My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 289 Brother Fang, send, shine

It's time to start cooking seriously.

Fang Ze took the four big lobsters out of the bucket and handed them to Liu Maoxing to handle first.

These four big lobsters are indeed wild Australian lobsters, not only big, but also full of wild vitality.

There used to be a lot of wild shrimp in China in terms of quantity and variety. But with the economic development in recent years, the huge population urgently needs enough seafood to enrich their tables.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to satisfy billions of foodies only by salvaging wild seafood.

Fortunately, shrimp, a natural food, only eats microorganisms. As long as there is no water pollution, there is a certain amount of oxygen and food, it can grow rapidly.

Therefore, in the past ten years, coastal shrimp farms have spread all over the country, which not only manages enough, but also reduces the price of shrimp to a large extent.

But everything has two sides. Although the number of farmed shrimp is sufficient, its taste, sweetness, and elasticity are much worse than those of wild shrimp.

So if you want to make a delicious lobster meal, the shrimp you choose must be real wild shrimp, otherwise it is impossible to make it delicious even if you have great skills.

Although Australian lobsters are easier to counterfeit than the brightly colored Mediterranean red prawns, or the French blue lobsters with cloisonne color, the fat and short French pink prawns are easier to fake, but the four big lobsters sent by the chef at the seafood booth are not. any problem.

Yunlong fried shrimp is different from ordinary fried shrimp. It is not simply fried, but also has a special sauce added to the lobster.

So you need to peel off the lower half of the lobster where it can be used, and then pour the sauce.

This is not a test of knife skills, but a test of eyesight and hand micromanagement.

After all, if it is not peeled off properly, it will not only look bad. Moreover, it is easy for diners to guess in advance that there is something hidden in it, and lose their sense of expectation.

The meat at the tail of the lobster is the most juicy and needs to be taken out whole. Fang Ze directly activated the Athena Vision, then took a pair of small scissors, and waited for Liu Maoxing to cook the lobster.

The lobster is still cooked very quickly. Prepare a pot of fish soup and cook it for three or four minutes at most. When the lobster shell turns red, put it in the filter basin to control the water and cool it down.

This is also the way people usually choose to kill lobsters.

But now in general high-end restaurants, the chefs usually put the lobster in the freezer for an hour for humaneness, then take it out, turn the back of the lobster upwards, and cut the head of the lobster from the middle.

This can not only kill the lobster quickly, but also make people look less cruel.

After the lobster was cooked, Liu Maoxing adjusted the sauce, while Fang Ze used scissors to cut open the shells of the lobster along both sides of the tail.

After all the shells have been cut, put down the scissors and pull the shells out with your hands, exposing the meat at the end of the lobster.

If you are making ordinary lobster, you need to pull the meat from the tail of the lobster out of the shell at this time to ensure the integrity of the meat.

However, the requirements of Yunlong fried shrimp are exactly the opposite. The shell needs to be taken out and the meat should be left in the lobster to ensure the integrity of the lobster.

So Fang Ze took a small knife and made two cuts on the back of the lobster, completely peeling off the lower half of the lobster's shell without hurting the meat.

At this time, the lobster looks like a beauty wearing only shoes and clothes.

Of course, beauties also need to go to the toilet, so in addition to removing the shell, it is also necessary to remove the inedible black blood vessels and other parts of the lobster.

But with the help of Athena's vision, Fang Ze couldn't be troubled by this. He cut the shrimp meat with a knife, accurately exposing the black blood vessels inside.

After taking out the black blood vessels, Fang Ze's first mission is considered complete.

At this time, Liu Maoxing also prepared the sauce.

The sauce used in Yunlong fried shrimp is made by mixing egg yolk with oil, adding milk and sugar. It tastes great on its own, not to mention mixed with the umami-flavored shrimp.

But even elementary school kids know

If you simply pour the sauce on top of the shrimp, the sauce will definitely flow into the oil pan during frying, making it impossible to taste.

Therefore, the lobster needs to be covered with a layer of bean skin to lock the sauce so that the sauce will not flow out at all even when it is fried in a frying pan.

And this is also the origin of the name of Yunlong Fried Shrimp.

The cloud is the bean skin cloud, and the dragon is the lobster. This is a delicacy that can shock even the chefs in the dark cooking world.

After Fang Ze carefully wrapped the sauce and shrimp meat with bean curd, Liu Maoxing then dipped the tail of the lobster with starch and sprinkled some walnut powder on the way.

After putting the lobster into the oil pan in this way, the whole lobster tail will not only be covered with a layer of tender and delicious skin, but also the shrimp meat that has been integrated with the sauce.

Just thinking about it makes people drool.

The four lobsters were put into the oil pan together, and Liu Maoxing fried them slowly by himself, and added luminous properties to the lobsters by the way.

Speaking of the luminous attribute, Fang Ze started to have a headache again.

After all, it's not like the first floor this time. If you shout to watch the plane, the people around you will follow suit.

At this moment, the people sitting in front of them are all diners who are going to enjoy delicious food. If you stand here and shout to watch the plane, there is a high probability that you will be thrown out as a mental illness.

But it’s not enough not to divert your attention.

Because Liu Maoxing fried four lobsters at the same time, the iron pot used was very large, and the pot lid alone could not completely cover it.

And even if no one notices, the camera on the side will faithfully record this scene.

At that time, Fang Ze will have to face the problem of how to prove to the organizer that it is really the dish that is glowing by itself, rather than adding some random chemical materials.

It can only be this way.

Fang Ze thought for a while, and seeing that the lobster was about to be cooked, he waved and called Lin Xiaoxin, who was taking pictures, and Mimi, who was fanning hard, over.

"What's wrong with Brother Fang?" Mimi saw Fang Ze waving at him, and hurried over.

"I want you to help us complete the last process of this delicacy." Fang Ze asked Mimi to stand beside him as he spoke.

"The last process?" Mimi looked at the lobster in the iron pot and asked, "Is there anything else missing?"

"You still need friendship and hard work to win." Fang Ze uttered the standard lines of the famous manga magazine Shonen Jump.

"Um." Not only Mimi, but even Lin Xiaoxin looked at Fang Ze in confusion, not knowing what Fang Ze was up to.

"You don't need to know too much about this." Fang Ze waved his hand, making the four of them form a circle, then Fang Ze put his hands on Mimi and Lin Xiaoxin's shoulders, and Mimi put his hands on Liu Maoxing and Fang Ze, Liu Maoxing's hands rested on Mimilin Xiaoxin's body.

"Okay, I'll say one, two, three in a while, and everyone closes their eyes and shouts cheers. This means that this delicacy is completed by everyone. Okay?"

"Okay." Liu Maoxing, an honest boy, was the first to agree.

Although Mimi felt that this was a bit ridiculous, but this kind of behavior also showed that Fang Ze regarded him as his own at this time, so she nodded and agreed.

Only Lin Xiaoxin raised her little head and said to Fang Ze, "When did you become so secondary."

"Because I have been with a young and beautiful girlfriend for a long time, my heart has become younger." Fang Ze coaxed Lin Xiaoxin with sentences that sounded embarrassing in a romantic drama, but it was just a sentence to please a girl. When Lin Xiaoxin blushed, Fang Ze shouted decisively, "Close your eyes, one, two, three!"

"come on!"

A loli, a lady, a young man, and a perverted loud voice came out from the competition venue, causing both the chefs around and the diners waiting to taste the food in front to cast their surprised eyes. come over.

At the same time, Yunlong's fried shrimp was finally fried, and the bright white light rushed out of the pot cover and scattered towards the surroundings, trying to prove that he was extraordinary.

But it's a pity that all these rays of light were blocked by the human wall formed by Fang Ze's four people, and no outsiders could see them.

Nor did Lin Xiaoxin, who had really closed her eyes foolishly, see it.

Liu Maoxing also didn't see it, because although Liu Maoxing knew that Fang Ze was trying to cover up the light of Yunlong's fried shrimp, he still closed his eyes and shouted seriously.

And those who saw this light, besides Fang Ze, who was fooling people, and Mimi who was not so honest, after all, just pretended to close her eyes, but left a gap.

"Okay." After shouting, Fang Ze motioned everyone to open their eyes and stand up. Because with the shouts of Fang Ze and the others, the reporters who were filming other chefs were also successfully attracted.

Liu Maoxing took advantage of this time to quickly put the fried lobster on the plate, while Fang Ze put his arm on Mimi's shoulder in a seemingly affectionate manner.

"Brother Fang, it's glowing!" Mimi didn't understand Fang Ze's meaning at all, and yelled softly.

After all, it was the first time he had seen a dish that would glow.

"You mean the lights above your head." Fang Ze looked at the chandelier on the roof pretending to be stupid, and said, "It really shines too brightly."

"No, I mean vegetables, vegetables."

"Dishes, the dishes we cooked this time are very perfect, don't worry about it." Fang Ze said as he put his arms around Mimi and came in front of the reporters who rushed over.

"Hello." The reporter looked at such a strange combination of chefs in front of him and asked, "I heard you guys shouting victory just now, so I came over here out of curiosity."

"We called victory because the four of us made this dish together, so cheer up and encourage us to increase our confidence." Fang Ze pushed Mimi, who was still about to shout "glow", in front of the reporter.

"This is Mimi, a very important member of our team."

"F, no, Brother Fang, send." Mimi still hasn't recovered from the shock of seeing the lobster glowing just now.

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