Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 283: Melt into a body

"Five-grain magic?"

The bright red to the glaring magic charm surprised Zhao Yan and Sun Tao. [starting]

The two people in the Xuan Ling Jing recognized the rank of the demon symbol at a glance, and the five lines of the mysterious mystery are enough to show everything.

"Five-grain magic? Isn't that made from a remnant beast that reaches the level of mysterious spirit?" Sun Tao and Zhao Yan are opposite each other, and they are somewhat nervous.

That is to say, Qin Shi uses this magic symbol, and the strength will at least promote a mysterious spirit. At that time, the gap between him and the two will be infinitely narrowed.

"Oh, little guy, the baby on the body is really enviable."

Zhao Yan frowned, and immediately he smiled and said: "But, the five-grain magic, is not something you can use, and the unruly wild beast, even if I have to avoid a few points, I dare not Easy to touch."

Sun Tao looked bright and followed the repulsion: "Yes, advise you not to be impulsive. If you use it forcibly, then if you don't need us to do it, you will be countered by the wild beast in the demon."

Hearing, Qin Shi didn't have half of worry, but his brow stretched and smiled: "Oh, is it? Since you think so, then you can see if I can control the wild beast in this magic..."


Speaking, Qin Shi simply did not give the two people the opportunity to return to God, a touch of purple and black spirits jumped at the fingertips, the blood red magic symbol was instantly ignited.


A stunned dragon screams, screaming in the sky.

The ear was carried by the dragon, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao suddenly changed their face, and at the same time, the iron blue came down: "This magical charm... has the blood of the ancient dragons?"

"Does he really dare to use? Does he want to die?"

The two were affected by the dragon's blood in the demon, and they were not allowed to move a few steps backwards.

Dragons, that is the ancient beast of the ancients, even if it is only a young age, there will be quite terrible power, almost all the wild animals are swept across the same level.


Staring at the magical charm in the hands of Qin Shi, the magical symbol is filled with a faint red light. A blood dragon unfolds its wings, and after a hard shot, it rolls up the wolf smoke, hovering over the nine-day sky, and pressing Qin Shimei.

"What is this kid doing?"

At this time, several figures swept down the forest and saw the **** red blood dragon. The cranes headed by Ye He suddenly stopped their bodies.

Behind Ye He, it was Yu Liner, her face was pale and weak, and there was some disappointment in the beauty. She saw Qin Shi under the blood dragon again horrified.

"He, there is still a backhand?"

"God, is he a monster?"

"Is this a five-character demon? Is he exciting the five-character demon? Is this kid not to be killed?"

"Oh, greedy is not enough to swallow the elephant, this kid is looking for death..." Several elders who burned Tianzong, scorned and sneered at Qin Shi’s behavior.

However, Ye He, Yu Liner, Bao Zhaoyan and Sun Tao, the four people have always had a low face. After these fights, the four people all know the terrible Qin Shi, but if he is a little, he will be bad.


The blood dragon's shadow breaks into the eyebrows, and Qin Shi's muscles and blood vessels make a violent violent movement. The scorpion scorpion smashes out on the eyebrows. The first change is the horn of the top of the head. After that, two blood-red wings are stretched behind the body. There is more than a hundred feet.

"This is... a mysterious wild animal, a bloodthirsty dragon?"

"The bloodthirsty dragon? Is that the wild beast that has published the ancient beast list?"

"Yes, bloodthirsty dragons, ancient beasts, 980 people exist..."

“How is it possible? In the northern region, how can there be such an ancient beast?”

Seeing the blood dragon of change, the people in the room were shocked at the same time, shuddering.

The ancient beasts list, that is only the list of ancient savage beasts with rumors, as long as the existence of this list is a terrible wild animal, even if it is more than 900, still as legendary.

Qin Shi has never heard of this ancient list of beasts.

But he knows that the power of this blood dragon is not comparable to that of ordinary wild animals, and light can be felt from the changes in his body.

The spiritual power of the blood dragon is melted into a million spirits. The terrible power is like the river dam breaks into the embankment. The brain is swollen into the body of the Qin stone, and the muscles of the muscles are swollen, and the black robe is blasted. ...


The body suddenly expanded, and Qin Shi became red and swollen. The blood in the two black scorpions was rough, and it seemed to be smashed out.

Looking at this scene, many elders who burned Tianzong have clenched their fists: "Impossible, he can't control it. He can't control the power of this bloodthirsty dragon."

"Well, this power, even if it is the early stage of the mysterious spirit, it is impossible to eat, he wants to explode and die." The people present blinked and looked at the red and swollen Qin stone.

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao looked at each other and did not dare to go forward in the first place. If this power really exploded, the lethality caused was no less than the spiritual power of the thousand wild animals.

Staring at the constant changes in Qin Shi's face, Yu Liner was inexplicably worried, but worried that only a moment existed, she was shaken by her head and pulled out of her thoughts.

"He doesn't die, what does it have to do with me..."

Yu Liner licked her lips, and she was a little moved and struggling.


With the arrogant spiritual power, Qin Shi's brow locks the fist and pinches tightly. The body's swaying makes his skin begin to crack and the pores bleed.

"I can't defeat... small flat chest, let us integrate one, help me with one hand..." In the pain, Qin Shi raised his hair and screamed fiercely.


At a glance, the arrogant spiritual power suddenly became stable, and the fierce power that had been smashed was very soft and flowing in the blood, full of Qin Shi body.


In the next second, a blood dragon with a hundred feet high pierced two horns on the top of the head. The arrogant dragon wings stretched out to the mountains and forests. The land between the jungles was pierced into two scorpio gullies and hundreds of old trees. Was cut off by the waist.


Turned into a hundred-footed blood dragon, Qin Shi opened his mouth and snarled.


This is the sound of the dragon, it is mixed with the pressure of chilling, the pressure of the dragon's blood makes the wild birds and birds in the mountains fly around.

A touch of dragons dyed Hongjiang Mountain, the trees and forests were rolled up more than ten meters high, Zhao Yan, Sun Tao, Ye He and others retreated several times at the same time, looking at Qin Shi with amazement: "He, he succeeded?"

"How is this possible? Even if the five-striped demon is a mysterious realm, I can't guarantee that I can suppress the embarrassment, let alone this is the magic of the ancient beast?"

"No? Is this kid a human?"

"Heroes..." stared at Qin Shi of Baizhang, and everyone was chilling.

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao looked low, and the fists of the fists screamed: "No matter what, you must leave him, otherwise give him some time to grow up, then no one can stop him."


With a low bang, Qin Shi squeezed the huge dragon claws. The unruly spiritual power in his eyes was extremely soft in his view. The power at Dantian was like a constant spring spray.

"The peak of the mysterious spirit in the late stage?"

Long Yao echoed, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao blinked at the same time.

This magical character has raised the strength of Qin Shi to such an extent?

Qin Shi was also very surprised. He never expected that this blood dragon would be so powerful.

"This, this is ... 100% integration? How can this happen?" Zhao Yan and Sun Tao can't believe in dementia. According to the truth, even if it is the peak of the late Ming Dynasty, the remnant of the remnant beast is used by humans. Afterwards, there will be some spiritual powers that are not willing to surrender to human beings.

However, the degree of integration of Qin Shi and the blood dragon magic symbol has reached a strange one hundred percent?

In this case, unless it is the blood dragon willing to surrender Qin Shi, but how is this possible? Even those old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years have never seen them.

"Oh, surprised? This blood dragon magic, but Xiao Ping chest braved the danger of life and death to help me get, filled with the blood of a small flat chest, how can I have a conflict?"

The longan staring at Zhao Yan and Sun Tao is a little red, and Qin Shi whispered: "Now, let you have this group of old hairs, and let me join forces with Xiao Ping Chest..."


With a bang, the earth collapsed hundreds of meters.

Qin Shi explored the dragon's head and sprayed a blood-red dragon's breath. The blazing heat caused the earth to incinerate, and thousands of old trees were annihilated.


Ye He snorted and grabbed Lin's back to the rear for a kilometer.


In this way, the land outside the kilometer is crushed by the terrible dragon.

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao looked at each other and almost rushed to the front with a hard scalp: "Boy, you are a bit of a skill, but do you think that you alone can fight against us?"


The fiery flames roared and burned and broke through the universe.

"Oh, who told you, I am one person? I and Xiao Ping Chest, the two have already merged... I am dead..." Yang Long stared at the dark night sky, Zhao Yan, Qin Shi whistling out the dragon wing and tearing Open space, pungent bloody.

Hey... Bang...

The old eyes were so big that Zhao Yan grabbed the sleeves and grabbed the dragon wings with one hand. The feeling of analgesia made his arm tremble and whispered: "Sun Tao, together..."


When he heard the sound, Sun Tao did not dare to hesitate and leapt to the rear of Qin Shi. One hand condensed into a seal, and it ignited the hot sea of ​​fire: "The song..."

"Incinerate all fires."

Sun Tao’s handprints just became, Zhao Yan almost trampled on the dragon wing in an instant, and his body swam to thousands of meters away.


Suddenly, two fire pillars spouted, making the dark night bright.

The faint moonlight was burned by the fire and became dim.


The flame of the sky is like a torrential The space is torn apart, the red glow of the fire hits the earth, the earth is suddenly smashed into the surface of the moon, and the distant peaks are smashed and directly shattered into dust. .


Qin Shi unfolds the Baizhang Dragon Wing, and the Dragon Wing crosses in midair like an indestructible iron shield, which will block all the fires in the sky.


The fire was completely blocked, but Qin Shi was still safe and sound.

For a moment, the people present were all dumbfounded, one big and unbelievable, and the two martial arts were the best martial arts of the fifth-order superiority...

Actually, was it so easily blocked by Qin Shi?

Zhao Yan and Sun Tao took the lead and looked down at the earth that was full of sores. The face was low at the same time. This time it seems that burning Tianzong is really a big problem. R9

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