Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 510: : the king of the night [18]

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Chapter 510: The King of the Night [18]

"I promised to take you outside. After going out, there are countless powerful forces in the world. You can choose your own way. I will never be reluctant." The condensed eyes of Huang Beiyue swept through the young faces. The words turned and said: "But if you choose to follow me, you will never allow betrayal, otherwise..."

The rest, I don't have to say too much, I believe everyone understands.

When she had dealt with hundreds of eyes, the means and discouragement left them with a deep impression of decisive blood. How she did it, everyone had a general understanding.

This is not a threat warning, but a statement in advance. In her life, the most annoying thing is betrayal. I would rather not have anything. I don’t want to be taken away because of betrayal. If that, she will Unscrupulously destroy everything!

"Covering the night king, we swear to follow you, never betray!"

Several young people have vowed that the king of the night is in their tribe, and the status is so lofty that they can follow her and be the glory of their lives!

Never betray!

When the vows stand, there is no room for remorse!

Huang Beiyue let them all get up, but the delicate little face is full of imposing self-confidence, saying: "Follow me, I will not let you suffer!"

For her words, no one of these people is skeptical!

Think about it, the beast kernel of the sixth-order beast is given to Jike casually, will they still suffer in the future?

And even if there is nothing, they can follow the king of the night cherished by the ancestors of generations, and they feel the value!

The group of people returned to the tribe in a mighty manner. Asare had already taken the good news first. The entire Helana tribe was boiling. Every resident came out and took out the best things of their own. On both sides of the road, waiting for the king of the night in the mouth of Asare!

The grateful mood, beyond words, can only be turned into a first singing song, echoing in the sky above the floating forest.

The head of the genarah was trembled with excitement, and the Asare was asked over and over again: "Asaray, do you really see it?"

"Grandpa, can I still read it wrong? The technique she uses, as you have said, is mysterious and strange, but it is very powerful! Moreover, she has a red-hot hair that makes her eyes open! ”

The head of the genarah was excited to see the water shining in his eyes. He looked up and saw the small road in front of the village. A group of young people cheered and embraced a red-haired girl who came happily.

The dazzling red, under the radiance of the floating light above the floating forest, is the most precious sunshine for them!

The memories of the patriarch of the Hellara can not help but be hooked up. At that time, he was still a child, but for the peerlessness of the king of the night, no matter how many years passed, he could not forget!

"It’s true, it’s true!” said the genus of the Hirrah, and with the help of Asare, he hurried up and slid down on his knees a few steps away from the north of the phoenix.

"The king of the night, welcome your return!"

Driven by the patriarchs, the people in the tribe also fell down and looked at her with gratitude and reverence.

"The king of the night! Welcome back!"

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