Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 202: Wanshugu

Although the two roads are repressed, in the ears of He Yiming, the exhalation sound that can be clearly heard is loud.

He Yiming didn’t even have to look around, he knew that the two voices were from Fan Shuo and Secretary.

Ma Bin.

The two sorcerers of the two heavenly blessings, even at the moment of his export promise, had such a sigh of relief.

He Yiming’s face is not moving, but there are some in the heart.

The favorable conditions of Zhan Yu’s conditions make He Yiming unable to afford any refusal. If the four of them are still unable to kill Zhan Yu without being blocked, then unless this guy’s martial arts repair suddenly becomes a human peak, this will not happen anyway. gave birth.

However, to make He Yiming feel amazed, it is the reaction of Fan Shuo and Sima Bin.

They seem to have great confidence in Zhan, thinking that they can't hurt him at all.

He Yiming thought about the electric turn, and immediately understood the reason for all this, definitely because of Wanshugu


Wanshu Valley, as its name suggests, is definitely a valley with countless giant trees.

He Yiming even guessed Zhan’s plan, he wanted to be in that complicated place.

In the shape of the garden with him.

If it is a powerful Supreme, regardless of the face to do such a thing, and in the Wanshu Valley only He Yiming one person, then he really can not catch up with Zhan Yu within three days.

However, even the white horse thunder can be shot now, and He Yiming has something to worry about.

Under the gaze, He Yiming sang: "Fan Shuo's predecessor, please bring the younger generation to Wanshugu


Fan Shuo shook his head gently and gave a long sigh that contained complex meaning.

I don't know why, He Yiming feels it. The old man seems to be carrying a trace of mercy in his eyes.

However, since this is the case, He Yiming has never had a remorse, because he is convinced that several people can work together. No matter what means Zhan has any means, they can successfully kill him on the spot.

Both sides' eyes were filled with firm self-confidence, and the eyes that touched in the air splashed a wave of invisible sparks, releasing their momentum.

Sima Bin and Zhan Yu’s eyes are even more ridiculous. This kind of look makes He Yiming extremely angry. He has decided to kill Zhan in the fastest way and prove himself and others. The force of force.

"He brothers, since you have already set a gamble, the old man is not easy to intervene. But Zhan Yuxian said, you can bring your companions together, and we will not be late when we go together," Fan Shuo said calmly.

He Yiming nodded slowly and said: "In this case, please wait a moment."

Between the body and the body, He Yiming has turned and left, towards the other hospital where he lives.

go with.

His movements were so fast that they had entered the other house in a moment. As soon as they came to the house, He Yiming shook his wrist and picked up his clothes. He threw the mini version of the hundred and eight pieces into the past.

One hundred and eighty reached out and the mini version of the eight-times into his body, no longer see the slightest trace.

"Hundred brothers, you see what is a mystery." He Yiming asked quietly.

Although his confidence is still not shaken, but the performance of the other three people made him a touch of uneasiness.

If they do not have absolute certainty, they will open up such a gamble that seems to be lost.

Moreover, the city of Fan Shuo's great sage, even let He Yiming see a clue, it can be seen that his confidence in this gamble has reached the point where there is no need to cover up.

One hundred and eight jewel-like eyes flashed brightly, after the moment, he was cold

Road: "There is too little information to judge."

He Yiming gave him a sigh of relief and regretted it. If he had inquired about the golden battle in the past, he would not be so worried at the moment.

One hundred and eight slowly turned his head and said: "Wan Shu Gu should be related to the person who blocked you from the killer."

He Yiming gave a wry smile and said: "I know, but this person has no trace, no shadow. "I can't find any trace at all." He took a deep breath and said: "This person's hidden effort is really It’s too terrible, I’m afraid that even Huang Quan’s ancestors will be out of reach.”

One hundred and eight eyes flashed, and the light became more and more ready, finally saying: "No one.

He Yiming said slightly, "What do you say?"

"When you shoot, there are no people around.

He Yiming snorted and shook his head. "If there is no one, where did the two lights come from?" When he said this, He Yiming’s face was quite ugly, and his heart could not help but think of it. Some illusory legends.

If Dong Tianfu really has the legendary ghosts to help, hey, he’s going to be true this time.

I have planted it.

However, the legend of the gods and ghosts is very different. The existence of the people in Shinto is well documented.

Now the Shinto is decaying, but staying

All kinds of miracles come down, all prove that the Shinto once existed.

But the ghostly theory, it is completely nonsense, especially in the hearts of the practitioners, this is even more disdainful.

The sound of the hundred and eight sounded again: "According to my calculations, these two energies came from the ground."

He Yiming's eyebrows are light, he hesitated and hesitated, finally waved his hand, and said: "Don't worry so much, no one is blocking, even if someone blocks it. I don't believe it, with the power of our four." In addition to the peak of humanity, there are people who can stop it."

The sound of disharmony rang again: "If the person who blocks is really humane

What about the peak? ”

He Yiming didn't get angry 9! I glanced at him and said with anger: "If it is really the peak of humanity, then let the pigs go to the ghosts and cry, and cry and scream to bring the dragon snakes."

The little body of Bao pig stunned. It looked at the white horse and looked at it. He didn’t understand why He Yiming went out and became so.

He Yiming turned back and said in detail about his experience of chasing Zhan Yu this time.

Although the white horse thunder and the pigs do not speak, their wisdom is not inferior to humans, and it sounds no problem at all.

When they knew that He Yiming had shot twice in a row but failed, the look in his eyes seemed to become dignified.

Especially the sudden, so that He Yiming can not touch the light blocking of the origin, it is even more inscrutable

After a light turn on the body of the two beasts, He Yiming said the gambling contract again. This time, both the white horse lightning and the pigs seemed to be very relaxed.

To deal with a saint, they are naturally impossible to put in their hearts.

He Yiming picked up the Bao pig and rode on the white horse. He waved his hand gently. The white horse was turned into a white light. Following the instructions of He Yiming, he crossed a hill and came to Fan Shuo and others. .

Several of them negotiated a half-ring in the house, which naturally delayed some time. But Fan Shuo and others did not have any impatient look.

He Yiming’s eyes turned and immediately saw a few more people behind Fan Shuo, but the others were never seen except the Qilian brothers.

In addition to the Qilian double devils, these people have a hint of excitement in their eyes. They are not exchanged their eyes, and they look at He Yiming’s eyes with a trace of gloating.

Although there is no verbal conversation, He Yiming has already seen from their expression that these people are not optimistic about themselves, and even think that they must have lost.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, and He Yiming snorted, saying: "Fan Shuo's predecessors can now go to Wanshu Valley."

Fan Shuo looked at the hundred and eight and two holy beasts. He slowly nodded and said: "He brothers, please follow the old

Come on. ”

Fan Shuo turned and walked away. Behind him, Zhan Hao followed suit, and finally Sima Bin. Looking at the appearance of the two of them, it is actually a faint protection of Zhan Yu, it seems that I am afraid that He Yiming is desperate to start hurting here.

He Yiming gently caught a horse, and the white horse thunder immediately followed up slowly.

This kind of degree is just like playing with it. Without any pressure, it is naturally impossible to lose it.

Behind them, the sages slowly followed, and these people were secretly whispering. Everyone expressed a meaning. The five elements of the reincarnation cheats had just returned to the door, and the five elements of the ring had to return.

Once the five elements of the ring are promoted to artifacts, then the most glorious moment of the heavens and blessings will come for thousands of years.

Qilian double magic mixed among several people, they both looked at each other, although they believed in this heart that this gambling must be unbeaten, but somehow, in their hearts, there is always a feeling of uneasiness.

Perhaps, this is because they have more contact with He Yiming, and they are too impressed with his endless means, so he will worry about whether he has any means of defeating victory.

Soon everyone came to a huge valley surrounded by mountains.

"Fan Shuo's predecessor, here is Wanshugu?"

"Yes, this is the center of our heaven and earth." Fan Shuo’s voice has one

A natural West-and-arrogance: "Here... is Wanshugu."

He Yiming opened his mouth and stared firmly at the one named Wanshugu.

Giant trees.

This is a huge tree that looks up from the bottom and barely sees the end.

However, what really makes He Yiming feel puzzled is that here, there is only one big one.

A solitary, towering in the center of the valley, the cows cover the sky and the endless days

Big tree eleven

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