Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 133 Saffron Extract

Is this Snivellus talking about Snape? It seems that there were many stories that happened when they were studying. "I think Snape's purpose may not be successful. Everyone now has great opinions on his approach. , I don’t think many people will actually write this paper. Besides, Lupine is still very popular among students. Well, I have to leave. It’s too late and I should be scolded again.”

"Wait a minute, there's something I've always cared about." Sirius stopped Nidia who was about to leave.


"I remember you mentioned a list of Death Eaters. I want to know what's going on and why you have such a list." This question has been bothering Sirius for a long time.

"Well," Nydia turned around and looked at Sirius with a hint of amusement, "I seem to have never formally introduced myself to you. My full name is Nydia Field."

"Field Family" Sirius looked at Nydia carefully.

"Why do you regret that you chose to believe me now?"

Nidia smiled proudly. She wanted to see Sirius' surprised expression, but what she didn't expect was that Sirius was not as worried about his identity as Nidia thought, but chuckled softly. Voice.

"Let me just say that I felt something familiar the first time I saw you. It turns out you are Doris's daughter. I heard she married Wadfield."

"You know my mother" Nitya said unexpectedly.

"I said something," Sirius said, "We are both Gryffindor students, so there is nothing strange about knowing each other."

That's right, I actually forgot about this relationship. It's really boring. I originally wanted to see him panic, but Nidia showed a disappointed expression.

"Girl, although you look a lot like your mother, your personality is completely different from your mother's gentle personality." Sirius saw Nydia's thoughts, "Do you look more like Ward? I have no contact with him. Not much. How is your mother doing now?"

Doesn't he know about his mother's death? Yes, he was arrested the night Voldemort failed. "My mother has been dead for many years," Nydia said in a depressed mood.

"Dead" Sirius looked surprised, and then his expression became a little depressed, "Has he passed away?"

"My mother had some difficult labor when she gave birth to me. She became very weak from then on and never got better. She died when I was three years old." In fact, my mother's health gradually began to improve. Yes, it was only worsened by the triggering of the Sacrifice Spell.

"Sorry for bringing up your sadness," Sirius said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter."

"If possible, can you give me that list?"

"Why do you want that?" Nitya thought for a moment, "No one will believe such a list of unknown origins. It cannot prove your innocence."

"No, no, no, I don't want it to prove my innocence, I just think it will come in handy when I fight against the mysterious man in the future."

"Do you think he will come back again?" Nitya asked nervously. This was the last thing she wanted to hear.

"Yes, he will definitely try his best to come back, and his followers in Azkaban have never forgotten their loyalty to him. I think the same is true for those who have not been caught. They are always They are no longer looking forward to the return of their master." Sirius looked at Nydia and found that her face was not very good. He thought that he had scared her, and he actually discussed the mysterious person with a child, "Sorry, I was scared. It's your turn, I shouldn't tell you this."

"No, it's okay." Nitya shook her head, "I can give you the list, but that list is at my house. I can only take it out to you when I go back from vacation."

"No problem, anyway, my most important thing now is to catch the traitor."

"Okay, I really should go, it's already late." It's time to see Snape's ice face again.

Emerging from the hole under the Whomping Willow, Nydia dusted herself off and prepared to head towards Snape's office. Suddenly, her eyes saw a familiar little white flower in the grass on the roadside. This was very similar to the little white flower in the hands of the little girl in Snape's memory.

Gently opening the door to Snape's office, he had indeed begun to brew the potion.

"What are you still doing? Do you want me to handle these ingredients myself?" Snape said in a bad tone.

Nitya quickly stepped forward and started working on the ingredients. She was already very familiar with these tasks, and it didn't take much time to process them. In less than half an hour, she had already processed all the ingredients and handed them to Snape.

"Professor, you actually don't need me to do this at all, right? You can handle it yourself faster, and it won't take you much time at all." Nidia said cautiously. "I already know what you want me to know."

"Really?" Snape looked at Nydia.

"The wolfsbane potion you brewed is used to keep werewolves sane when they transform. This is obvious." Now that Snape's intentions are clear, there is no need to continue to pretend to him.

"Very good" Snape looked at Nydia and nodded with satisfaction.

"But I'm sorry, I won't tell anyone else about this. I think he is a good teacher. Now that I can control his transformation with potions, I think it is okay for him to continue to stay in school. no problem."

Nydia was already prepared for Snape's wrath when she decided to speak her mind.

"Stupid girl, you don't understand at all. He is an unstable factor. You have no idea how much trouble he will cause." Snape showed expected anger.

"But Dumbledore believed him, didn't he?" Nydia believed in Dumbledore's judgment and what she saw.

"Are you holding Dumbledore down on me?" Snape stared at Nydia with squinted eyes. "Sooner or later you'll find out how stupid your ideas are. Let's go, there's no need to come back."

Snape angrily coaxed Nydia to leave. Originally Nydia thought she would be happy to hear Snape tell her that she didn't need to come again, but now she felt depressed in her heart. Nydia curled her lips unhappily, turned around and walked towards the door. After walking a few steps, she turned back and inserted the small white flower she had picked outside into an empty bottle on Snape's table. "I just saw it outside, I thought you might like it."

Snape was stunned for a moment when he saw the little white flower, but Nydia didn't notice because she immediately turned around and walked towards the door after putting down the flower.

"Saffron extract, as long as it is pure enough, can have the effect of stimulating animals to go crazy."

When Nidia was about to leave, Snape suddenly said coldly. Nidia turned around in surprise. She originally thought that Snape would definitely not tell her this.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Doing so is prohibited by the Ministry of Magic, and you can't buy saffron extract on the market."


After leaving Snape's office, Nydia originally wanted to go directly to the library to look up information on Crocus. However, just a few steps out of Snape's office, she met Draco who was also about to leave. As he walked, he fiddled with his bandaged arm.

"What are you doing? Are you going to tear it down?"

Draco then noticed Nydia, "I was planning to go to Madam Pomfrey's. Last time she said it could be dismantled in a few days."

"Since we are going to the hospital, why are you in such a hurry to remove it now? Let Madam Pomfrey take a look first before making a decision." Nydia stepped forward and untied the removed parts of Draco again. go back. "Come on, I'll go to the hospital with you. If Madam Pomfrey says it can't be opened yet, you can't open it."

Draco looked at Nydia's appearance of disciplining him and smiled, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

When they arrived at the hospital, Madam Pomfrey was not there, but they met Ron who was being detained by Snape. He was cleaning the hospital bedpan with a dark face.

"Weasley, are you working to lighten the burden on your family?" Draco mocked Ron.

"Shut up, Malfoy." Ron was already depressed enough, but when Draco said this, he became even more angry.

"Clean it up." Nydia took out her wand and used the descaling spell to clean the toilet bowl in Ron's hand. "Okay, can you please stop quarreling every time we meet?"

Ron first looked at the bedpan in his hand in surprise, and then said to Nidia, "You saw, he was the one who started the trouble."

Draco snorted and turned his head to the side.

"Can you help me clean up the rest?" Ron looked at Nidia with pleading eyes.

Nidia recited the spell again, but she did not clean them all, leaving a few behind. Ron looked at her in confusion, and she explained to Ron, "You should clean up a few by yourself, otherwise it will be too easy. It was found that it was cleared by a spell.”

"Just be content." Draco looked at Ron with an expression as if he was watching a show.

Ron ignored Draco's words and began to clean the remaining potties in a depressed manner. Nydia couldn't bear to see it. Just when she was considering whether to help him clean out one or two more, Pomfret Madam Ray came back, and Nydia was glad that she didn't use spells to clean out more bedpans, because Ron's current progress had already aroused Madam Pomfrey's suspicion.

"Okay, the bandage can be removed, but be honest and don't do heavy work with this hand, otherwise I won't guarantee that I won't put the bandage back on for you." Madam Pomfrey warned. "I suggest you stop touching Quidditch for the time being."

Nydia helped Draco remove the bandage. She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that there was no scar on her arm. She turned her head to look at Ron, who was also looking at them with his head raised. , he has always had doubts about Draco's injury.

"I think you have heard what Madam Pomfrey just said," Nydia said to Ron after Madam Pomfrey left. "What I told you is true, and I am not showing favoritism to anyone."

Ron said nothing, turned his head and continued cleaning the bedpan. When Nydia left with Draco, she once again used the descaling spell to clean a bedpan for Ron, and told him with her mouth, I can only help you so far.

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