Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 112 Chapter 110 Courage and Money

The mobile phone itself does not cost money. You only need to sign a contract with "Today Telecom" and pay two years' worth of fees at one time to get it. But a mobile phone that does nothing for a month requires a service fee of 80 euros. In the past, when his monthly income was only 1,100 yuan, Zhuang Xuteng would definitely not be able to afford it.

It was his life as a mercenary that allowed him to buy two at a time, one for himself and one for his sister.

The mobile phone "gifted" by the telecommunications company with the contract is definitely not a particularly good model. It does not have touch screen, implantable external connections, positioning rescue call and other functions. It can only make calls and receive simple messages in the simplest way. If you want more functions, you have to choose a more expensive contract. Both Zhuang Xuteng and Zhuang Feifei think it is not worth it.

Mobile phones without positioning are suitable for mercenaries to use. Besides, only old mobile phones have fancy designs such as sliders, flips, and rotating covers, which are more convenient to use with one hand. Among all the available models, Zhuang Xuteng chose one that was said to be very strong and resistant to falling, while Zhuang Feifei chose one with a mirror design.

"Yeah!" Zhuang Feifei gestured to the mirror on her phone, and then urged Zhuang Xuteng to treat him. Just as she was tugging, Zhuang Xuteng suddenly remembered something from before.

"Feifei, how's it going at school? Is anyone harassing you?"

"No! Have you heard anything? I've been busy with my internship recently and rarely go to school. I don't know what's going on."

"I thought about the last time I waited for you at the school gate and was beaten up. I didn't spare them either, so I was worried that they might find trouble later."

Zhuang Feifei shook her head and said with certainty: "No one is looking for trouble with me, and you don't have to worry. The senior sister with the same name will graduate this year, and the person who wants to pursue her will definitely follow her. And I will graduate next year. My main thing this year is my internship. There is no one with the same name as me in Bai Moji. Come on, come on, give me a call and I’ll try the receiver!"

"It's one euro a minute! Stop making trouble! If you make trouble again, it will be deducted from your catering fee!" Zhuang Xuteng only persisted for a while, but was defeated by the tough talk and still dialed her number by her side.

Afterwards, Zhuang Xuteng gave Lucy and Ge Gongdao his mobile phone number, and did not forget to notify Kelly. He called Zhuang Teng's company and learned that he was working on a project in the laboratory and could not answer the phone now, so he had to ask someone to copy the number to him, while Zhuang Feifei notified his parents.

Zhuang Xuteng loved them, but he didn't like to listen to the nagging. He is the least educated among the three, and the one who feels most guilty in front of his strict parents.

Next, he continued to work as Zhuang Feifei's assistant. Zhuang Xuteng gradually realized that he couldn't actually help much, but he could make Zhuang Feifei feel cared for and supported, which was what she needed most at the moment.

If there is any demand that can be shot in second place, it is to satisfy Bai Moji. During the three days of work, Zhuang Xuteng did not meet Bai Moji, but he learned about her pickiness. Her inspirational talent in music and singing cannot be equivalent to clothing design. Although she always wants to be different, she lacks the ability to express "difference".

So Zhuang Feifei's costume team was in a state of anxiety all day long, making real efforts for the very vague inspiration. Fortunately, Zhuang Feifei was only here for an internship, and serving Bai Moji's "whimsical whims" was not within the scope of her work. In comparison, the costumes of the backup singers, band and dancers are much easier to deal with. They are just some repairs and adjustments based on the stage art style.

But only by designing clothes for Bai Moji can she gain the "prestige" Zhuang Feifei needs.

Zhuang Xuteng saw, heard and remembered the anxiety of those in the costume team, and he wanted to create opportunities for his sister. If you want to be different and innovative, then there is nothing more eye-catching than exotic locales. Zhuang Xuteng happened to know a super exotic place, and he had other things to go to.

Boss Qian’s Black (White) Flag Grocery Store, Zhuang Xuteng took the bus there at 8:30 pm. It is still uncertain whether Viper's group has taken action, and Zhuang Xuteng does not know whether his anti-reconnaissance methods are actually useful. He was just being cautious and would do a little more when he thought of it. It wouldn't be troublesome anyway, so he just wanted to have peace of mind.

The PCPD guarding the black market saw Zhuang Xuteng coming empty-handed, so he waved his hand to let him in. The gang guard responsible for managing the black market nearby spread his hands from a distance, seemingly apologizing to the customers. It seems that the PCPD is still looking for the things lost during the robbery of the 11-man group, and I don’t know when they will give up.

"Sit!" Boss Qian was very enthusiastic when he saw Zhuang Xuteng. He invited him to sit at the counter and poured him a glass of Legion juice. "I usually come here with Brother Dao to purchase mercenary equipment. Today I come by myself. Do you want to buy yourself some good things in life?"

"Let's talk about my personal matters first." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Give me some more of these two things, cigars and legion juice, more of them."

"No problem, how about I deduct it directly from the money I owe you according to the previous price?"

Zhuang Xuteng nodded and said: "Brother Dao and I split the balance 50-50. These are my personal things today, so don't make mistakes. Then it's business: Someone asked me to give you this thing and let you see if you can make it." Come out of the body.”

He took out the little finger joint of Master Lich and showed it to Boss Qian for inspection. Boss Qian was stunned for a moment, then quickly calmed down his expression and put on a professional and focused look. He took the thing and looked at it carefully, then his eyes widened, his body swayed from side to side, and he looked carefully at Zhuang Xuteng's face. "Hey, it looks similar," he said, "So you are the contact person."

"Yes, I am the liaison person." Zhuang Xuteng nodded and asked, "I heard that you have a white flag. I was told that you want to trade with the boss with the flag."

"Okay, let's go to the basement." Boss Qian walked out of the counter, closed the store door first, hung a "temporary break" sign, and then led Zhuang Xuteng to the low basement.

Zhuang Xuteng kept staring at him, wondering where he took out the white flag, but he failed. Boss Qian just flipped his wrist, and the flag appeared without warning, illuminating the small basement with soft white light.

"This part of the finger is very unusual. It carries a lot of strength. It's technically possible for me to restore it, but I still need more components. Well... it would be better if I could make up a hand. Come on." Boss Qian further explained: "It does not require a whole hand, but as many bones as a normal hand, any part of it will do."

"Let me go and ask," Zhuang Xuteng asked as he retrieved his little finger joint, "You haven't said the price or construction period yet."

"The person I want to recreate is indeed a top powerhouse, so I need 10 destiny gold coins. This is just a current estimate. How many will be needed in the end will have to wait until you have enough bones for me to analyze. But it's not always possible. It will exceed 12 gold coins, and the more bones you find, the less I consume, and the price will definitely drop. But you have to know one thing, even if you find all the bones, you want to turn them into a complete and usable The body also requires at least 5 gold coins. The construction period is about a week."

"Understood, 5 to 12 destiny gold coins, one week." Zhuang Xuteng suddenly couldn't help but laugh, and said, "I...Boss Qian, do you have any way to make me a rich man quickly?"

"The most valuable things in the world are soul coins and destiny gold coins. If you sell the destiny gold coins to me, I will charge a high price and you will have money. Apart from this method, it is probably all illegal activities, right? "Boss Qian said: "Oh, let me mention by the way: the price of full-power pistols has increased recently, and the market has become active again."

Zhuang Xuteng narrowed his eyes and thought carefully. Compared to other worlds and Lich Masters, being able to make pistols is no longer a secret. "Okay, I can make a pistol. How much do you think this kind of gun can sell for?"

Taking the bone spear pistol over, Boss Qian looked at it carefully, put it on his hand and tried it on, and then said: "It is indeed a pistol with full power and adaptability. If the quality score is perfect, it can get five points, so the price can be as high as five Thousands of euros.”

"Monty Python V3 costs 6,000 euros, so this one is no worse than that one!"

"First of all, the Python is a standard gun that can be circulated in the public and is not afraid of inspection. But yours is a black market gun and there are legal risks, so it will be discounted. In addition, the Python is suitable for people of all sizes, and the gun in front of me is only suitable for people of all sizes. For a person of your size." Boss Qian said: "You have to admit that you are not strong enough, and stronger people often want their guns to have a greater power limit."

"Like the orangutans from the Wild Monkey Gang?"

"Yes, just like that." Boss Qian said: "A good gun can be used by the old, weak, women and children to protect themselves, and strong warriors can exert greater power, so there will be more market. Oh, don't think 5/10 It’s very low, but it’s actually a pretty good score. I can supply you with raw materials, and you can make guns for me, and you can get 3,000 euros for each gun, how about that?”

Zhuang Xuteng licked his lips. A bone spear gun costs three thousand euros, and he doesn't have to worry about the raw materials... Wait, where did Boss Qian get the raw materials? Almost all the used shadow slaves are controlled by gangs. Is Boss Qian also a gang member?

"Boss Qian, the manufacturing of pistols is not a problem. The problem is whether gangs will intervene. Guns like mine will take away their business. Isn't there a risk of exposure?"

"Yes, the more you sell, the greater the risk." Boss Qian said: "I can guarantee that your information will not be leaked, and I will be safe myself. But the gangs that operate black guns will definitely pursue them, making the market very nervous. Even if you sell goods farther away, there are always local gang interests. The farther the distance, the safer it is for you, but it will also increase the cost and reduce your profits."

“I get it: you can make a little money relatively safely by controlling the quantity and frequency.”

"Earn a little more?" Boss Qian shook his head and said: "After the gun law was introduced, Peicheng's demand for firearms has increased. Because ordinary people will not feel uncomfortable using guns of your quality, so there must be a market. I estimate that if a thousand handfuls are thrown into the market, they will be digested quickly.”

"One thousand? That's three million euros?"

"The quantity will be cheaper, but it will definitely be more than two million. How about it, are you interested?"

PS: Double updates at 12:00 and 18:00 every day, with additional updates from time to time to give back to book friends. Please keep subscribing and voting more monthly, thank you!

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