Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 378: Battlefield of Time (4)

Deep in the Quantum Micro Universe ...

The spatio-temporal doors leading to the transcendence of space were entangled in layers of vines, and from time to time they were beaten up by horrific attacks from across.

Azure's energy continues to spread like a current, just absorbed by the vines along the rhizome, and then it will bear the next wave of attacks.

Li Mo clenched his teeth and insisted that the golden body of the energy was shaken from time to time, as if it would collapse in the next second.

Gradually, a faintness appeared in his spirit.

For many years, yesterday seems to be in front of him. Since he became a god, he has not faced such a life and death crisis for a long time. Many times it seems dangerous, but in fact he is very confident.

This time, however, he has done his best.

Use one's own strength to stop the entire invasion of beyond space, and the universe behind is already broken, the gods are apoptotic, and the devil is dancing.

Li Mo smiled bitterly, maybe his luck was really used up.

Just then, he suddenly looked up and looked away.

He only received Reed's message at this time because of the blocking of quantum space and the radiating electromagnetic waves everywhere in the universe.

"Crossing time and space, restarting the universe ..." A smile appeared on the corner of Li Mo's mouth. "You guys are crazy, how can I lose to you ..."

After speaking, with a roar, countless tiny roots grew out of the vine's rhizomes, furry like a dandelion.

A gentle wind blows, these transparent roots, like flying snowflakes, cross the vine barrier and float to beyond space ...


Near Saturn, the huge ring of Saturn has been half-broken, and a meteor constantly shuttles through it, smashing huge meteorites along the way.

Even though the armor of the Tenjin group provided almost perfect defense, Tony felt dizzy and **** at this time.

He was pinched in the head by the annihilator, smashing the meteorite and falling down like a raindrop, and even a crack appeared in the sturdy Tenjin armor.

I don't know how long it took, Exterminator finally stopped attacking, holding Tony's neck in the void.

The dying Tony felt a soft light, and he turned his head to look around, before they knew they had crossed the moon and reached the earth.

Exterminator also looked at the Earth, then turned to Tony and said, "Your armor is stronger than I expected, but it is just a waste. I will let you watch me kill Li Mo."

Just as Typhoon was preparing to fly to Earth, Tony suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"You want to stop me?"

Falcon's eyes narrowed slightly and he calmly said, "You are just a mortal. What else do you have besides this useless armor?"

Tony didn't speak, but raised his hand weakly and firmly, pointing to his head.

Suddenly, the armor of the Tenjin group fell from Tony's body like a tide, and then reorganized on the destroyer.

Before the tyrant responded, the armor took him into the quantum space instantly, and plunged into the chaos of time.

Without armor, Tony was immediately exposed to the cold universe.

Exhausting his last strength, as soon as his right hand pressed the signal emission button, he began to quickly crystallize and become pale.

Tony's body faced the earth in a large font. After a last glance at the beautiful Aqua Blue Star, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth ...


In the icy universe, Chitari spaceship fragments are everywhere, and the energy caused by the explosion of the engine is raging everywhere, a hellish scene.

In the future, Exterminator touched the blood on the corner of his mouth and looked at the opposite side inconceivably.

On the shard of a huge spaceship hundreds of meters in front of him, stood a terrible beast.

No one knows Hulk at this time.

His body has grown to more than 30 meters in height, his muscles are knotted, and he has formed something like black armor outside the green skin.

His eyes were blazing with green flames, his mouth filled with fangs, and even more frightening, he actually had eight arms.

"The power of the abyss ..." the future tyrant murmured. "No wonder, you also have the power of the gods."

"But I have killed countless gods, and you will be one of them!"

Immediately after the words fell, Destroyer rushed towards Hulk, his fists covered with strong black light.

At the same time, Hulk, who had lost his mind, slammed and slammed at him.

The two slammed together like wild beasts. They had already given up their defenses, and each hit was a realm of force, and the space continued to shatter like black glass.


Extermination of the skin of the tyrant is almost physical immunity, but under Hulk's frantic bombardment, it cracks and oozes blood.


Hulk's several arms were fractured and twisted at the same time, but he was crazy and ignored his teeth even as weapons.

Blood splattered and stars shattered. It is impossible to calculate how long their battle lasted because of the influence of powerful forces and a turbulent flow of time around them.

Sometimes it's as slow as a snail, sometimes it's a few days.

Both have strong resilience. At the beginning, Hu Ba was severely suppressed by the tyrant. However, as time went on, Hu Ke became more and more wild, and eventually they became equal.

Just as they were fighting, the space-time annunciator installed near the earth also began to emit red light.

This is the setting that Huoke made in advance. He believes that he will drag down the tyrant, and even if it eventually disappears, he will drag his opponent into the abyss ...


Karma Taj.

Strinch finally saw the firepower of Master Gu Yi.

The entire space is like a kaleidoscope, starving, cosmic void, abyss **** dimension, crimson hell, Weishan Emperor universe ... countless space scenes are constantly spinning, this place is firmly blocked.

This is a miracle that can be made only by the ultimate understanding of the rules of infinite cosmic space.

Unfortunately, though, the two Supreme Masters trapped here in the future, but none of the offensive magic could harm them.


The annihilation smashed the prison cage made of black lightning, Strangy quickly retreated, and under the traction of space rules, the two were close to the horizon.

At the same time, Master Gu Yi waved his hands, and in the light curtain of the universe of Weishan Emperor, bursts of white light sharp blades with a length of thousands of kilometers, blasting his head towards Miba.

Each of these light blades has the power to destroy the world, but as soon as it touches the rule field of the annihilation, it immediately disappears like a breeze.

Master Gu Yi's face was calm, his hands waved, and he immediately repaired the space cage destroyed by the annihilation.

Strange was desperate. "Damn, this guy is too strong. If the time gem is still there, he might trap him."

Master Gu Yi did not answer, but calmly talked about irrelevant things. "There has always been a view in the universe that magic is only a low-end application of rules. After becoming a god, he usually directly uses rules to abandon magic."

"I always think, is magic really just that?"

Stranger hurriedly escaped the annihilation attack and complained, "Teacher, I don't think it is the best time to think about this problem."

Master Gu Yi smiled, "Why not? We are all about to die anyway."

Strinch: "..."

Master Gu Yi sprayed the flames with both hands, while blocking the tyrant, while turning his head to Strance and winking mischievously, "What was your initial impression of the magician?"

Strance also seemed to let go, recalling: "When I was very young, I saw the magician grabbing a rabbit from his hat at the circus, and at the time I thought the magician was really omnipotent."

Master Gu Yi: "What about now?"

Strinch smiled bitterly. "Now I understand that magic is the use of rules. Of course, it cannot be omnipotent. Those are just deceiving people."

Master Gu Yi: "This is your weakness. Magic is no different to your skills as a doctor. You feel you can control it. It seems powerful but you have lost your devotion to magic."

"This kind of thinking restrains you and becomes your ceiling. You should be the most powerful of us, even surpassing Master Merlin."

"Magic, why not do everything?"

The words of Master Gu Yi sounded like a thunder in Strangi's mind, and he seemed to have grasped something, but it was vague.

This feeling was like 10,000 lice crawling on his body, which made it irritable and unbearable. Strange began to think continuously and pursued along the past memories. Gradually, he fell into a state of epiphany on the battlefield.

Master Gu Yi smiled slightly, leaned forward, and his body burned like a flame, trying his best to prevent future hegemony.

Without Strange's help, all the pressure was concentrated on the master Gu Yi, who was constantly burning his potential. Although he could barely drag the exterminator, he seemed very strenuous, and his body gradually became transparent ...

Strange faintly came to a white space, and after thinking hard, he finally remembered that this was the space where Master Merlin fell.

Hasn't this space crumbled long ago?

Why do all the answers in memory end up here?

I remember Li Mo said at the time that this space was in the state of existence and nothingness and had transcended the rules of the infinite universe.

Is this what happens out of nothing?

Thinking of this, Strange quickly sat down on his knees and felt the space carefully.

I don't know how long, like an instant and thousands of years, grass, blue sky, white clouds, and strange birds began to flow across the sky around Stranger, and the bright planet slowly rotated ...

"I understand!"

Stranger murmured and opened his eyes, but then immediately saw Master Gu Yi smile at him slightly, turning into light and dust drifting in the wind.

It's too late to grieve, and in the future, Exterminator has completely smashed the prison cage in space, and punched him with a furious punch.


A ring finger, Strange trapped future hegemony into a space of nothing, where he is God, and even if he could come out, time will be adjusted after countless years.


Strange's eyes turned red, bowed in the direction that Master Gu Yi disappeared, and he struck down the signal transmitter.



Thor became the thunder **** of rune kings. Thousands of **** thunder gathered together in a fragmented space, and even the surrounding space crackled and thundered.

He abandoned all emotions at this time, fighting with tyrants, and even faintly pressed his head to some extent.

However, the future tyrants are a bit aggressive.

Because Sol released the big rule without any scruples after the transformation, just a moment ago, split Asgard into nothingness.

Destroyed together, Li Mo hiding in the treasure room ...

At the same time, there were also the crimson witch Wanda and the sword. Although Wanda's chaos magic had broken to the limit, after all, the flesh was fragile. After the sword was smashed, it was unwilling to die in the hands of future destroyers ...


Ignorantly central command room.

Reid stared nervously at the space signal receiver, holding his right hand tightly against the ultimate wiper, sweating from his palms.


A red light came on.

Reed was pleased. "Tony succeeded!"

It didn't take long for another one to light up.

"It's Hulk, I know the big guys are reliable!"

Others also high-fried and cheered ~ ~ Reid ignored it, still staring nervously, praying incessantly: "Hurry up, hurry up, get another ..."

Outside the huge perspective window, huge voids have appeared in the sky of the void, the deadly blackness is constantly attacking, and the runes have destroyed half of the universe.


The third lamp finally lighted up in the expectations of everyone.

"It's Stranger!"

"Good job!"

The rest of the crowd stopped cheering and looked at Reed.

Reed first looked at his wife and Franklin, and then at the crowd.

"Goodbye, new universe!"

After that, he fiercely knocked down the ultimate wiper ...

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