Throughout breakfast time, almost everyone in the restaurant was paying attention to the same event, which was the Azkaban prison break. Draco was no exception. He looked at the picture of Latrix Lestrange and His mother had a somewhat similar face, and he kept wondering what kind of person his aunt would be. Every time his mother mentioned her, she just shook her head, and then sighed. She in the photo revealed a crazy feeling. Breath, is she really a loyal follower of the Dark Lord?

Draco looked in the direction of Nydia. She was talking to Potter and others. He could tell what they were talking about without guessing. Although she promised not to participate in Dumbledore's actions, Draco Laco knew that Nydia was paying attention to these situations all the time. Now that so many Death Eaters were released all at once, the Dark Lord would definitely take action, and a war in the wizarding world might soon begin. It happened, but he was not worried about this, because no matter what the outcome, it would not have much impact on his Malfoy family, but what about Nydia!

Dumbledore seems to have known Nydia's identity for a long time, and more and more people now know her identity. Maybe it won't be long before everyone knows that the Dark Lord actually has such a daughter. Will people really accept Nitya at that time? Will the Ministry of Magic let the Dark Lord's daughter go again? Sometimes Draco even felt that maybe Nydia would be safer if the Dark Lord won the war. After all, judging from the two contacts, he could not feel the malice towards Nydia from the Dark Lord. I don’t expect him to be very nice to Nidia, at least he won’t threaten Nidia’s safety.

On the top floor of the west tower of Hogwarts Castle, after watching Hermes fly away with the letter, Nydia turned and walked out of the owl loft. She stood on the top of the tall tower and looked around. The scenery here was beautiful, peaceful and peaceful. Revealing infinite vitality, I really hope this scene can continue forever.

From a distance, Nidia saw two people appearing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They were Michelle and Blaise. They were walking towards the castle. Nidia didn't know what they were talking about, but judging from their expressions, Both of them were very happy. Nidia couldn't help but think of what Yiwan said last night. Even though she hoped that Michelle would not be involved in danger, once the war started, everyone in the wizarding world actually They are all deeply involved.

Hermione seems to have figured this out a long time ago, which is why the D.A. was established. No one can protect everyone, not even Dumbledore, so they must learn to protect themselves, and so does Michelle. In this way, I hope she can learn more ways to protect herself during D.A. activities.

"If we don't want to be late for our first class, we should get out of here as soon as possible."

Nydia turned her head in surprise and found Draco standing on the lower level of the stairs.

"Why are you here?" Nidia looked back at the owl loft, "Want to send a letter?"

"Let me see who my Nydia is secretly sending letters to!" Draco walked up the stairs to Nydia. "You have to know that the school's correspondence is now being monitored. If you want to send You should be careful when sending letters."

"Did you misunderstand something?" Nidia smiled and shook her head, then suddenly remembered something, her expression froze, "Oops! I really should inform Sirius to pay attention to Kreacher!"

"So the letter you just wrote was not for Sirius?" Draco asked.

Nitya shook her head, "But I really need to contact him now... It's too bad, how could I forget about this last night!"

"Last night?" Draco frowned, "Did you contact me last night?"

"He appeared in the fireplace for a short time. It was a very short time. He got the news of the prison break and wanted to make sure that Harry was okay." Nydia explained.

"This is such a stupid thing to do. This is Hogwarts. How can Potter be in danger here! On the contrary, if he does this, he will probably be captured back to Azkaban again!" Draco said.

"None of this is important now. What's important is that I need to find a way to contact Sirius and ask him to be wary of Kreacher." Nydia said with a headache.

"Who is Kreacher?" Draco asked confused.

Nydia told Draco what Narcissa told her, "Before, apart from Sirius, the only other member of the Black family was your mother, but it's different now. Your aunt Latrix Rice Strange was released and she was loyal to the Dark Lord. If Kreacher revealed information about Sirius to her, Sirius and the entire Order of the Phoenix would be in danger."

"Calm down first!" Draco comforted the agitated Nydia, "As a house elf, as long as Sirius doesn't liberate him, he can't reveal his master's secrets to the outside world, at least to Sirius for a while and a half. Nothing will happen, but Nydia, the Ministry of Magic is now chasing Sirius everywhere. If they find out that you are involved with him again, it will be very detrimental to you. Once your identity is exposed, the Ministry of Magic will not Let me go!"

Nydia calmed down. Draco was right. If he rashly contacted Sirius, he would not only cause trouble for himself, but he might also expose Sirius' traces to the Ministry of Magic.

"Although many of his actions make people feel unreliable," Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes as he recalled Sirius transforming into Padfoot and pretending to be a dog on the platform, "but he is also a human being after all. As an adult, he can protect himself. You don’t need to worry about him. My mother only told you this to let you pass it on when you have the chance. Don’t take this matter as your mission! "

"I understand!" Nidia nodded, "I won't contact him rashly."

"Okay, let's go!" Draco took Nydia's hand, turned around and led her down the tower, "She is obviously my girlfriend, but she worries about other people's safety all day long. It's really weird. It’s something that makes people feel angry!”

Nidia smiled. She knew that Draco was just saying these words and was not really angry. Her other hand that was not held unconsciously touched the position of her stretch bag. There was a potion taken from Dumbledore inside. As long as he found the right opportunity to apply the spell to Draco, his heart would be much more stable.

"You are always cautious and don't like to cause trouble like me, so I don't have to worry about your safety. But if someone really dares to threaten your safety, then I will definitely fight with that person, no matter who he is. , no matter how powerful he is..."

Draco stopped and looked back at Nidia, his eyes full of surprise. He stretched out his other hand to touch Nidia's head, and then said dotingly, "You fool, you should say these things." It should be me! I won’t allow you to fight with anyone, this is not what you should do!”

After saying that, Draco lowered his head and kissed Nydia gently on the forehead.

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