Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 222: Wife is not ugly

"The son, the man is merciful!"

Seeing the ugly youth, Tan Xuehui’s beauty was flustered, and there was concern and love. He grabbed Qin Shi’s black robe and was afraid that Qin Shi would hurt him.

Qin Shi’s brow wrinkled slightly: “Do you know him?”

"Unhappy with the son, this is the husband of the body, Chen Yuanjun." Tan Xuehui daggers light, tender haiku.

"Hey, husband, husband?" Qin Shi's face is incredible. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Seeing this scene of Qin Shi, Tan Xuehui and Chen Yuanjun frowned at the same time, especially Chen Yuanjun’s face was ugly.

Realizing that he was out of his way, Qin Shi quickly put away his spiritual power and couldn't help but glance at it.

This is really not to blame Qin Shi, mainly because this fact is really unbelievable. This Chen Yuanjun is really too ugly. It is the kind of ugly that people can never forget without looking at it.

Standing with Tan Xuehui, he is simply a beautiful landscape, a beautiful, a ugly, in stark contrast.

Tan Xuehui Xianhui's support of Chen Yuanjun, surrounded by Chen Yuanjun's side, asked for help. Qin Shi could see it from the side. Her little woman's appearance was not made in the slightest, and she was sincerely concerned about this Chen Yuanjun.

What about this picture?

To this end, Qin Shi can only sigh, the good cabbage has been arched by the pig, and the flowers are all inserted in the cow dung.

He was not talking, and Chen Yuanjun looked at the eye, the latter was very sensitive and opened his eyes.

Seeing the two people's love and affection, Qin Shi sat alone next to the broken stone statue, sorting out the surprise in the heart and the next plan.

Since Zhīdào will not Yǒushì in seven days, Qin Shi relaxes a lot. He is ready to squat in the middle of the night, first go to the Huang family to save it, just like the Huang family is a bit of hatred.


The night falls and the stars are long.

A chilly cold wind, rolling the fallen leaves, poured into the broken stone temple, some horror.

Qin Shi manipulated the spirit to ignite the bonfire in front of the stone statue to illuminate.

Tan Xuehui came over and picked up the tail of the red robe. She sat very well on the side of Qin Shi. She held a string of Chen Yuanjun roasted Hǎode grilled fish in her hand, which exudes a touch of aroma: "Don't eat something?"

Looking at the grilled fish, Qin Shi licked the corner of his mouth, but he was not polite with Tan Xuehui.

When I first arrived in Babao Town, he and Shilan looked for something to eat. This delay was delayed for so long. No Zhīdào Shilana had nothing to eat.

One bite on the fish belly, Qin Shi aimed at Tan Xuehui, and then aimed at Chen Yuanjun, who was guarded at the entrance of Shi Temple. He was still unbelievable. He squinted and asked: "Tan girl, with your looks and talents, in There should be a lot of people in the ancient city to pursue it?"

Tan Xuehui was slightly stunned and smiled: "Well."

"Why then..." Qin Shi wanted to ask if he opened his mouth, but when he said half of it, it didn't feel right.

"The son wants to ask, why do I choose the right army?" As if looking through Qin Shi, Tan Xuehui took the initiative to say something.

Qin Shi is hard to point, he is really curious.

Qin Shi thought that this Chen Yuanjun was only ugly, maybe who is the son of the family, but after these hours of observation, Chen Yuanjun is just a mortal body, no spiritual repair, no wear, even more tattered Unbearable, certainly not everyone.

"Unhappy with the son, I have the reputation of being the first beauty in the ancient city. There are many pursuers in these years, among which there are four big families and even two disciples."

Tan Xuehui said that there is no sense of superiority. Instead, he reveals the sadness of sadness in his voice: "At the time, I did take pride in it, but I didn’t realize until then how ridiculous I was at that time... Yun Dingzong was taking away After all the girls in the ancient city, they began to focus on me."

"To this end, I went to the ancient auction house, went to find the people of the four people, even from the fire sect... I have searched for everyone who pursues me, but the result... they want to sin Yun Dingzong, all and me Open the relationship."

"After I was taken away by Yun Dingzong, I saw their faces. I realized that they didn't love me at all, just the beauty of my eyes, the greed of desire." Tan Xuehui mapped a touch of fire in the bonfire Self-deprecation.

Qin Shi wiped the grease from the corner of his mouth, and his heart was slightly heavy.

He didn't talk. This kind of thing, since he set foot on cultivation, is really commonplace. Who can say the standard?

Under his cold wind, Tan Xuehui wrapped his red robe.

She was silent for a while, and the scorpion aimed at Chen Yuanjun, who was always on the door frame, and said softly: "Until later, I was captured by Yun Dingzong. When I was beaten by various insults, one person was willing to save me regardless of life and death. ......!"

"It's him?"

"Well, that's him."

Tan Xuehui is very proud of the dagger, but it is this little jog, how much courage is stated? Not to mention a mortal, even if it is a practitioner, how many people dare to fight against Yun Dingzong?

Qin Shi suddenly realized, although he was very curious, how Chen Yuanjun rescued Tan Xuehui, but in the end he did not ask, presumably this must have experienced a lot of hardships, this is the power of love?

It is understood that Qin Shi’s serious contempt in his heart has just tarnished the most simple love in the world.

"Stone, they are really in love... can we help them?" They were also moved and whispered.

Qin Shi hesitated, he also wants to help two people, but he does not Zhīdào how to help, leaving some spiritual stones for the two?

He did not choose to do so.

Because of his Zhīdào, this most simple feeling, money and material will only tarnish him. If he does, he is not helping two people at all, but it hurts two people.

"I love him very much, I am content."

Tan Xuehui did not think Zhīdào Qin Shi’s heart, very gentle smile.

Qin Shi nodded. He could see that Tan Xuehui was telling the truth. He immediately grinned and found a token in the space ring that symbolized the identity of the Qin family. He handed it to Tan Xuehui: "If you encounter Trouble, go to the Qin family in the desert town, take this token, they will help you!"

Tan Xuehui stunned, but she is a well-behaved girl, Zhīdào should ask what should not be asked, but I am very grateful to accept the token, said: "Thank you son."

Qin Shiwen smiled and nodded. He felt that helping the two people was far more practical than the material help.

Moreover, the Qin family must have its own power in the future. To go to the orthodox little by little, Tan Xuehui is a bright girl. Chen Yuanjun is also a timid and thoughtful person. Qin Jiazheng needs such talents.

"No, they are coming!"

When the two talked, Chen Yuanjun suddenly stood up at the door of the Shimiao Temple, and his eyes looked flustered outside the stone temple.

Tan Xuehui was a beautiful woman, anxiously got up and walked toward Chen Yuanjun. When she walked to the door, the smaller body could not help but tremble: "Is it?"

Seeing the difference between the two, Qin Shi got up in the incomprehensible, wrapped up in the black robe and went up. I saw it in the jungle outside the stone temple. A star of the fire was coming quickly to the stone temple.

Judging from the number of fires, there are about thirty or forty people.

They are about three kilometers away from Shi Temple. Qin Shi’s spiritual power can’t be caught. For this reason, “Tan girl, what happened? Who is this group?”

"It’s Yun Dingzong..." Tan Xuehui screamed at the lips and said: "They have already chased me and the husband for half a month. It seems that they are not ready to let us go."

"Xuehui, you go first, I am standing here."

Chen Yuanjun bit his teeth and pushed Tan Xuehui to rush out of the stone temple.

Tan Xuehui grabbed him and shook his head with sadness: "No, the person they want to catch is me, you are leaving, I have been dragging you for a long time, this time I will not run."

"Xuehui..." Chen Yuanjun wants to speak.

Before Chen Yuanjun finished speaking, Tan Xuehui lit his little feet and his red lips were printed on Chen Yuanjun’s mouth.

Kissing, she has sorrow in her eyes, said: "Frather, don't say, you are going, you can meet you in this life, it is the blessing that I have cultivated before Xue Hui, but unfortunately I can't stand with you. If there is a chance in the future, I will marry you..."

"Do not!"

Chen Yuanjun shook his head hard. He grabbed Tan Xuehui's hand and turned to stare at Qin Shi. His eyes were full of reluctance: "Zongzi, I am Zhīdào, you are a friend of Xuehui, beg you to take her away." , don't... don't let him suffer!"

In the end, he choked.

This is the first positive dialogue between Qin Shi and Chen Yuanjun. He looked at Chen Yuanjun and suddenly found that he was not so ugly. Even at this moment, he was much more handsome than a lot of Jin Yu’s smashing son.

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, holding down two people: "I said you two, what are you worried about? Are you anxious to show love with me here? Wait, you don't have to leave, the people who are leaving are them."

After he finished speaking, his nephew appeared in the cold and followed the jungle outside the stone temple.

At the same time, Tan Xuehui and Chen Yuanjun looked at each other. The two looked at each other. When they just wanted to speak, Qin Shi had already taken the stone temple and did not give them a chance.

Standing at the entrance of Shimiao Temple, Qin Shi stretched out some sore bones under the cover of the moonlight, and the corner of his mouth was slightly picked: "Yun Dingzong, owe me that it should be, start from these people, until the whole cloud Dingzong! ”

Looking at the back of Qin Shi, Tan Xuehui and Chen Yuanjun are dumb.

At this time, the fire was already near the stone temple, and the 30-and 40-year-old Yunding sects dressed in Qingyun robes, holding the torch in one hand, surrounded the stone temple.

After encircling, a disciple stepped forward and took a torch to point to Tan Xuehui: "Tan Xuehui, this time I see where you are going!"


Unexpectedly, the voice of this disciple did not fall, only to see his body shake, if it was bombarded, it would fly directly out, and it would fall tens of meters away.

The person who shot was Qin Shi. He waved his sleeves and snorted: "Hey, handsome stone grandfather is here, you dare to ignore me? Really looking for death!"

At the same time, the people on the field glanced at Qin Shi, one of the disciples who had just been shot and flew out, but the strength of the peak was actually hit by Qin Shi. What a terrible power this is?

Tan Xuehui and Chen Xuejun have an inconceivable look.

"Kid, who are you? Yun Dingzong, do not advise you to do more business!" After a stalemate, a disciple of Yun Dingzong stepped forward and pointed to Qin Shi.


Unexpectedly Qin Shi eyes turned, accompanied by the body sway, directly appeared in the open disciple, sneer: "Oh, the tube is your Yun Dingzong thing!"


The next second, the disciple has already flown a hundred meters.

This time, all the disciples did not dare to act rashly, staring at Qin Shi with horror.

In the riots of the disciples, a leading elder was born, this elder Qin Shi is no stranger, it was the Yuntianzi who had handed over the Zhou family.

Yun Tianzi saw Qin Shi, the old body trembled, showing a panicked look.

"You, are you Qin Shi?"

The husband is not ugly, the wife is not too poor, feels touched.

Delicious but home-cooked food, knowing cold and warming his wife, hey, good man Rénmen point a top. I am jealous, there are a few good men.

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