultaneous battle with the Fantastic Four in Space City and the battle in Lemuria.

Combined with the ongoing chaos in Boston, Iron Man has no interest in controlling world news.

At this time, facing the victory that could come no matter what, Ultimate Iron Man started a live broadcast.

It is an extremely grand live news broadcast with millions of lives at stake for everyone in the world.

"Isn't this great?!"

"Director Pierce, my memory shows that in "Night in New York", Tony Stark was the main character."

"Everyone enjoyed the fun, everyone laughed their teeth out, which was great."

The Ultimate Iron Man seemed to be talking about things that had nothing to do with him. At the same time, the memory that had been completely digitized was easily extracted and put on the big screen.

time Square.

Daily Clarion.

Leaping down from the top floor belongs to Tony Stark's extreme thrilling performance.

"And now, the all-new Iron Man Ultra is back, such a celebratory demonstration of the future."

"Why... don't you like this kind of live broadcast?!"



Silver Sable's plane landed long ago and brought Whitney and the others back.

But now they don't care about these.

Silver immediately went to look for Pepper, wanting to know what was going on in the country.

And at this time.

Little Pepper is holding a statistical report, which shows that all steel factories across the country have started working at full capacity.

The will of the ultimate iron man is controlling these machines, and a steady stream of iron man legions are flying out.

At this time, the steel torrent under the control of Ultimate Iron Man has already deployed huge forces on several battlefields.

But not enough, far from enough.

The resources reserved by the entire country of Sircaria, the resources prepared by Tony Stark.

All the input was put in, and then under the system update of the steel factory, brand-new Iron Man Legion continued to fly out.


Pepper called the smart housekeeper.

At the same time, the news headlines in front of her were naturally that Boston was a battlefield controlled by the ultimate iron man.

too crazy.

I don't understand what's going on with Tony at all, what the hell is he trying to do? !

"Ultimate Iron Man!"

"This is not the Tony I know, it's impossible, does he want to be an enemy of the whole world at the same time?!"

Pepper couldn't sit still for a moment.

She didn't believe that this was the Tony Stark she knew. After the last crisis, they had already confirmed their relationship.

But why is there such a commotion now? !


"Take me to Tony's lab!"

Little Pepper's voice trembled when he spoke.

"Sorry, Miss Pepper, Mr. Stark changed the password before this, and specifically stated that please don't worry, everything is planned..."

Jarvis' electronic voice didn't even finish, and Tony didn't say a word he had reserved.

Pepper can't wait any longer.

"Silver, take your wild battle group and follow me to blow open the door of the laboratory."

"I must know what Tony did in there?!"

"I can't wait any longer, and neither can the crazy world."

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