Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 282: Life and death bureau

In the dark, the face of the teenager is reflected by the moonlight.

Defeat to Liner, Qin Shi did not dare to delay, for fear that Zhao Yan and rushed, and then tightened the black robe after Xu Qiaoer, then went down the mountain along the jungle.

"Stone, you just had a soft heart."

On the way along the way, the voice blamed: "You just killed her, it is yours."

"No, if I kill her, I can't let it go, let her live, and I really don't have any interest in her!" Qin Shi stared at the front and never looked down, cold should be heard. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Hearing this, the book was jade, and finally smiled and shook his head: "You will be hard, then you will love Hǎode later, I will not stop, so that it will not be hooked up by other little foxes."


The atmosphere that was originally chilled and chilled was actually relieved by the words of the book in the book.

Qin Shi’s tight body was also relaxed. Xu Qiaoer snuggled in his arms and smiled happily: “Stone brother, congratulations, you have succeeded.”

"Stupid girl, there is no success and no success. It is my happiest thing to see you safe and sound." Qin Shi gently smiled and smacked on Xu Qiaoer's nose.

Xu Qiaoer twisted his head, but did not say anything more, but Qin Shi can be defeated by Lin, she is really very happy.


However, just as the figure of Qin Shi quickly passed through the jungle, a fierce thunder flashed on the darkness of the sky, and the thunder light made the dark nights brighter.

Immediately, the clouds on the top of the peak began to gather, gathering in the sky above the peak to form a thick layer of haze and thunderclouds, tumbling in the thunderclouds, tireless Razer, lightning and thunder.

"Is it going to rain?"

Thunder light through the branches and leaves, mottled in the face of the teenager, so that the teenager looked back unexpectedly.

Hey! But at this time, the burning book suddenly trembled fiercely, and the degree of trembling was very exaggerated, as if something was terrible.

"Jade sister, what happened?"

"Oh... this, this is a thunderstorm in heaven?" The jade voice in the book was a bit dry, and the trembling whispered.

"Heavenly thunder?" Looking up, Qin Stone heard about this thing at a time, and some puzzledly looked at the thundercloud and asked: "What is that?"

"Heavenly Thunderbolt... That is the vision of heaven and earth that will be caused when the world is robbed of heaven! Heavenly, it is a terrible existence above the mysterious spirit..." The jade voice in the book is a bit timid. .

"The existence above the mysterious spirit?"

In a word, Qin Shi’s heart suddenly collapsed like a boulder, and some fangs that are difficult to breathe.

"Well... that level, it’s enough to fight against the sky, and it’s called the heavens. The heavens are divided into nine robberies. The first three robberies are the heavens. The central three robberies are Qitianjing. The last three robberies are ascending to heaven."

"As the name suggests: take the sky, take the power of heaven. Qitian, Shou and Tianqi. Ascend to heaven, better than the sky, the great success of the nine robbers, for the nine robbing of the heavens." Referring to the heavens, the face of the jade in the book is exposed Unprecedented and solemn.

Qin Shi was even stunned. He never heard of the existence above the mysterious spirit.

In the northern region, Xuan Lingjing is already watching the peak, let alone what is it?

"Jade sister, what do you mean by saying... Burning Tianzong is breaking through the heavens?" After returning to God, Qin Shi seemed to realize what it was like to grow up.

"Well, I can't go wrong. I can feel that there is a very terrible power in the burning of the heavens. It should have been a breakthrough in the smashing of the thunder, so I didn't feel it, but as today, the thunder has been cited. That spiritual power is exposed."

"Is it... the head of the burning heaven?"

This time, Qin Shi only recalled that his actions were too smooth.

From the beginning to the end, the head of the burning Tianzong did not appear. Only Zhao Yan and Sun Tao were present at the scene. If the head of the burning Tianzong was present, I am afraid that he would not even have the opportunity to leave the Zongmen.

Burning Tianzong's head: Yan Muhua.

This name, in the northern region, is the presence of the thunder and the first person in the northern region.

A few decades ago, the rumored admiration of the admiration has reached the peak of the mysterious spirit. At that time, she was the year of the style, and she took over a few hard-core wrists after burning Tianzong, which made the elders of the old generation burned all the time. Convinced.

"Damn, I forgot the old monster..."

Qin Shi snorted in her heart and realized that after the seriousness of the matter, she did not dare to delay.

Just kidding, he lost the big beast of the beast, even if the little elders facing Ye He were only killed, let alone the envy of the super-Xuan Ling.

"I hope that this thunderstorm can kill the old king!" While the fleeing of Sahuan, the curse of Qin Shi’s heart, now he has no other way than cursing.


But at this time, only a loud bang, and two cold winds quickly rushed over the mountains.

"Bad boy, see where you are going this time!"

A low-pitched sound thundered through the haze.

Qin Shi’s heart was shocked, and Xu Qiao’s arm could not help but tighten. This voice is familiar to him. Isn’t it just a masked Shura·Zhao Yan?

"Damn, have you caught up?"

The eyebrows are wrinkled into the word of Chuan, and Qin Shi’s heart becomes restless.

At this juncture, Zhao Yan actually caught up? He can't afford to wait now. If he admire China and really break through the realm, then it will be a must for him.

To this end, he did not dare to return, and Sùdù played to the extreme to carry the afterimage, crazy shuttle between the mountains and the jungle.


A rushing to the sky, the front of the wild smashed Qin stone, the dust on the ground was directly lifted a few meters high.

Zhao Yan burned a fiery flame in his body. Two large hand-shoulders were holding a huge flame giant, staring at Qin Shi: "Bad boy, looking for your hardship."

"Zhao Yan!"

With a low bang, Qin Shi suddenly stopped, and turned his head to fly to the rear.


Unexpectedly, the rear is also the lightning bolt, a ghostly figure through the mountains, once again blocking the path of Qin Shi.

The phantom faded away from the black robe, Sun Tao's angular face was exposed: "Oh, little guy, toss for so long, you should toss enough?"

"Sun Tao!"

The steps you have just taken must not stop again.

Looking back and forth around, Qin Shi’s face was extremely blue, and Xu Qiao’s hand was tight, and the pain of the palm being pierced by the nail forced him to remain calm.

He stared at Zhao Yan and Sun Tao, and took a deep breath: "Oh, this is really worthy of pride. At the same time, he was killed by the two great methods of burning Tianzong!"

"Go to **** and go to pride!"

Before being played by Qin Shi, Sun Tao was full of resentment, and the wave was the flame of the sky. It was full of kilometers, and the cloud cover would fall like a thousand layers of surf.

"Would you like to try the big relic?"

Staring at the thousands of layers of fire, Qin Shi gritted his teeth and opened his body. Three purple smoldering fires were smashed in a moment, and the smoldering fire was tentatively wrapped in the three sides of Sun Tao.

"Hey, when the old man will be fooled!"

This time, Sun Tao’s head was not stunned, and one hand’s empty hand was pinched, and it was directly condensing the sky’s flame into a blood red giant. The giant hand simply waved and wiped the three purple smoldering fires. Roll away.


The sound of the world’s trepidation screamed, and the mountain behind it was directly crushed into powder. The dust of the sky was like a dust storm, and suddenly the Qin stone flew hundreds of meters away.


A stream of blood spouted, and the face of Qin Shi became white.



Xu Qiaoer and Shuzhongyu were anxiously screaming, but they had not waited for the two to return to God. The black scorpion of Qin Shi was in vain, holding Xu Qiaoer and making two rolls on the ground.

Rumble! !

I saw Zhao Yan, the body shuttled like a sword, and quickly the giant flames ignited the mountains.

This time, the two were really angry, and there was no more exposure to Qin Shi. Any demon and evil spirits were all thrown into the back, and they were actually killers.

"Damn! How did they get stronger?"

Reluctantly avoiding the attack, Qin Shi’s heart leaped wildly and looked at the stunned fire of the sea. The fighting power of the two men was clearly two levels.

"It's not getting stronger, it's playing full strength..." In the book, Yu Jiaorong is eclipsed. She understands the strength of Xuan Lingjing, but whispered: "Before, the two were jealous of evil spirits, and they have reserved their strength, but It’s now clear that I want to kill you!"

"What? Did the two deliberately retain their strength before?"

The blazing sensation of the face made Qin Shi’s heart suddenly rise to the fear of the stock. Only then did he realize that he did not have the strength to fight against the spirit of Xuan Ling. The two were actually taboo evil spirits?

"Stone, you must go first!" In the moment of crisis, the book bite the bite of the cherry lips, pinching the fist into a thin white shadow, facing the fire sea to force Zhaoyan to force.

"Jade sister don't!"

Qin Shi looked at the thin white figure, which was slightly transparent, and it was obvious that her medicinal properties would soon be exhausted.

To this end, he grabbed the jade hand of the jade in the book, and immediately he pulled Xu Qiao again, and his body quickly flew behind him.


The continuous wave of fire falls, and if it is not a mental prejudgment, I am afraid that he has already died hundreds of reincarnations.

“Is this the true strength of Xuan Lingjing?”

Qin Shi’s heart was slightly hairy, looking at the earth full of sores, the hundreds of meters deep of the scorpion gully, a fear of infinitely close to death swept the whole body, so that he could not help but **** the air.

"Call! Yujie, promise me something!" No, he suddenly stared at the book in the book.

In the book, the jade smashed, and hurriedly said: "Whatever nonsense, what is going on!"

"Take a clever way!"

"What?" In the book, Jade and Xu Qiaoer squinted at the same time.

"I said, take the cleverness to go!" A fire once again burned the sky's approaching, Qin Shi exhausted the bottom of the two people screaming, holding up the Nether Sword to try to meet.


The fire and the sword light just touched, Qin Shi's five internal organs were like being crushed. The pain of carrying out the whole body made his frowning and frowning, and turned over and exited hundreds of meters away.

"Jade sister, please!"

Back to the back, Qin Shi once again sighed in the book.

"No, I said that at the moment of life and death, I will guarantee you not to die!"

"In this case, if no one is dragging two people, no one can go after the breakthrough of the admiration, and I can't die. I promised Xiaogu, I can't lose faith in her! Yujie, please, don't let me. Hate you!" Qin Shi looked painfully low.


"No, I will definitely survive. I will help you find God's pregnant fruit. Do you forget it? I am the one who said it!" Qin Shi interrupted the book's praying for jade.

Looking at the look of Qin Shi, the jade in the book was shaken.

"Promise me, you can't die!" In the end, the jade in the book cried and shouted at Qin Shi.

"I promise you!" After finishing this, Qin Shi escaped from the glory of the sky and jumped to the side of Xu Qiaoer. He put the burning book into her arms: "Qiaoer, go with Yujie, remember to give She is looking for herbs to heal the soul!"

"Brother, I don't want to go..."

"Shut up, go! I came to save you, not to die in vain!" Without giving Xu Qiao a chance to speak, Qin Shi interrupted her with her sleeves, and she touched her directly to fly hundreds of meters away. .

Xu Qiaoer was shocked, and the jade in the book stared at Qin Shi. In the end, she bit her lip and bite her lips. The tears had been dyed with her delicate teeth. She could not hold Qin Shi and gently kiss Qin Shi’s lips: “Stone I am waiting for you to come to me!"

After she finished speaking, she finally opened her eyes and rolled up the white light to wrap Xu Qiaoer, and she rushed to the top of the Tianshan Mountain.

"Want to run?"

Zhao Yan stared at the white light of the glory ~ ~ a touch of unstoppable killings.


But at this time, a dark scorpion sword light, cut through the sky, fell face to face, and the burning flame frontal collision.

Qin Shi wrapped tight black robes and blocked the road in the book.

The fire was blocked, Zhao Yan and Sun Tao were together, and they saw Xu Qiaoer disappearing in the line of sight in the book, so that the old eyes of the two could not help but get up: "Little guys, they ran, then you are really dead." It is."

"Oh, they are here, but it is inconvenient, let me come to meet you two old dolls." Qin Shi took a deep breath, and immediately he looked like a deadly look, but it became a hint of relief.

Hearing this, Zhao Yan frowned at the incomprehensible.

But in the next second, the old eyes of the two men were once again unbelievably big, only in the hands of the boy under the black robe, suddenly a blood-red rune was presented, and the rune was pierced with five lines.

"Five lines?"

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