Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 380: Return (The Finale)


Li Mo's eyes were pale.

It was an absolute nothingness. Nothing was felt. Only consciousness was still working.

Li Mo didn't panic, but instead filled with a joy, "Tony they succeeded!"

What would it be like to restart the universe?

It is said that only the holder of the ultimate eraser will retain the consciousness before the restart.

According to the plan, Reed will tell them everything that happened before the appropriate time after the restart, and then everyone will annihilate the crisis in the bud state, such as directly killing extermination, leaving him with no future.

Immediately, however, Li Mo felt something wrong.

His consciousness did not fall asleep, but gradually re-condensed the body of the god, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The scene in front of him stunned him.

He was still in the quantum microcosm at this time. The original magnificent constructor's god-like building disappeared, half of the microcosmic space was like crazy twisted glass pipes, and the other half was colorful, like mildew.

The portal to the transcendence space is still there, but at this moment it is quiet, and the vampire vines have become thick and strong, such as the ancient plants that existed in ancient times, and firmly fixed the portal.

"No, why is this happening!"

Li Mo frowned and left the quantum microcosm instantly, but the situation in the main universe made him half cold.

There are chaotic nebulae everywhere, and the spatial structure is crazily distorted as if thrown into a washing machine. Even with Li Mo's strength, I feel chest tightness and nausea.

"Failed ... why is this so!"

Li Mo's sight traveled through endless time and space, and traced the source along the long river.

He saw the scarred void, and even the extremely weird Big Bang. The creation gods that should have existed were not visible, and even the planets could not be formed, let alone subsequent civilizations.

"So it is ..." Li Mo muttered to himself.

He miscalculated the destruction of the universe by transcendental space energy, because his battle with Lavin, the universe space torn by transcendental space energy, had already exceeded the limit it could bear.

It's like a computer with damaged hardware that won't be restored even after restarting.

This universe is dead ...

Unwilling Li Mo tried to repair it, but those horrible wounds were as tangy as brown sugar, and often he would tear again soon after he repaired it.

10 years, 20 years, 100 years ...

Li Mo gradually became discouraged.

Boring, he created a small universe, the universe is full of vitality, and each civilization is brilliant.

He also devoted himself to it, turning into various figures to experience sorrow and joy, but soon became numb and empty.

I don't know how many years, Li Mo, who was so empty, even thought of suicide.

Just then, a throb appeared in his heart, from the Vampire Vine.

It turned out that those vampire vine seeds that he had spread out of space have all been placed in space and took root.

An infuriated anger came to mind, Li Mo instantly entered the microcosmic universe, pulled the vampire vine, and rushed into the space beyond ...


In this scrapped and distorted Marvel universe, time has become extremely weird.

I don't know how long before, the portal vine that originally led to the beyond space slowly opened, and a person with blue light all over his body floated out.

The blue light faded, revealing Li Mo's face.

The violence in his eyes had disappeared.

In these years of transcending space, he waged a brutal war against the transcendental protoss.

Beyond the Protoss is a proud race, powerful, but sparsely populated.

They were once a trembling, young civilization, and after countless calamities, they became high-level space-level civilizations.

When the strength reached its peak, these guys began to treat the subordinate space civilization with a domineering attitude, not so much as God, but rather as a source of turmoil.

However, they encountered Li Mo, a vampire with a higher level of rules, which killed the Quartet, and eventually devoured the entire transcendence space.

After absorbing the transcendence space, Li Mo's strength also reached an unpredictable depth, and even vaguely touched the higher-level universe.

The original distorted Marvel universe is no longer a problem for Li Mo.

He beckoned lightly, and those stubborn wounds in space were originally stubbornly lurking beyond space energy, and the stars continually gathered into his palm.

Immediately afterwards, the broken universe began to be repaired and eventually perfected.

The interrupted universe restart has finally started ...

Multivariate cosmic bubbles form one by one, and in the cosmic fetus, Uncle Swallow sleeps like a baby.

Immediately following was the magnificent Big Bang, the five great creation gods, the life court, one by one.

With the gradual improvement of the rules of the universe, the nebula matter has also started to condense, forming stars, planets, and bright galaxies.

Eternity created the Tenjin group, these huge guys began to spread life in the universe, and then, the rise of civilization was constructed ...


2008, New York.

The night breeze was a bit cold, and the originally quiet streets became very noisy, with explosions and screams constantly sounding.

A car twisted the steering wheel and bumped into a fire hydrant.

The driver with blood on his back didn't care about it, and hurried away after getting out of the car.

Obadea drove the Iron Overlord like a rhinoceros on the street, and a car was set off like a toy.

A chubby Chinese man wearing a helmet, with a horrified expression on his face, was riding an electric car around the street, avoiding the cars passing by in the sky.

Suddenly, he saw a dark alley in front of the corner, and he was pleased with his heart and rushed forward with a full throttle.

Just as he was about to escape from his birth, a car whistled and took him with him to the street corner.

Dressed in a gold and red armor, Tony descended from the sky, first catching a flying car, slightly lowering it to let the people inside escape, and then waving the car to shoot the iron tyrant that rushed into the air.

He was about to rush up, but suddenly stopped, went to the corner of the street and lifted a car obliquely stuck in the corner.

Under the car was a Chinese man with a horrified face, and Fu Tai suffered a minor injury.

"Jarvis, found an injured person with stable vital signs and called for the nearest medical rescue."

After speaking, Tony turned and rushed towards Obadea.

He didn't notice that a man in the blue light was suspended in the air, watching it all quietly.

After a while, the ambulance came quickly.

As the two medical staff rushed over with a stretcher, the Chinese grunted up, rushed into the ambulance, and shouted, "Hurry up, let's leave this **** ghost place!"

The ambulance started slowly and drove out of the block. It didn't take long for the Chinese to stop the ambulance when they passed West 32nd Street. They pushed open the door and rushed out, leaving a look of aggressive medical staff.

The next day, when Lucas Jr. opened the door of the Lee's crafts store, he found that his boss was organizing things.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Leaving this **** ghost place, I want to go home and return to my motherland!" The Chinese said firmly.

At this moment, Li Mo standing on the moon smiled slightly and looked into the depths of the endless universe.

He has decided not to intervene in this universe. On the one hand, it is too powerful, and it is possible to throw this universe into nothingness.

Another one is that after his strength was promoted to the top, he felt his hometown with the help of the vampire vine.

Although going through numerous ordeals, traveling through thousands of dimensions, and possibly even falling into the sky, Li Mo decided to go home.

Turning around and finally glanced at Marvel Earth, after he left, the world would move as it was.

Reed's memory before the resumption of the universe has been cleared, Tony, Sol, and his other friends and subordinates will never remember a guy named Li Mo.

But what else?

He's been here, he's gone, he's witnessed, that's enough.

Leaping forward, the space shifts, the Marvel universe is instantly left behind, and in front of it are thousands of worlds and the dangerous universe ...


Earth, in a warehouse of a bird, flower and fish shop.

"Hey! Li Mo, Li Mo, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Kai shook Li Mo's shoulder with an anxious expression on his face.

Li Mo's pupils gradually gained focus. He looked at the fat head in front of him, his voice was a little hoarse and hesitant, "Are you ... Zhang Kai?"

"I'm Andy Lau!"

Zhang Kai said angrily: "Why are you so scared to death? I was stunned there for two minutes like the dead."

Li Mo looked around and finally breathed a sigh of relief, a smile on his face, "I'm finally back."

"Don't you be here all the time, where have you been?" Zhang Kai's aggressive face ~ ~ Li Mo: "If I say that I traveled to the Marvel world, and Tony Stark became a dead party, also Do you believe me once and for all? "

Zhang Kai sneered, "I believe, can't you go to heaven?"

"How do you know I can't fly?" Li Mo smiled mysteriously, then slowly raised his hands.

After a while, Zhang Kai's face gradually became serious, "Otherwise, let's go to the hospital and take a look."

Li Mo put his hands awkwardly, "I didn't expect the rules of space here to be so tough."

Suddenly, Li Mo looked to the left in horror, a black beam of light tore through the space, wrapped around him and disappeared instantly.

A short while, a scream came from the shop of flowers, birds, fish and insects: "Li Mo, you are not interesting enough, and you will not bring me when you cross!"

"Well ... why should I say again?"

(End of book)

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