Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 671: Occasional

"Can you help me?" Qin Shi accidentally looked at this fat man.

The fat man patted the chest, since the channel: "Of course, you don't look at who I am, can this little thing be able to stump me?"

"who are you?"

Qin Shi has no mercy.

"I...!" The fat man opened his mouth and suddenly became embarrassed, but his mentality was very good, his face was very thick, and he immediately adjusted his state. He was proud of the arrogant Qin Shidao: "Little brother, you are new." Do you not say that I am no one in the chaotic domain, no one knows, knows the astronomy, knows the geography, and informs Qiankun of the troubled domain!"

[Pig] [Pig] [Island] novel www.huhu.m "Wan Shi Tong?"

Qin Shizheng got up, and looked at the fat man with great interest, and suddenly the eyebrows could not help but reveal a bit of surprise.

This wretched fat man grew a confusing heart and looked at the natural and pollution-free appearance, but with such a careful look, Qin Shi discovered that he had a six-day mid-term repair?

This kind of cultivation is not a peak in the foreign domain, but it is also a middle-upper. After all, Liu Ming and Jane are only seven days old. Even if he is a deacon, Xu Yan has a small position in the foreign field, but only seven days later, Touched eight days.

"Required, in the outer domain, there is nothing I don't know about the rain." The fat man said.

Qin Shi was silent for a while. For the person like Ning Yu, he knows that every power has its own sect. It is the so-called package to inquire and take money to do things.

"Then tell me, I have no invitation, how can I enter a district?"

"Simple." The condensate rain elf smiled, and the flesh on his face swayed, and went forward: "I can invite you."

"You invited me?" Qin Shi frowned, and unexpectedly said: "Do you live in a district?"

"What is it? Why, look down on me? You look."

Ning Yu was unwilling to squat, and immediately his fat big hand squatted a few times at the waist, and spent the strength of the boss to extract a golden key in the meat layer.

He took out the key and walked to the area with a big swing. When he walked to the gate of the first district, the foreign disciples who blocked Qin Shi had given him a way out. He just wandered from the area. Walking along with the same as 2,580,000, I went back to Qin Shi.

"How? Now you believe it?"

The boss of Qin Shi's black scorpion sipped.

"Even this wretched fat man can live in a district, no reason!"

In his heart, he was angry and screaming, but his face showed a few sly smiles: "Trust, what should I do, can you invite me?"

He does not believe that the rain will give him an invitation.

The change of the condensed rain looks like a smirk. "I like to work with smart people." He raised the palm of his hand like a pig's trotter and rushed to Qin Shi. The thumb rubbed back and forth between the **** and the index finger: "One thousand contributions. value."

"One, one thousand contribution value? Why don't you grab it?"

Hearing, Qin Shi suddenly turned his face and made a joke. He and Kong Xianhui’s house in the five districts only paid a thousand yuan a month. Now he just wants to go to a district. This fat man has to make a thousand contributions. value?

Ning Yu whispered his mouth: "Eight hundred, that's eight hundred good, can't be cheaper."

"There are no eight hundred!" Qin Shi glanced at the airlessly.

After eating a few times, Ning Yu pulled a face: "Please, eight hundred you are too expensive? You are sincere and sincere? Do you think that the invitation of a district is given casually? Even if we are heads of households, only one month can only Three invitations are given and each invitation cannot exceed three days."

Qin Shi accidentally frowned: "Is there such a thing?"

Condensed rain and licked a mouth, with the same grievances: "Of course, a district has fifty times the spiritual power of the outside world. If the invitation can be given casually, who will rent a house in the district? Who will buy one? District house?"

Hearing the complaint of the condensate rain, Qin Shi suddenly realized.

Indeed, Ning Yu said that yes, if the invitation can be given casually, then all the disciples in the foreign domain do not take the invitation to run to a district? For the time being, I can't say whether a house in a district can be rented out. I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of foreign domain disciples will explode a district.

At that time, the five giants might not support the fragmentation.

"But I really didn't contribute value. I only entered the foreign domain yesterday." Qin Shicheng shook his head. He said the truth, his contribution value has long been shunned by Dong Qing, and one thousand rented yesterday. Kong Xianhui's private money.

"There is no contribution value?" The smile of Ning Yu squats and succumbs, his face is gloomy: "Rely, there is no contribution? Then what is your ink, it is a time of delay."

After he finished speaking, he turned and was about to leave.

Qin Shi wrinkled his frown. This condensate rain is the only way he can enter a district. He can't give up and quickly stop the rain. "Although I don't have it now, I can give it to you slowly. I have at least one hundred contributions a day. Value salary, I will give you my waist card for eight days, can this be?"

"You said, will you give me the waist card for eight days?" Ning Yu stopped, and the first thing in the small eyes was a happy color, but he was immediately hidden by him. He hesitated: "It can be, but... add interest, Nine days."

The careful thought of the condensate rain can pass through Qin Shi? However, Qin Shi did not want to care about him, and his waist card was raised: "That would be nine days, give me an invitation."

"Well!" After receiving the waist card, the condensed rain turned into a face like a sky, and suddenly Qin Shi as a grandfather flattered, handed out an invitation while not forgetting to continue to sell: "Little brother, have not asked What is your name? What are you doing in a district? Is it looking for someone? You are looking for someone to tell me, I am not exaggerating with you, people who don’t know in the outer field, who don’t know, Can I help you, the premise...!"

"The premise is that the waist card will give you more than a few days?" Qin Shi grabbed the invitation from the rain, and dismissed it with a blank look.

"Hey, the little brother is smart." Ning Yu grabbed his head.

"No, I know where the person I am looking for." Qin Shi shook his head in a bad mood and headed for a district.

This time, with the invitation, the guardian disciples in the first district did not stop Qin Shi again. He entered it smoothly, and as soon as he stepped forward, a strong and thorough aura came to him, and he couldn’t help but condense himself.

"This fifty times of spiritual power is really extraordinary. If I can stay here for a long time, I can't think of it for three months. Can I touch it for five days?" Qin Shi's heart rose a little.

Standing in a district, he looked around and circled, looking for the address on his business card.

But he did not take a few steps, a fertile figure quickly chased up, the rain was wrapped around Qin Shi, smiled and said: "Little brother, don't hurry to go, no need to introduce me, nothing, we can pay A friend, I have other business in the foreign domain, such as the urgent use of the contribution value, you can loan with me, if you do membership card, you can also enjoy a 10% discount, I will give you the interest to reduce The smallest."

This condensate rain is simply a fur dog, which has been wrapped around Qin Shi for more than half an hour.

The most terrible thing is that this halfway of the road, the mouth of this condensed rain has not been heard, and the spitting of the spitting star is constantly going out, Qin Shi is really enough, stop: "Can you not follow me? ?"

"Hey, then you tell me what to call first, let's make a friend first? Or else, after nine days, how can I return the waist card to you?"

"After nine days, you will send your waist card to the 17th Street, No. 17 in the five districts." Qin Shi left him and Kong Xianhui's address and accelerated again.

"Is No. 17 at 17th Street, Five Districts?" Ning Yu nodded alone, and noticed that Qin Shi had to run, like Qin Shi, and chased it up: "Hey, wait for me, you haven't told me yet." What are you calling, don't rush to go, what are we going to sit down and talk, sit down and talk, business is all talked about, how can you be so eager?"


Qin Shizhen’s pinching fist, now he has even the heart of murder.


At this moment, Qin Shi turned from a lane to the body, and a figure hit a full body, so that he could not help but back a few steps.

He rubbed his nose and raised his head with a frown, but when he saw the figure, his eyes flashed amazed.

The condensate rain caught up at this moment and saw Qin Shi, who was standing still in the same place, happy, but when he arrived at the re-export, he saw the figure in front of Qin Shi’s body and was shocked. He took a step back: “Jane, Jane’s brother?”

That's right, the figure that Qin Shi hits is exactly the same as him.

Seeing Qin Shi, the short-sighted thief’s eye is like a sharp sword, and it’s fiercely aggregated into a cold cold: “Drink, good boy, it’s really narrow.”

The slender hand was pinched tightly, and Qin Shi’s mind was like a sea. He never expected to meet Jane here.

This situation is very unfavorable to him. If he does not feel that the sea is not injured, he may be able to resist the simple one or two with his relic and the singer, but now he and Jane will fight and will lose.

He quietly stepped back and tried to keep himself calm. Now is not a panic: "Yes, Jane's It's so good."

"Qiao? It's really good. I only entered the foreign domain yesterday. I ran to a district today. Are you coming to die?" Jane was getting colder and colder, and the air around him gradually solidified.

"How can you offend this kid? Isn't this a terrible thing?"

The condensate rain was frightened in the back. He was inquired from the foreign domain, and Jane was not a level at all. See Qin Shi and Jane collided and quickly hid in the corner.


Qin Shi fiercely frowned, and he could feel it. From the brief, there was a violent breath around him like a beast, and his chest could not breathe.

"Kid, I want your life!" The cold breath reached the extreme, and the imposing momentum burst out. The air around him instantly became a torrential rain, and the raindrops turned into sharp arrows, tearing the space into the thorns of Qin Shi. .

Qin Shi’s cockroaches shrank, and the space where the raindrops were cut created a fierce hurricane, rolling up the black robe behind him.

“Tear space? Ascend to heaven?”

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