Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 119 Chapter 117 Servant Legs

The white beast slowly drove into the Tomato Family garage and parked directly in front of the coal and water filling station. Zhuang Xuteng asked Meteor to stay behind and didn't come out. He opened the door and got out of the car. At this time, Buck pushed a wheelchair out of the office and called Nike's name.

"I'll do it myself first, don't be offended." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Buck, I want to buy some food and drink from you, enough for three people for six days. I also need to get more warm blankets. I'm going to the wilderness."

Buck was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "The store has it. I'll prepare it for you, but you have to move it yourself. My sister went to repair someone's car and is not here at the moment."

"No problem, you go pack things first, and then load a few rolls of toilet paper." Zhuang Xuteng connected two water pipes and two coal pipes to the car. He wanted to feed the white beast well. "By the way, Buck, is there a way to quickly change the color of the car?"

"Yes! The quickest way is to scrape off the previous paint and then spray on any paint. I have some leftover graffiti paint that is no longer useful to me. I'll give it to you!"

"Thank you very much." Zhuang Xuteng looked at the pure white armored vehicle, patted it gently, then found a shovel from the trunk of the vehicle and began to scrape off the spray paint on its surface.

The sharp and harsh sound lingered for a while, and the surface of the white beast soon became mottled and messy. A lot of white patent leather fell on the ground, and it looked like snow mixed with the black and gray coal powder. Zhuang Xuteng violently removed the white paint of the armored vehicle, put away the water pipes and coal pipes, and swept away the white paint on the ground. Then, he went to the store to check out with Buck, and loaded three boxes of food and six buckets of water into the car.

"There are no blankets in the store. Use our quilt. It's in the back and I'll get it for you." Buck said, "I heard recently that the temperature is going to drop, and it's either freezing rain or frost. You'd better bring more warm things with you in the wild. It's a pity. I don’t have a tent here, but you can hide in the car to avoid the wind.”

"Buck, do you remember Brother Dao?"

"Of course, that big guy with a dark face. What's wrong?"

"If he comes to me, whether it's on the phone or in person, as long as there's no one else around, you can tell him: I'm on the hillside."

"Remember, on the hillside." Buck nodded solemnly and said, "Brother Naike, don't worry, I won't tell others."

"If you think something is wrong, then don't reveal the location. Just say that I refueled you, brought food and water, and told you to hide outside the city. You can do this for three people and six days. explain."

"Brother Naike, are you in danger?"

"Obviously!" Zhuang Xuteng nodded solemnly and said: "The current situation is: the fewer people around me, the more flexible and calm I am. Except Brother Dao, don't let anyone make trouble, so don't do this. Tell your sister and others. Even if you guess where I am, don’t come here because you don’t know how to avoid my trap. Well, don’t scout for the enemy, do you understand?”

Zhuang Xuteng lied with his eyes open just to prevent someone from doing bad things with good intentions. After everything was loaded into the car, including spray paint and quilts, Zhuang Xuteng immediately drove away without stopping in Hongxiu City at all.

The so-called hillside refers to the abandoned town that Doyle once took them to. There is also an abandoned wind power station on the top of the mountain. They were there to watch the PCPD ambush the scavengers.

Leaving the road, the wheels rolling over the semi-barren hard ground will inevitably become bumpy. Meteor reluctantly put down his work, and first tried to protect the disassembled parts to prevent them from falling during the bumps. If the key parts could not be found, everything would be in vain. She was in the back seat, with only the slit-shaped window blocked by the dust and smoke kicked up by the wheels. As long as she can't see the vast surroundings, she feels at ease.

Growing up, she rarely spent time outdoors for long periods of time. Whether she is walking on the street or sitting in the car, she will always become more and more nervous, become overwhelmed, panicked, aggressive, and her temper will explode at a moment's notice. But this time, when she followed Zhuang Xuteng, she didn't feel panicked, nor did she feel like she couldn't help but get angry. She felt particularly calm. She felt that this must have something to do with Zhuang Xuteng, who brought her a sense of security, like a closed fortress.

In reality? Zhuang Xuteng discovered that Meteor's main emotion was resentment, so he absorbed the resentment. Her complaints arise from the open environment, including the view she sees from the front car window, including her basic awareness that "I am outside the house."

This girl is quite resentful, but she just doesn't know if sucking away her emotions like this will cause harm to her cognition? Zhuang Xuteng was undecided, but considering that they might have to live outside for several days, once she collapsed emotionally, their options would be much smaller. Well, I can only wrong her first, hoping that the old house on the top of the mountain can relieve her tension.

The resentment absorbed so far is enough to cast a complete resentful servant spell, and it can continue to be absorbed without delay. Since resentment itself has no mass or volume, the Necromancer can physically store unlimited resentment. But if this thing gathers too much, it will gradually penetrate the magic barrier and affect the spirit of the necromancer. Therefore, understanding and mastering "speed" is an essential skill for the necromancer.

Zhuang Xuteng can probably store the resentment required for four complete Wraith Servant spells. This is his current "speed". This spell creates a dummy that is identical to the caster's form. It always has the same outline, including the curves of the facial features and properly spaced fingers, and can even mimic the pattern of clothing. But it does not have organs, it is just a white molded doll made of resentment, not a wax figure with no color.

This servant is connected to the caster through the line of resentment, and completes actions according to the caster's ideas. The cost of the action is borne by the caster's physical strength. Generally, necromancers use it as their substitute to perform tasks that may be dangerous, and even use it to directly trigger traps. Anyway, even if the resentful spirit servant is crushed, it will only turn into resentment again, and a lot of it can be recovered, so it doesn't hurt to consume it.

People are always most familiar with their own bodies, so it is the easiest way for the servants of the resentful spirits to exist in this way. Advanced usage includes changing the form, quality, and action mode of the servant, and you can also color it to make it more realistic. However, when you are distracted from the operation, your alertness and concentration will decrease, so you need to make a choice based on the actual situation. .

As long as the servant is allowed to act, including the simplest movement, resentment will be slowly depleted. If it is strenuous exercise, it is very likely that the servant will dissipate directly, even if the caster's own physical strength can fully withstand the consumption. The farther away from the self, the weaker its strength and stability. After all, the servant does not have real skeletal muscles and cannot exert force like a real person. At a distance of ten meters, lifting a two kilogram weight from the ground is enough to damage its spell structure.

The ultimate strength of pushing and pulling movements is much better than that of carrying, and it is fully capable of tasks such as opening doors at long distances. If you keep the Servant with you, its strength and stability will be greatly improved, and it will be no problem to use it as half a person. Therefore, there are also necromancers who use it as an apprentice to process things that require the use of dangerous tools - this is why it is called a servant.

If he didn't want to be exposed to Meteor, Zhuang Xuteng would definitely give the Wraith Servant a try, not only to satisfy his curiosity, but also as a kind of magic practice. Alas, let’s wait and see if there is a chance after parking the car...

The white (mottled) beast crosses the wasteland and climbs up the south side of the abandoned hill again to the built-up area next to the old wind farm. Zhuang Xuteng looked around to confirm the surrounding environment again, then drove open the chained gate and broke into the old courtyard of the power station.

The courtyard is located on the north side of the wind turbine half tower, and three low bungalows are located in the northeast and west directions. Slightly adjust the angle in the courtyard so that the tower blocks the south, so that the courtyard cannot be seen from all four directions.

The things in the house had been emptied out long ago, leaving only junk that was difficult to move, sell, or dismantle. Since the top of the mountain is inaccessible, there is no running water, and animals do not come up. There was a tattered bird's nest on the ground in one room. It was only half-weaved and then abandoned. It was not known whether the bird was dead or alive.

It's a good place to hide, and it has a wide field of vision, enough to cover the lowlands within a ten-mile radius. It's a pity that the house has no doors or windows, so it's very drafty. If a cold wave comes, I'm afraid it won't be comfortable.

"That's it. At least there are tiles to cover your head." Zhuang Xuteng checked around and came back and said to Meteor. "If you want a completely closed environment, you can only go to the toilet. Don't worry, there is no smell. It has been abandoned here for too long, and the smell has long since disappeared."

"Thank you. I'll fix the radio first and then go down later. Can't we live in the car?"

"It's okay, but it's not comfortable inside." Zhuang Xuteng said, "I'll expand the search circle, walk around, and come back after a while. You stay in the car and don't leave, and keep this for self-defense."

Zhuang Xuteng gave the ambusher's powerful pistol to Meteor and told her that the gun had serious side effects and that she should not shoot indiscriminately unless it was an emergency. Meteor put away his gun and began to look nervous on his face, saying, "Come back quickly. I will be scared if you are not by my side."

"I will be back in fifteen minutes."

Zhuang Xuteng wanted to take a good look at the top of the mountain to fully understand the terrain, environment and building layout. At the same time, it was also for the purpose of training as a servant of the resentful spirit. When no one was around, he summoned the wraith servant and put his hand on its shoulder, using it as a crutch. In this way, his walking speed can be slightly increased. With a good human leg and two makeshift ghost legs, with some good practice, he could jog.

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