Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 367 Chapter 364 Recycling Work

Zhuang Xuteng and the four of them had breakfast together in the restaurant downstairs. The content was simple instant noodles. They just boiled them in a pot, and each person added two fried eggs and two steaks.

The egg is not a real egg, it is an artificial substitute food made from egg powder added to water to solidify and then cooked. The flavor of the steak comes from various food chemical materials, and the nutrients come from the powder of protein worms. It is also a modern industrial product that has been plastically processed. Nowadays, everyone eats these, and there is nothing to fault about them. The key is that they taste quite good, and neither the tongue nor the stomach has any objections.

The four of them used this time to rest and relax. After dawn, Peicheng will definitely become more dangerous and chaotic. The Cemetery Gang will launch their revenge, and this music restaurant may not be spared.

There's no way, this is Lucy's workstation, and its reputation has spread far and wide. It's definitely impossible to take it back - it's a pity that this store was only renovated this year. The mercenaries attacked the Cemetery Gang last night. If they start closing down businesses and transferring property this morning, they will look particularly guilty. In particular, only five people know about the death of Elder Nine Heads - if you include Meteor, that's six people - in order to pretend that the matter has nothing to do with them, the music restaurant must operate normally and face the first wave without protection. attack.

If you can survive the first wave, you can use various methods later, including sending Zhuang Xuteng and Ge Gongdao out. At the moment, the stage has to be handed over to intelligence officers, to the experts who collect information and conduct investigations, and to the lobbyists who work together among all the forces to stir up the situation.

"You two, take care of each other." Zhuang Xuteng was worried about the two sisters Nightingale and Yanque, and specifically told them: "Be careful of other trappers in the Cemetery Gang, and be careful of trappers from other gangs. Be more careful and act with caution. Be cautious when doing it. Your implant is close to the brain, and if something goes wrong, it will be a big problem."

Ge Gongdao scratched his head, sighed and said: "It's a pity that the two of us don't understand information networks... Anyway, remember, if you encounter problems, come to us. In addition to intelligence, you also have fists to solve problems!"

"I know! Thank you." Nightingale arched her eyebrows, nodded with a smile, and said, "You two said so many nice things, do you want us to treat you to dinner?"

"Hey! You guessed it right." Zhuang Xuteng picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, then said: "I'm leaving. I still have a lot of work to do, and I also have to go to the clinic to settle the pension matter. Call me anytime! Brother Dao, go quickly, if you go slowly, we will have to pay for it!"

"Hiss... you are so shameless!" Ge Gongdao sat motionless and said: "You go first, I still have a car anyway. You go do your work, and I will go find my people. Prince has been If he didn’t reply to my message, I’m going to check it out.”

Zhuang Xuteng patted Brother Dao on the shoulder, waved to the two sisters who were giving him the middle finger, and immediately ran away. He retrieved the vehicle from Lucy's special garage, checked it out, and drove to the Hope Clinic. If you want to do something to the body of the Nine-Headed Elder, that is the best place.

The doctor at Hope Clinic, Sender Reese, still looks tired and unshaven, and his white coat seems to never be clean. When Zhuang Xuteng parked his car in front of the clinic, he had a cigarette in his mouth and two large black garbage bags in his hands, rushing to throw them away before the garbage truck arrived in the early morning.

"What are you here for? Are you going to continue your studies?" Dr. Sen walked past Zhuang Xuteng's car and threw away the trash. He used his free hand to weigh the cigarette butt and blew out the smoke, then leaned against the door and stared at him with narrowed eyes. "First explain your purpose of coming. This is a clinic, not a testing facility. The last time... can be regarded as the last time."

Zhuang Xuteng closed the car door, frowned, and said, "What's wrong? I didn't provoke you, did I? I didn't kill anyone either! Then who... After the treatment, his condition has obviously improved a lot!"

"he died."

"Is it related to my treatment?" Zhuang Xuteng shook his head, expressing disbelief. He used necromancy to remove the patient's resentment and alleviate the side effects of the implant. In addition, he bought the right drugs at his own expense to treat the patient's Lanci syndrome. The situation could only get better and the life span could only be extended. How could it be...

"Your medical skills are good. Both Lanci syndrome and implant disease have improved, and he has a better metabolism. But his ability to absorb blue savages has been greatly enhanced. He overdosed at once and died within two days. ”

"That's a drug problem, not mine." Zhuang Xuteng said.

"In short, don't show off your medical skills here." Dr. Sen said: "The people who come to me are basically desperate. Their living conditions and psychological states have been adjusted... If you want to save people, go and save those people." Those who still have hope for themselves and know what normal life is like.”

"I don't have to be picky! Besides, patients belong to themselves and are not your exclusive property. I don't have to ignore you to contact the patients, but you'd better have a correct attitude! Don't throw your face at me." Zhuang Xuteng tried his best Waving his hand, he took out his wallet and took out two platinum coins. "I'm going to use your operating room for twelve hours, and that's the rent."

When Dr. Sen saw the platinum coin, his eyes lit up. He threw away the cigarette butt and stretched out his hand to take the coin without waiting for it to be stamped out. He weighed the platinum coin, put it in front of his eyes to examine it carefully, and then said with a smile: "Okay, for twelve hours, the second operating room is yours. If you use drugs or damage the equipment, you have to do it again." Pay for it.”

"If the loss is less than a thousand euros, don't ask me to settle the bill again! Also, when you roll out a surgical cart, you must look like you are getting paid to do the work!"

For the sake of money, small things like pushing the operating cart are naturally not troublesome. Zhuang Xuteng sent the doctor away, covered Xilin Pasha's face with a sheet, and moved her into the operating room. I hope that the equipment in the operating room of the clinic is simple but sufficient. The biggest advantage is that there is no monitoring. With the stuff here, there is no risk of leaks.

However, Zhuang Xuteng still has to be careful about the leakage of biological information, such as Xilin Pasha's body tissues, body fluids or other things that may have characteristics. After being prepared to deal with these, Zhuang Xuteng began to cast necromancy spells on Elder Jiutou.

Use necromancy to make the corpse move again, let the spell energy fill the body of the corpse, and use the similarity between mana and shadow energy to not only drive the corpse, but also activate the implant.

Implant side effects can only act on the active body, and the impact of death will cause the implant to instantly produce a large number of side effects. They cannot be transferred and will accumulate inside the implant. These accumulated side effects are quite dangerous and, if given the chance to be released, can recreate the feeling of approaching death.

The implant's new owner will have to endure an incoming death. If your physical fitness is already poor, or you are under great mental stress, the near-death feeling from the implant can really lead to death. Even if you are physically and mentally healthy, this kind of impact can cause all kinds of damage and leave permanent health risks.

The way to deal with corpse-derived implants on the black market is to rely on people to install them on some innocent people who are lured or kidnapped, let them absorb the impact, and then take them out alive. If some implants are of higher value, or if someone is willing to pay extra, unscrupulous businessmen in the black market will let the implants be "buffered" several times more.

The so-called "second-hand" implants actually have been passed through several hands. In addition to side effects, this kind of implant also has other potential health problems because it has been in and out of many people's bodies in unknown conditions.

Until now, the problem of implant recycling has been unsolvable. Only a happy old age and a peaceful death can be considered as a flexible solution. Zhuang Xuteng wanted to find another way and use necromancy to try to solve this problem. If it succeeds...

Zhuang Xuteng concentrated on controlling the spells, and constantly used the necromancy circle to extract resentment. Silin Pasha was very resentful. On the one hand, she installed a large number of implants, which had serious side effects. On the other hand, her death was too sudden and "wrong". The resentment of such a dead person will be dozens of times greater than that of someone who has died.

"I can completely understand your frustration." Zhuang Xuteng not only used magic to extract resentment, but also verbally "enlightened" him. This is not a psychopathy, but is based on the content related to the sabbath ceremony in the books of the Church of Light. "You were already very anxious, but you suddenly encountered an accident and had to deal with the disaster. Amidst the violent emotional changes, you chose to cut off your tail to survive, but you still failed to escape. The ups and downs of your mood were reflected in your mind and body, and you immediately Create a huge impact. This is where your resentment comes from..."

Sirin Pasha's eyes were open, and the two implanted eyeballs were pointed to the right and downward respectively, unable to focus at all. She faced Zhuang Xuteng with a dead face, her expression stiff and full of resentment, but she had to continue to listen to Zhuang Xuteng's rants.

"Perhaps you are full of resentment in your heart and want to turn into a resentful spirit to take revenge, but give up! As long as I am here, even if you become a ghost, you will be caught by the spell and become my power. I will give you the second The only option is to release all your grievances to the light, then accept the rest ceremony of the Church of Light, and bid farewell to this world completely."

In fact, Xilin Pasha had no choice. She was dead, and everything was being manipulated by Zhuang Xuteng. How could she resist? The reason why the Church of Light developed those resting rituals was not to give the dead a choice, but to comfort the living. In the process of comforting, some of the operating techniques and magic tricks that can make the corpse appear better were screened and retained, and this became the current ritual.

On one side is necromancy, on the other side is the burial ceremony of the Church of Light. These two "techniques" can be described as two extremes from a moral perspective, but for the pragmatist Zhuang Xuteng, it is just a question of left hand and right hand. He extracted the grievances of the deceased and stuffed most of them into the wrathful spirit's magic circle for storage. The excess was transferred to the mice using the dormant magic circle. Because the amount was too great, the white rats would not survive in the end, so he simply used the method of "flooding" to transfer more than the lethal amount of resentment to each white rat, thereby increasing the total carrying capacity of the white rats he carried.

After four hours of non-stop efforts, Sirin Pasha's resentment has been drained away, and she has become a state similar to that of a peaceful deceased person - the only problem is that her expression is still the same as before, and it has not become peaceful as a result. Zhuang Xuteng made a slight adjustment and asked her to close her eyes. Next, she had to remove the implant to see how it was doing.

Zhuang Xuteng is not a professional implant doctor. He has zero surgical experience, and his surgical skills are entirely supported by super-computing martial arts. In this case, he cannot guarantee the correct disassembly of those more complex implants, especially multi-component, split implants. Well, among all implants, the eyeball has the highest degree of integration and the best integrity. Remove this one.

With the support of super computing martial arts, Zhuang Xuteng spent a lot of time and finally carefully removed an eyeball. Judging from the inscription on the implant, it is an "Eagle Eye 77-C type visual enhancement eyeball", an implant with bifocal length, infrared, scotopic and visual field calibration functions. After Zhuang Xuteng removed it, cleaned it a little, and then used the equipment in the clinic's operating room to inspect it.

The main patients received by the Hope Clinic are patients with chronic diseases caused by long-term implant side effects and patients with Lanci syndrome. The clinic is equipped with implant status detectors. The detector will introduce shadow energy into the implant, put it into an activated standby state, analyze its working efficiency, and obtain a total of eight aspects of data related to side effects, safety, and functional integrity.

The overall score of this eyeball is 78/100, which is good. This result is considered good for new implants, and you can definitely consider purchasing it. Compared with second-hand implants, it is completely crushed. For example, in a side-by-side comparison, the information spying implants of Nightingale and Rockbird had a score of just over 60 when purchased, which was just passing. The development prospects of the two of them were hindered by inferior implants, but 60% of the implants could already meet the basic requirements of the work.

In addition, zero score is not the lowest, but minus ten is. A negative score measures the direct risk of death from installation. A score of negative ten means that ten out of ten people will die if this implant is installed.

"Very good!" Zhuang Xuteng was quite satisfied with the result. If you are in a hurry to use it, an implant with a score of 78 is completely acceptable; if you sell it, the amount of goods of this quality will be digested. The more critical point is: No one would have thought that a 78-point implant was obtained from a dead person. This can greatly ensure the safety of the transaction.

However, operations such as removing the implant nameplate number cannot be omitted. Just in case these implants were registered, just in case someone insists on getting to the bottom of it...

Zhuang Xuteng put down the eyeball, stared at the corpse on the operating table and began to think. He wanted to understand the whole thing before dealing with it. At first, he just wanted to try necromancy and improve his knowledge. Now that this goal has been achieved, you can consider making money through this technology.

"Whether it is to remove the implant correctly, or to process the implant's serial number or erase its identity information, you need to find professionals, but at this juncture, the risk of the cemetery helping the Nine Head Elders is still too great. "Zhuang Xuteng looked at the corpse and thought about whether he could remove the tattoo first, and then remove fingerprints, palm prints, teeth and other key parts. "Uh... I don't know if this guy has left any identity marks in his body. If she engraved who she is on the bone level or the implant, this matter will still leak out..."

"No, you can't lose a big thing because of a small thing." Zhuang Xuteng restrained his greed and made up his mind: "You can't ask others to dispose of the body. It depends on my luck how much I can dismantle. The rest will be completely destroyed!"

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