Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 134 The Failed Quidditch Match

"Seriously, why isn't the time of the game changed? Players can't see the ball clearly in such weather, and the audience can't see the game clearly." Michelle kept complaining about the bad weather.

"Quidditch games will not be canceled because of trivial matters like lightning storms." Although Ron said this, he couldn't help but feel worried about playing in such weather.

Nydia had never seen a Quidditch match in such weather conditions, but even though the weather was so bad, it did not affect the enthusiasm of the teachers and students in the school to watch the game. They all worked hard to hold the umbrellas in their hands. Let the strong wind blow it away.

"I'm so glad that our game time has changed." Draco said with emotion as he looked at the bad weather.

"You just changed the game time on purpose to avoid this damn weather," Ron said angrily to Draco, even though he had already learned at the hospital yesterday that Draco didn't pretend to be injured on purpose.

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me, Weasley, but I really have no ability to predict the weather." Draco couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ron, then held up a big umbrella and took Nydia with him. Walk towards the game site.

"Why can't you and Ron get along more friendly?" Although the relationship between Draco and Harry cannot be said to be very friendly now, it is not what it used to be, but Draco and Ron still like to fight each other as always. .

"I've tried not to provoke him. You can't expect him and I to be friends." Although Draco tried hard to hold the umbrella steady, the heavy rain still made most of their bodies wet. "This weather is really bad."

"If one day you can become friends, I will be very happy." Nydia sincerely looked forward to the arrival of this day, "Okay, I have to go to the Gryffindor stand."

Draco pursed his lips somewhat unhappily, handed the umbrella to Nydia, and walked towards the stands of Slytherin House.

With Ms. Huo Qi's whistle, the players of both teams jumped into the air. Nidia watched the game with a telescope and scanned around the field because Sirius had said that he would come over to watch the game. Nidia Ya was looking for his figure everywhere, hoping that it would be hidden enough so that no one would find it.

"What the hell is Harry doing? He looks completely out of sorts."

Michelle's words made Nidia turn her attention back to the competition field.

"Oh, I think it's the problem with his glasses. The lenses are wet from the rain and he can't see anything at all." Nidia said while looking at Harry flying randomly in the sky. In this situation, he might not even be able to see his teammates and opponents. Can't tell the difference, let alone find the Golden Snitch.

"I think there should be some way we can help him." Hermione began to think about some strategies.

"I think we can try a waterproof spell on his glasses." Nydia suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

At this time, Gryffindor captain Wood called a timeout. He must have discovered Harry's problem. Hermione left the stands and ran in the direction of Harry with a smile on her face.

When the game restarted, Harry's condition had obviously recovered. He flew back to the sky and began to look for the Golden Snitch. However, the bad weather made the game very difficult. Not only the strong winds and heavy rain, but also the occasional lightning that the team members need to pay attention to at all times.

"Does anyone feel like it's getting colder?" Ron shivered coldly.

"I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Was it because my clothes got wet?" Michelle looked around uneasily. “This feels so similar”

"Dementors" Nydia said in horror.

"Yes, it's like the feeling when a dementor appears on a train." Michelle immediately nodded and agreed.

"No, I mean it's really a Dementor, look." Nidia pointed to the sky above the arena. Although it was very blurry, through the telescope, several blurry black figures could still be seen wandering high in the sky.

"Oh my God, why did they appear here?" Hermione looked up into the air worriedly, "Oh no, Harry."

Hermione's loud shout attracted everyone's attention. Harry's entire body had fallen off the broomstick and was falling towards the ground at an extremely fast speed. Nidia took a breath and quickly thought about what she could do to help Harry, but the situation was too urgent and there was no time for Nidia to think carefully. Just when Harry was about to land, Dumbledore rushed onto the field. He waved his wand, and Harry's descent slowly slowed down. Then he turned his wand towards the dementors, a silver bird-like thing. Shot from Dumbledore's wand, the dementors immediately fled.

Dumbledore took Harry to the college hospital on a stretcher, and Nydia and the rest of the Gryffindors immediately followed.

After Madam Pomfrey finished examining Harry, everyone sat around Harry's bed, chatting about what had just happened. Hermione's eyes became red, and tears were pouring down her cheeks. His eyes were spinning, as if they were ready to leak out at any moment.

"Has anyone seen Harry's Nimbus 2000?"

I don't know who suddenly raised this question. Everyone's attention was focused on Harry, forgetting that his broomstick did not fall with him at that time.

"I seemed to vaguely see Nimbus 2000 flying towards the Whomping Willow," Fred said.

Whomping Willow "Let me go over and take a look," Nidia suggested.

"You're worried, don't get too close to that tree." Ron reminded.

"I'll go with you." Michelle stood up and prepared to go there with Nitya.

"No, no need. I can do it by myself. You guys stay here with Harry. I think he will ask about the game when he wakes up later. You'd better think of how to tell him the result." Digory said. Leigh caught the Snitch when he fell off his broom, so the match was won by Hufflepuff.

Nidia ran towards the Whomping Willow alone. She felt that if Nimbus 2000 really landed on the Whomping Willow, it would be most appropriate for her to go there because she knew how to stop the tree, but this method was too complicated. Don't let others know, this is related to Sirius' safety.

Sure enough, Nimbus 2000 did fall on the Whomping Willow, but it should have directly hit the Whomping Willow, so the angry Whomping Willow tore it into pieces.

Nidia pressed the stutter on the branch, and the Whomping Willow became still. Then she used the flying spell to remove the broken pieces of Nimbus 2000 hanging on the tree. She didn't know what to do with these fragments. Even the repair spell couldn't repair such broken fragments.

Although she felt there was little hope, Nydia still took the fragments and walked towards Professor Flitwick. Maybe Professor Flitwick could use some more advanced spells to repair it.

"What are you doing? You look wet all over."

As soon as Nydia walked into the hall, she met Draco, who was looking at her in surprise.

"I went to find Harry's broomstick." Nydia showed the fragments in her arms to Draco. "It hit the Whomping Willow and broke into pieces like this. I plan to send it to Freeland." Professor Wei, let’s go see if there is any way to repair it.”

"You got all wet because of such a broken broom." Draco frowned unhappily.

"This broom is very important to Harry. He will definitely be very sad if he wakes up and sees the broom in this state." Falling off the broom was already bad, but when he woke up it was Having to face more bad results, Nidia was really worried about Harry.

"But do you know that you might make yourself sick if you're exposed to the rain like this?" Draco became more and more unhappy after hearing Nydia's words.

"My body is not so weak," Nydia said. "I have to send it to Professor Flitwick as soon as possible. Maybe it can be repaired before Harry wakes up."

"Bring it here." Draco stood in front of Nydia, "Give it to me, and I'll send it to Professor Flitwick, and you, hurry up and take a shower and change clothes."

Judging from Draco's expression, he was extremely reluctant to do so.

"Draco" Nydia was a little moved.

"Don't worry, I won't throw it away halfway. It will be delivered to Professor Flitwick."

"I didn't mean it. Thank you very much." Nydia didn't want Draco to misunderstand that she didn't trust him.

"I never wanted your thank you," Draco muttered unhappily.


"Nothing, go and change out of these wet clothes." Draco took the fragments of Nimbus 2000, turned around and walked towards Professor Flitwick's office.

When Nydia had changed and returned to the Gryffindor common room, she met Ginny who was sitting there with a worried look on her face. When she saw Nydia coming in, she immediately greeted her.

"Have you found Nimbus 2000?"

Nidia looked at Ginny in surprise. She was not in the hospital just now. How did she know that she was looking for Nimbus 2000?

"Fred and George came back just now. They told me everything. Have you found Nimbus 2000?" Ginny asked again worriedly.

"I found it indeed, but its condition is not very good. It was beaten into pieces by the Whomping Willow." Nydia said regretfully, "Now it has been sent to Professor Flitwick. I hope he can find some way to repair Nimbus 2000."

"Really?" Ginny sat back on the sofa with a disappointed look.

"Hey, actually if you are worried about him, you can go to the hospital to see him." Ginny's thoughts on Harry were obvious to everyone.

"Nitya, can I ask you a question?" Ginny looked at Nitya nervously.

"What?" Nydia looked at Ginny in confusion.

"Do you like Harry?"

Nydia looked at Ginny in surprise, "Why do you think so that Harry and I are just ordinary friends?"

"I thought because you were so close"

"Then Hermione is getting closer to Harry." Nydia felt a little funny about this reason. Maybe Ginny really cared about Harry too much, so she had such an idea, "Don't worry, no matter what I'm still Hermione, and Harry and I are just friends."

Ginny opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but finally gave up. She thought for a while and then said again, "What about Malfoy? You like Malfoy, right?"

Ginny's expression looked a bit expectant when she asked this question. Nydia was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Ginny to ask her this question, but she still nodded and admitted her feelings for Draco. Maybe this would make her feel more at ease.

"Although I don't like Malfoy very much, I think he is really nice to you. You didn't see how nervous he was about you in the Chamber of Secrets. I was even a little envious." Ginny recalled the scene at that time.

"The secret room, wait, what are you talking about? Draco entered the secret room." Nydia looked at Ginny again in surprise.

"Yes, he found Harry and Ron after knowing that you were taken into the secret room, and followed them into the secret room to rescue you, although in the end the three of us were blocked out due to some circumstances."

"He never mentioned to me that he also entered the Chamber of Secrets. I thought it was just Harry." Nydia didn't understand why Draco never told herself about this for so long.

"We all thought he would tell you himself." Ginny was also a little surprised by this situation.

"He didn't say anything. Forget it, I'll ask him next time I have a chance." Nidia looked at Ginny, "Let's go to the hospital to see him when we have a chance. Bring him something. I think he should be there at this time." Someone will be needed to comfort him."

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