Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 503: Far away from the sea

The temptation of the avatar outside the body is too strong.

However, external avatars also have a variety of atmospheres, without exception, each requires very precious materials and extremely demanding conditions, otherwise most monks will have external avatars.

Of course, there are also some relatively low-level external incarnations, so low that no monks even call them external incarnations.

When the monk reaches the stage of distraction, when he separates the soul from the void, he can also separate the foreign objects from the soul.

Some peculiar materials and other auxiliary methods can make a trace of the soul exist alone, which is also a technique of incarnation outside the body.

However, this kind of external incarnation is really useless. The main body dies, this clone can't live. In addition, it has almost no combat power and very little auxiliary effect. Therefore, although there is this method of external incarnation, there is no The monk is willing to endure the pain of the division of spirits and souls and choose to practice.

The slightly more advanced technique of incarnation outside the body requires too harsh materials.

Even a monk with great supernatural powers has never seen anyone possess it.

The cloth brocade found from the monk Xiao Leiyin Temple recorded such a method of external incarnation, but these external incarnations were a bit cruel.

There are special methods to wipe out the soul of a creature, and then separate the soul into it, fuse the remaining soul, and occupy its body.

Needless to say, the difficulty of this one is that it is difficult to find just the creatures you need.

If it is a monk, that talent is poor, and it certainly won't work, at least it must be a genius with a single spirit root, and the chance of failure is still very high. Of course, the other method is the monster beast with extraordinary talent.

It is best to be in a young age.

Because the soul is weaker in childhood, the chance of practicing outside the body incarnation will be greater.

"Golden little mouse that can swallow ore," Wang Chen glanced at the little mouse next to Xiao Yu, with some clarity in his heart, "If it's just because the little mouse wants to be subdued, I'm afraid it won't take so much. Look. The great monk who came here wanted to refine the little golden rat into an external incarnation."

Incarnation outside the body, but has a huge temptation.

But the little bird is so good to the little golden mouse. Naturally, Wang Chen would not use the little golden rat to cultivate his external incarnation, but he gave the cloth brocade to the little mole.

"Wow, boss, this external avatar is so powerful, I will also practice in the future."

Xiao Nai didn't realize that the big monk wanted to use the little golden rat to cultivate his external incarnation.

However, Wang Chen was a little surprised in his heart. This kind of external incarnation technique is quite remarkable even in Xiao Leiyin Temple. Why was it carried by the great monk.

And this cloth brocade is very old, it looks like the original.

Even the great monk is a top monk with supernatural powers. The copy should also be taken out, so it is normal.

Of course, no one would know this technique of incarnation outside the body, even Xiao Leiyin Temple did not know, this secretary was only obtained from an ancient Buddhist niche by the great monk. Contribute to Xiaoleiyin Temple.

If he contributed to Xiao Leiyin Temple, the first monk to be able to practice is definitely not himself.

people. All are selfish.


While thinking about the secret technique of this external incarnation in his heart, Wang Chen's figure drove away quickly.

Wang Chen's flying direction is to the south, and to the south of Wanghaixiancheng is the endless sea. Think about how big the sea is. The width is three states. The length is four continents, so it is needless to say how big the area is.

At the beginning, I didn't feel anything, but after flying for a few hours in the escape light. Wang Chen felt that he couldn't support it anymore.

After forty kinds of mysticism realized the great achievement, Wang Chen's escape technique was accelerated, but correspondingly, the mana consumed was increased several times.

Wang Chen felt a little too expensive.

"Huh? There is a boat?"

When Wang Chen swept away his spiritual consciousness, he found that a huge beast appeared on the sea in the distance, with dense formations, runes and an extremely sturdy hull, like a giant beast lying on the surface of the water.

This boat is a thousand feet long and a hundred feet wide, and looks about the size of an island.

In fact, Wang Chen came all the way, and many small islands were not as big as this ship.

call out!

Wang Chen's retreat quickly flew towards the big ship and descended.

"Who, bold."

"Beware of an enemy attack!"

A messy sound appeared from the big ship, and then the formation was instantly opened, and a large number of spell attacks mixed with flying swords also rushed towards the face, which was appalling.

Bang bang bang!

With the sound of successive explosions, Wang Chen's figure also slowly appeared in front of everyone, but the many monks who were wearing them were shocked when they saw it.

With so many attacks, it was like a trick in front of Wang Chen's defensive supernatural powers, without breaking Wang Chen's defensive supernatural powers.

On the big ship is a caravan. Although it is not owned by the big forces, there are also apex monks. Naturally, they recognize that they are monks with great supernatural powers.

"Meet Senior, I don't know what's the matter when Senior came here?"

This person had the highest cultivation level on the ship. He was a monk in the early stage of the Tribulation, but his strength seemed a little bad. Wang Chen didn't care much, and said casually:

"Flying over the sea for too long this time, I want to rest on the boat. Do you have a place to rest here?"

"Yes, some."

In the early stage of the robbery, the cultivator hurriedly said, and then showed Wang Chen the way, and asked the other cultivators to give a place to the big room for Wang Chen to rest and use.

Wang Chen was not polite, took it directly, and then began to rest.

The stronger the strength, the more privileges there are. Even if you don't say this privilege, it is the tacit consent of everyone.

If Wang Chen didn't take it, others would probably feel uneasy and feel that it would be harmful to them. Wang Chen took it. Instead, they felt that Wang Chen was not paying attention to the property, but just taking a break.

After entering the big ship, everything calmed down How should the big ship go or how to go, but the monks chatted more, talked more about the mysterious monk Wang Chen. .

"The situation that day, you guys were in the cabin, but you didn't see it. Even Boss Hai wouldn't be able to withstand so many attacks from everyone. As a result, Senior Swordsman had nothing to do."

"How did you know that it was Jian Xiu?"

"Isn't that nonsense? That senior carries the divine sword on his back, the sword does not leave the body, you have seen it, and that senior is likely to be an ancient sword repairer, with extremely powerful strength."

"Ah, too, it's possible."

"It would be great if I could be accepted as an apprentice by the predecessors."

"Haha, relying on you, I think Senior is not as good as Long Yang, and based on your looks, it's far worse."

"Ha! Ha!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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