Fury Ocean

Chapter 132: : Shots in the middle of the night (Happy Dragon Boat Festival)

The sound of gunfire in the wilderness could have spread far away, but it became a bit erratic due to the snow and wind, making it difficult to distinguish the specific location. Bayi Chinese W≤WQW. 81ZW. COM listened carefully for a few moments, and several people turned their attention to the height of the snow slope, then turned their heads to Niuben.

Face expressions are difficult to see in the dark. Niu Ben knows that everyone is in distress and has been tortured for many days. Most of the students have reached their limits.

"I'll take a look." Niu Ben said.

"So dark, what can you see?" Shangguan Feiyan was a little worried.

"The gunfire should be visible. Inform the captain of them, don't alarm everyone first, the camp should continue, but don't start the fire."

Explain a few words, Niu Ben unloaded the package behind, and left lightly. This side was busy immediately. After a while, there was a little commotion from the team, a few words of low-level arguing and calmed down after a while.

"Will it be a soldier?"

"It could be a killer."

"The cow ran away? Be careful to move the tiger away ..."

"Be alert."



The snow **** was about one or two hundred meters high, Niuben turned off his headlights, and groped forward in the darkness. When the mountain was approaching, there was a gurgling sound behind him and a call.

Niu Ben heard Liu Yeyang's voice and looked back.

"How did you come?"

"The captain is uneasy, and asked me to come and see."

Climbing to Niuben, Liu Yunyang threw himself directly to the ground, facing upwards, gasping with his tongue out.

"What's up?"

"The gunfire stopped, and you can't see anything for the time being."

Niuben looked a little funny as he stuck his tongue out, saying, "Be careful that your tongue can't be closed if you freeze it."

"You can see me!" Liu Yeyang was startled.

"a little bit."

Before entering the mountain, Dao Zai was shocked by Niu Ben's amazing vision. He hurried after dark today, and the direction was specified by him. Others thought it was memory or luck, but they did n’t know. Even in the dark, Niu Ben could still pass A few reflections determine the general outline of the mountain, so the orientation can be discerned.

"It's amazing." Liu Yanyang struggled to turn over,

"I'm a fresh force." Niu Ben took out the infrared night vision device he had seized, sat up and turned around, and looked closely around.

In the battle near the cliff, one of the four killers was pierced through the chest and fell to the cliff. The other three people found thermal imaging cameras on their bodies. This certainly explains why they can sneak attack at night, but it is also confusing. Because before that, Niu Ben and the two killers killed by Nine Nights did not have similar equipment.

There is a clear gap between the two skills. Coupled with the receiver, the will to die, Niuben judged that the two killers belonged to the commander before. Why is the equipment so poor?

Unless they are cat-like and have night vision. Every time I think of it, Niu Ben feels heavy and uneasy.

How many more killers are there? Where is it hiding? Does anyone follow this team and wait for the opportunity to attack?

No matter how difficult the march was, someone was always on guard and watching, but now there is only the last section left, but gunfire is sounding around. Niu Ben clearly remembers that when he was trained in previous years, the fat man gave a fatal blow more than once when the team was about to "win", as a warning that the darkness before dawn should be guarded.

Thinking about it this way, Niuben couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion, no matter what the fat man's point was, but he had a life of grace to himself ...

"Take a break." Niu Ben lowered the night vision goggles and lay flat on the snow slope.

There is no abnormality in the range of 500 meters. No matter how far it is out of the scope of the night vision device, I believe no killer is stupid enough to fire in such an environment.

"Aren't you cold?" In the dark, Liu Yunyang shrank.

"It's okay." Niu Ben adjusted his breathing, his spirit slowly relaxed.

"It's amazing." Liu Xieyang sighed again, his voice trembling in the wind.

"You are also very good. Have been trained before?" Niu Ben asked casually.

"Well." Being so praised, Liu Yeyang was a little embarrassed. "It's far worse than you."

After three days of torture and fighting, at this time there is still physical climbing, and ordinary soldiers cannot do it. During the previous battles and marches, Niu Ben noticed that the performances of several class monitors such as Liu Yiyang and Huang Junan were very different from ordinary students. What surprised him was that Lin Ke'er, who seemed to be weak, persisted in the process, and there were little foxes ...

"Little fox ... how about Fangfang's injury?"

"Not so good ... keep crying."

Liu Yanyang's breath gradually thickened, he muttered a few words in a low voice, and slammed a punch on the ground.

"This group of beasts!"

The little fox's name is Lin Fangfang, which has nothing to do with the four people and is nicknamed Fangfang by everyone. Among girls, she is the one that is most loved by boys, even more popular than Lin Ke'er. In the battle of Xueya, she was struck by the killer with a heavy elbow on her face and her jaw was broken. Although she had no worries about her life, she was afraid that her face would not be restored.

For girls who love beauty, it may be more difficult to accept disfigurement. For boys, seeing the sisters around them like this is not only distressed, but also an unspeakable shame.

Niuben is no exception. He sighed silently in the dark and said nothing.

In silence, Liu Xunyang said suddenly, "Niu Ben, do you think the Federation will fight Ji Peng after going out this time?"

Niu Ben shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "This question has to be asked of the President."

"I think so." Looking up at the invisible sky, Liu Youyang said quietly: "If there is a war, I will definitely join the front line."

"You don't have to join the army, you are already."

"I mean a formal soldier ..." I didn't know what to explain for a while, Liu Xieyang asked, "Where are you? Will you be on the battlefield?"

"I'm underage."

"Ah? How old are you?"


"Ji Shili was so powerful! How did he practice?" Liu Xieyang paused, unable to accept the fact that the other party was smaller and stronger than himself.

Niu Ben didn't want to answer this question when he was talking to himself.

Liu Xiyang refused to give up, and asked, "when the age is over?"

"After it arrives ... maybe the war is over and even the Emperor is captured by you ... I will work harder and cut his head for you."

"Haha! The ending is good."

The cold joke is not cold, Liu Yeyang still feels happy, clenched his fists and said, "There is such a thing, remember to call me."

"What kind of thing?" Niu Ben didn't quite understand what he said.

"Kill the Emperor."

"Uh." Niu Ben smiled bitterly, preparing to say something, and suddenly heard someone shout below.

"Something went wrong, the slave ... captive died! He died!"


The faces of the two people shook, and they did not wait for some action. The sound of gunfire rang in the distance, and the red light suddenly appeared.

"Come back!" Liu Xieyang was about to go.

"Wait." Niuben held him, pulled a short gun from his arms into his hand, and said, "Bring it up, don't tell anyone."

"what is this!"

Just a single move, the inner meaning of the fool can understand a bit. Holding a gun with a temperature, Liu Yunyang's thoughts were extremely chaotic, and his mind flashed countless thoughts, each of which was dangerous and extremely unreal.

"Why, why?" In the darkness, Liu Yingyang stared at Niu Ben's face, trying to see the expression on his face.

At this moment, the turmoil below was hard to contain. Some people shouted the names of two people, and others ran towards this side.

"We're here!" Liu Yingyang responded to the people below, then turned his head to Niu Ben, his trembling voice whispered, "Are there any traitors among us?"

"Be careful not to make a big mistake." Niu Ben replied briefly, picked up the night vision device and scanned the surrounding area quickly, confirming that there were no "more people", then turned the target to the direction of the gunfire.

"You go down and tell everyone to stay here and wait for me to come back."

"Where are you going?" Liu Minyang was startled.

"The sound of guns is near Taniguchi. You must understand the situation. Keep the guns away and don't be seen." On one side, Niuben took off his sleigh and buckled it.

"Uh-huh." What Liu Minyang thought of, handed his gun back again, "Dangerous ahead, you take ..."

"One more."

The cow patted his waist and waved his stick, speeding down. Liu Yunyang stayed behind for a moment, suddenly shouting at the darkness.

"Why believe me?"

"Kill the Emperor."

The night was deep, the voice faded, and only the wind and snow were whispering in my ears, and the shouting behind him was panic.

"Liyang, Niuben, come back soon!"

Feeling the anxiety in his voice, Liu Minyang turned slowly, feeling that his shoulders suddenly became heavy.

"Don't worry, I'm here."



The starry sky inhabited by mankind is collectively called the Thomas Starfield, and there are two basic social systems inside it, two major rival camps.

Red and black have been fighting since the day of differentiation, and so far they are hard to distinguish. For the Federalists, the monarchy represents superstition, monarchy is a violation of human nature, and those outrageous racial classifications are an extreme blasphemy against civilization. Similarly, the people of the imperial kingdom, especially the nobles who enjoy privileges, and the entire upper class, hate the Red League, think that they are hypocrites, false morals, and do not understand the basic principles of how human beings can survive and reproduce. People are united, people are dreaming.

It is also the monarchy, and there are differences in the way of governing. The same point is that the sovereignty is supreme. Regardless of the circumstances, respect for the king is the highest criterion that everyone must abide by. Among them, the performance of the Ji Peng Empire is extremely extreme. Anyone who has disloyalty to the Emperor will be regarded as a treason, and foreign countries will be regarded as enemies. It is impossible to make good friends.

Someone joked that there was an extremely simple way to identify Ji Peng's spy, let him abuse the Emperor with vicious language, and refused to do the retrial. It must not be.

In just one day, Niu Ben didn't know whether there was any traitor in the team, and he couldn't tell who was more worthy of belief. Shangguan Feiyan and his sister Lin had their own flaws. Niu Ben couldn't even reveal his doubts.

Because trust in a sentence is the first time for Niuben, whether it is correct or not, only time is left to decide.

Right now, he has more important things to do.



The snow was flying, and a few hundred meters passed, and Niu Ben rushed to a low slope, stopped, hid his body between the piles of stones, and took out the night vision to check again. Now he has also put on white snow suit, unless the other party has thermal equipment, it is extremely difficult to show up.

During the time of rushing, the gunfire stopped again, but the howling of the wolf rang, and then one sound approached the area. Niu Ben's gaze swept from left to right, and soon appeared several red figures-a human body representing heat dissipation.

Infrared night vision devices are not all-round. For example, they can't see clearly, can't see the color of clothes, if they are hidden too deep in the snow, plus some suitable methods to cover, it is normal to see them. Niuben had no doubt that the killer had that ability, and he hid himself behind the pile of stones, and did not dare to act lightly.

As far as you can see, what can be discerned is only the posture and body shape. Observe carefully and count the number. There are ** or even more people; the reason why they cannot be accurately judged is that some of them have The color was very light, and after looking at it for a while, Niu Ben found that most of them were motionless, and the red on the body gradually faded until it completely disappeared.

Some people are dead, the corpses are quickly losing temperature, and others are dying, such as the three who are moving, apparently struggling and obviously injured.


"The dog is% day, come and kill me, come!"

The cold wind blew by itself, the **** smell was clearly discernible, and occasionally sent sorrows and calls for help, as well as scolding and cursing, both of which were extremely weak, showing the sense of helplessness and despair.

Looking at those people, Niuben's eyes became colder and colder. Unable to explain why, he felt the feeling of Gao Ling over the cliff again, and there seemed to be an uncontrollable evil fire in his heart, and he needed to find a way to release it.

In restraint and suffering, Niuben searched around but found nothing, then put his eyes back on those three moving figures. After a while, one of them stopped struggling, and the other changed his attitude, and seemed to be holding something and watching something.

Niu Ben looked in the direction he was facing, his eyes tightened immediately.

The wolf is here, and more than one group.

Everyone can smell blood, let alone wolves. A total of three groups, dozens of hungry wolves rushed to the battlefield, green eyes shaking like lanterns, step by step closer to those seductive breath.

In the mountains, there are few people on weekdays, and the wolves have tasted the new prey. The three packs of wild wolves looked at the prey, and at the same time they were sniffing each other, tentatively, hissing, intimidating, and after a while, they seemed to reach a tacit understanding, split their heads and rush to their respective goals.

The battlefield suddenly became lively, the **** breath suddenly regained, and the sound of the wolves roaring and gnawing away went downwind, like the feeling of an ice skate scratching the skin. During the alimentation process, Niu Ben noticed that the wolves had stopped in several dark places, tried to take a few bites, and then left, and ran to other nearby targets.

After thinking for a while in my head, Niu Ben gradually understood why this was, and his heart tightened.

When food was at their fingertips, these hungry and ferocious wolves became picky, they left the bodies that had been frozen into moraine, and ate before the prey had lost its temperature. Under this trend, wolves gradually set their sights on the two active targets and began to approach.

"Help, ah!"

A terrified scream sounded, and one of the short wounded people struggled to get up, rushed for two steps, and then fell; the observing person called out, at the same time put down his hand and grabbed the gun around him.

Night vision, assault rifle, the wounded should be a soldier, he greeted the wounded towards him, and pointed his gun at a distance ... he was not referring to a wolf.


Niu Ben turned his gaze sharply and aimed at the soldier's aiming direction, his eyes did not blink.

In the original position, the wolves forced the wolverine wounded, but the soldiers ignored them, only aimed the muzzle at a distance, and roared.

"Dog # day, you show me too!"

The gunfire spurted, and the wolves were frightened and fled, but turned back only after taking more than ten steps. They were very open and realized that none of their companions had been injured or died, a little confused.

In the darkness, the gunfire swept through the huge fan, as if a furious legion raided and swept across the snowy field.

No one appeared, no one opened fire, and the dark world was quiet, as if taunting soldiers.

Niuben stared at that area, turning his perspective inch by inch, trying to find any information related to life.

The sound of the gun stopped quickly, and in the distance, more whispering sounds echoed in the mountains, as if in the sky, as in front of the eyes.

As if urged, the wolves were restless again, tentatively approaching the two wounded men who had converged and surrounded them.

The soldier did not fire again. He said something to the wounded and seemed to hand him something.

The last ammunition was given to the enemies in the dark, but it did not work. Now they need to fight with the wolves.

A crying sound passed into the eardrum, and the wounded gradually couldn't hold back the fear and burst into tears.

"I'm going home, I'm going home ... Ah!"

Finally there was a wolf attack, pinching back and forth.

Wolves are the creatures that can most feel the fear of their prey. They seem to understand humans and realize that their targets are weak.


The soldiers ignored the two wolves rushing forward, but smashed the rifle behind the short wounded. In the hissing sound, the wolf biting on the short target limped away and sprinkled the visible red along the road; at the same time, the two wolves attacking in front turned into strong attacks and flung on the soldiers.


The anger of the soldiers, the sorrow of the short wounded, the bite and roar of the wolves, all of them add up, as if there is a special channel to the heart, which makes people feel extremely crazy.

On the snow slope, Niuben silently took out his short gun and aimed at the pair of jumping lanterns.

At this moment, the roar of the soldier resounded, his voice was cold and strong, echoing around like a military order.

"Two brothers, don't come out!"

Hearing this voice, Niu Ben stayed a moment, hesitated, gritted his teeth, and finally pulled the trigger.


The crisp sound of gunfire pierced the night sky, like a sunny thunder.

Suddenly, the gunfire was loud.


... (To be continued.)

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