When the puppet appeared in the appearance of all white bones, Han Fei had only one word in his mind, white bones...

Still a beautiful man with a bone!

Fortunately, she was not tempted by beauty at first!

Puppet Nan's two empty eye sockets seemed to be watching Han Fei, and his jaws were closed one by one, and a voice came out.

"Your Majesty, the puppet can't wait for another thousand years for your Majesty, please return to the palace!"

Han Fei hurriedly asked the system for help, "Taobao! You must think of a way! This bone spirit refuses to let me go! And what he said, Majesty, I don't even know! What should I do now!"

"Host wait a minute! I'll scan the map here! This place is too weird! Blocking all my explorations, the host may not even be able to convey my information after leaving this place, so please try to delay the host! "

Han Fei was also anxious, but she still pretended to be calm on the face and said to the white bone puppet Nan: "That... why do you think I am your majesty?"

Han Fei started to talk about the topic, trying to delay time.

"Your Majesty, no matter how round you are now, you are still the Majesty I admire, but your Majesty...want to leave."

When he said this, Nan Nan's entire skeleton began to tremble, and Han Fei was afraid that he would fall apart after shaking.

"You calm down first! I think we should have a good talk, what is your majesty's name?"

Suddenly, the puppet knelt on one knee and said: "Your Majesty’s name must not be spoken by your subordinates. If your Majesty wants to punish your subordinates, he will say that he will not postpone it. Please do not make the puppet commit such a crime. Great sin!"

Such a sharp glance of the white bone spirit is really hard to explain!

"What do you want me to say will you believe that I am not your majesty?" Han Fei asked in a self-defeating manner.

The puppet was silent for a while, and suddenly said passionately: "If you are not your majesty, then those who break into the temple without authorization, die!"

When the words were over, a bone sword suddenly appeared in Pup Nan's hand, and the blade was still shining coldly, looking very sharp.

Han Fei groaned directly in her heart, and quickly said: "You brought me here! It's none of my business!"

Puppet Nan repeated: "The one who broke into the temple! Death!"

The sword pointed directly at Han Fei.

"Taobao!! Are you ready!!"

"Alright, well, the host runs to the right! There is an exit there!"

Han Fei ran away after hearing the words. Behind him, Puppet Nan looked at her fleeing figure. Suddenly, blood-red spots of light appeared from the two empty eye sockets. The bone frame trembled, and the upper and lower jaws closed together. While saying: "You are not your majesty, you are not your majesty...no... your majesty has not come back..."

"It has been a thousand years, and your Majesty has not returned..."

"Not back... Your Majesty abandoned us..."

"My puppet army was abandoned by your majesty..."

"Unforgivable... Unforgivable intruders!"

"Dead! The one who trespassed in the temple is dead!"

With a bang, Han Fei heard her behind her as if exploded. In the gap of sneaking away, she glanced back. This was incredible, she saw that all the clothes on the puppet Nan's body were exploded, naked. The bone frame suddenly expanded many times, and it was two meters high. The whole seemed to be in a certain manic state, and the red eyes looked straight at her.

Han Fei struck a spirit, and ran even harder, wishing to roll over!

There was mechanical footsteps behind him, and Nan was holding a bone sword to chase him up, Han Fei screamed and ran, the soul was frightened, and it was the first time she was chased by a white skeleton in her two lifetimes!

"Taobao! Hurry up and think of a way! That bone spirit is about to catch up!"

Han Fei ran desperately, passing through a narrow door on the right, and the dark corridor suddenly lit up, leading to the unknown front.

Before long, it was a fork, "Taobao! Which way!"

"...Left...Go straight...Hall...Safe..."

The sound of the system will disappear for a while, as if the signal has been interrupted, Han Fei is anxious, this **** place has blocked the system again! There was no way, she had to choose the left passage according to the words she had just heard, and the footsteps behind her got closer and closer.

The corridor was very quiet, Han Fei heard her gasping sound like a broken blower, and her heavy footsteps were almost impossible to take. I don’t know when the sound of footsteps that were chasing behind disappeared, but she could not stop. , I fell into a strange state in my mind.

Run, run quickly...

In front, something is calling her...

Very important……

Don’t forget, don’t forget...

Han Fei's eyes lost their lustre, and even her pupils were dilated. Her mind seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, her reason was all suppressed, her body became lighter and lighter, and her exhaustion was gone.

Reaching out, she pushed open a door, which was a very heavy door. She almost exhausted all of her strength to push it open. In front of her, once the golden light flashed, Han Fei's sanity recovered again.

When the eyes were clear again, Han Fei couldn't help her legs weak, and she knelt down on the ground in embarrassment, panting heavily, her eyes turned black for a while, and the exhaustion that had just disappeared swept across like a tide again, even with a finger. Can't move.

After resting for a full ten minutes, Han Fei had some strength. She slowly raised her head, and there was a stand in front of her, and a set of clothes hung neatly on the shelf.

The clothes are as dazzling as fire and blood, the neckline is slightly standing, embroidered with dense gold silk patterns, long wide sleeves are swaying down, the joints are also embroidered with peony patterns, the girdle is inlaid with jade, and a black ribbon The hem is very long, and a pair of embroidered shoes are half exposed underneath. The toes are raised, dignified and noble. Every detail of the clothes is ingenious and there is no flaw at all. The whole display looks like one piece. The artwork is average, with a heavy sense of traveling through the millennia.

Han Fei was fascinated. For a while, she felt that this suit was a bit similar, but she couldn't remember it if she wanted to investigate it.

However, what made Han Fei even more noticed was that beside the blood red suit, there was a set of elegant white shirts. It was men’s clothing, with no extra decoration, platinum trim, green and white girdle, but on the neckline. Chu faintly embroidered a white totem, which formed a sharp contrast with the red Luo skirt, but there was a strange match.

This red and white two sets of clothes stood in front of him, and besides that, in the entire huge space, there was only one tall round table.

The round platform stood, a ladder leading up, roughly about ten meters high, and above the round platform, something seemed to be shining.

This place is very weird.

Han Fei stared at this huge space blankly. For some reason, her heart suddenly sank.

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