National GGG

Chapter 3 Inspiration for the Use of Power

It is not suitable for you now!

It's not too late to practice after you graduate from college!

These two sentences reverberated in Wang Hao's mind. In his previous life, under the dissuasion of his parents, he temporarily gave up his dream. When he picked it up again after a few years, he was already in his thirties, and Lian Po was old!

In the previous life, after graduating from university, Wang Hao had a good job and was not short of money, but he always felt that the meaning of life should not be just that. When he started boxing again, he discovered the purest dream in his life. But it is rooted in the deepest part of his heart. Even though it has been ravaged in every way, it is ossified and cracked, but it is tenacious and undying, waiting for the power of spring to wake it up again.

To live a new life, Wang Hao will not let his ideals fall asleep again, he must seize the best opportunity in his life to let his ideals grow and bloom to their heart's content.

Boxing will definitely continue, but Wang Hao does not intend to make the relationship with his parents too rigid. He intends to let his parents subtly accept the reality of his boxing practice through actions.

All of a sudden, a famous saying by *** flashed in Wang Hao's mind: If you hit yours, I will hit mine!

At this time, there was no self-selected supermarket in Dongyue City. The largest shopping center was the People’s Commercial Building. Customers could only stand outside the counter to choose products. Items also do not offer shipping.

After choosing for a while, Wang Lizhi selected a Konka 21 village color TV, counted the cash to the salesperson, and the salesperson at the counter lazily counted the money again, and then asked someone to pick up one from the warehouse.

Although Wang Hao’s family is not well-off, after all, his parents both have formal jobs. In fact, they could buy a TV a few years ago, but they were afraid that Wang Hao would develop the habit of watching TV and delay his studies, so he never bought it.

If there is any TV program that you particularly want to watch, such as the Spring Festival Gala, you can go to Uncle Zhang’s house next door to watch it.

Wang Lizhi is the football coach of the sports school and a standard football fan.

This year the Liaoning team shined in the Asian Club Cup and won the championship without losing a game. Naturally, Wang Lizhi didn't win a game, so he went to Uncle Zhang's house to watch it all.

Just looking at it is not counted, and I often bring a few bottles of beer, peanuts and so on, and watch it while drinking with Uncle Zhang. The love goes deep, and those who yell, don't know it.

Several times it affected Uncle Zhang's daughter's study and rest. In the end, Uncle Zhang's daughter-in-law had a fight with him. After Wang Lizhi found out, he was naturally embarrassed to go again.

On the way back, Wang Hao still returned along the same road, but this time he walked in the opposite direction, passing by Taishan Boxing Club.

Strength training equipment, pear balls, hanging sandbags, and young boxers fighting fiercely on the ring. When Wang Hao passed by, he slowed down his speed and appreciated it in detail. dripping feeling.

He feels that he is one of the boxers who are fighting in the boxing ring. His footwork is flexible and vigorous, and his opponent is unpredictable. His punches are fast and powerful, and his opponent is hard to resist. The aura of boxing permeated his whole body, as if he wanted to destroy any opponent who stood in his way.

Wang Lizhi was immersed in the anticipation of watching the replay of Liaoning's last game against Nissan tonight, and his mood was turbulent. Suddenly he felt that the speed of the tricycle slowed down, and he looked up at Wang Hao.

I saw Wang Hao riding forward at an extremely slow speed, but his spirit was already projected into the Taishan Boxing Club with his eyes. He was about to reprimand him, but he suddenly noticed the enthusiasm and concentration in Wang Hao's eyes. There was also an astonishing aura of maneuvering, which made him slightly stagnant.

For some reason, this look suddenly reminded him of Maradona on the football field and Jordan on the basketball field. At that moment, he even had a sense of awe. This is an emotion that is difficult to appear in his father. .

After returning home and having dinner, the father and son couldn't wait to start debugging the TV.

The outdoor antenna has already been set up, and it's done after connecting it.

At this time, Dongyue City does not yet have cable TV, and all TV programs are received through outdoor antennas, which are greatly affected by the weather, and the signal is basically not received when it is windy or heavy rain.

Even if the weather is good, there are not many TV stations that can be received, and the ones that can be adjusted clearly are CCTV One and the provincial TV station.

What Wang Lizhi and Wang Hao want to watch is the provincial TV station, because tonight there is a regular sports program - "Wonderful Sports".

What's more, the match between Liaoning and Nissan will be replayed tonight. This is what Wang Lizhi definitely wants to watch, and what Wang Hao is looking forward to is that "Wonderful Sports" will occasionally broadcast classic boxing match videos.

After finally waiting until 8:30, the "Wonderful Sports" program finally started!

The young male host, wearing a gray suit, announced in a correct tone: "Tonight's "Excellent Athletics" program will first bring you a classic heavyweight professional boxing match in 1974, the former world heavyweight Super boxing champion Ali and Foreman's battle in the jungle. Then I will show you the last game of this year's Asian Club Cup final, Liaoning Dongyao team vs. Nissan Nissan team at home."

"The Battle of the Jungle will be broadcast tonight!" Wang Hao was overjoyed, "I'm really lucky."

The fight in the jungle can be said to be the most important boxing match in Ali's career. He won the "devil" George Foreman who was in full swing when he was completely underestimated before the match. It can be said that the reason why Ali is great is that The reason why he became the "Ali" known and admired by the whole world is due to this boxing match.

Ali entered the professional boxing world in 1960. When he was only 22 years old in 1964, he got the opportunity to challenge the then heavyweight boxing overlord "The Devil" Sonny Liston. As a fledgling kid, under the circumstances that the public opinion was generally not optimistic, he was upset and knocked down the "devil king" Sonny Liston in seven rounds. He succeeded in the challenge and won his first boxing champion gold belt. This match also became the best fight in professional boxing in 1964.

However, in a few years, Ali’s career suffered setbacks. In 1967, because Ali refused to serve in the military in Vietnam, his boxing license was revoked by the government and he was imprisoned for five years. After paying in 1971, he challenged the then heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier lost, tasted the first failure of his career, and his career fell into a trough.

Before the 1974 Jungle War, George Foreman was just the opposite of Ali. He was at the peak of his career. He won 40 games and KO opponents in 37 games.

Before this battle in the jungle, Ali was generally not favored by people. In addition to the extremely different competitive status of the two, there was another more important reason, which was the common reference point of the two combat powers. Razer.

Ali lost to Frazier in 1971 and tasted the first defeat of his career, without Frazier knocking down twice in the middle.

In 1973, Foreman also fought Frazier. At that time, both of them had a record of victory. Foreman was the challenger and Frazier was the reigning champion.

As a result, Foreman beat Frazier like an adult hitting a six-year-old child. He knocked down Frazier six times in two rounds, scaring the referee to stop the game.

Therefore, no one saw that Ali could beat Foreman. If Wang Haosheng was in that era and asked him to bet on the victory of this game, he would decisively bet on Foreman to win.

But Ali won, and he won by knocking out Foreman in the eighth round. This is the magic of Ali and why this game can become a historical classic.

Foreman can be said to be the representative of absolute strength, which is recognized in the boxing world. He was able to knock down Frazier six times in two rounds of confrontation, and he was unscathed. And Ali's strength is not among the top in terms of weight, but he was able to knock down Foreman. What is the reason?

Wang Hao thought about it, and he also recalled the question that he hadn't figured out yet: For the current self, how should strength be trained? Should I pursue strength?

This game may give itself the answer.

In his previous life, Wang Hao also watched this match, but he did not watch it for the purpose of learning skills. He watched it just because the match was exciting enough, because the time of this match was too long. The game video learning technique is mainly to watch the middleweight champions from the late 1990s to the early 21st century.

"If I have the opportunity today, I should review this match, study hard and think about how to better train and apply strength in professional boxing." Wang Hao concentrated on watching the match that was about to start, and said in his heart.

Wang Lizhi also watched the game together with great interest. He loves sports. Although football is his favorite, he does not reject other games, because all competitive sports are nothing more than competitions of strength, speed, endurance, etc., and the pursuit of human beings. The limit of the body is the same as the spirit.

At the beginning of the match, Ali took the initiative to attack, with a dripping jab and an extremely fast backhand, and first hit Foreman a few times. This was to suppress Foreman's momentum and affect the opponent's psychological expectations.

For most of the first round that followed, Ali was actively attacking. With his advantage in speed, he frequently hit Foreman. Foreman's speed was slightly slower, but his resistance was super strong. In his eyes, Ali's attack was as superficial as water. Generally, if you can defend, you will defend, if you can hide, you will hide, if you can't let go, you can't hide, just go up and fight.

After several rounds, although Ali scored many hits, he also received several heavy punches from Foreman. In the next few moments, Ali still retreated and played defensive counterattacks, leaning against the edge of the rope several times.

Wang Hao understood that it was Ali who had experienced the power of Foreman's heavy punch during the confrontation, so he had to back down, play defensive counterattack, and put most of his energy on defense.

In the next few rounds, Ali continued this tactic. When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we counterattack.

Foreman, on the other hand, was attacking fiercely. He took advantage of the confrontation with Ali, and wanted to go all out, like most of the opponents he faced before, to eat Ali alive.

It has to be said that Foreman's strength is indeed great, and he frequently forced Ali to the edge of the rope to hit him. However, under Ali's brisk pace, excellent defense and outstanding rope rope skills, most of these blows failed. was resolved.

However, at the end of each round, when Foreman finished venting this round and was about to rest, Ali started to fight back, keeping Foreman in a state of high physical exertion.

Wang Hao understood that this was Ali's tactic. He used Foreman's mentality of seeking victory and overconfidence in his own strength. He showed weakness at the beginning of the round and attracted Foreman to attack. When Foreman's physical strength declined, he began to attack effectively again. The counterattack made the opponent have to deal with it actively and never got a rest.

Finally, in the eighth round, Ali felt that Foreman's punches were weaker than those of the previous rounds, and the way of punching was also deformed, and his hands were placed too low. This is a characteristic of physical exhaustion reaching a limit point.

Ali struck out, he started to counterattack at the edge of the rope, and hit Foreman with a few clear heavy punches in the face, broke free from the edge of the rope, turned around and gave Foreman who was stunned a few more heavy blows , Foreman fell to the ground.

After the referee counted to eight, Foreman slowly stood up from the ground, and his figure was not very stable. The referee decisively terminated the game, Ali won, and the audience was boiling.

After the game was over, Wang Hao fell into deep thought. He said to Wang Lizhi, and went back to his room, thinking about the enlightenment brought to him by this game.

In this game, Foreman is undoubtedly the side with superior strength. If he can hit Ali with a heavy punch with all his strength, he may be able to end the game.

But in normal games, Ali attaches great importance to defense and does not give him a chance. Relying on his advantages of moving faster than his opponent and having better skills, he can deal with Foreman and avoid falling into a confrontation with Foreman like Frazier.

The tiger also dozed off, like punching a sandbag. After seven or eight rounds of heavy punches, Foreman finally began to exhaust himself. This meant that Ali could let go of his hands and fight against Foreman. The heavy punch hit Foreman clearly and ended the fight.

In the sport of boxing, strength is as crucial as movement and speed. It is a good thing to have an advantage in strength. It can give you the upper hand in the confrontation with your opponent, but if you rely on your own strength and rely too much on it , it becomes a bad thing instead, and it is easy to fall into the enemy's fist.

Among humans of the same weight, even if one side has an absolute advantage in strength, it is difficult to knock down the other side without hitting a vital point.

For example, most of Foreman's heavy punches were poured on Ali's clamped arms and gloves. Even if Foreman had great strength, it would be impossible to knock Ali through his arms and gloves.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao already has a clear answer in his mind about how to make good use of his own strength advantages in the future, and how to balance strength training with other sports training.

The doubts in Wang Hao's heart were answered, and he was very excited.

"The next step is to start regular physical training first, meet the standards for entering the school's sports specialty students, become a sports specialty student, and pave the way for entering the sports school in the future!" He clenched his fists, ready to go.

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