Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 368 Chapter 365 Levitation Technique

Zhuang Xuteng was ruthless towards gang members. He picked up a scalpel and a saw and completely took apart Sirin Pasha. Fortunately, he had taken precautions in advance and did not let the gang's black blood contaminate the operating room, otherwise he would not have enough time to clean up.

The dismantled implants were put together, and the remaining body parts had their features removed and put into another bag. Afterwards, Zhuang Xuteng packed up everything, disinfected and treated the operating room "without trace" to ensure that no evidence of Sirin Pasha's death would be left here.

He carried two bags to the office to find Dr. Sen, and saw him sitting behind the desk in a rare manner, with both hands below the table. Use the Eye of Shadow to observe and confirm that there is a shadow slave reaction under the table. Judging from the strength and characteristics, it is probably a shadow slave gun. Zhuang Xuteng thought about it and felt that it was unlikely that Dr. Sen had the idea of ​​​​killing people and intercepting goods. It was most likely to protect himself.

"I didn't come to you to kill anyone, so you don't have to be so nervous." Zhuang Xuteng put down his bag with a smile, then moved a chair over to sit opposite Dr. Sen. "By the way, I can kill you before you take action, and even if you shoot first, you won't be able to kill me unless you are lucky enough to hit the vital point directly."

"Don't kill me?"

Zhuang Xuteng agreed and said: "I won't kill you, there is no need, and I want to continue to cooperate with you for a long time. I will come again and use your operating room to study implant side effects syndrome and Ranchi syndrome." In name, do something that you don’t want others to know. In addition to the rent of the operating room, I will also give you a hush fee."

"Give me the money back?" Dr. Sen licked his lips and finally put his hands on the table. He wore two shadow gun rings on his fingers. They seemed to be black market products and would definitely not be easy to use. In fact, Dr. Sen had never used these two shadow guns. Counting carefully in his life, he had only fired three shots into the sky, without injuring or killing anyone.

"I don't understand one thing." Dr. Sen simply took off his gun ring to show that he had given up threats and turned to negotiation: "You look very rich, can't you build your own operating room?"

"Perhaps we will do it in the future, but this does not affect my current operation with you." Zhuang Xuteng said: "You and I each get what we need without disturbing each other. This is a good cooperation. With the money I give you, you can improve your life. Quality can also be used to improve the clinic environment, or try to save a few more people. It's up to you. In short, having money is better than having no money."

"I understand. I..." Dr. Sen obviously hesitated. He gritted his teeth and finally summoned the courage to ask: "Can I take this money with peace of mind?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Xuteng gave him an affirmative answer, and then gave him the "pension".

"No one should ask you. If so, just say you don't know. There is no such thing, and then tell me." Zhuang Xuteng said, "I won't leave you a phone number. All contacts will be done face to face, which is relatively safe." .”

"I really don't know what you are doing, and I don't care, as long as you don't involve the clinic."

"There are very few clinics for poor people. I won't harm this place." Zhuang Xuteng stood up, picked up his bag, and left without even saying goodbye. He knew one thing very well. The best way to protect this precious clinic was to have less contact with it. Now he has no other place to go but to make a transition here. If he can establish a business chain for implants, he will definitely build his own operation room, which can be more secretive and better control risks.

There are two things to do next, one is to burn the remains of the Nine-Headed Elder, and the other is to see the value of the implant. The best incinerators in Peicheng are in the crematorium, but there are too many surveillance cameras and the employees there have gang connections. A large number of second-hand implants ripped from corpses on the black market are obtained from crematoriums. If someone informs the Cemetery Gang about his behavior, he is likely to become the target of investigation, so Zhuang Xuteng will definitely not go to the crematorium to cause trouble for himself.

Find a deserted corner in Peicheng, light the corpse with a palm fire, pour some gasoline as a combustion accelerant, and burn the chopped corpse to ashes. At this point, Xilin Pasha, the nine-headed elder of the Cemetery Gang, has completely disappeared. Dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust. At least her biological part has entered the cycle. In addition, the iconic pop-up knives, shields, spikes and durian-head armor were either melted by thermite, or destroyed and thrown into Peihe. Even if they were found, it would be impossible to tell what they were. As for the remaining pack of implants, Zhuang Xuteng took them back to his residence, placed them under cold storage, and kept them for a while before he considered selling or using them.

Pushing away the coquettish meat bag, Zhuang Xuteng carefully counted the harvest this time. He removed a total of twelve implants from Sirin Pasha, including two eyes, a reinforced stomach and liver, a spinal buffer battery pack, and more. But the set of things Zhuang Xuteng wanted most and was the most valuable, the equipment that allowed her to move in the air, could not be removed.

It's too piecemeal. Although Zhuang Xuteng was very careful, it was divided into twenty-four pieces, distributed at all angles of the body, connected by energy and control network layers, and most of them were buried between the skin and organs. Zhuang Xuteng finally removed it and put it under the instrument for testing, and then he saw a score of 0. This means that the implant has been damaged, there is no need to install it, and it has no value.

Zhuang Xuteng didn't know where his operation was faulty. It seemed that professional knowledge and skills were still indispensable. That set of floating implants had Xilin Pasha's strong personal characteristics. Since it was unusable, it was completely destroyed in the high temperature of thermite. However, Zhuang Xuteng analyzed the working method of that device and came up with some new ideas.

He can try to use the Wraith Servant to assist his movement, such as using it as an invisible cushion to provide support when he needs to change the direction of movement. Previously, he had primarily accomplished this with his wraith tentacles, using them like ropes. It's just that the pulling force provided by the tentacles of the resentful spirit is very limited, and it can't lift itself up even with the maximum mana, so there are few application scenarios.

Now he changed his mind and regarded the servants of the resentful spirits as himself, letting them imitate his super-computing martial arts and use lateral and continuous force to change their movement state. Zhuang Xuteng can use this technique to neutralize the strong power of the Wild Monkey Gang cadres. Relatively speaking, the resentful spirit servants and himself should be able to complete this task better and achieve the effect of making a huge difference.

That's what Sirin Pasha's implant does. She was constantly moving while floating in the air, her body was always rotating, her speed was very fast and she changed a lot. Zhuang Xuteng observed with the Eye of Shadow, and could see many shadows entangling her from the energy lines like the ropes of a yo-yo, gaining the ability to float through rotation.

Compared with being stationary and suspended in the air, this method of movement is quite energy-saving and affordable for Sirin Pasha - the only drawback is that it feels a bit dizzy when spinning. If you want to be able to truly levitate or fly in various postures, you have to look for implants of that level from the four major groups, which may provide equipment for top enhanced people. Anyway, the senior manager of the company's business development department did not have a flight implant. When she jumped from the helicopter, she had to pull on the wall to slow down, otherwise the fall would be quite uncomfortable.

Having said that, Zhuang Xuteng felt that he could imitate Xilin Pasha's movement method, giving him one more choice when in the air. After so many battles, he discovered that once he jumped into the air, he couldn't help himself. As long as the opponent is experienced and reacts quickly, he will definitely find various ways to make the jumping opponent suffer a big loss.

Super computing martial arts also recommends staying on the ground so that you can quickly change moves and use your steps, body posture, and flexible operation of your arms to take advantage of your "skills." However, this style of play is very idealistic, and in fact it is difficult to guarantee "staying on the ground forever".

The world is three-dimensional, not flat. Mercenaries have to deal with various situations and inevitably have to leave the ground. Zhuang Xuteng was very fortunate that he still had necromancy skills and vengeful servants as helpers, which gave him one more choice. What he needs to do now is to study how to spin himself in the air, and exert pushing and fidgeting force on himself during the spinning process.

To do this, you can't use tentacles. The structure of the tentacle form is too simple. There are only two basic directions: push and pull, and there is no way to play with it. He needs to open the Wraith Servant completely and wrap himself in it like jelly. This "jelly" is of course breathable. It is just a medium of power, not a physical object. Next, Zhuang Xuteng asked "Jelly" to rub itself and teach it how to exert force.

Super computing martial arts does not include this part, but the super cache "martial arts" studied by the Lich Master is somewhat related and can be modified. The super-caching martial arts is to treat the released resentment as an extension of the skin, like stretching out a nerve network with sensory capabilities. On the one hand, it increases the upper limit of Zhuang Xuteng's tactile sensitivity, and on the other hand, it can also establish a more complex neural reflex system.

Since it can be used as a neural network, then adding a part of the force equivalent to a "muscle", wouldn't it be very similar to a new limb? Zhuang Xuteng began to toss himself, and he soon discovered that nerves and muscles alone were not enough. He also needed "bones", which provide a fulcrum for these forces.

"The complete jelly form is too complicated and cannot be taught at all, or even if it is taught, it cannot react quickly and lacks practical value." Zhuang Xuteng has not hesitated to think since he had a good mind, and he has embarked on a career with his own style and characteristics The path of martial arts. "The jelly must be able to respond to a conditioned reflex level, which cannot be more than two levels lower than mine."

In other words, Zhuang Xuteng's super calculation martial arts is now at the level of six flashes, so the jelly must be above four flashes, otherwise it will be a drag rather than a help. Although Zhuang Xuteng has all the experience of Six Flash, no one can teach him how to train "Jelly" and he can only figure it out on his own. Fortunately, he wanted to continue to improve his martial arts skills. "Jelly" was equivalent to his whetstone and a good opponent. Zhuang Xuteng worked hard to use his imagination and applied his talents and hard work to "jelly", which really gave him a feeling.

That day, he achieved a "sliding shovel" in the air, which meant slightly changing his jumping arc. Moreover, this action was not done accidentally, but was implemented consciously and was successful. Although the magnitude of this change is very small and the reaction rate is very slow, it is indeed a good start and proves that his idea is possible to succeed.

"The best teacher is the enemy. Xilin Pasha's aerial dance is worth learning. She formed a stalemate with me and Brother Dao even though her absolute speed and strength were not dominant. It can be said that she has brought her 'Qi' to a considerable level." Zhuang Xuteng While practicing, I carefully recalled Sirin Pasha's aerial gestures.

Thanks to Zhuang Xuteng's strong memory, he was able to restore many details of the battle. When I was actually playing, I didn’t have that much time to think. I can only say that I thought quickly and correctly, but not comprehensively enough. Looking back now, Zhuang Xuteng can savor the situation carefully and change his thinking from "how did I deal with it" to "how did she do it". This change of perspective provided Zhuang Xuteng with valuable ideas and inspiration.

In the next few days, three days to be precise, the Cemetery Gang carried out many investigative operations, and Peicheng gradually felt like there was a lot of chaos and chaos. According to the news brought back by Brother Dao - by the way, Prince is safe, she is just performing a mercenary mission. Judging from the time, it is very likely that she was at the Cemetery Gang training base and participated in the dismemberment operation.

According to Brother Dao's news, the Cemetery Gang has begun to take action against mercenaries and middlemen, but it is currently very disorganized. Judging from the executors and the results of their actions, the Cemetery Gang did not know who had taken over their training base, and they still had concerns and did not want to start a war with all middlemen. The conflicts that occurred in the past two days were mainly caused by the lower-level members of the Cemetery Gang. They would beat up the mercenaries when they saw them, thinking that this would make their superiors happy.

It is very likely that the Cemetery Gang is still not sure whether the Nine-Head Elder Sirin Pasha is dead, and they can only give her a "missing in action" sentence for the time being. Based on various rumors, the Cemetery Gang believes that the eight and seven elders at the training base must be dead, and that the trappers, trainers, and some middle-level cadres have suffered losses. Their current main task is to search for Sirin Pasha. If she is still alive, they must rescue her. Only if they confirm or believe that Sirin Pasha is dead can the real retaliation begin.

It's still the calm before the storm.

In fact, a fire at the training base outside the city has stirred up the situation. All parties in Peicheng are seeking information and do not want to suffer in this storm. Especially the PCPD and the riot squad, they like to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers. This time, they must play a balancing act so that the two parties in the struggle can enter a state of doggedness and unremitting struggle as soon as possible. However, the middlemen - especially the participants in the dismemberment operation - are very aware of this and are trying various methods to pull down the tiger sitting on the mountain and become a "helpless ally". Because the riot control team is very powerful, especially their information offensive and defensive capabilities, and their enthusiasm for action is very conservative, PCPD has become the main target.

As long as the PCPD, which is full of flaws, can be dragged into the chaos, the riot control team will definitely be implicated, no matter how hard you think about it.

At this time, Morgana, who felt strange, came to Zhuang Xuteng and asked him what happened in the city.

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