Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 502: Avatar

Wang Chen took the little mole and the little golden mouse, and instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared, and even the guards of Wanghaixian City and the forbidden air formation were ignored.

"Boss, is it a big deal? Let's run!"


Wang Chen nodded, and the moment the escape light reached the top, it turned into a dim light of nine colors, disappearing.

The battle in Wanghailou involved violent spiritual energy fluctuations. It was obviously a master battle, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Moreover, Wang Chen not only killed the top monks with supernatural powers with one move, but the nearby pavilions were also affected and collapsed.

"The great supernatural monk of Xiao Leiyin Temple is dead?"

"It's a big shock, it's a big deal now, huh, Xiao Leiyin Temple has been overbearing for such a long time, I was pecked by a wild goose today."

"However, there have been a lot of things in Xiaoleiyin Temple recently. First, the Lord Buddha rebelled and went out. It hasn't been settled yet. Now it has provoke such a tyrannical monk, tusk."


A group of monks were talking about gloating, knowing that the monks of Xiao Leiyin Temple were here, they scattered around.

However, the news of the death of the Great Supernatural Power Monk of Xiao Leiyin Temple spread like wildfire, and Wang Chen's strength was also known to many forces for the first time.

Tianyuan Continent is obviously weak in the east and strong in the west.

Leizhou, Wuzhou, and Bingzhou in the east did not have any big powers. Except for Qingzhou's good strength, the monster clan's territory had nothing to do with humans at that time.

In the west, Zhanzhou and Xuanzhou were divided up by big forces. Shengzhou and Hezhou, therefore, are much stronger.

Therefore, the eastern part contains the existence of super powerful monks, such as Huang Tian, ​​although his supernatural powers are special, his strength is also powerful among the third class of great supernatural monks, and he is already a great figure in Leizhou.

Of course, Leizhou also has many old monsters that are not born.

For example, the ancient Buddhist monks and the mysterious innate thunder body monks in the thunder abyss of heaven and earth are undoubtedly top-level monks with great supernatural powers, and their strength is not inferior to the current Wang Chen. It might even be stronger.

The eastern monks with great supernatural powers are weak, and the western monks with great supernatural powers are strong.

As a result, the great supernatural monks in the west are generally not well-known.

Wang Chen is considered completely famous this time, the top great supernatural monks of Xiao Leiyin Temple were all killed by Wang Chen, this influence is not ordinary.


Little Leiyin Temple.

"Kill, you must kill, or else the face of this temple will be lost. If Master Sora was killed in this way and did not reflect, then the sect will definitely be despised by others."

"Yes. In the future, the disciples will definitely be more insecure than if you don't kill them. Just as an example."

In the Daxiong Hall, all the monks with great supernatural powers were so angry, as if they were about to set out and kill them immediately. It's just that among the people, the real top monks with great supernatural powers all spoke up.

Only when the argument was getting lower, one of them spoke:

"Amitabha Buddha, this time seeing his nephew passed away, it is indeed a great misfortune for this temple. The sword repair must also be eradicated, but there are other things to do before this."

"Yes. This sword repair is too strong. If you really want to be dispatched, you will need dozens of top cultivators to take action. This temple has so much power for the time being."

With this, the monk's eyes flashed: "The sword repair matter can be slowed down and waited for the ancestors in the Central Immortal Territory to solve it, but the Great Day Light Sutra cannot be lost. 1. Xiao Leiyin Temple must be obtained."


Wang Chen naturally didn't know Xiao Leiyin Temple's plan, and Wang Chen wouldn't think about it.

One sword killed the top great supernatural monk in Xiao Leiyin Temple, Wang Chen felt very good, very good. The haze that has been pressing on my heart has also been wiped out.

Jian Xiu, he was decisive, killing one person for thousands of miles, killing people mercilessly.

This is the feeling of Jian Xiu.

Wang Chen only felt that his whole body was very comfortable, and the depression of encountering so many top monks who were defeated by the great supernatural powers had finally dissipated for most of the time.

"I will be able to catch up to them soon."

Wang Chen secretly said in his heart, and in his mind appeared the figure of the old monk of the ancient Buddhist temple, the mysterious innate thunder body monk, and the venerable beast.

Of course, Wang Chen had never seen Venerable Ten Thousand Beasts, he just thought about it.

At this moment, Little Mole came out and said pitifully: "Boss, did I cause you trouble again? Those people seem to be very powerful."

Wang Chen shook his head and touched the little mole's hair. The little mole also shook with enjoyment.

"It's okay, Xiao Leiyin Temple is not a problem. It won't be long before my strength will be invincible in the human world. Then there is no need to worry."

Wang Chen was very confident in himself.

"That's good," Little Mole was very happy, but then his eyes lit up, "Boss, see what's in that bald donkey storage bag, maybe there is something good."

Wang Chen nodded, then took out a storage ring and dripped blood to recognize the Lord.

There is a lot of space for storage rings. Under normal circumstances, one is enough. There is no need for a monk to take a few in his hand.

"There are a lot of good things!"

Wang Chen's divine consciousness went deep into it, and he checked it a little bit. As the top great supernatural monk of Xiao Leiyin Temple, one can imagine how many things are in the storage bag of this great monk.

First of all, there are several hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, but it is a great fortune, and there are also a few top-grade spiritual stones.

In addition to these are the jade slips on the exercises and the scriptures, there are many of these things, and there are many insights from the great monks. Although Wang Chen does not need it, it is always correct to look at it to increase his knowledge.

Then there is the pill.

The Buddha's ability to cultivate pill medicine is very good, especially some unique pill medicine is more effective, Wang Chen found a lot of them, can be used.

Finally, there are some magic weapons and the like, which are also very valuable.

It's just that these things really didn't work for Wang Chen. Wang Chen's cultivation level had reached this point. The precious spiritual materials in the eyes of ordinary monks were simply insignificant to Wang Chen.

"Hey, there is another jade box here."

Wang Chen suddenly found this jade box in the corner of the storage ring. From the top of the jade box, it can be seen that this jade box is often looked through, so the jade box is flattened a bit.

Opening the jade box, a piece of cloth brocade appeared in the jade box.

Wang Chen picked it up and checked it carefully. There were densely packed text on the There was a little Buddha light in the text, which looked unusual.

Wang Chen looked at it sentence by sentence, his eyes getting more and more serious, and he couldn't help taking a breath.

"The secret method of Buddhism, incarnate outside the body."

Above the cloth brocade, what was recorded was an extraordinary technique of incarnation outside the body, and the level of this technique of incarnation outside the body was quite high.

The incarnation outside the body is a secret technique that every monk wants to practice, and its value is even higher than that of magical powers.

When the monk dies, the external incarnation can inherit the monk's spirit and continue to practice. In battle, there is an external avatar to help greatly increase the strength. Cultivation, with the help of an external avatar, can also speed up.

Incarnation outside the body, there are too many benefits, no monk does not want it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

PS: Finally I have a monthly pass, I am moving!

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