Harry Potter: The Path of Destiny

Chapter 102 Fantastic Animals

"It's really a pity that you didn't get to see that scene," Michelle told Nidia in high spirits about the scene when she and the Weasley brothers played tricks on Easter Carrow, "Professor McGonagall It was determined that he was the one who threw the dung bomb, but he couldn’t say a word of explanation because whenever he opened his mouth, he kept burping.”

"I also want to see him being arrogant, but unfortunately that damn palliative always has trouble with me." Nitya complained in frustration.

"It's been several days, and you still haven't succeeded? How far is it now?"

"To what extent, Snape has sent a list of all consumed materials to my father. He said that I have basically wasted all the inventory in his private library." Nydia sighed, "And my father seems to be I thought he was helping me with my homework, and he actually wrote a letter asking me to cheer up.”

"Fortunately, he didn't ask you to brew the demulcent during the Easter vacation. You can take advantage of these few days to have a good rest." Michelle comforted.

"If I don't have to think about these elective courses, I think I can really take a good rest." Nidia looked at the elective course list in front of her with a headache, "Have you chosen all of them?"

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I chose the two courses of Divination and Care of Magical Creatures." Michelle took out her elective course list and handed it to Nidia.

"Divination involves too much luck, and most of the divination results are unreliable. I don't plan to waste time on this course. The same goes for arithmetic divination." Nidia eliminated these two subjects first. courses.

"You have already eliminated two subjects, so what is there to do? Do you still plan to take Muggle Studies? If you are really interested, you are welcome to come to my house to study my dad." For Michelle, Muggle Studies This is the least necessary course to take.

"I think Muggles are very interesting. They can create so many amazing items without using magic at all. I really want to choose all the remaining three, but I am worried that there will be a time conflict." Nettie Ya looked at her list tangledly.

"Okay, just think about it slowly. My opinion is that you can decisively give up the Muggle Studies class." Michelle stopped disturbing Nydia, took out a book from her bag and flipped through it.

"What is this?" Nydia looked at the book Michelle was reading curiously. Michelle rarely took the initiative to read books, except for Lockhart's book before. "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"

"I borrowed this from a senior classmate. Didn't I choose to protect magical creatures? I borrowed it to learn about it first. This book is quite interesting." Michelle handed the book to Nidia.

"It seems like you really like this class. You actually did your homework in advance." Nidia took the book handed over by Michelle, "I seem to have heard the name Newt Scamman somewhere. "

"This man must have seen a lot of magical animals. He actually classified the danger levels of these magical animals. How could he know such a detailed knowledge without personal experience." Michelle said with great admiration.

"Maybe he has a big yard with a lot of magical animals." Nitya said jokingly, "Where on earth have I heard this name?"

"You should continue to think about your elective courses." Michelle took back her book and continued to read.

Nydia continued to struggle with her electives. She really hoped that someone could give her some advice. Harry's electives were completely random, but Hermione actually chose them all. She didn't know how she planned to arrange her own. class time. The most difficult thing for Nydia right now is to choose between Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes. Most people advised her to give up Muggle Studies, thinking that this subject was unnecessary, but Nydia felt that it was confusing. Melons are very interesting.

"Hey, take a look at this." Michelle suddenly interrupted Nidia's thinking and handed her book to Nidia again. He whispered, "The Basilisk will be killed immediately if you make eye contact with it. There will be no scars. Then, you will only listen to the words of Parselmouth."

"Kill immediately, no scars, just listen to the Parselmouth words. Basilisk, do you think this is the monster in the secret room?" Nidia took the book and read it carefully, but unfortunately, there is not much description of the Basilisk, only It is said that if you put an egg under the body of a toad to hatch, a dangerous snake with extraordinary abilities will hatch.

"Yes, it's very similar, isn't it? The powerful snake only listens to Parseltongue."

"But the problem is that as long as you have eye contact with it, you will be killed immediately. But the current victim is not killed immediately, but is just petrified. They are all still alive." Nidia carefully flipped through the book again. Turn, "Hey, I remembered I heard that name somewhere. It was Dumbledore, and he mentioned it to me. He said Newt Scamander was the person he knew who knew the most about magical beasts."

"To be praised like this by Dumbledore, he must be a great person." Michelle's admiration for Newt Scamander deepened further.

"Although it does look like the monster in the secret room, it probably isn't. Or there are other similar snakes, but they are not as powerful." There are so many unknown magical animals in the world.

"Or we can cultivate one ourselves, take an egg and let Neville's toad hatch it. This way we can verify whether it kills people directly or only petrifies people." Michelle boldly suggested.

"Stop, please read carefully what is written in the book. Doing this is illegal. And if a basilisk really hatches, where do you plan to raise it and give it to Hagrid?" Nidia shook her head helplessly. She suddenly I felt that it might be a wrong decision to let Michelle take Care of Magical Creatures. It would be enough to have someone in the school who loves to raise monsters.

"I bet Hagrid would be happy to receive a basilisk."

"Maybe, but he must first make sure that he won't die after looking into the eyes of the basilisk." Nydia returned the book to Michelle.

"Well, I thought I had made a big discovery." Michelle was a little disappointed.

In Malfoy Manor, Draco called Dobby to his room.

"Master called Dobby here. Is there anything I need to tell Dobby to do?" Dobby looked at Draco nervously, waiting for his next instruction.

"I have a few questions to ask you. Dobby, you have to answer me honestly."

"A house elf cannot lie to his master, and Dobby cannot lie to his master." Dobby kept saying he couldn't, but that didn't mean he didn't want to.

"Who ordered you to attack Harry Potter?" Draco asked sternly.

"Oh no, no one instigated it. No one instigated Dobby to do this. Dobby didn't want to attack Harry Potter, Dobby wanted to save him." Dobby explained eagerly, and then immediately realized that he should not say what he said. After saying everything, he immediately covered his mouth.

"So it's really all your doing. You are so brave, you dare to do these things privately." Draco said to Dobby angrily.

"Dobby is wrong. Dobby needs to be punished, but Dobby must save Harry Potter." As he said this, Dobby began to bang his head on the door of Draco's wardrobe as a punishment for himself. punishment.

"Let go of that cabinet, it's much more valuable than you." Draco couldn't stand Dobby's state. He always felt that Dobby was a little crazy, and he was more easily excited than other house elves.

"I'm sorry, Master." After saying this, Dobby stopped banging against the cabinet and slapped himself with both hands.

"I've said enough," Draco yelled impatiently, "Answer the question properly. I didn't say I wanted to punish you."

Dobby finally stopped, and Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dobby, what do you know about why you think Harry Potter is in danger?" Draco continued to ask.

Dobby looked at Draco in horror, "Dobby can't say, Dobby can't reveal his master's secrets."

"Master, you are telling me that my father wants to harm Harry Potter," Draco said in disbelief.

Dobby realized that he had slipped up again and immediately began to slap himself again.

"Stop, I want you to answer my question." Draco angrily grabbed a pillow on the bed and threw it at Dobby.

"Dobby can't say any more, Dobby can't reveal his master's secrets." Dobby said nervously, his two wide lantern-like eyes making his facial expression look even more crazy.

"I am also your master, I want you to tell me," Draco said through gritted teeth.

"Master will never let Dobby go. Dobby deserves to die." Dobby cried sadly, tears as big as soybeans flowed from his eyes.

"Stop crying," Draco hissed, but that didn't stop Dobby.

"Draco, what happened and who are you talking to?"

Narcissa's voice came from outside the door. Dobby heard the mistress's voice and immediately disappeared with a bang.

The door was pushed open and Narcissa walked in. She looked around the room, and then her eyes fell on Draco.

"What happened? Why are you so angry and the pillow was thrown on the ground?" Narcissa asked.

"It's nothing, Dobby stained my carpet and I'm mad at him." Draco tried to suppress his emotions.

"I've told you many times, Draco, being too easily angered will make you lose your grace. Don't let yourself become a hot-headed fool." Narcissa said slightly sternly, and she scanned He glanced at the pillow that fell on the floor and said, "Let the other house elves clean it up."

"Yes, mother."

After explaining, Narcissa left Draco's room. Draco fell on his bed. He felt a little headache. Although Dobby didn't say anything exactly just now, from the few words it revealed, he could basically judge that this matter was related to his father. What did his father want? Why did he attack Potter's Chamber of Secrets? Is it also related to his father? How should he tell Nydia all this?

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