Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 363: Opposing Positions

The news that ten prisoners escaped from Azkaban has become the most talked about topic in Hogwarts in recent times, because some of them are well-known for their murderous nature.

Harry has once again become the object of public attention, but what is different from last time is that more and more people are beginning to believe what Harry and Dumbledore say. Everyone is concerned about the "Daily Prophet" about the Death Eaters. Escape from Azkaban was dissatisfied with the statement and believed that the Ministry of Magic failed to play the role it should have. They did not fully tell the public the truth of the matter. Many students began to privately inquire for more information from teachers in each class. But this practice was quickly outlawed, as Umbridge issued a new Education Order the next day, prohibiting teachers from providing students with any information that was not related to the subject they were teaching.

"The more she prohibits it like this, the more everyone will believe that the Ministry of Magic has not announced the truth of the matter." Hermione said with some pride. She felt that Umbridge did something that she thought was smart but unnecessary.

"Even if the dementors have completely rebelled, the Ministry of Magic is still unwilling to accept the fact that Voldemort has been resurrected. What on earth is going on in Fudge's mind!" Nydia could not understand the thoughts of the Minister of Magic Fudge at all.

"So we can no longer expect the Ministry of Magic to tell everyone the truth. We must do it ourselves." Hermione looked around and saw that everyone else in the library was immersed in doing their homework. After pulling down the last few rows of bookshelves, Nidiya made sure that no one was eavesdropping and said, "I have already talked to Luna. She said that her father would be very willing to publish an article telling the truth. Where are you? How is the situation?"

"I wrote a letter to Rita Skeeter, and if she doesn't write back to me within this week I'll send her another one to make sure she agrees to write this article," Nitya said.

"Rita Skeeter!" Hermione was a little surprised, "The person you contacted was actually her. Are you planning to use the fact that she is an unregistered Animagus to threaten her? But in this matter We have no evidence and no one will believe our words so easily.”

"How long has it been since you saw Rita Skeeter's article in the Daily Prophet?" Nydia asked.

"Probably...after last year's Triwizard Tournament!" Hermione recalled that Nydia said that she would solve Rita Skeeter's matter. "What did you do to her?"

Nydia told Hermione everything about how she had imprisoned Rita Skeeter for several months.

"How could she still come to help you after you tortured her like this!" Hermione felt that Rita Skeeter had finally gained freedom and would never be willing to come back again.

"She will come, she will definitely come!" Nidia smiled confidently, "Because fear can dominate a person's behavior more than threats."

The fear Nydia was referring to was that Rita Skeeter was afraid of Ewan, but Hermione thought of Voldemort at the moment Nydia said these words. This was the first time she had it after knowing Nydia's identity. Such a weird feeling, "It seems like you punished her a lot!"

"...Indeed." Nydia recalled the bloody back of Rita Skeeter's hand, "But she has done so many excessive things, and she will not learn her lesson if she does not get some punishment."

"She should indeed receive some appropriate lessons." Hermione emphasized the word "appropriate". She did not dare to ask Nydia what she had done to Rita Skeeter, because there was a vague feeling in her heart. Worry that the result will be something you don't want to hear.

"What's the situation like over there?" Nydia asked Hermione. "Although Luna's father has agreed to publish our article in The Quibbler, you know, people who read this magazine It’s really too little. If it can’t be spread, it won’t have any effect!”

"Don't worry! Umbridge will help us!" Hermione smiled proudly again, "As long as she issues an education order, everyone will try their best to read this article."

So, Nydia admired Hermione from the bottom of her heart. At the same time, she was almost certain that Umbridge would definitely issue such an education order. She wanted to please Fudge so much that she eagerly wanted to She wanted to control everything in Hogwarts, so as long as she knew that a magazine published an article that was contrary to the Ministry of Magic's ideas, she would strictly prohibit students from reading it.

After the conversation, the two were about to return to their original seats. When they passed the collection area of ​​magic books, they found Neville standing alone in the corner. He was holding a book in one hand and the wand in the other hand. Keep waving.

"What is he?" Nidia looked at Neville in surprise.

"It's the Iron Armor Curse! Harry has been teaching us this spell recently, and Neville learned it very quickly..." Hermione looked at Neville and sighed, then quickly pulled Nydia away so as not to disturb Neville.

"It seems that he is very fascinated by D.A.'s activities! I have never seen Neville take magic so seriously. In the past, he would only stay in the herbal book collection area." Nydia sighed.

"I think his behavior is not entirely because of the D.A.! It may be more because of the escape of Azkaban prisoners..." Hermione looked a little embarrassed. She didn't know whether she should tell Nydia about Neville. .

"What? Are there any of the people who escaped this time who hurt his parents?" Nidia's originally relaxed expression turned serious.

"Do you know about his parents?" Hermione looked at Nydia in surprise.

"I've heard some. My father once mentioned that his parents are great people. It is said that they have been being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies. I don't know if they are getting better now." Nidia replied. .

"Not really..." Hermione shook her head regretfully, "When we went to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Magical Injuries to visit Mr. Weasley during the Christmas vacation, we happened to bump into Neville visiting his parents. It is said that he cannot recover... Neville doesn't seem to want anyone to know about his parents."

"He is too unsure of himself, and he doesn't want others to know that his parents, who are so powerful, have a child like him who is not outstanding." Nidia remembered that she had talked to Neville about his parents once in the first grade. , he actually really hopes that he can become a person like his parents. "By the way, who is the fugitive? The person who hurt Neville's parents."

"It's Mr. and Mrs. Lestrange!" Hermione replied.

"Latricus Lestrange!" It's her again! Nidia felt a little uneasy about this woman, maybe because she was too involved with the people around her! I always felt like she was going to be a big problem.

"You should know her relationship with the Malfoy family!" Hermione asked tentatively.

"Draco was very young when she was captured, and they had almost no contact." Nydia frowned. Was Hermione doubting that Draco would become a Death Eater?

"The Malfoy family has an inseparable relationship with the Death Eaters. You said last time that you decided to remain neutral. I think this is difficult to do, and I don't think you really intend to remain neutral! I can see that. Come out!" Hermione continued, "But what should you do if you end up on opposite sides!"

"Draco and I will never stand on opposite sides, never!" Nydia said firmly.

Hermione opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She stared at Nydia in silence and thought for a long time before speaking with difficulty, "Then I hope we won't stand on opposite sides one day..."

Nitya did not reply immediately, and remained silent for a while before speaking, "Do you believe me?"

"Believe it!" This time Hermione responded immediately without much thought.

Nidia smiled faintly at Hermione, "Then please keep believing!"

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