Gunfire, Punk and Necromancer

Chapter 111 Chapter 109 Simple Life

"Brother, your appearance is ordinary, but ordinary is very extraordinary."

Zhuang Feifei seemed to be in high spirits since she woke up in the morning. Letting her brother escort her to work, and also letting him be her assistant, "being able to do whatever she wants" is what she has always dreamed of as a younger sister. She dressed herself up and made sure Zhuang Xuteng looked radiant. Then she waved her hand and gave the order with a smile: "Have you put on your shoes? Take the two bags at the door, let's go!"

Zhuang Xuteng smiled. My sister's little thoughts have long been exposed through her unabashed expression, but as a brother, it is a privilege to spoil my sister, so let's do what she wants today! "Yes, Master Feifei." Zhuang Xuteng nodded exaggeratedly, picked up the box and followed his sister.

When they arrived at the parking lot and saw the white armored vehicle, Zhuang Feifei exclaimed, which also made Zhuang Xuteng feel a little satisfied. "Brother, is this your car? It's so beautiful and powerful! I didn't expect that a muscle car painted in greenish white would have such an effect. It's strong and cute... Although there is a confrontation between opposite styles, this confrontation contrasts It’s very lively. It’s a very interesting aesthetic.”

"I understand the compliments from the front, the aesthetics from the back..." Zhuang Xuteng opened the back door, put the box in, then turned to the front and opened the heavy armored door on the passenger side, and said, "Come on, fasten your seat belt. The door is very Shen, you have to use more force to open and close it. Don't pinch or squeeze it, it will be very painful."

"Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey..." Zhuang Feifei grabbed the handle on the inside of the door frame, pulled herself into the car, then lowered her head and looked around for the handle to adjust the seat. Zhuang Xuteng smiled, reached out to grab the mechanism, and adjusted her seat forward.

"Is this okay? The seat belt is over there. It has a six-point buckle. Can you use it?"

"Is this a car or a tank? It feels like you have entered a fortress." Zhuang Feifei touched her left and right and said, "Tough guy style, cute girl shell, you really have some ideas!"

"What you are saying are all nonsense. It was not this color before. I went to spray paint yesterday. In order to match the color matching that White Magic Girl is used to, I am not pursuing any style. Tidy up the corners of your clothes so that they don't get squeezed by the door. Then shut up and let’s go.”

The steam engine quickly increased the temperature and pressure, and the armored vehicle drove the two men out of the parking lot. Zhuang Feifei curled up her legs on the chair, hugged them with her hands, tilted her head and looked at her brother, with a strange smile on her face. "I'm going to tell you something, but you can't be angry after hearing it."

"Then stop talking, lest I get angry." Zhuang Xuteng snorted and responded.

"You can't do anything to me when you're angry. I'm not afraid of you." Zhuang Feifei said: "Brother, when I ride in your car, I suddenly think of the feeling of riding a tractor when I was a child. Bang bang bang bang, boom boom boom, it's very exciting. !”

"This car is very powerful, and the gearbox can be used like a tractor, providing huge power at low speeds - so what you said is not wrong." Zhuang Xuteng said: "This car is neither luxurious nor comfortable, but it is …”

"It's just very reassuring!" Zhuang Feifei raised her hands and said loudly.

"That makes sense." Zhuang Xuteng said, "Should I buy you a similar car?"

"I earned the money to buy it myself, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, this car is too big and heavy. Opening and closing the door is enough for me to practice my arm strength." Zhuang Feifei shook her head and said, "Brother, does this car have a name?"

"The field army general-purpose jeep..."

"It's not a model, it's a name, its own name." Zhuang Feifei waved her hand and said, "You must not have given it a name, because it would be unhappy. I have an idea, call it a white beast!"

"It sounds okay, as long as you like it." Zhuang Xuteng patted the steering wheel and said, "You have a name from now on!"

The white beast could not speak or respond, but ran more cheerfully until he was stopped in front of the Taiping District. Taiping District is a newly built area specifically for the rich. It is located on the north bank of Pei River and northeast of the Hedi District. On its west side is the Ouhuang Memorial Mountain. The tall and towering mountain just separates the Industrial New District and Taiping District. No matter noise or pollution, it cannot come here.

From the main urban area of ​​Peicheng to Taiping District, you can only pass through the two bridges across the Pei River or drive into underground tunnels. There are checkpoints on these roads, and the PCPD is responsible for standing guard. The white beast is not a registered vehicle exempt from inspection, so it must be parked. Fortunately, Zhuang Feifei holds the work certificate of Bai Moji team, which shows that they are not suspicious vagrants. There were no dangerous goods or overly conspicuous contraband on the car, and the PCPD let them pass after questioning.

I thought this was enough, but I didn't expect that after four more sentry inspections and one mobile post spot check, Zhuang Xuteng and the others finally arrived at their destination. Five consecutive inspections made Zhuang Xuteng a little upset, and Zhuang Feifei also said that when she came here before, she was only inspected twice at most. The white beast must be so handsome that it attracted the PCPD's attention, so there were so many.

"Let me think of a way. If this happens when you go in and out, it will be too much of a delay." Zhuang Xuteng turned on the battlefield radio while waiting for the traffic light, trying to check the line here, but he only received a beeping noise.

Zhuang Feifei watched for a while before she understood what her brother was doing. She waved her hand and said, "I heard that the mobile phone signal towers here are all newly built and have anti-eavesdropping functions. You can use my mobile phone!"

"No, it seems that I want to contact you through formal means. Is there a store nearby? I'll buy one myself."

"You may not have time. After today's work is finished, I will go with you!" Zhuang Feifei looked out the car window and said to her brother: "Come on, it's almost time, let's get in quickly!"

"Take the communicator and put one in your ear, so you can talk at any time." Zhuang Xuteng pointed to the radio and said, "Its communication range is enough to cover Bai Moji's home."

"Is it necessary?" Zhuang Feifei looked at Zhuang Xuteng's serious eyes and compromised: "Okay, I will bring it, but it will be uncomfortable with my ears plugged all the time. Is it okay to put it in my carry-on bag?"

Zhuang Xuteng agreed. He felt that he should always be by his sister's side. The communicator would not be used many times, so he brought it with him just in case.

Except for the comprehensive leisure service area in the center, all other buildings in Taiping District are manors or villas, and Bai Moji's house is no exception. High walls, heavy gates, security guards in black clothes, and gardeners with piercing eyes. I wonder how insecure she is to choose such protection.

"Magic Girl's Dream Castle" is divided into two parts, the front and back. There are more gardens, swimming pools and living areas in the three-story house in the front, and the newly built work area in the back. There are three four-story masonry buildings in total, which are used as business areas. , logistics and rehearsal purposes.

As a staff member, you cannot enter the front door. You can only go around to the side and take a special road to enter the work area. Fortunately, trucks carrying performance equipment are sometimes allowed to come in and out, and special truck parking spaces are set up, just enough for the relatively wide white beast to park comfortably. Zhuang Xuteng opened the car door for his sister and then picked up the things. Considering that the Taiping District is very safe, and also considering the need to keep a low profile, it is definitely not possible to keep the white beast in a churning state. It is better to turn off the flames completely.

Zhuang Feifei's work station was in the "Logistics" building, and the guard checked the two of them again. Because she had been harassed by crazy fans, Bai Moji increased the security requirements. Weapons such as pistols are not allowed inside. Zhuang Xuteng was warned by his sister, so he left the bone spear pistol on the white beast. Anyway, he has bone spear skills, and if he wants to shoot, it will be the same with his bare hands.

"This is the PCPD's folding arm shield? Are you carrying this thing with you?" The guard thought it was strange, but it was purely armor and there was no reason to stop it - the same goes for the armored backpack.

Stun clubs, knives, and other weapons cannot be carried, so the armored backpack is very light. The intercom was also a little suspicious, and it seemed like they had another agenda, but Zhuang Xuteng explained that he didn't have a mobile phone yet, so he used this to prop up the scene. In short, Zhuang Xuteng was full of doubts in the eyes of the guard, and he also received many warnings, telling him to be honest inside and not make mistakes.

"Brother, don't be angry, they treat newcomers the same way." After entering the building, Zhuang Feifei explained: "I was also questioned when I first came here, as if I was a thief. It will be fine after they get to know you. It’s time to check and check, and stop talking nonsense. Their job is just like that, and they can’t make the decision.”

"I understand, I'm not angry." Zhuang Xuteng smiled slightly and continued to look at the surrounding environment, taking note of every room, every passage, every corner where you could hide and avoid...

The clothing group is on the second floor, above the equipment group and below the accessories group. It is the busiest department in the entire building. Bai Moji attaches great importance to her first fan meeting in Peicheng. According to her, it needs "an outstanding success" and "every detail is worthy of repeated carving." Among all the details that can be carved, clothing is the most troublesome.

Scissors, cutters, and sewing machines, thirteen busy tailors, and hundreds of various garments, they all work hard to maintain order in a chaotic environment. Zhuang Feifei is also one of them. Today she has to modify four different costumes of three backup singers to fit their slightly changed body shapes. Zhuang Xuteng's job was to stand next to her, pick up and put things down as she asked, number them, and tell the time.

The work is quite boring, and most of the time I just have to stand. This is mainly because Zhuang Feifei has a strong ability to work independently, and she can easily complete the tasks that originally required an assistant. Of course, Zhuang Xuteng was not a professional to begin with. He had no foresight in his work and could only follow Zhuang Feifei's instructions belatedly. And he still lacks relevant knowledge. For example, he doesn't know the names of the more than ten kinds of scissors and their uses. It would take time to teach him, so Zhuang Feifei simply did it herself.

Zhuang Xuteng refused to make himself useless, so he asked Zhuang Feifei to explain more while he was working. He listened and remembered it hard. At the same time, he watched other tailors, memorizing their movements and the tools they used. By that afternoon, Zhuang Xuteng already knew the names and locations of most of the tools. He also learned some processes and was able to prepare some tools in advance and stuff them into his sister's hands.

"Your learning speed is so fast!" Zhuang Feifei admired her sincerely, but she also wondered: "Brother, why are your grades so bad?"

"Don't mention this!" Zhuang Xuteng snorted and said, "Hurry up and finish it. I will take you to eat well tonight!"

"I have to pick out a mobile phone for you!" Zhuang Feifei blinked, and the meaning in her smile was self-evident.

"Okay! I just want to buy you a mobile phone! Return the other person's phone and use the one your brother bought for you." Zhuang Xuteng smiled. Today, he is not a mercenary, but an old man who cares about his sister.

It's just that life can't always be so simple.

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