Fury Ocean

Chapter 131: : Counterattack (2 in 1)

"The artillery is not small, and where does the space come from, plus fixtures and supply?"

"The engine moves forward? This is a big change. Bayi Chinese ≥ ≧ W ≦ W≤W <. ﹤ 8≤1ZW. COM is not working, the control system circuit needs to be rearranged, as well as the energy backflow pipeline, the cabin ... .. "

The pilot knows the basic structure of the mech, and the level can not be compared with the professional. Ye Fei revolves around the clever hands, and is surprised at the modification, scratching his head from time to time.

"Hi, try again."

"Hey, you can't!" The sergeant tried to stop.

"What's it called, what's going on?"

Pushing them away, Ye Fei boarded the cockpit, and just started again with an exclaim.

"Three generations of engines! No, hybrid? ****! Can this be mashed up?"

Mecha modification, always go in a good direction, apply human words, faster, higher, stronger. To achieve these goals, replacement of new equipment is the easiest way, but not everything can be changed, not Well, the effect is counterproductive. For example, the engine, the third-generation engine has higher power and greater power, but has requirements on many aspects such as the operating environment, supporting facilities, and material strength. Motivating a tractor with a sports car can neither be as durable as a tractor, nor can it be galvanized like a sports car. It will take three days to crawl.

However, the installation was also installed, and it could not be dismantled. Ye Fei turned on the light brain, activated the geological detector, scanning equipment, and even the installed fire control system was activated. Pull the joystick with his right hand.

"Ang!" Sounded as if the bull was roaring, and the four mechanical feet bounced up slightly, leaving their hands clever.

"****! This is a horse!"

People who drive fast always get the accelerator when they get on the car. Ye Fei is used to manipulating the mech like a speeding car. When he exclaims, he quickly puts down the putter to reduce the output power.

The huge weight coupled with the fall, the snow smashed four pits more than four feet deep. This was still because the weather was extremely cold and the ground was frozen hard. If it was on soft ground, it would fall into it.

"Is there anything wrong, and the buffering has to be manual ?!"

For a while, Ye Fei was so busy that he didn't wait for the slowness to come. The two front feet of the clever hand suddenly fell to his knees, and his **** was raised. The red light of the fire control system flashed. ....

"Uh? No!"

The cold current rushed straight to the top of the head from the coccyx, and hurriedly took a look at it. He just turned off the brake and turned off the power. No, it was a power failure, and the clever hands were paralyzed.


Two robotic arms were inserted into the snow, a slight difference, almost smashing a sergeant into a meat pie.


The snow was flying and screaming, and everyone who saw this scene was ecstatic. Wait until everything settles down and look at it again. The clever hands kneel down on their front knees and their hind limbs are stretched straight. The mechanical arm is slanted like a head and supports the ground.

On the snow, the two surviving sergeants paled, Ye Fei's eyes in the cockpit were dull, cold sweat rolled down his forehead along his forehead, and his lips were pinched, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Heaven and earth conscience, just now he hasn't touched anything related to the robotic arm, how can he "fall" himself?

In confusion, the two sergeants came to their senses, ran to the side of the mech, looked up, jumped their feet, and begged hard,

"Fly less, come down quickly, this thing can't be driven!"

"I don't know which inadvertent blind reform, how many people have tried, no!"

The engineering mech is different from the fighter mech. The cockpit is like the cabin of a vehicle, which can be visually observed on three sides. Looking down, he looked at the appearance of the two men, Ye Fei gradually got rid of the fear, and frowned into a moan.

"Automatically, the program is set, and I accidentally opened my head."

"Well, this is an engineering mech. There is no video capture, no radar, and it cannot be locked."

"If you have an artillery, you have to find a way to apply it. You can use your hand lightly before the heavy, and the front high and the low, so that the knees can open the field of fire. When firing, the manipulator can stabilize the ground.

The skillful hand is an engineering mech, and because of its appearance, it is also known as the Rémy Martin. The design requirement is to carry out the project while climbing. It has four sturdy retractable mechanical feet, which usually replace the track. If the soil is particularly soft, the calf is bent and laid on the ground, and it can still be restored as a track. This structure is not complicated, but it makes it have strong climbing and obstacle crossing capabilities. On the contrary, if it is a vehicle, the **** is slightly higher, or when it encounters stone or wood obstacles, you need to detour, or try to clear it to continue. In a mountainous environment, similar situations abound and are subject to everywhere.

Except for the four feet, the origin of the name clever hand is that it has two mechanical arms, one like a human hand, which can replace the working head of the other thicker arm without the help of another person, after which he can cut through , Excavation, transportation, and even can be replaced with a sledgehammer to ram the foundation, smashing and other work.

Because the first half is full of various pipelines, it is absolutely possible to open up space to install weapons, and to prevent overheating to hurt. Even if it is installed behind the buttocks, because the artillery must have a kickback, it must be light before the heavy hand, and the gun must be unbalanced when firing. In other words, it needs to find a way of supporting itself without changing the basic center of gravity, and it must be completed immediately before firing.

This is the origin of a series of changes just now.

With some meditation in his heart, Ye Fei gradually became enlightened, his eyes brightened.

"This pose, hey, is he really kinky! Is he really genius!"

"Fly less, fly less and you come down ..."

"Don't make a noise, I'll be careful this time!"


"Crap, unless you give me a fighter."

The two sergeants kept yelling, and Ye Fei waved at them impatiently, took a deep breath, and turned on the engine again.

"Designed by genius, only genius can use it; once I was unparalleled in the world, could not serve mech?"



Peripheral rescues were intensive, the area of ​​training, and the killer's attack mode was also changed from accidental to killing. More and more teams realized this and sought protection in their own ways. In the snowstorm, the student teams of various sizes speeded up their journeys. They couldn't stop and simply stopped looking for a suitable place to stand by. In the afternoon, during the break of the snowstorm, the heavily armed special warriors successfully landed near a team, immediately began protection, and began to divide and search for others.

At this time, some people gradually showed some red leaflets with Taniguchi locations painted on them, marking clear directions.

For those who have been singled out or separated from the home team, a small piece of paper represents the exact message of the rescue, as precious as a life-saving straw; even if it is difficult to identify the location, people have at least established an action goal and regained confidence more Has an inestimable effect.

After the directions were unified, the situation of meeting and meeting began to appear. The previously broken-up teams gradually gathered, and the people who had suffered were comforted and encouraged each other to advance toward the same goal.

Life can always find a way out, and it can always create miracles. The previous moment was ready to give up because of despair, and the next second suddenly became full of power. These are entirely possible and are being born. Not only that, the turn of fate can also help people build up their fighting spirit. Supported by the belief of "support is possible at any time", with the faint audible gunshot reminders, more and more people put away their fears and started to take the initiative and killers. deal with.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the first batch of fighters arrived at the scene, the first batch of material airdrops, and more dangerous soldiers. Although the airdrop was not allowed, although it could not help to kill the enemy, when the roar passed into the eardrum, When those healthy figures passed through the clouds, countless people still shouted for it, and their tears were like rain.

"Kill them all!"

"Don't let them run away!"

"No one!"

With enthusiasm and joy, the chaotic situation has not been fundamentally reversed. Some students who could have avoided the calamity were exposed through excitement, and their casualties increased. But unlike the unilateral hunting before, the current training area is a battlefield, no matter how strong or weak, no one is willing to be killed.

Since the end of the battle on Xueya, there have been killers in the wilderness, some have been killed by soldiers, and a few have died in the hands of practitioners. After paying a huge price, the survivors this time, regardless of whether they are brave or cowardly, whether to escape or fight, will gain valuable experience and transform.

Those are the future. Right now, the counterattack has just begun.




It became dark again, and night fell again, and the heavenly support was forced to stop, and the mountains seemed to be quiet. In the snowstorm, the demon strode forward, hitting the soldier with a flat punch, the force pouring out like mountains and rivers poured out, the soldier was beaten and the helmet was almost inlaid in his head.


A few students shouted loudly, rushing madly, the devil looked at them one head shorter than himself, and a trace of confusion appeared in the cold eyes.

He didn't quite understand these people, and before he was as weak as a lamb, how suddenly he became so brave. From their eyes, the demon can easily see the fear, but I don't know why, they still rushed over, and charged towards the impossible.

Bravery can't change anything, it's hard to walk in the snow with knees, let alone fight. The demon greeted the student who rushed to the front, kicked him with his big foot, hit another person's head with a backhand punch, and then stretched his left hand to catch the last person's shoulder.

The dagger fell to the snow with no sound. The student maintained an aggressive posture, and his hand was half a foot away from the demon's chest; that is, even if he was holding the dagger, he could only hit the opponent's clothes.

The devil squeezed his shoulder and pressed it, kneeling down in front of him, and the pain hit his heart like a tide. The student's face twisted, screaming, and still leaning his face.

Looking at that stubborn face, the rock-like face of the devil looked cold, and asked a question gently.

"Why don't you run away."

The sound sounded like a rough stone hitting, and it was still extremely uncomfortable to listen to, even without joy or dislike. The young student was extremely tired, and Langzhong felt that the huge body image in front of him was not like a human at all, but a gargoyle in the game.

He asked in a weak voice, "How about you? Why don't you run away?"

The devil was a bit surprised, and shook his head and said, "I want to complete the task and kill you and your companions."

"Oh!" The student couldn't help grinning, and Satan said sarcastically, "Yanu is a lunatic and arrogant, I believe it today."

The devil froze slightly and said suddenly, "How do you know my identity?"

Hualong Federation, Ji Peng Empire, because of the past entanglement with each other as enemies, the people of Ji Peng Empire like to call the Hualong people pigs, on the contrary Hualong people regard Ji Peng people as pirates, slaves, and have a corresponding historical origin. The demon believes that no traces of it have been revealed, but he is recognized, which can't help but be inexplicable.

"Not only I know."

The student took out a pager-like box from his arms with his left hand, and said to him, "Look at slaves, you are exposed and you will soon become unknown. So you are dead."

The demon took it and looked at it, his eyes narrowed gradually.

The message is simple, bluntly there is a killer ambush from Ji Peng Empire, vigilant and the like. The reason for the exposure is also not difficult to guess. It must be that the killer was arrested and did not serve the emperor with death. He chose to confess.

"A bunch of waste."

Thinking about the consequences of this incident, the devil was agitated and asked, "Why tell me this?"

The young student replied, "Remind you, don't run away yet."

The devil looked at him coldly and said, "You feel like you are dying, and intentionally let me see this thing. In case I take it, it will be convenient for the army to locate and track it, and it can be regarded as revenge."

The young student shook his head and said, "Whether you believe it or not, I hope you recognize the reality and quickly run away."

Looking at him seriously, the devil could not help but wonder, "Why?"

The young student reluctantly said, "You are too strong, killing you is something the army can do. You escape, you can die a lot of classmates here, anyway, as long as you are not allowed to leave the country, you will die sooner or later. The other is like you said In case you get confused, take it with you, hey, that's the best. "

After hearing this, the demon was silent for a while and said, "You are honest."

The young student replied, "It has always been so."

The devil said faintly, "I fulfill your wishes, but I will not run away."

He put the pager in his pocket and said indifferently, "Not only will I not escape, but I will also save you, let you watch me kill everyone here."

"Ha? Haha, arrogant!"

The words didn't end, the devil suddenly let go, and at the same time raised his foot on his ankle.


During the scream, the student fell to the ground holding his feet. The devil looked at him and said lightly: "Because of the drive, all the teams rushed to Taniguchi, and I will wait for them there. If you can go there alive, you can see To the end. "

Then, he went to the sergeant's body and picked up a firearm. He asked casually: "This device is not owned by ordinary people. The four families, which one do you belong to?"

"Remember my name, Mo Fan!"

"Not Mu Fan?" The devil was a little puzzled.

Mo Fan didn't explain this, and murmured with a resentful voice: "If you don't kill me today, you will regret it!"

"You're right, I already regret it." The devil sighed somehow, and said quietly, "If the young people in the Federation are like you, today's actions should not be carried out at all."

A moment later, he said: "Fortunately, it is not too late. After tonight, there will not be many living people. As long as there is no living evidence, the problem is not too big."

The latter words have nothing to do with Mo Fan. At this moment, the devil is considering not only killing as many students as possible, but the most important thing is to execute the possible traitor.

With a deep groan in his heart, the devil looked up at the sky, knowing that he could not delay any longer.

"Have you ever thought that before they can find you, they will treat me as you and come to you one by one to die."

Finally, a glance at Mo Fan, the devil found a look of panic and remorse on his face, somewhat satisfied.

"Keep strong, I hope you can live ... roar!"

The sound of gunfire screamed, and a stream of streamers whistled. One of them hit the left arm, and the demon shouted loudly. The huge body swept away at an unimaginable degree, raising his gun and firing.

"Eh? Hah!" Mo Fan first froze, then immediately understood what was happening, and couldn't help laughing wildly, "Slave, you are going to die! It's dead!"

"Wrong, it's them who die."

Responding calmly to the demon in the shot, with violent killings **, his voice and figure followed the wind, like a storm blowing through the wilderness, and disappeared in no time. Leaving Mo Fan alone in the snow, he stared at the gun and gradually turned away. It didn't take long for me to scream and scream in the distance.

"No, no ..."

As the night deepened, howling and rumbling, the young student gritted his teeth, struggling to support himself, dragging his injured foot toward the last direction of the gunfire.



Guanjiayu, one of the few places with a name in the Lianling District, is less than one kilometer from the Tianxingukou.

It was late at night. In a place where bushes and stones were intertwined, the trekking troop had no power and was forced to stop and rest. Once the order was passed, the lightly injured fell to the ground immediately, and the "healthy" people were distorted, throwing away stretchers, panting and groaning like the lightly or seriously injured, almost no one stood up.

For those with better physical strength, Huang Junan and Lin Ke'er were busy setting up, and tried to mobilize everyone to persevere, at least after camping. Niuben went to the edge of a snow bag and kicked with his foot to confirm that it was a stone. He pulled out the army spurs, scraped off the snow on the side of the stone, and put his backpack on the ground, and then turned back to say hello.

"Bring him over."

"Why are you so good to him?" Liu Xieyang and Lin Shaowu held their heads, and Shangguan Feiyan followed, and a few of them came together shaking; everyone looked at Niuben's careful actions, and they were a little dissatisfied.

"He can't die." Niuben lifted his leg with a whip, and kicked his head on his side.


The sound of the fracture was extremely crisp, and the wolf's head was **** with a sling in his mouth. He slumped and lay on his backpack.

"Can't you die like this?"

"Just a broken leg, I can't die. In case he pretends to have no energy, he makes trouble at night." Niu Bendan said.

"Broken leg, he can't leave tomorrow." Liu Yanyang said.

"His injury is very serious. If he stays overnight, he won't be able to move tomorrow. Anyway, it's almost here, drag it."

"Would you like to give him some food?" Liu Yanyang said tentatively.

"No!" Shangguan Feiyan said flatly.

"Give it a bit, it's too cold, don't really freeze to death?" Niuben stooped and turned his wolf over and said, "Give him soup and be careful not to let him chew it. Shaowu, your sister and Jiuye them Not connected? "

In the morning battle, Lin Shaowu ’s positioning pager was damaged in the fight, and the remaining one was still usable. Niu Ben informed her of the road ’s problems and asked her to tell Jiuye and Daozi not to go the way that Niu Ben went. Rush to Taniguchi to meet.

Lin Shaowu replied: "The contact has always been possible, but I don't know why they haven't arrived yet. When it's dark, the position can't be explained. Will it be in front of us?"

Niu Ben said, "Maybe. If they are in front, they should come over."

"But there are footprints on the road ..."

"Probably a student. We detoured and a team walked in front of us."

"Then I'll ask."

"Wait for the camp."

While talking like this, suddenly a muffled sound came from the wind, and it seemed extremely distant.

"What is it?"

Several people occasionally raised their ears and slowly changed their color.

"Gun sound!"


... (To be continued.)

ps: I recommend it, or recommend it! !!

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