When Nydia came out of Snape's office, she happened to meet Draco and Blaise rushing over.

"What's going on? Is he giving you a hard time?" Draco asked worriedly.

"I can't tell." Nydia didn't know how to define this. Originally, she thought she would be scolded by Snape, but in the end she just let herself endure the demon for a few hours. It's just medicine, I don't know if this is considered punishment. She detailed the situation to Draco and Blaise.

"I have to say that Professor Snape is still a little partial to you," Blaise said with emotion. In his opinion, this was not a punishment at all.

"Maybe it's because I am a violent maniac in his mind now." Nydia took out the palliative that Snape gave her and showed it to Draco and Blaise.

"Anyway, it's a good thing that he wasn't severely punished." Draco silently breathed a sigh of relief for Nydia in his heart.

"But I'm hungry. I've been brewing the soup for several hours, but I didn't even have time to eat dinner." Nidia sighed and touched her belly.

"It's a pity that the restaurant has stopped serving dinner now and I didn't have dinner." Draco was first busy looking for Nydia, and then Isterkaro, so he also didn't bother to eat.

"You don't have to go to the restaurant for dinner," Nitya suddenly tilted her head and smiled mischievously, and then said mysteriously. "I'll take you to a good place."

When the kitchen door was opened by Nydia, Draco and Blaise were shocked by the sight in front of them. They had never known the location of the Hogwarts kitchen, and they had never known that there were so many domestic animals in the kitchen. Gremlins exist.

"How did you know that this place is so hidden?" Draco sighed as he took the apple pie offered to him by a house elf.

"That's all thanks to Michelle. She follows the Weasley brothers around when she has nothing to do, and it's not all in vain." Nydia took a piece of pumpkin pie and started eating it.

"Michelle seems to like staying with the Weasley brothers." Blaise had already had dinner, so he just grabbed some snacks.

"She loves to take risks and explore new and interesting things," Nitya said.

"Haha, I'm afraid it's not just for this reason." Blaise smiled with a hint of meaning.

"It's not just for this reason, are you saying?" Nitya sighed in surprise, "I never noticed it."

When I teased Michelle that she liked Brace that day, although she tried her best to deny that she liked Brace, her blushing reaction showed that she did have someone in her heart. How come she never noticed it? The time I spend with myself is spent with the Weasley brothers.

"What's so good about the Weasley family?" Draco said with a frown. He had always disliked the Weasley family. This was probably because Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy had an antagonistic relationship at work. .

"You can't deny that the Weasley twins are really interesting." Although Blaise has not dealt with them head-on, he has heard and seen some interesting things about George and Fred on weekdays.

"They may have visited all the places in this castle. Last year, they told me and Michelle about a passage that could lead to Hogsmeade Village. Unfortunately, it has collapsed now."

"Isn't Hogsmeade a place only for third years? It's against school rules for you to go there like this." Although Draco said this, he was still quite envious of Nydia and the others for being able to go to Hogsmeade in advance. Yeah, I've heard a lot of interesting things about that.

"Isn't it against school rules for students to enter the kitchen?" Nydia looked at Draco with a wicked smile.

Draco had nothing to say. As expected, for a Gryffindor, there were no school rules.

"You have jam on the corner of your mouth." Nydia naturally took out her handkerchief and raised her hand to wipe the jam off Draco's mouth.

Nydia's move made Draco slightly stunned, and then he remembered what Blaise said before, and the joy in his heart was beyond words.

"Nydia, what Carlo told you" Draco wanted to explain to Nydia what really happened that night.

"You don't need to say anything, I already know everything. Astoria has already explained the situation to me clearly." Nidia's eyes dodge. Although the matter is almost over, she still remembers what she had guessed in panic at the time. I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

"Astoria" Draco was a little confused.

"Well, Astoria happened to be passing by and heard what Easter Carlo said to me." Nidia said.

"So you know everything?" Draco asked tentatively.

"Not entirely." Nitya thought for a moment. In fact, she was quite concerned about one point. "Did we really get kissed?"

Nydia's question made Draco burst into laughter. She really did care.

"Why are you laughing? Is there something there or not?"

"Are you jealous?" Draco deliberately approached Nydia and asked.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just curious." Nidia tried her best to stay calm, but her slightly red cheeks still let Draco see her panic, and her mood became even better. .

"It's a secret" Draco said with a proud smile.

"Secret" Nidia felt that Draco was deliberately teasing her. She looked at Blaise for help. Blaise immediately turned his head to the side, saying that he would not tell.

"You are only allowed to have so many secrets, but you are not allowed to have secrets for me too?" Draco sat on the dining table with his arms folded.

Nidia was a little annoyed. She wished she had asked Astoria directly.

"The Easter holiday will be in a few days. I will help you get the answer you want." Seeing Nitya's helpless expression, Draco found it quite interesting.

"Really?" Nydia said happily, although she didn't understand why Draco suddenly agreed to help her ask Dobby.

"Why don't you want to know now?"

"No, no, no, of course I want to know. But why are you suddenly willing again?" Didn't you always want to know the reason why you investigated the secret room before?

"I'm happy today" Draco looked at Nydia and smiled slyly.

Happy, okay, although Nydia doesn't understand why Draco is happy, but since he is willing to help her ask Dobby about the situation, that's the best thing.

As soon as Nitya returned to the common room, Michelle immediately came over, pulled her aside, and asked her what happened.

"So why did you skip class today? Didn't Astoria explain it clearly to you? Draco refused." Now that we all know the truth, why are you still reacting so loudly?

"Would you believe me if I said that I really forgot Potions class?" Nidia said a little embarrassed.

Michelle's eyes widened and she looked at Nitya in disbelief.

"Okay, I admit, I was indeed affected by this incident. Do you know that when Astoria told me to trust Draco, I felt really ashamed of myself. I felt that I was not as good as Draco. Stolia, I became suspicious of Draco because of Easterkaro's words," Nydia said with some annoyance.

"How can this compare? She was watching the scene and knew that nothing happened." Michelle said.

"But the feeling she gave me was that even if she was not present at the scene, she would not be suspicious."

"This is just a hypothetical situation on your part, but there are no assumptions in reality. Why would you bother yourself by hypothesizing such a scenario?"

"Okay, you're right, I thought too much."

"You think too much, that's because you care." Michelle smiled ambiguously.

"Oh, right? I wonder what interesting things you and the Weasley brothers experienced today?" A proud smile appeared on Nydia's face, "Is it George or Fred?"

"What are you talking about, George or Fred?" Michelle obviously didn't expect Nitya to mention them suddenly, and acted a little flustered.

"Michelle, should you be more honest with your good friends? I've told you all my secrets." Nidia pretended to be angry.

"Yes, Fred," Michelle said in a low voice, and then immediately looked around to make sure that their chat would not be heard by others. "It's just a little bit, it's not anything special, it just feels like He is interesting."

"Isn't George interesting enough?"

"They are different. I just think Fred will be gentler and more caring." Michelle said shyly.

Nydia, the gentle caretaker, could not relate these two words to the Weasley twins at all, "Are you sure you don't want to express that you are more playful?"

"You don't know them well enough. Just like if you tell Harry that Draco is gentle, they will just think that your brain must be broken." Michelle said.

"What you said makes sense," Nitya nodded thoughtfully, "But you actually hid it from me for so long, so you must make it up to me."

"Okay, tell me how to compensate Miss Field. I am a child from a poor family. If you want some expensive gift, I can't compensate you."

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. I just ask you to ask Fred and George to use their talents." Nidia smiled slyly.

"Is that what you said?" Michelle roughly guessed who Nitya was going to target.

"That's right, it's Istercaro."

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