Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 118 Chapter 116 Competition System

"Let's get out of here first." Zhuang Xuteng started the car, used the sound of the engine to drive away the onlookers in front, and then drove onto the urban highway. "There are too many checkpoints on the roads in Taiping District. They may leak our information. What do you think?"

Meteor had been staring at the battlefield radio in the back seat of the white beast, and then she raised her head when she heard Zhuang Xuteng calling her. "Ah? Yes, you are right. Those bad guys must have listened to the call between you and Lucy and knew the code to open the door, so they tricked me into opening the door. Thank you for defeating them, otherwise they would have taken me away ”

"Do you believe now that I'm here to save you?"

"I can only believe this. By the way, did you use this radio to talk to Lucy?"

"No, it's on the phone. Is there something wrong with the radio?"

"Show me your phone."

Liu Xing asked for Zhuang Xuteng's cell phone and looked at the call time, call recipient and call duration. She breathed a long sigh of relief, patted her chest, and then smiled and said to Zhuang Xuteng: "Don't worry, you are here to save me, not to kidnap me."

Zhuang Xuteng wanted to tease her, so he said: "There is another possibility: I killed the person who came to save you and snatched his mobile phone. At the same time, I also killed my competitors and wanted to monopolize the benefits. If so, you what to do?"

"Don't scare me, I just relaxed a little bit." Meteor put his head between the two seats in the front row, tilted his head and looked at Zhuang Xuteng's side face, and asked, "I don't know what to call you yet."


"Oh, so Nike looks like this! Lucy said you are ordinary-looking, but I think you are quite cute." Meteor pointed at himself and said, "My name is Meteor, I am 27 years old, and I don't have a boyfriend yet. My hobbies are watching shopping shows and guessing product prices.”

"Nice to meet you," Zhuang Xuteng said perfunctorily. At this time, he noticed in the rearview mirror that a red sports car was changing lanes in the traffic and chasing him at high speed, so he asked Meteor to get ready and fasten his seat belt. "Someone's coming after me, and I only have one chance to get away from it."

"Oh?" Meteor glanced back and saw the red car, and suddenly became nervous. "How can I help you?"

"Think about the situation now, who would be interested in you, and what their ultimate goal would be."

Zhuang Xuteng grasped the steering wheel tightly and stared at the rearview mirror out of the corner of his eye. He saw a low red sports car flashing its headlights and honking its horn at him. Well, with such a high profile, he probably wasn't here to catch Meteor, but was just an idler in Taiping District who only thought about racing. Zhuang Xuteng took another look to confirm and found that this was not the red car that was chasing him before, but another one.

Why he changed cars is not Zhuang Xuteng's concern. In terms of car performance, the white beast cannot win in road racing. This cannot be compensated by car skills. But if you change the game to another type of competition, such as bumper cars, then the white beast will be competitive.

Since the car was not as fast as the opponent, Zhuang Xuteng only had one chance. He rolled down the window, stretched out one arm, patted the outside of the car door vigorously, and then extended his middle finger to make a "friendly" gesture. This was a 100% provocation, and it instantly aroused the red car's anger. It accelerated to the side of Zhuang Xuteng's car, rolled down the window, and prepared to start a scolding battle.

Seeing that the distance was right, Zhuang Xuteng swung the direction and bumped directly to the side. With armored tires, armor plates and a reinforced frame, the white beast's hardness and crash capabilities are not much different from those of serious military armored vehicles, but the weight of the vehicle is still lacking. Sports cars, on the other hand, try to reduce the weight of the car as much as possible and emphasize wind resistance control, which can be said to be light and crisp.

"Bang!" The white beast slammed into it fiercely, sending the sports car flying. If Zhuang Xuteng has murderous intentions, he can definitely practice the PCPD course and use his skills to knock it over, or even use the front wheel to run over it.

The armored vehicle jolted a few times, swayed from side to side, and immediately returned to normal. Zhuang Xuteng took control of the direction, turned onto the road out of the city, and quickly left the scene of the incident. The red sports car was parked on the side of the road, its parts shattered on the ground, and the vehicles behind it had to slow down.

Judging from the performance of those vehicles, there should be no pursuers behind them. The question now is, where to go next?

There are many people, and news spreads quickly, so places with fewer people will be relatively safer. Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment and decided to leave the city first. Entering the highway leaving the city, it was clear that there were no pursuers, Zhuang Xuteng could relax a little and pay attention to Meteor's condition.

"Me? I'm fine. Your car is as strong as a fortress. The enclosed space inside makes me feel at ease." Meteor pointed to the narrow window and said, "If it were a big window, I would be scared."

"No wonder you were most nervous on the way out of the building to the parking lot. Are you afraid of open, unobstructed environments?"

"Yes, I'm afraid of a lot of things, so Lucy let me live in the mezzanine secret room."

"Then how do you get things outside?"

"Ah, it's very simple! I asked someone to deliver the food and put it at the staircase on the third floor. In fact, I can buy most of the things in the museum shop on the first floor - Lucy also said that I am easy to support."

"Wouldn't you be bored if you didn't come out?"

"I read, listen to, and exchange a lot of information every day, and boredom has nothing to do with me." Pop said: "In the mezzanine hut, I access the communications of the Sanliu Charity Foundation through the line of the Hongbao Building. The network transmits enough things every day for thousands of people to analyze non-stop, so I will always have something to do, so...hehe."

"So this is how you analyze intelligence? It feels amazing." Zhuang Xuteng said while driving: "The middlemen are all good at intelligence, and you are the sharpest knife in the hands of the middlemen. Now I understand your value, no wonder they want to kidnap Walk you instead of kill you.”

"Hehe, I also feel that I am important, but so do you. Everyone is important." Liuxing lay on the seat behind Zhuang Xuteng and said with a smile: "Naike, I have heard your name, and I will do it for you." provided intelligence support for the mission.”

"Thank you, your information is quite accurate. But you should think about it, can you provide us with some information for this operation?"

"I have tried my best, but the other party has obviously planned and prepared for a long time."

"Now that they have invested a lot of energy and resources into the operation, they will not give up halfway. Meteor, tell me what you found."


At first, Meteor discovered that some of his intelligence lines had unstable signals, and they did not look like the information warfare personnel of the Sanliu Charity Foundation, so he thought they were some stupid intelligence agents who had just entered the industry. In order to prevent being affected by it, she found a way to kick out those "novice information sources", using a method that imitated the Sanliu Charity Foundation, creating the appearance of normal internal security cleaning.

After three consecutive days, similar novices appeared every day. Although the technical level used has improved, they are not top-notch. Meteor admires the perseverance of those people, but repeated defeats do not mean they have the qualifications to gain a foothold in this industry. For three consecutive days, Meteor cleared them out casually.

"It feels like I deliberately lured you into action." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said.

"You're so perceptive, I didn't expect that at the time."

"Don't praise me. I know the current situation before making judgments about what happened in the past. If under the circumstances at that time, I would only say that you did a great job and you should teach the novices some lessons."

"Hehe, thank you for your compliment. I want to find the source of those newbies and tell them that this is my turf and don't come to cause trouble. Otherwise, the Sanliu Charity Foundation will go directly to find trouble for them." Meteor curled his lips and said: " I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find who or where those guys were. This is strange! Their invasion methods are very poor, how come their hiding methods are so good?"

This incident aroused Mei Xing's vigilance, and she began to search for threatening information.

"I found some strange information flows, surrounding me from all directions. They moved slowly and cautiously, which is not like the company's style. If I just monitor, the information I can get is limited, and the only way to get more is Conduct spying, but that will inevitably be discovered by the other party.”

Meteor didn't dare to make his own decision, so he asked Lucy about the matter.

"I didn't expect that as soon as I called, the flow of information would rush forward. At that time, I was sure that this was an attack on me, and I quickly asked Lucy for help, so you will know what happened next." Meteor sighed and said : "It's a pity that my equipment will definitely fall into the hands of those people."

"As long as you can live, then you can think about fighting back. Well...if Lucy is being monitored, you won't be able to tell her about your situation." Zhuang Xuteng thought for a while and said, "Same reason, my Cell phones are not safe either. It seems like the two of us are trapped in an island of information. What do you think about finding a landline?"

"Fixed phone lines are not safe either. Mobile ones are better. I can use this radio to modify it. Do you have any tools such as screwdrivers?"

"Yes, it's in the co-pilot's glove box. Don't climb over, fasten your seat belt! I'll give it to you." Zhuang Xuteng leaned forward, handed over the tool box, and also presented the universal hydraulic tool pliers on his belt. "What else do you need?"

"Give me your phone. I have to dismantle it and don't use it again."

"I just bought it, it's a two-year contract!" Zhuang Xuteng thought for a moment, handed over the communicator he found from the performer, and said, "Can you take this apart and use it?"

"You still have this? Dismantle it together, it will be safer. Don't feel bad, I will build you something better later! If you still feel bad about the contract machine, are you a newbie with no money?"

"Yes, I'm a novice!" Zhuang Xuteng smiled.

Meteor was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Nike's information. He had indeed only joined Lucy's command not long ago. "You are the most vicious newbie I have ever seen. You didn't even blink or your heartbeat accelerated when you crashed!"

"Just turning the steering wheel doesn't require any physical exertion, so why do you need to speed up your heart rate to increase blood supply?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Meteor curled his lips and asked Zhuang Xuteng to drive more steadily, and then began to dismantle the battlefield radio.

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