Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 672: Please make a friend

Before he met Jane, Qin Shi’s positioning on Jianjun was quite high. After all, he was a famous figure in the foreign domain, but he was shocked by the face-to-face confrontation.

Ascending the heavens and the seven heavens, this is already an invisible aspect of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi’s heart was oppressed by a heavy hurricane. There were dozens of space cracks surrounding him, which made him feel that he was surrounded by all sides, and that he was not even a chance to dodge.


"Blood wizard, break these space gaps!"

&nbs (pig) (pig) (island) novel www.zhu.omp; Qin Shi did not dare to keep, will quickly burst out of the explosion of beads.

The blood wizard was surprisingly obedient this time, and even a mouth did not collide with Qin Shi, because he also felt the sense of crisis brought by Jane.

Although he hates Qin Shi, he does not want Qin Shi to die. Without the support of the power of the soul, the explosion of the Yan Zhu can not function as usual, and he will not have a good fruit.

He would rather be trapped than death.


The control of the space by the emptiness of the ancient demon is the ability that God gave them. It is far from ordinary people to be able to marry. Even if it is a heavenly situation, the blood wizard will shoot three black fires quickly behind the Qin Shi, and the black fire will burn. The moisture in the airflow quickly suppresses the staggered space gap.

The black fire beats on dozens of space cracks, forming a dense silver wire, which blocks the cracks of its whistling.

Space forced to dissipate, Qin Shi suddenly felt the pressure reduced, the rest of the waves of water, although the power is like a macro, but he is not so terrible to the nature of the mine.

"Miyagaki Festival!"

On the clear sky, there is a flash of lightning, which gathers the haze of clouds and pressure. There is a small arm of the cloud in the clouds, like a giant screaming in the summer, like a thunder, the body is shining with purple luster scales. The source is continuously covered in the Qin Shipi table.

When the palace was out, Qin Shi blew aside, and when he squeezed a cumbersome handprint, he quickly gathered five dragons on his handprint. The brontosaurus did not look so strong, but the power of the essence to the extreme, with There was a slight vibration in the surrounding air, and a layer of a sinuous cyclone formed a group of thunder, and the bursting shot was accurate.


The thunderbolt touched the sly waves of the sky, and the violent turbulence of the stocks occurred in an instant. The invisible air and waves swallowed the mountains and rivers, and the earth in one area was shattered.

This kind of collision lasted for three periods of breath, and the spiritual power of the area was rich and abnormal. The martial power exerted here will also increase, and the rich spiritual power will burn quickly. When Yu Wei dissipates, it is surrounded by The scene is already absurd.

In the back, the condensate rain was slightly alarmed, and a few stuns were revealed in the small eyes.

"This kid can actually block a simple blow?"

He couldn't believe it. The attack was simple and strong. Even his six-day situation felt embarrassed. The power was absolutely enough to kill any five-day situation, but Qin Shi was only a four-day situation. He was nothing. ?

He couldn't help but mention a little interest in Qin Shi. There were several glimmers of light in his narrow eyes. The idea of ​​fleeing the scene was also terminated by him, and he jumped to a position 100 meters away to watch it.

The giant wave of Pentium was blocked by Qin Shi, and it was a little accidental, but he immediately returned to normal, because he did not use all his strength and smiled easily: "Little guy, yes, a little bit of skill, but this is just right. This is interesting. If I was killed by me, it would be boring!"

"Let's talk big, don't flash your tongue!" Qin Shi dignified.

As soon as I heard this, the short-sightedness changed dramatically. A cold current surged behind him. For example, a stunned waterfall with a thousand silver chains, even with a position 100 meters behind him, was crowned by water molecules.

"Oh, I don't know how to live!"

The anger of Jane’s anger climbed several times, and his voice was chilling, but it was full of fierce killings.

A few short words spit out from the teeth, and even the waves behind him were dyed red.

"Blood sea strangle!"

Three thousand waterfalls were greatly promoted, and in a flash, they turned against the blue sky, and tens of thousands of waves splashed between them, pointing to Qin Shi.

Blood water, like a huge whirlpool, entangles Jane in it, his big hand sneak out, and the void rushes to the chest of Qin Shi.


The blood and the finger are synchronized, and each finger of his finger is squeezed by one inch. The **** water riot will increase by one point. The square is covered in a moment and the sky is invisible.

"Good strength, this is the ninth-order peak martial arts?" Qin Shi lost color, he was no longer calm when he was stained with blood.

He clenched his fists and his thoughts flipped quickly.

He didn't want to die here, he still had a lot of promises that he didn't honor, and he still owed too much debt to his debts.

call out!

But just as he was preparing to fight desperately, to revitalize the sea of ​​consciousness, a light and shadow suddenly flashed from behind him. The speed of the light and shadow was extremely fast, even on the basis of a simple one. chest.


The students who watched the martial arts students who were to be displayed were blocked, and a muffled sound shook around him.

The blood color gradually faded along the sky. The strength of the oppressive force retreated for a long time. Qin Shi gasped a few mouthfuls of gas, but just as he was curious about who shot him to save him, he looked up and saw the light and shadow that appeared, and suddenly he stunned.

"It's him?"

This light and shadow is a young man wearing a robes of the Shuhua. The youthful blue silk is slightly eye-catching and slightly covers his appearance, but even if Qin Shi can still recognize him, this person is actually when he first entered the chaotic domain, the He hates Liu Ming?

The martial arts was cut off. This is a taboo for cultivation. The blood of the squad is fine, and a sweet blood spurts out of the mouth, and even the face becomes pale.

"Liu Ming, what do you mean?" He glared at the unusual anger in his chest.

Qin Shi is also full of fog, can not understand what this Liu Ming means.

Liu Ming was standing in the middle of Jianzhan and Qin Shi, and the slight cold wind passed, making him feel bitter.

He pinched his fist and looked at the anger of Jane. He saw Qin Shi, who was invisible. He almost had the feeling of smashing the street. What kind of strength did you suppress? The most depressing person should be me?

He and Qin Shi have no relationship, but they dare not let Qin Shi die.

He still remembers that Tian Yang had threatened him.

When he first came back to the district, he heard that Qin Shi and Jane had to fight. He was scared to sweat and was almost non-stop.

Fortunately, it was caught up, Qin Shi did not die.

Otherwise, he wants to die.

"I ask you, what do you mean?" Jane grabbed Liu Ming's collar, and there was a violent stormy wave behind it.

Liu Ming himself was annoyed, and this time he angered him and pressed his hand back.


A faint temperament over the short-term momentum spilled from behind Liu Ming, like a tiger lying in a slap, murderous.

"I tell you, don't **** with me, I am coming to stop you to help you!" Liu Ming's rough haiku, angered: "Don't you forget that person? Do you want to kill us?" ”

"I don't care, I said that I want to let him die, let him pay for my brother!" Speaking of this, the simple five senses are distorted: "Liu Ming, I don't need you to help, this matter has nothing to do with you, I have an accident. Come, but you dare to stop me, don't blame me and turn your face!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ming was even more angry. He wanted to say that he still didn't want to manage it. The problem is that it is really related to him. If Qin Shi is dead, Tian Yang will not let him go.

"Who said that I want to stop you, but can you kill a person with a low-key?" Liu Mingyang started, punched his face with a punch and pointed his hand: "You show me what this is, here What the **** is in the first district, what is the result of the trouble in the first district, have you forgotten?"

This punch makes Jane calm and calm.

His look gradually stunned, and this time he swept around. Many of the disciples in the district had been alarmed, and even several elders rushed over.

There is a strict requirement in the first district, no matter who is here, no matter what.

If you say that it is just a new disciple who has entered the foreign domain, he may kill if he kills. He has some connections in the foreign domain, and Xing Mozhen gives him support. As long as he makes a few bribes, the elders will not be too embarrassed.

However, he ignored the background of Qin Shi. If the internal domain interfered, the foreign elders would not dare to make it.

Want to understand this, Jane bite his teeth.

"Bad boy, Qin Shi is it? OK, you are lucky, but you remember, today is just the beginning, as long as you stay in the outer domain for a day, you don't want to live well, one day, I have to personally Killing you!" Jane Junsen's cold voice did not shun, and even the surrounding air dropped a few points, and the cold wind spurred Qin Shi.

After all, he opened his sleeves and went to the void in the distance.

Looking at the distant figure, Qin Shi slightly condensed the god, and the black scorpion exposed a rare solemnity.

Just less than half a minute before and after the confrontation, Jane will bring him supreme pressure, he is almost certain, if it is not Liu Ming, he will not die today, it will be seriously injured.

It is precisely because of this that his heart's worries are getting more and more intense. He knows that the final swearing is not a joke. As long as he and Kong Xianhui are still in the foreign domain, Jane will definitely not let them go.

"It seems that we must establish a relationship with Fujun immediately, otherwise the next time we meet with the brief, we must make a big deal." Qin Shi’s mind seems to have seen the picture of Kong Xianhui’s full awakening, that he dared not imagine and Expected future.

"Never allow never allow such a thing to happen!"

He squeezed the business cards in his hands and speeded up the pace.

And just as he didn't go far, a wretched fat man followed up again and patted him with a smirk: "Hey, little brother, you are Qin Shi, just now you are really cool, I beg you." Let's make a friend."

Qin Shi stared at the condensation and frowned. "How are you still here?"

"Of course, I am the kind of person who believes in betrayal and throws up his brother at a critical moment?" The rainy atmosphere rises up in the chest, giving the impression that it is just that he saved Qin Shi.

Qin Shi, who was already suppressed, didn't want to talk to this fat nonsense, indifference to return to God and continue to hurry, this fat man willing to follow him and let him follow.

One area is not very big. After half an hour, Qin Shi came to the location marked on the business card. It is a magnificent mansion, guarding several disciples who have been in the hall for more than five days.

See Qin Shi stopped in front of the mansion, the faint rain on the thick face flashed a strange: "Mist League? The person you are looking for is here?"

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