Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 201: Weird bet

Fan Shuo's hand slowly stretched out, and a ray of light suddenly spread from his palm, and the area was illuminated like white.

Although the sky is still dark, there is still no light in the distance, but the people here are no longer troubled by the night.

Sima Village; standing under Fan Shuo, the two of them flew from the courtyard at the same time. But unlike usual, Fan Shuo's figure is flying high in the air, and Sima Bin is not only slow in the degree, but also the height of the flight is greatly reduced.

It can be seen that the impact of the daytime competition on him is still quite huge.


Zhan Yu came to the front of Fan Shuo and others. He immediately stopped and no longer fled, and in his eyes flashed a glimmer of surprise.

Danger, opportunity, this is two twin brothers, when one appears, the other will certainly come along.

He Yiming assassinated Zhan Yu, for Zhan Jun, it is indeed extremely dangerous. If there is no magical force rescue, then he has already died without a place of burial.

But in the same way, when he escaped the danger, he immediately ushered in an opportunity. He Yiming’s friendship with Dong Tianfu’s land may start from this moment.

Fan Shuo’s eyes were cold and there was a trace of anger. No matter how he valued or was jealous of He Yiming, when he saw He Yiming’s unscrupulous pursuit of the martial art in the cave, he would not look good anyway.

"He brother, what do you mean?" he asked coldly.

Zan Yiming is not humble, "Predecessors, you should know who this person is." Reaching out to Zhan Yi, He Yiming said: "This person and the younger generation have a deep hatred, this hatred is not shared.

Fan Shuo's brow grumps, said: "He brothers, the old man has also heard of your grievances with Zhan Yuxian. You are only a misunderstanding between you, it seems that you don't need to be so desperate."

He Yiming raised his eyebrows and said: "The predecessors did not know. In the same year, this person was holding a five-ring ring, went to the totem family, stealing the wolf totem, and blaming the younger generation. The battle with the totem family, a younger generation In order to save a certain life, he died in the hands of the snakes." He paused, the coldness in his voice, said: "If the predecessors and the younger are easy to get along with, what will happen?"

Fan Shuo’s brow suddenly wrinkled. If he and He Yiming get along with each other, then there will be other choices besides revenge at all costs.

But at this moment standing on his position, it is a little different.

Sigh aloud, Fan Shuodao, "He brothers, even if you have grievances with him, but should not be resolved here." He looked around and proudly said: "This is a good place, we can not let any guests hurt."

He Yiming smiled coldly and said, "Since the predecessors said so, the younger generations are desperate." He stepped back and said, "I asked the seniors to send this person away from the cave, and the younger generation and his grievances were solved outside the mountains. ”

Sima Bin screamed and said: "He Yiming, here is the hole in the sky, how long our guests want to stay, how long it will stay, not you can decide."

Zhan Qian forcibly resisted the excitement in his heart. He closed his mouth and stared at He Yiming with his eyes closed. His eyes did not hide his unforgettable hatred.

In front of the two five-powered people, he did not say a word, because he knew that if he talked indiscriminately at this moment, it would probably be counterproductive. As expected, He Yiming and Dong Tianfu's masters said that the more rigid, the irreconcilable contradiction between them is a fierce conflict.

He Yiming feels martial arts, 乾 圣 圣 造 造 造 造 造 造 造 造 将 将 将 将 将 将 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 王 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神乾 乾 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The killing in the middle is more intense, but he does not dare to shoot at will.

Although the two five-powered sages are powerful, he is confident that as long as they are summoned by them, they can easily be settled.

However, the slyness of the two sings - the two ignorances from where he came from, made him extremely jealous.

For this invisible, incomprehensible, but powerful enemy, He Yiming naturally does not dare to take it lightly.

The eyelids hang down slightly, and He Yiming sighed: &t; Fan Shuo's predecessor, He Mou, who had been in the retreat of the Fenggui faction for a long time, retired to see one or two. ”

Fan Shuo gave a slight glimpse and said: "He brothers, you want to see which of the sages only know what to say, the old man can accompany you."

I heard that He Yiming is no longer entangled in Zhan Yu’s affairs. Fan Shuo’s heart undoubtedly put a big deal down.


He Yiming's eyes are slightly brighter, said, "The younger generations have been shot twice, and they have all been blocked. The predecessor has made great achievements, and the younger generations have sighed, so they want to ask for one side."

Fan Shuo’s face suddenly became extremely strange, even Sima Bin’s face was the same.

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, and he felt vaguely. He seemed to say something wrong, but he did not know where it was.

Fan Shuo coughed a little and his face recovered a little. He said: "He brothers, I am very sorry, although the predecessor has a lot to do with our heaven and earth, but it is not a native, we can't introduce you."

He Yiming's eyebrows are light and his heart is slightly indulged.

In the eyes of Zhan Xi’s eyes, a flash of madness flashed.

He tried to think of something like that, and suddenly stepped forward, saying: "He Yiming, do you want to take my life? We might as well make a bet. If I lose, I will give this life to you. If you lose, oh... I don't want your life, as long as you take out the five-ring ring and return it to Dongtianfu.

Fan Shuo and Sima Bin's face were slightly changed. They looked at each other and turned out to be silent.

He Yiming smiled coldly and said: "Follow it? This five-line ring is He Mou grabbed from your hand.

Come, even if you want to return, you should still be with you. ”

Zhan Yu’s eyes are condensed. He is very tall and bold. He said: “The five elements of the ring are originally the inheritance artifacts of the Five Elements. Our Zhan family is only for the sake of custody. Today, the Tiantianfudi is the only inheritance force of the Five Elements, this artifact is naturally essential. Return to the original."

Sima Bin nodded slightly, and Zhan’s words were said to be in his heart.

When he wants to come, whether it is the five-way reincarnation cheats or the five elements of the ring, it should be unconditionally attributed to Dong Tianfu, so that He Yiming will hand over the five elements, which is already very good for him. If they change another nameless pawn, they are too lazy to say that they are directly killed.

He Yiming e!i eyes turned on everyone's face and said: "What kind of bet are you going to play?"

There was a sneer on Zhan’s face, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm: “You and I entered Wanshugu together. I will give you three days. If you can kill me within the time limit, this bet is about Naturally done, but if you can't kill me, then you lose."

Fan Shuo and Sima Bin both closed their mouths firmly, and they did not have any strange expression on their faces. Obviously, when Zhan Yi proposed this bet, they already thought of this possibility, so it was not a little bit strange at the moment when Zhan Yu proposed it.

Hidden, He Yiming’s heart raised a sense of uneasiness.

Seeing the expressions of several of them, if there is no doubt in the heart, it is simply a lie.

He can be sure that in the Wanwan Valley, there must be another mystery, but what is it, it is not what he can now know.

Seeing He Yiming’s eyes seem to be hesitant, Zhan’s heart glimpsed, saying: “He Yiming, by your side, is there still a hundred and eight and two holy beasts with the blood of the beasts? Under the joint force, even the Dashen royal family Yujia was devastated."

He Yiming smiled coldly and said: "Yes, they are indeed friends of Hemou, you mention

What they do is to ask them to join me. ”

Zhan Yu suddenly laughed loudly, and his laughter was filled with a crazy taste.

"As long as you agree with Zhan's bet, Zhan will allow them to join.

He Yiming is really moving this time.

He, one hundred and eight, plus white horse lightning and Xiaobao pig, the combination of these four beasts is the greatest power, even if the five five-powered Chaoyuan masters are already dying Huangquan. However, Zhan Jun is still so confident, and he is not doubtful.

After a moment of indulgence, He Yiming suddenly smiled and said: "Fan Shuo's predecessors, originally in the Wanshu Valley of Guimen, there is still a humanity peak predecessor seclusion."

Fan Shuo’s face was eccentric, but he immediately shook his head: “He brothers, in addition to the lord of the sacred land, no one can reach the peak of humanity.”

He Yiming is very embarrassed, Fan Shuo will never deceive him in this matter, but Zhan's so confident, and the magical light blocking, makes him hard to believe.

After all, in this year's disappearance of the Shinto, in addition to the human peak, He Yiming still can't think of any characters who can win the joint efforts of the four of them.

Perhaps, the dragon snake in the ghost crying ridge can, but He Yiming traveled to the heavens and blessed land yesterday.

Lin, he has confirmed that there is absolutely no such thing as a dragon snake.

If there is such a top-level sacred beast, even if he can't do it now, the white horse lightning and the pig will certainly not be indifferent.

Zhan’s fierce voice suddenly sounded: “He I can assure you that no one will do it for you or your companion. If you are hurt in the hands of others, this The bet is also considered a loss."

In the eyes of He Yiming, there was a dangerous spark. Zhan Jun had already said this to the point. If he should not fight, then he would never be able to look up again.

He hit a haha ​​in the sky, said: &t; Zhan Hao, you mean no one is blocking me, and I still can't kill you. ”

"Not bad." Zhan Yu was arrogant and did not hesitate.

He Yiming laughed loudly, his laughter spread far and wide, and it was far from this silent night.

Got out.

However, even if Sima Bin is silent at this moment, it seems that as long as He Yiming answered

With this spare part, it is worthwhile to wake up all the people in the whole place.

The laughter suddenly converges. He Yiming’s voice = "I" gambled with you one by one."

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