Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 221: Tan Xuehui

"It's you?"

Looking into the pretty face of the woman under the red robe, Qin Shi slightly glimpsed.

The woman in the red robe did not give him a chance to talk. The good hand explored the red sleeves in his lips, grabbed his hand and ran outside the town: "Hey! Come with me!"

Hesitating, Qin Shi chose to follow the past.

The two passed through the house and took a lap in the town of Babao, and finally came to a broken stone temple outside the town. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

This stone temple is very broken and dirty, with gravel and dust on the ground. There is a stone statue in the center. The stone statue is even more inferior. A large spider web opens on the roof.

The red robe woman pulled Qin Shi to the stone temple and walked alone to the door of the stone temple. She glanced around and saw that no one followed, and sighed, closing the decaying red wooden door and making a squeaking sound.

Closing the door, she pushed down the red robes on the cover, a long black hair, and broke away from the red robes. She is very beautiful, beautiful to the amazing kind, a pair of Jiangnan women's unique willow eyebrows, Danfeng eye, red cherry lips, melon face, such as the blooming peony in the heat.

Seeing the woman's delicateness, Qin Shi was shocked by her beauty, and immediately squinted her eyes and said: "It really is you."

"The son still remembers me?" The red robe woman grinned.

"Of course, remember, the first beauty of the ancient city, how many people can forget? I am right? Tan Xuehui Miss Tan." Qin Shidao out of the woman's name, this woman is the first beauty of the ancient city, when the ancient auction house And Qin Shi has had a side.

Of course, Qin Shi is not Zhīdào. The reason why he can be remembered by Tan Xuehui is mainly because of the outstanding performance of the peach blossoms. If he is Zhīdào, would he rather let Tan Xuehui forget him?

Tan Xuehui smiled and said: "Oh, can be remembered by the son, the little girl is honored."

"What are you doing with me here?"

A polite smile, Qin Shi directly inserted into the body.

He is a beautiful woman, but he is not a person who is submerged in beauty. He can definitely distinguish the primary and secondary in the business.

Tan Xuehui stunned, few people can remain calm under his peerless beauty.

She looked at Qin Shi for a few more eyes, raised the red sleeves to cover the Jiao Rong, and smiled: "I look at the anxious appearance of the son, should the girlfriend be arrested by Yun Dingzong?"

"Well? What happened to your Zhīdào?"

"Well, I just ran out of their hands!" Silence for a while, Tan Xuehui's beauty flashed through the silk, and immediately she rolled up the red sleeves to reveal the white skin.

I saw that on her white wrist, a bright red **** mouth was shocking.

Qin Shi was suddenly angered by the blood: "These, is it made by Yun Dingzong?"


Tan Xuehui sighed with sorrow.

"It’s a terrible animal!" Qin Shi’s eyes flashed through the fire, his fists clenched in anger, and he made a slap in the bones. “What are they going to do?”

"This matter should be started two months ago. Two months ago, the head of Yun Dingzong did not know where to get a special method of cultivation. It is said that this method can quickly improve the cultivation, but the premise is that it requires a lot of The sinister thing."

Speaking of this, Tan Xuehui's beauty ignited a fierce fire: "But, as we all know, the magic weapon of the yin is rare. For this reason, Yun Dingzong chose a very mean means!"

"What means?"

"Using the blood of a girl's virgin!"

Qin Shi fell on the stone statue, his eyes whispered: "The blood of the girl's virgin?"

Burning the book trembled under the waist, saying: "Really, the blood of the virgin is the most pure natural to the sacred thing... It is easier to get compared to the magic weapon of the yin!"

"A good cloud Dingzong, it is really devastating!" Qin Shi suddenly realized, fists squatting on the stone statue.


A loud bang, the stone statue directly cracked a huge mouth, the entire stone temple trembled a few times.

Qin Shi whispered: "The disciple of Yun Dingzong just took the girls to practice the method."

"Well, at the beginning, Yun Dingzong only swept in the ancient city and captured all the girls in the slogan."

"But later, after all, the population of the ancient city was limited, and the demand of Yun Dingzong could not be met little by little. After that, they spread their hands to the surrounding towns. The towns with a hundred miles were not spared. This Babao Town has already It is the last town."

Qin Shi’s eyes are condensed: “What about the desert town?”

"Abandoned town?" Tan Xuehui squinted, his eyes tilted a little bit strangely: "There is no shortage in the town, I was curious at first, and when all the towns were persecuted, Yun Dingzong did not start with the town. It is said that It’s a big man from the imperial city, and it’s lucky to keep the barren town.”

Zhīdào was in a bad town, Qin Shi was obviously relieved, but his eyes turned, and he did not guess who the big man Tan Tanhui said, and he had to be attributed to him.

It is estimated that this matter will be turned into a face by Qin Yu Zhīdào.

Of course, although the barren town is unhindered, the behavior of Yun Ding's sacred gods has completely angered Qin Shi. He squinted and said: "From the fire sect? Is it not standing up to stop?"

"I am not going to sit still until the fire, but the son can know the big event before March?" Tan Xuehui pinched the cuff of the red robe and asked.

"March before? What happened?"

"Before March, two of them were in the Burning Mountain Range. They started a war for a disciple named Qin Shi. This incident caused a sensation in the entire ancient city. The son did not even Zhīdào?" Tan Xuehui had some accidents.

Going back to God, Qin Shi just remembered that Tan Xuehui did not Zhīdào his name. For this reason, he did not go to make unnecessary explanations. He just shook his head and said: "I am not an ancient city, but there are only a few friends. this."

"It is like this."

Tan Xuehui did not ask more and continued: "Before March, the elite disciples of Yun Dingzong were all called disciples of Qin Shi, and they were killed by special forces."

"so smart?"

Listening to the feelings of others boasting themselves, and adding oil and vinegar, Qin Shi suddenly felt particularly delicate.

"Well, but it is for this reason that he has caused a great disaster from the fire sect. It is said that even the burning of the celestial beings sent people to come, so that the fire was devastated."

"Later, the two sects also announced retreats at the same time. The head of Yun Dingzong went out early and happened to get this evil practice method. In the two months, the strength of the sect was rapidly improved."

"After being killed by Qin Shi, the vacant elite disciples were also filled by the new disciples. The position of the three bullies is the latecomer. Now the three bullies are all in the medium term!"

"What? In the middle of the broken spirit?"

"Well, now Yun Dingzong, the top ten disciples are all broken spirits, and the head is a leaping dragon gate. The imprisonment of the shackles jumps into the ranks of the king's spiritual realm." Tan Xuehui slammed the micro-point and replied.

"Wang Lingjing?"

Qin Shi was shocked, and the clear throat was tight.

He never expected that, in three months, Lin Fan actually broke through to Wang Lingjing? The growth of Yun Dingzong is even more scary.

It seems that this practice of practice is really extraordinary.

Tan Xuehui, under the slap of the eye, smacked the hair of the eye, and continued: "Not long ago, the head of the fire sect went out. He was furious when he learned what Yun Dingzong had done, and Yun Dingzong The war started, but the strength of the two cases in two months has been opened, and it is not the opponent of Yun Dingzong at all.

"What is it like now?"

"You can only barely defend." Tan Xuehui did not look at Hǎode and shook his head. "Even in the eight purple-level disciples from the fire, a purple-level female disciple was defeated and captured by Yun Dingzong."

Qin Shi’s eyes glanced: “Is this female disciple, is it called?”

"You Zhīdào?" Tan Xuehui was a little surprised, curious questions.

"I don't care, she is my friend. This time I came to the ancient city to save her." To be honest, Qin Shi has thoroughly grasped the truth of the facts and does not want to delay the time here.

After all, if you delay a point, Yin Mo is a bit dangerous.

To this end, he took a punch at Tan Xuehui and said: "Miss Tan, thank you for your good words, Yin Mo is my friend, I am going to rush to save him now, first to leave."

"The son is slow."

Tan Xuehui’s glimpse, Yu’s hand rushed to hold Qin Shi: “Would you like to go to Yun Dingzong to save people?”

"Otherwise?" Qin Shi slammed his mouth.

Tan Xuehui sighed, she looked up and down Qin Shi, trying to detect the repair of Qin Shi. But she only had a middle of the broken spirit, Qin Shi was a fan in front of her.

According to Qin Shi’s power to crush the stone statue, Tan Xuehui’s Zhīdào’s strength is extraordinary.

But even so, she believes that at best, it is the beginning of the broken spirit, but people are still somewhat proud. For this reason, the good advice is: "My Zhīdào son is extraordinary, but the son is alone. Now Yun Dingzong is heavily guarded and wants to break into the cloud alone. Dingzong is simply an idiotic dream."

Qin Shiyi looked at the meaning of Tan Xuehui's bottom, but he did not explain anything, but just thanked him: "Thank you Miss Tan, but I am dead, and I can't let my friends have an accident! Now Yun Dingzong is mad at this practice." , what to do is Kěnéng!"

"Actually, the son of the son does not have to worry."

Hesitating, Tan Xuehui Zhīdào Qin Shi refers to the blood, laughing: "Miss Yin Mo was arrested to Yun Dingzong, not to quote the blood of the virgin, but was used to get away from the fire!"


Wen Yan said that Qin Shi calmed down a lot: "How do you say this?"

"While Dingzong is powerful, but after a long time from the fire, there is a hundred years of foundation, not to say that it can be easily broken, and now the head of the fire is also broken in the late period of the soul, plus the guardian squad strong defense is not Wèntí. ”

"To this end, Yun Dingzong seized Yin Mo, and wanted to take the opportunity to leave the fire, and forced to retreat from the head of the fire." Tan Xuehui said very warmly.

Qin Shi suddenly sneered: "Oh, threatening to leave the fire? Is it safe to be away from the fire?" It is ridiculous!"

Feeling the disdain and anger of Qin Shi, Tan Xuehui slightly shook his head and shook his head: "I don't have any contradictions between Zhīdào and the son of Huo Zong, but this time the head of the fire sect really promised Yun Dingzong!"

"What? Ling Xiao agreed to give way?" Qin Shi was quite surprised.

Hearing the words of Ling Xiao, Tan Xuehui was equally surprised, but she did not ask much, but just shook her head: "It is not a giving, but an agreement. After two appointments, the two sides will launch a confrontation in the ancient city. A disciple, if Yun Dingzong wins, he will return to Shunyun Dingzong from the fire sect. If he wins from the fire, Yun Dingzong will put Miss Yin Mo."


Qin Shi’s eyes are clear, and this is clearly an unfair treaty: “Is it promised from the fire?”

"Well, so on the 7th, Miss Yin Mo will definitely not have an accident. I think the son can be considered from a long-term perspective. It is better to join forces with Huo so that the odds are bigger!"

"Oh, and join forces with Huozong?" Qin Shi disdainfully sneered, did not make redundant explanations, but this is undoubtedly good news for him, seven days? enough.

Just then, the stone temple came out with a rush of footsteps.

When I heard the sound, Qin Shi’s scorpion was tight, and a touch of spiritual power wraps around the wrist, holding Tan Xuehui, and the two lean behind the red wooden door: “Hey, don’t say anything!”

Tan Xuehui stunned and did not return to God.


The door of the stone temple was pushed open, and an ugly young man wearing a simple syllabus stepped into the stone temple.

When the young man entered the stone temple, Qin Shi waved with one hand, and a piece of spiritual power trapped the neck of the young man, directly grabbing his throat and whispering: "Who are you?"

"The son of the son is merciful!"

Seeing the ugly youth, Tan Xuehui’s beauty was flustered, and there was concern and admiration. He shouted at Qin Shi.

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