Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 509: : the king of the night [17]

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Chapter 509: The King of the Night [17]

"No problem!" Asare promised, and a whirlwind went away.

Everyone laughed and beat the strong enemy. This is a happy and exciting moment. Everyone is a heroic, unconventional person, and they are surrounded by the phoenix.

"Oh oh yeah!" He screamed anxiously in the back. Huang Beiyue turned back and saw him holding a crystal white snow bead and rushed to hand her.

Huang Beiyue leaned down and took it up. He took a look and said: "This is the beast of the beast."

Fortunately, at the end of the day, the hundred-eyed chills did not detonate the beast nucleus, otherwise, #8943;⋯ only escaped!

Jike and others looked at the beast nucleus enviously, but the beast nucleus of the beast can help cultivate and advance directly.

But they all understand that this beast is a phoenix moon, and only if she is as strong as her, can she truly control the beast nuclear power of the sixth-order beast.

Huang Beiyue didn’t like the hundred-eyed chills. The thick **** smell in the air made her very disgusted. This beast left her, and she would never absorb the power inside. Give useful people.

With a throw, the beast nucleus gave Jike, and Jike stunned his eyes and said: "The night king, this ⋯⋯"

"Not for you." Huang Beiyue shook his finger and made a joke on the face of Jike. She smiled and said: "It is the first warrior of the Heinara!"

Everyone sneaked, and then they all laughed, and they went forward to take a picture of Jike’s shoulder and said, "Jack Big Brother, the well-deserved first warrior of Herah!"

Jike's handsome face was red, and he stuttered: "The night king, this is too expensive, I am #8943;⋯."

The beast of the beast!

"The precious baby, no one appreciates it is a waste." Huangbei Yue swings his hand, so that he does not have to be polite.

Jick clenched the beast nucleus and suddenly stepped forward. He kneeled down and said, "Covering the night king, giving life to you is the greatest glory of my life in Jike!"

His words are very hot, and several other young people have been touched. They grew up in the floating forest and they want to go out and see the world outside, but they live in seclusion, know little about the outside world, and dare not Going out rushing.

Now, there is such a master, young, but that kind of powerful strength and control ability, let them convince from the bottom of my heart.

When I think of the Jin Ge Iron Horse that the ancestors said, the life of the happy and enmity, these young people are all heart-warming!

"Block the night king, let us follow you too! Go to the outside world, kill and die for you!"

"Yes! Cover the night king, I am willing to follow you!"

"I am willing too!"

"I am willing too!"


Those people have squatted down and looked forward to the **** expectations, waiting for Huang Beiyue to speak.

Huang Beiyue did not expect a hunting operation, and she would accidentally get so many people to follow unexpectedly. This made her want to form her own power, and she had begun to have a small prototype.

"I promised to take you outside. After going out, there are countless powerful forces in the world. You can choose your own way. I will never be reluctant." The condensed eyes of Huang Beiyue swept through the young faces. The words turned and said: "But if you choose to follow me, you will never allow betrayal, otherwise..."

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