Singing came in slowly, ethereally floating, seeming to exist, seeming to be illusory, and sounded from all directions.

"Qiu Long is a puppet, Fu Chang meets Xiahou, and he is good at joining Mang Bang, Yu Bo is stupid, after the death of Shuiyun, the light will never die..."

"Mountains and rivers are broken, the world is in trouble, the people of the people are charcoal, God blesses mercy, the goddess is born, the nine armies support, form a general line, the goddess is emotional, the overall situation is chaotic..."

"Three thousand red silks are in love with each other. If you want to stop, you must first be confused, the nine armies will be separated, the light of the goddess will be extinguished, thousands of years have passed, and the cycle of life will be endless..."

The chanting sound is full of sadness, as if it is telling a sad and beautiful story, and Han Fei can hear it. She doesn't know where this voice comes from, or why it can be kept for so long. What's more, she even I'm not sure if I'm hearing a hallucination.

But the only certainty is one point.

The owner of this underground palace is the legendary goddess.

The person who is called your majesty by the white bone puppet is a goddess!

Han Fei's expression was shocked. The words that resembled Shifeishi were seen in the sarcophagus in Shuibian Village, and the puppet Nan regarded her as a goddess because...

Han Fei slowly took out the bracelet in her arms that she had been holding close to her body.

At this moment, the bracelet was glowing with a dark golden light. The original bracelet, which was so simple as if it was covered with a layer of gray, bloomed with a special color, and the lines carved on it seemed to come alive, lifelike, and the whole bracelet was completely transformed.

Yes, this is the bracelet of the goddess, how could she forget this thing!

After returning from Shuibian Village, she put this thing away, and she didn't have the energy to pay attention to it. It's strange or blame that this bracelet is not good looking at ordinary times, how could it be so special!

Han Fei was silent for a while holding this precious bracelet, and suddenly dropped it on the ground, stepped on a few feet, and yelled, "Fuck! It's all because of this thing!" That made me be regarded as a ghost! I was chased by a bone spirit for so long! Now I can't get out if I want to go out!"

I stepped on it and didn't let my anger go. I stepped on a few more feet.

The goddess bracelet that is revered by the world was so severely stepped on by Han Fei. If it weren’t for the old village chief’s entrusted to her before his death, Han Fei would have just thrown it out. After a few feet, he would be disgusted. Picked it up, snore and wiped it, stuffed it back into the bag, showing a fierce look.

At this time, the sound of rumbling steps came, and Han Fei could even feel the vibration of the ground. A lot of premonitions flashed in her heart. She had only felt this kind of resonance vibration in one place, that is, Shuibian Village. .

Yes, if the owner of this palace is a goddess, then one of the nine armies under the goddess' name is the puppet Zhengjun, no wonder she is so familiar but didn't remember it for the first time!

Han Fei was a little frightened, a puppet is already choking, but there is still an army stationed here! What’s more terrifying is that this puppet army is different from the Shuiyun army. It was left over a thousand years ago. This means that everyone here has experienced the baptism of thousands of years and has truly been on the battlefield. It is an army that has truly established military merits!

Han Fei raised his eyes and looked around. There was no place to hide in this hall, only the round platform. Han Fei didn't understand why Taobao said this place would be safe, but it seemed that there was no other way but to climb up.

The neat stepping sound is getting closer and closer. It seems that it will not be long before it will be able to surround this, and the sound of vibration is very objective. This number is definitely very objective.

Han Fei began to climb towards the round platform. The round platform was not too high. She quickly reached the top. On the top, the shiny thing was a mirror, but it was a mirror with a dark surface.

Han Fei looked at this mirror a little weird, but in such a place, there is a mirror? Is the decoration nice? And this is a mirror... The long oval mirror body, made of bronze, is carved with some weird patterns, or phoenix, or blue bird, or basalt, or blue dragon, intertwined, like a mythical story, and the mirror surface But it's dark, and it's not even clear for individuals.

When Han Fei reached out and touched it with a ghostly enchantment, there was a bang, and the entire army raided from all directions, with a huge momentum and an amazing lineup. Han Fei pulled his hand back and looked at it. At this sight, his scalp was numb.

Damn it!

She knew it!

The puppets have not been able to withstand the baptism of thousands of years and turned into bones. How can these troops still maintain their human form!

I saw a dense cluster of Bai Sensen bones underneath, all wearing uniform armor uniforms, but the clothes on his body had been extremely damaged, revealing the bone shelf underneath. Thousands of years have consumed too much stuff. Even the armor is already rusty. If the general looks at it, he will be extremely heartbroken, but in Han Fei's eyes, it is terrifying!

A large group of bone racks in armor! Can it not be horrified!

A puppet is already choking! There are thousands of bone spirits now!


The sound of uniform footsteps approached, and the vibration on the ground became stronger and stronger, and they got closer and closer, until finally, they gathered under the round table, raised their heads one by one, and looked at Han Fei on the round table faintly.

Han Fei was stared at by so many skulls, her legs were a little soft, just like the shooting scene of a horror movie, but at this time the system went offline!

The Bone Army, no, it's the puppet that is the first in the puppet army. Don't ask how Han Fei recognizes the puppet Nan from among the many skeletons.

"Those who broke into the temple, die!"

Puppet Nan's faint voice came. He raised his foot, and when he was about to step on the round stage, Han Fei finally couldn't help it, and said loudly, "Wait!"

Puppet Nan actually stopped and stared at Han Fei.

Han Fei had some scalp numbness, but still took a deep breath, and insisted: "I am not your majesty, but I am the one entrusted by your majesty!"

Puppet Nan tilted his head, as if trying to test the reliability of this sentence.

In order to avoid the puppet's unbelief, and to complete her lie, she took out the bracelet that she had stepped on several feet and held it high, and the bracelet flashed very powerfully at the moment, and the audience was silent.

Seeing that they were bluffing them, Han Fei felt a little more at ease, and immediately began to talk and talk: "Although I am not your majesty, but your majesty has confessed to me, then, you want me to come back and see to help her guard Looking at what happened to the puppet army in the palace, I specifically asked me to express my condolences! Well, that's probably it!"

After finishing speaking, Han Fei also grabbed the puppet Nan, but she really couldn't see any expression from the white bones, so she had to wait patiently.

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